Chapter 28

Lady Emilia and the bad man were engaged in a lethal struggle as the sound of steel hitting reverberated through the atmosphere, their futures interwoven in a war of wills and magic. However, Lady Emilia did not back down, even as her strength diminished and her vision became blurry. She utilized her love and courage for Duke Matheo to fuel her resistance against the darkness.

Once the evil young man was defeated, the monsters realized they had lost their master and started to flee, shattering into the darkness in all directions as their ranks broke. The threat that had hovered over the land was finally defeated, and the air hummed with that tangible sensation of relief.

Duke Matheo rushed to Lady Emilia's side, his eyes full of concern and thanks as she fell to the ground, exhausted from the intense combat. With a heart full of love and relief, he hugged her in his arms and whispered words of comfort and assurance.

Lady Emilia opened her eyes and tried to move, but she was weak. It was difficult for her to breathe, and she could feel the darkness encroaching on the periphery of her vision. From the spot on her back where the terrible young man's blade had stabbed her, a searing pain shot out.

Calling out her name, Duke Matheo's voice was a faraway echo, his words desperate and full of fear. He made an attempt to stop the bleeding, but it was ineffective because the wound was too deep and too serious.

Lady Emilia felt her own distance from them growing with every second that went by. She was longing to express her love and gratitude to Duke Matheo for everything he had done for her, but the words would not come. She was limited to looking into his eyes and attempting to express her emotions through the nonverbal language of their mutual love.

Lady Emilia realized this could be it as the darkness around her. But even in her last hours, she took comfort in the knowing that Duke Matheo was with her, supporting her all the way to the end.

Despite their haste, the journey back to town felt like an eternity to Duke Matheo. With Lady Emilia's life hanging in the balance, every bump in the road seemed to exacerbate her injuries.

They arrived in the town and looked for the best healers in the hopes that, against all odds, they would be able to preserve Lady Emilia's life. To cure her wounds, the healers put in endless hours and used every bit of their training and expertise.

But no matter how hard they tried, the wound was still too terrible and too deep. Lady Emilia remained critically ill, and death hovered like a black cloud over her.

All Duke Matheo could do was stand by and watch Lady Emilia struggle to survive. Even in the face of hopelessness, he refused to give up hope and stood by her side, asking for a miracle.

As the days went by, Lady Emilia's health continued to be unstable, hanging between life and death. Her recuperation appeared doubtful despite the physicians' best efforts and Duke Matheo's unflinching devotion.

Lady Emilia was fighting for her life every day, barely surviving. With a heavy heart full of concern and fear for the woman he loved, Duke Matheo never left her side.

However, as time passed, a ray of optimism started to appear. Lady Emilia's body began to mend from the verge of death, and her vigor gradually returned. Day by day, her strength increased, her spirit unbroken by the hardships she had faced.

At last, after a seemingly endless moment, Lady Emilia opened her eyes again, her gaze brilliant and clear. She had come out of the death shadow, her unwavering spirit illuminating the darkness like a beacon of hope. She saw Duke Matheo by her side, his look a mix of happiness and relief. Weakly, she met his eyes again, her heart exploding with appreciation for his constant presence during her agony.

She said, "Matheo," in a voice that was hardly audible above a whisper yet was brimming with emotion. "Thank you for never giving up on me."

Duke Matheo gave her a gentle squeeze, tears shining in his eyes. "I could never give up on you, my love," he answered, his voice stifled with sentiment. "You mean everything to me."

Lady Emilia felt her strength returning, buoyed by the affection around her and by Duke Matheo's comforting touch. She was aware that she had triumphed over death, demonstrating both her tenacity and the strength of love.