
Caleb POV:

As soon as I got the mind link from Blake about a stranger that were brought to the pack's hospital, I used it as excuse to cut the meeting with those two obnoxious Alphas short as I truly doesn't want to listen to any of their selfish reason for what is going on with their packs.

"Gentlemen, it appears our time have been cut short as there's an urgent matters I need to attend within my pack. We'll talk again soon." I said with stern look and voice as I tried to hide the fact that I'm actually annoyed with them.

Without waiting for their reply, I ended the video conference and make my way to the hospital.

"Alaric, why are you seems restless?" I mind link my wolf who suddenly restless the moment I'm getting closer to the hospital.

"Nothing." He said and cut the mind link before he goes completely quiet which worries me a little.

Well, he must be throwing tantrums because I refused to meet any of the elders' daughter to see if any of them are my mate, our mate. I don't trust those elders. They just want to put their daughter in high position in order to have more power through me.

Blake said Alec was the one that brought the stranger. I really need to reprimanded him for that. It's quite dangerous to do that. We never know whether the strangers are good or bad.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realized I was already in front of the hospital until I heard Alaric howling loudly all of a sudden and a sweet scent of strawberries mixed with roses came into my nose. It was so sweet and soothing. I know that I need to find the person who emitting such alluring and sweet scent. Without much thought, I went inside the hospital and started to look around, following the scent. My head must went blank and I moved completely by instinct. No matters where I go, I couldn't find the source of that sweet scent. It was as if the whole hospital just smelled that way but that can't be possible. I looked around me, panting, gasping for air. My eyes are no longer look human. It's Alaric getting out of control from the desire to find who does that scent belongs to.

"Alpha Caleb, are you looking for Beta Blake?" A nurse stopped me on my track as I was looking for the source of that scent.

"Huh? Oh, yes. Can you tell me where he is?" I was a little confused with her words as I completely forgotten the actual reason I came to the hospital in the first place.

"Sure. He's together with Dr Isla in room 341 where we put the patient that Alec brought back earlier." The nurse informed me as she pointed out to the direction of the room.

"I see. Thank you, nurse." I tried to calm myself as I walked towards the direction she showed. I don't want to lose my mind again like earlier. I must have look like a madman. Running around, looking for something that I'm not so sure if really in this very hospital.

"Caleb, are you gonna stop looking? We need to find this person now!" Alaric growled in my head which doesn't help me calm down at all. My eyes are completely darkened and changing into Alaric's eyes.

"No but we need to focus on the urgent matters in hand first." I told Alaric and cut mind link before he gets to say anything else.

I made my way to room 341 whilst my eyes keep looking around for anything that can help me find the one with such alluring scent and then, I realized the scent actually came from the very room I'm going because as I getting closer to that room, the scent got stronger too and it made me started to run towards the room disregarding everything around me as all I care about is to find the one that gives out this addictive scent. I pushed the door open as soon as I got to the room and panting as I'm gasping for air.

"Oh my goddess, Caleb. What makes you run here? There's no need to rush. This guy ain't going anywhere in his condition." Blake said as he blocking my view to whoever that spreading this scent that driving me in edge of insanity.

"Where is he? Move aside." I growled at Blake as my mind getting clouded by the scent and losing my sense of reasoning.

I pushed Blake aside as I make my way towards the hospital bed where the scent was the strongest and I saw a man who is more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen. He stared at me as I stared back at him. Alaric getting more and more excited by the seconds.

Caleb/Raphael: Mate!

With that word said, I saw him fainted all of a sudden and that made my heart dropped and I got scared. I was panicking as I look at him and tried to hold him when Dr. Isla hit the back of my head

"Alpha Caleb! Please do calm your wolf down. You're making my patient fainted because of you." I turned around to her while rubbing my head.

"What? I didn't -" I tried to justified myself but my words was cut off.

"You need to calm your wolf down. Now!" She commands me and no one was supposed to be able to do that to me except that she's special.

"Okay. Okay." I said as I took deep breaths, trying to make Alaric calm and myself too.

"I don't care if he's your mate or whatever. Calm your wolf down right now." She nagged at me which in unusual for other people to see and that made those in that room staring at us with confusion except for Blake and Chris.

