I will be takeing the kid

Ritsuka's father nodded gratefully, ushering Ms. Aozaki into the room where Ritsuka lay, his eyes still shimmering with their enigmatic rainbow hue. With gentle hands, Ms. Aozaki examined Ritsuka, her keen eyes assessing the nature of his mystic eyes with a practiced precision.

"These are indeed mystic eyes of exceptional potency," she murmured, her voice carrying a note of solemnity. "But fear not, young Ritsuka. With the right guidance, they need not be a burden."

As Ms. Aozaki began her work, channeling her expertise into crafting specialized lenses to mitigate the effects of Ritsuka's mystic eyes, a sense of relief washed over the room. Each member of Ritsuka's family and Ophelia watched with bated breath, their hopes pinned on the expertise of this renowned mage.

After what felt like an eternity, Ms. Aozaki finally completed her task, carefully fitting the newly crafted lenses over Ritsuka's eyes. As the lenses settled into place, Ritsuka let out a sigh of relief, the pain in his eyes subsiding with each passing moment.

"You should be able to manage now," Ms. Aozaki assured him, her voice carrying a soothing warmth. "But remember, these mystic eyes are a gift and a responsibility. Use them wisely, and they shall serve you well."

With heartfelt gratitude, Ritsuka and his family thanked Ms. Aozaki for her timely intervention, knowing that her expertise had brought them a newfound sense of hope in the face of uncertainty. As she took her leave, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of determination stirring within him, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with newfound clarity and resolve.

As they all left the room she looked at everyone with a sturdy look.

Death perception. Aozaki said looking at the family. Your son has the mystic eyes of Death perception

The revelation hung heavy in the air, each member of the family absorbing the weight of Ms. Aozaki's words with a mix of awe and trepidation. Mystic eyes of Death Perception—the gravity of such a gift was not lost on them, nor was the responsibility it entailed.

Ritsuka's parents exchanged a solemn glance, their expressions reflecting a shared concern for their son's newfound abilities. Ophelia, too, regarded Ritsuka with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, understanding the magnitude of the power now at his command.

"Death perception," Ritsuka murmured, the words carrying a weight that seemed to echo in the silence of the room. It was a power beyond comprehension, one that could unravel the very fabric of existence itself.

Ms. Aozaki nodded gravely, her gaze steady as she met Ritsuka's eyes. "Indeed," she confirmed. "But remember, Ritsuka, with great power comes great responsibility. Your path ahead will be fraught with challenges, but know that you are not alone. Seek guidance, hone your abilities, and tread carefully."

With those parting words of wisdom, Ms. Aozaki took her leave, leaving Ritsuka and his family to grapple with the newfound knowledge of his abilities. As they gathered in the quiet of the room, a sense of determination settled over them, tempered by the understanding that Ritsuka's journey was only just beginning.

For know can we go to different room to talk only the adult the kids Stay in this room. Aozaki said as she looked at the two family. It is very important

As they all left the room, Ritsuka's parents exchanged a brief glance with Ophelia's parents before following Ms. Aozaki to another room for a private discussion.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka and Ophelia remained in the room, their curiosity piqued by the cryptic conversation unfolding behind closed doors. Despite their youthful eagerness to know more, they understood the importance of leaving the adults to their deliberations.

With a shared look, Ritsuka and Ophelia found themselves drawn to the window, where they gazed out at the world beyond, lost in their own thoughts. The weight of recent events hung heavy in the air, but together, they found solace in each other's company, a silent reminder that they were not alone in facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the parents seem to be dining table, as everyone was not ready to speak

You guys already know what mages do to get mystic eyes. Aozaki said looking at the family. So tell me what will happen when othe mages find out about Ritsuka and his eyes

As they gathered around the dining table, a heavy silence hung in the air, each member of the group grappling with the weight of Ms. Aozaki's question. Ritsuka's parents exchanged a worried glance, while Ophelia's parents furrowed their brows in concern.

"It won't be good," Ritsuka's father finally spoke, his voice laced with apprehension. "Mages will stop at nothing to obtain Mystic Eyes, especially ones as rare and powerful as Ritsuka's."

