Chapter 29

Once Lady Emilia recovered from her injuries, she dove back into the busy world of the nobility, going to numerous parties and engagements with Duke Matheo. Day by day, her energy came back, her soul unbroken by the terrifying ordeal she'd gone through.

She was a shining example of grace and resiliency, and she wowed everyone at parties. Lady Emilia was unfazed by the rumors and whispers that trailed her, and she continued to traverse the complex web of high society with unyielding tenacity.

As the event celebrating their victory unfolded, the princess couldn't help but be drawn to Duke Matheo, his bravery and valor in the face of danger leaving a lasting impression on her. She approached him with a charming smile, her eyes sparkling with admiration and intrigue.

"Duke Matheo, I must commend you on your remarkable courage during the battle against the monsters. Your bravery has not gone unnoticed," she added in a sweet, seductive voice.

Ever the generous nobleman, Duke Matheo bowed his head in appreciation, a small grin playing on his lips. He said, "Thank you, Your Highness," in a modest but assured voice. "It was an honor to fight alongside our brave soldiers and protect our land from such a dire threat."

Imbibed with charisma and chivalry, the princess's eyes gleamed with fascination as she listened to Duke Matheo's remarks. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt pulled to him in a manner that made her heart race.

"Duke Matheo, I know that you're not still married with Lady Emilia, I know I have a big chances of capturing you," Princess Ashley said, handing him a bottle of wine and promising to offer him all he wanted.

Duke Matheo looked at Princess Ashley with a mixture of discomfiture and amazement at her comments. He said politely, "Lady Emilia is the one whom I love and cherish, and nothing can sway my devotion to her," in response to the wine. "Princess Ashley, while I appreciate your kind offer, my heart already belongs to another."

Princess Ashley persevered, her eyes shining with resolve, despite his kind rejection. "But Duke Matheo," she said, moving in more closely, "surely you can't deny the allure of power and influence? With me by your side, you could have everything you desire—wealth, status, and respect."

Despite Princess Ashley's advances, Duke Matheo did not waver in his determination. "I am grateful for your generosity, Princess, but my heart remains true to Lady Emilia. She is the one who completes me, and I cannot betray her trust."

Duke Matheo left Princess Ashley's company after that, his mind full of worries for Lady Emilia. Princess Ashley embraced Duke Matheo as soon as she saw Lady Emilia enter the room.

Princess Ashley's embrace caught Duke Matheo off guard, and he gently tried to extricate himself from her arms, feeling uncomfortable with the situation. Sensing his unease, Princess Ashley stepped back, her expression masking her disappointment. "Lady Emilia, how lovely to see you," Princess Ashley said, speaking to Duke Matheo's sweetheart in a sugarcoated sweet tone. "Your bravery in the recent battle was truly inspiring. Duke Matheo is fortunate to have such a courageous and devoted partner."

Lady Emilia offered a charming smile, but the tension in the air persisted. Perceiving the hidden motives behind Princess Ashley's actions, she positioned herself beside Duke Matheo, providing him with tacit encouragement and assistance.

As Princess Ashley turned to leave, she paused for a moment, casting a lingering gaze at Duke Matheo. With a coy smile, she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper that only he could hear.

"Duke Matheo, the offer still stands," she murmured, her words laced with subtle allure. "Think about what I can offer you, beyond the confines of duty and obligation."

With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air, Princess Ashley swept out of the room, leaving Duke Matheo to ponder her words in the midst of the celebratory atmosphere. Though he remained outwardly composed, inwardly he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the princess's persistent advances, especially in Lady Emilia's presence.

With her rage seething just beneath the surface, Lady Emilia moved through the throng of people with purpose and speed. A flurry of emotions swirled in her head, and with every step came a wordless determination.

She kept her head turned, her jaw set in a determined line as she made her way through the crowd of celebrants. The pain from Princess Ashley's bold approaches was more painful than she wanted to acknowledge, and she was unable to get rid of the sense of betrayal that was eating away at her heart.

Duke Matheo's firm grasp on Lady Emilia's wrist halted her in her tracks, his touch gentle yet insistent as he guided her toward a secluded alcove hidden from prying eyes. In the hushed solitude of their surroundings, he turned to face her, his expression a mix of concern and contrition. "Lady Emilia," he said with a calm but sincere voice, "I know that Princess Ashley's behavior was inappropriate, and I want you to know that I have no interest in her advances. You are the one who holds my heart."

His remarks were a mute monument to the intensity of his affections for her, hanging heavily in the atmosphere. Lady Emilia saw at that instant the honesty in his eyes and the everlasting loyalty that remained visible in spite of the pandemonium all around them.

But as comforting as his comments were, there were still questions in the back of her mind, stoked by the ghost of Princess Ashley's audacious statement. She silently begged for the reassurance she so much wanted as she sought his eyes for answers. He gave her a kiss to help her relax.