"Yes, Doc. I'm sorry. I lost control when I saw him." I apologize to her as I glanced to the person in the bed. "Can everyone leave us alone for a little while?" I asked politely for Dr. Isla permission as I don't want to invoke her anger again.

"Sure as long as you keep your wolf calm down. He's not so well yet. He's still weak. So, please keep that in mind and I'm sorry for hitting your head but you deserved it. Alpha, king or whatever, you're my nephew first before all that. So, it's just right for me to make sure you didn't hurt anyone with your aura alone." She reminded me as well as nagging to me for losing control of myself.

"Yes Aunt Isla. I'm sorry about it. I will try my hardest to keep calm now. So, can I have time alone with him?" I tried to reassuring her to trust me while noticing how Alec look shocked to know my relationship with Dr. Isla. No one knows our relationship as that's how we wanted it to be as it's easier to work together without having restrictions.

Dr. Isla nodded her head and pushed everyone else out of the room, leaving me and him alone. It was hard to control myself now that I'm all alone with him. I can't help myself from staring at him. It's rare to find or see a guy who is more beautiful than women. He got long lashes, plump lips that so red it's so inviting, nose that's just perfect making his face all perfect too. His silver almost to white straight hair look so soft that unconsciously my hand already stroked his hair gently. Alaric already losing his cool the more I spend time here. He seems muscular but slender and look about my height. So, I think it's safe for me to assumed that he's not Omega. I keep staring at his face as if I want to imprint his very being into my mind completely. I never felt this way before. It's hard for me to let anyone into my heart or mind but he just did so easily without much effort. How I wish he would wake up soon. I wish to hear his voice, to talk with him, to know his name, to know what made him be in this state that pained my heart very much.

"Caleb, I think our mate is awake now. I can feel his wolf and it makes me even more excited now. Talk to him quick. I want to know his name and his wolf too." Alaric mind link me and brought me back to reality and pull me away from my thoughts.

"Are you sure? His eyes are close though. Oh wait, I saw his eyelids moving. I will make him open his eyes." I smirked as I noticed the restlessness in him. It makes me want to tease him.

I get closer to his face and planted a kiss on his soft cheek. I shouldn't have done that because now, Alaric is getting too excited and I'm slowly losing control of myself again. I can feel my eyes changing as Alaric trying to force his way out to meet our mate.

"I know you're awake. If you don't open your eyes now, I will do it again and this time on that red lips of yours." I whispered in his ears low.

The moments I whispered those words to him, he opened his eyes and a beautiful green eyes greeted me briefly before he averting my gaze. It makes my heart sunk to see that but I tried to be positive.

"Stop staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable. Am I that handsome that you won't stop staring? Like my face so much?" He said as he still look away from me and I begin to noticed a slight blush on his fair skin cheeks making him look more adorable.

"Yes, very much. Makes me want to kiss all over your face and body if you allow me." I teased him as I want to see how he will react to that.

"What?! No! You ARE NOT allowed to such things. In fact, I want you to look away now." He finally looked at me with panic clearly in his eyes and blushes all over his face, ears and neck. How can someone get more and more adorable by the seconds.

I just laughed as I can't deny that he's just too adorable. The way he pout and pushed me to move away from him makes him more adorable in my eyes. I still staring at him and he rolled his eyes at me which I guess he's annoyed with me but that doesn't make me want to look away from him even more

"May I know your name? I've been waiting this whole time to ask you that." I asked when I finally see him started to relax and felling comfortable.

"Why should I tell you? I don't even know how you are." He murmured with his eyes darted to the window, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Forgive me. I should've introduce myself first. I'm Caleb O'Hara. So, what's your name?" I apologize and introduced myself properly to him as I really wish for him to open up to me.

I can see hesitation in his eyes and I can guess that he's probably mind link with his wolf for opinion or something. I wonder what's he seems be so distant from me while being right in front of me. I keep staring at him and gives him a smile.

"My name is Mikael. Mikael Jensen. Happy now? So, stop staring at me now." He finally said his name with eyes glaring at me from annoyance of me staring at him constantly.

"Very happy but if I don't want to stop staring, what are you going to do?" I smiled wide as I said that just to tease him more.

I chuckled as I saw him pouting and look away from me. The more I look at him, the more I find him adorable despite not knowing a thing about him yet. I don't trust people easily and yet, here I am trying to believe him all because he's my mate.