Mystic eyes

As Ritsuka's eyes fluttered open, a searing pain pierced through his consciousness, causing him to cry out in agony. His hands instinctively flew to his eyes, as if trying to shield them from the unbearable sensation coursing through his veins. Sweat beads formed on his forehead, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to make sense of the torment wracking his body.

The pain intensified with each passing moment, engulfing Ritsuka in a fiery whirlwind of torment. It felt as though his very soul was being consumed by the relentless agony emanating from his eyes. Through the haze of pain, he could sense a strange energy pulsating within him, as if something dormant had been awakened deep within his being.

With a trembling hand, Ritsuka forced his eyelids open, revealing eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. It was as if the fabric of reality itself had been torn asunder, revealing the raw power of the mystic eyes of death perception.

As he gazed upon the world through his newly awakened eyes, Ritsuka could see the threads of fate weaving their intricate tapestry, each thread representing a life waiting to be severed at his command. It was a power beyond comprehension, a double-edged sword that promised both salvation and destruction in equal measure.

Gasping for breath, Ritsuka struggled to come to terms with the magnitude of his newfound abilities. The weight of responsibility bore down upon him like a heavy burden, threatening to crush him beneath its oppressive weight.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, a spark of determination flickered within Ritsuka's heart. He may have been thrust into a world of uncertainty and peril, but he refused to succumb to despair. With the power of the mystic eyes coursing through his veins, he would carve his own destiny, no matter the cost.

As then his door breaks opens as Infront of him was his father and mother

Ritsuka's parents rushed into the room, their expressions a mix of concern and alarm as they beheld their son writhing in pain.

"Ritsuka! What's happening? Are you alright?" his mother exclaimed, her voice laced with worry.

His father's eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of Ritsuka's glowing eyes. "By the heavens, what's going on?" he muttered, his hands trembling with apprehension.

Ritsuka tried to speak, but the pain was too intense, rendering him unable to form coherent words. Instead, he could only let out a strangled cry, his body contorting with agony.

Frantic, his parents rushed to his side, their hands reaching out in a desperate attempt to comfort him. They exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with fear for their son's well-being.

As they tried to calm him, Ritsuka's mind raced with questions. What had triggered this sudden awakening of his mystic eyes? And what did it mean for his future?

But amidst the chaos and confusion, one thing remained certain: Ritsuka's journey was about to take a perilous turn, one that would test his resolve and reshape the very fabric of his destiny.

Mystic eyes. His mother said as she looked at the rainbow eyes. He has mystic eyes call the phamrsolone they must have mystic eyes killer

Ritsuka's mother's voice trembled with concern as she observed the mysterious phenomenon unfolding before her.

"We need to contact the Phamrsolone family immediately," she declared, her tone urgent. "They are experts in dealing with mystic eyes, especially those with harmful effects."

Ritsuka's father nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "Yes, we must act swiftly to ensure Ritsuka's safety. His well-being is our top priority."

Together, they hurriedly made arrangements to reach out to the Phamrsolone family, hoping that they could provide answers and assistance in this dire situation.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka lay on the bed, his mind reeling from the pain and confusion caused by the sudden awakening of his mystic eyes. Little did he know that his newfound abilities would thrust him into a world of danger and intrigue, where the true nature of his destiny would be revealed.

After a few minutes the door opens as Ophelia came in in her hands was a pair of glasses.

Mystic eyes killer give this to him. Ophelia said with a worried voice. Hurry

As then her parent both Phamrsolone enter the room as well there breath swallow.

We came as fast as we can. Ms. Phamrsolone said. Put the glasses on him now

Ritsuka's parents wasted no time in taking the glasses from Ophelia's hands and gently placing them over their son's eyes. Almost immediately, the intense pain that had wracked Ritsuka's body began to subside, replaced by a soothing sensation of relief.

"Thank you, Ophelia," Ritsuka's mother said, her voice filled with gratitude as she looked at the young girl with a mixture of concern and appreciation. "You've saved our son from further suffering."

Ophelia nodded, her expression serious as she glanced at Ritsuka. "I'm just glad I could help," she replied softly, her eyes reflecting her concern for her friend's well-being.

Meanwhile, the Phamrsolone parents observed the scene with a mixture of relief and concern. "It seems the Mystic Eyes Killer glasses are working," Mr. Phamrsolone remarked, his voice tinged with relief. "But we must remain vigilant. Mystic eyes can be unpredictable, and we need to ensure Ritsuka's safety."

His wife nodded in agreement, her gaze never leaving Ritsuka's face. "We'll need to monitor him closely," she added, her tone serious. "And we must be prepared for any further developments."

Together, they stood by Ritsuka's side, ready to offer support and assistance as he navigated the challenges posed by his newly awakened mystic eyes.

What colour is his mystic eyes? Mr Phamrsolone said worried for Ritsuka. Out glasses are made for jewel-rank mystic eyes and lower hopefully it is that

Ritsuka's mother carefully examined her son's eyes through the lenses of the glasses, her expression thoughtful as she observed the swirling colors within them.

"They seem to be a mixture of different hues," she replied, her voice tinged with concern. "I see shades of blue, green, and even hints of red."

Mr. Phamrsolone frowned, his worry deepening at his wife's words. "That's concerning," he murmured, his brow furrowing. "It suggests that Ritsuka's mystic eyes may be of a higher rank than we anticipated."

