A precious gift

Lady Emilia's hands reached up reflexively to cradle Duke Matheo's face as she melted into the kiss, her heart leaping for joy. The world around them appeared to vanish in that brief instant, leaving only the two of them and the unbreakable bond that united their souls.

Their eyes met again as they eventually withdrew, this time with a depth of affection that words could never fully express and a newfound understanding. Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia realized their love was genuine, unshakable, and intended to last a lifetime through that small yet meaningful act.

Back at the Allard Mansion, Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia made their way to where Lady Emilia's parents were waiting. As they entered the mansion, Lady Emilia's mother and father turned to greet them, their expressions curious but welcoming.

"Lady Emilia, Duke Matheo, it's a pleasure to see you both," Lady Emilia's mother said with a warm smile.

Duke Matheo nodded respectfully, while Lady Emilia beamed with happiness, her hand intertwined with his.

"We have something important to share with you," Duke Matheo began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "Lady Emilia and I have realized that our feelings for each other run deeper than we ever imagined."

The parents of Lady Emilia looked at each other, understanding softening their eyes.

"We're in love," Lady Emilia exclaimed, her voice exploding.

Her parents gave the pair a hearty embrace as their faces filled with joy.

With pride in his voice, Lady Emilia's father remarked, "We couldn't be happier for you both." "Love is a precious gift, and we can see how much you both care for each other."

Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia realized that their journey together was just getting started, even with their parents' blessing. They walked into a new chapter of their life, full of love, happiness, and the prospect of a future together, hand in hand.

The father of Lady Emilia will shortly invite Duke Matheo to a private discussion in the study.

Duke Hudson, the father of Lady Emilia, motioned for Duke Matheo to sit down in the study. Duke Matheo sensed that Duke Hudson was thinking about something significant because the mood was somber.

Duke Hudson said, "Duke Matheo," in a somber yet composed tone. "I must admit, your intentions toward my daughter have not gone unnoticed. While I can see that you care deeply for her, I must also ensure that she will be well taken care of and respected in your care."

Duke Hudson's words carried weight, and Duke Matheo listened intently. He was aware that he had to demonstrate his suitability for Lady Emilia's hand in marriage.

Duke Matheo replied deeply, "I assure you, Duke Hudson, that I hold Lady Emilia in the highest regard." "I will do everything in my power to ensure her happiness and well-being for as long as I live."

Duke Hudson's gaze softened slightly as he nodded. "Duke Matheo, thank you for being so sincere. Lady Emilia is very important to us, and we only want the best for her.

"How I desired that your parents are still with us to commemorate this wonderful news. I know that they'll feel proud of you witnessing your marriage with our daughter." Duke Hudson responded.

When Duke Hudson brought up his late parents, Duke Matheo's heart began to overflow with sadness. His thoughts were filled with images of his father's wise counsel and his mother's comforting embrace, and he had a bittersweet yearning for their company.

Duke Matheo said in an emotional voice, "I often wish they were here to witness this moment. I can only hope that they are watching over us from wherever they may be, and that they would be proud to see Lady Emilia and me together."

Duke Hudson gave a serious nod, empathy and comprehension mixed together in his own gaze. He reassured them, saying, "I have no doubt that they are looking down upon you both with pride and love." "And I believe that their blessings will guide you as you embark on this journey together."

Duke Matheo and Duke Hudson shared a silent moment of homage for the past and took comfort in the idea that their loved ones' love and support would endure beyond death and continue to light their way ahead. With that reassuring information in hand, they both looked ahead, eager to take on whatever adventures and difficulties awaited them.

With the celebration coming to an end, the secretary of Duke Matheo approached him solemnly and whispered something urgent in his ear. Duke Matheo's attitude instantly changed, growing serious as he took in the information.

He turned to face Lady Emilia, grasped her hand gently, and stated in a regretful but firm tone, "I'm afraid I must leave, my dear. There's an urgent matter that requires my immediate attention."

With anxiety, Lady Emilia studied his face, trying to decipher the urgency from the look on his face. Her voice was worried as she questioned, "Is everything alright?"

Duke Matheo forced a reassuring smile. "Everything will be fine, my love. I promise to return as soon as I can." With a tender kiss on her forehead, he bid her goodnight and swiftly made his exit, his mind already focused on the task ahead.With his mind full with questions and worries, he made his way towards his carriage with determined steps.

Duke Matheo arrived at the carriage and told his driver to hurry him to his destination. Whatever pressing issue was ahead of him, he knew he had to take decisive action quickly. He set out on his adventure with a heavy heart, ready to take on any obstacles that could come his way.