Missing Piece

Even though Lady Emilia tried not to get too worked up, she couldn't help but feel a little jealous as she saw Duke Matheo conversing to the princess. A twinge of longing for his attention was felt by Lady Emilia as his genuine and pleasant giggle seemed to light up the room.

She quickly chastised herself for such foolish thoughts, reminding herself of the complexities of their relationship and the delicate balance they were trying to maintain. Yet, despite her rationalizations, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach.

Determined to regain her composure, Lady Emilia plastered on a polite smile and continued mingling with the other guests. She engaged in conversation, laughing and nodding at all the right moments, but her mind kept wandering back to Duke Matheo and the princess.

Lady Emilia began to sneak glances at Duke Matheo as the party came to an end, anywhere she thought she could get away with it. A charge of electricity appeared to run between them each time their eyes locked, leaving her feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

As Duke Matheo approached her, his expression hopeful and eager, Lady Emilia's heart fluttered with uncertainty. She knew she should stay composed and maintain her distance, but the pull of his presence was undeniable.

With a conflicted expression, Lady Emilia took a step back, her eyes avoiding his gaze as she made to walk away. Her heart raced in her chest as she tried to quell the tumult of emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

"Lady Emilia, please," Duke Matheo's voice was soft, pleading, as he reached out a hand to stop her. "We need to talk."

But Lady Emilia couldn't bring herself to face him, not now. Not when her feelings were in such turmoil, and the memory of their last encounter still lingered fresh in her mind.

"I'm sorry, Duke Matheo," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But now is not the time."

And with that, Lady Emilia turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Duke Matheo standing there, his outstretched hand hanging in the air, a look of disappointment and confusion on his face.

however, he isn't going to give up on stopping her, so he grasped her hands and gave her a hug as he said, "I miss you, Lady Emilia."

Feeling Duke Matheo's firm hold on her hands and his warm embrace, Lady Emilia's heart skipped a beat. Despite her attempts to pull away, she couldn't deny the flood of emotions that surged within her at his touch.

In that moment, surrounded by the elegant atmosphere of the tea party, Lady Emilia felt a sense of vulnerability wash over her. She had tried to push Duke Matheo away, to convince herself that their connection was nothing more than a fleeting attraction, but deep down, she knew that wasn't true.

Lady Emilia leaned into Duke Matheo's embrace, her arms around him in return, a mixture of uncertainty and need. She whispered, scarcely audible above a whisper, "I miss you too, Duke Matheo."

The sounds of the party subsided as they stood entwined in each other's arms, leaving just their steady breathing and their hearts' steady pounding. Lady Emilia wondered what was ahead for them at that moment, but she knew that no matter what challenges they encountered, they would overcome them together.

With a gentle yet determined hold, Duke Matheo guided Lady Emilia through the bustling crowd and into the tranquil sanctuary of the palace garden. As they walked along the winding paths, the fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere that enveloped them both.

Under the soft glow of the moonlight, Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia found themselves surrounded by the beauty of nature, a stark contrast to the opulence of the party they had just left behind. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and chirping crickets, they could speak freely, without the prying eyes and whispered gossip of the guests.

After finding a quiet place under a large oak tree, Duke Matheo turned to look at Lady Emilia, his eyes full of desire and honesty. With a gentle yet firm tone, he said, "Lady Emilia, there's something I need to tell you."

With excitement in her heart, Lady Emilia raised her gaze to him. She prepared herself for what lay ahead since she could feel the intensity of his feelings and the weight of his words.

Taking a long breath, the Duke continued, "Since the moment I met you, I've felt a connection unlike any other. You've brought light into my life, Lady Emilia, and I can't imagine facing the future without you by my side."

Lady Emilia's eyes gleamed with unshed tears as she reached out to take his hand after feeling a tingling sensation from his remarks. "Duke Matheo, I feel the same way. You've shown me kindness and understanding, and I'm grateful for every moment we've shared," she said, her voice barely audible above the soft rustle of the leaves.

Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia sat in quiet for a minute, their hands interlaced, the weight of their emotions hanging heavily in the air. They were prepared to face the future hand in hand because they realized in that little time under the sky that their love was stronger than any challenge.

Duke Matheo leaned in gently as the moon illuminated them, his intense gaze speaking volumes as he locked into Lady Emilia. He gently pressed his lips to hers, leaving a long-lasting kiss that spoke everything they had been unable to put into words.