Ritsuka's parents exchanged a concerned glance, silently acknowledging the potential dangers posed by his newfound abilities. As they continued to monitor their son's condition, they resolved to do everything in their power to protect him from harm and ensure his safety in the face of this unexpected development.

It is rainbow eyes. Ophelia said looking at Ritsuka eyes. Our glasses will not last that long what should we do fathee

Mr. Phamrsolone's expression tightened with worry at Ophelia's words. He glanced at his wife, sharing a concerned look before turning his attention back to Ritsuka.

"We need to act quickly," he said, his voice firm with determination. "If Ritsuka's mystic eyes are indeed of rainbow color, then they pose a significant danger not only to him but potentially to those around him as well."

Mrs. Phamrsolone nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring her husband's concern. "We must find a way to stabilize his condition and protect him from any harmful effects his mystic eyes may cause," she added, her tone resolute.

Together, the Phamrsolones and Ophelia worked swiftly to devise a plan to address Ritsuka's situation, their primary goal being to ensure his safety and well-being in the face of this unforeseen challenge.

It hurts, it still does. Ritsuka though to him self as he saw his partner and the Phamrsolone thinking of ideas. But it is less I can open my eyes. He through to himself as he saw Ophelia was holding his hand in worry. Well whatever this is it is definitely one hell of birthday gift

Despite the pain coursing through him, Ritsuka felt a flicker of gratitude for Ophelia's presence by his side. Her touch offered him a sense of comfort and reassurance amidst the turmoil of his current situation. As he endured the agony of his mystic eyes, Ritsuka resolved to remain strong, knowing that he had allies who were determined to help him overcome this unexpected challenge.

With determination burning in his heart, Ritsuka braced himself for the trials ahead, determined to face whatever obstacles came his way. Though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he found solace in the unwavering support of those who stood by him, ready to lend their aid in his time of need. And as he prepared to confront the mysteries of his newfound abilities, Ritsuka knew that he would emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever before.

Toko Aozaki, we need to contact her. Ritsuka father said. Does anyone know where she is

Ritsuka's father's suggestion of contacting Toko Aozaki, a renowned mage, sparked a glimmer of hope in the midst of their distress. Toko Aozaki was known for her expertise in magecraft and her ability to handle unique magical situations. However, her whereabouts were not widely known, posing a challenge to their efforts to seek her assistance.

As they pondered their next steps, Ritsuka's mother recalled rumors of Toko Aozaki's presence in certain mage circles, although the specifics remained elusive. With determination, they resolved to reach out to their contacts within the mage community, hoping to gather information that would lead them to Toko Aozaki's whereabouts.

Amidst the urgency of the situation, Ritsuka's family and their allies worked tirelessly to locate Toko Aozaki, knowing that her expertise could hold the key to resolving Ritsuka's mystic eye dilemma.

Um, I think we needed to work fast. Ophelia said as she was pointing to the glasses on Ritsuka which were cracking and breaking. I say atlest 1 week before they break from pure power

Ophelia's observation heightened the sense of urgency surrounding Ritsuka's situation, as the glasses designed to mitigate the effects of his mystic eyes were showing signs of strain and deterioration. The impending failure of the glasses posed a critical risk to Ritsuka's well-being, underscoring the need for swift action to address the escalating crisis.

With the countdown to the glasses' inevitable breakdown underway, Ritsuka's family and their allies redoubled their efforts to locate Toko Aozaki, recognizing that time was of the essence in securing her assistance. Each passing moment brought them closer to the possibility of Ritsuka being exposed to the full extent of his mystic eyes' power, heightening the urgency of their quest to find a solution before it was too late.

5 days later

As the days passed, tension mounted within Ritsuka's household, each moment weighed down by the looming threat of his uncontrollable mystic eyes. Despite concerted efforts to locate Toko Aozaki, time slipped away inexorably, narrowing the window of opportunity to secure her aid.

Within this backdrop of uncertainty, Ritsuka grappled with the physical and emotional toll of his condition, his days marked by discomfort and anxiety as he awaited a resolution to his predicament. Ophelia remained a steadfast presence by his side, offering comfort and support amidst the mounting uncertainty.

With each passing day, the fragile calm that enveloped them belied the urgency of their situation, the impending deadline of the glasses' integrity hanging over them like a sword of Damocles. As the countdown continued, hope and apprehension intermingled, casting a shadow over Ritsuka's once peaceful existence.

As they all heard a nock at the door Ritsuka father went to check only to find a woman with dark red hair wearing a scarf and a white shirt with that dark pant going down and black gloves as the woman spoke

I heard you were looking for me. The woman said to Ritsuka father. So what is your problem

The woman's presence elicited a collective sigh of relief from Ritsuka's family and Ophelia, a glimmer of hope igniting within their hearts at the sight of their long-awaited savior.

"We're in dire need of your expertise, Ms. Aozaki," Ritsuka's father began, his voice betraying a sense of urgency. "Our son, Ritsuka, has awakened mystic eyes of an unprecedented caliber. They're causing him considerable distress, and we fear for his well-being."

Ms. Aozaki's gaze softened, her expression reflecting a blend of concern and determination as she listened intently to the plight of the family before her. "Bring him to me," she instructed, her tone resolute. "I'll do everything in my power to help him."