"Indeed," Ms. Aozaki agreed, her expression grim. "They'll see him as a valuable asset, a tool to be used for their own gain. And if they can't control him, they'll seek to eliminate him."

Ritsuka's mother reached out to place a reassuring hand on her husband's arm, her eyes filled with determination. "We won't let that happen," she asserted firmly. "We'll do whatever it takes to protect Ritsuka and keep him safe."

Ophelia's parents nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring the resolve of Ritsuka's family. "We're in this together," Ophelia's father affirmed. "We'll stand by each other and face whatever challenges come our way."

With a shared sense of purpose, the group turned their attention to Ritsuka and Ophelia, their silent vow echoing in the unspoken promise to shield them from the dangers that lurked within the world of mages. In that moment, surrounded by unwavering support and steadfast determination, Ritsuka and Ophelia found strength in the bonds of friendship and family that bound them together.

So you have opportunity of a life time. Aozaki said to Ritsuka partner. Give the boy to me for the next few years I will train hima me both of your family will get my protection the option is left to you after all not the first time I meet someone with those eyes

As Ms. Aozaki laid out her proposal, the gravity of her words hung heavy in the room. Ritsuka's parents exchanged a wary glance, weighing the potential risks and benefits of such an arrangement. Ophelia's parents furrowed their brows, deep in thought as they considered the implications for their daughter's closest friend.

"It's a lot to take in," Ritsuka's father acknowledged, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But if it means keeping Ritsuka safe and providing him with the training he needs to control his Mystic Eyes, then perhaps it's worth considering."

Ritsuka's mother nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. "Ms. Aozaki's offer could provide Ritsuka with the guidance and protection he needs," she admitted, though the prospect of being separated from her son for an extended period weighed heavily on her heart.

Ophelia's parents exchanged a meaningful look, silently communicating their concerns and reservations. "We want what's best for Ritsuka," Ophelia's father began, his voice measured. "But we also need assurance that he'll be safe and supported during his time under Ms. Aozaki's tutelage."

Ms. Aozaki listened attentively to their deliberations, her gaze steady and unwavering. "I understand the gravity of this decision," she interjected, her tone solemn. "Rest assured, Ritsuka will receive the utmost care and training under my guidance. And with my protection, both families can find reassurance in knowing that he'll be shielded from harm."

With the weight of their decision pressing upon them, Ritsuka's and Ophelia's families continued their discussion, each voice contributing to the collective effort to determine the best course of action for the young boy with the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

When I am donw with him he will on top of many mages. Aozaki said. After all the boy has a lot of potential

Ms. Aozaki's words hung in the air, stirring a mix of emotions within the room. Ritsuka's parents exchanged a glance, pride mingling with apprehension at the thought of their son's potential ascent in the world of mages.

"We want what's best for Ritsuka," Ritsuka's father affirmed, his voice resolute. "If this opportunity will allow him to fulfill his potential and rise to the top, then we must consider it seriously."

Ritsuka's mother nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a blend of determination and concern. "We'll entrust him to your care, Ms. Aozaki," she stated, her voice steady. "But we expect regular updates on his progress and assurances of his safety."

Ophelia's parents nodded in silent agreement, their expressions mirroring a mix of hope and trepidation. "Ritsuka's well-being is our utmost priority," Ophelia's father emphasized, his tone firm. "We'll support his decision, but only if we're confident in his safety and future prospects."

Ms. Aozaki inclined her head in acknowledgment, her demeanor composed yet resolute. "You have my word," she assured them. "Ritsuka will receive the guidance and protection he needs to reach his full potential. And I'll keep you informed of his progress every step of the way."

With the decision made and the path forward laid out before them, Ritsuka's and Ophelia's families braced themselves for the journey ahead, knowing that it would be fraught with challenges but ultimately guided by the promise of Ritsuka's bright future as a mage of unparalleled potential.

But before we do anything let's talk to the kid first. Aozaki said. After all let's see what he says

Ms. Aozaki's suggestion brought a moment of pause as the adults turned their attention to Ritsuka, who had been listening intently to their discussion.

Ritsuka took a deep breath, his mind racing with the weight of the decision before him. He glanced around the table, meeting the expectant gazes of his parents, Ophelia's parents, and Ms. Aozaki.

"I understand the gravity of this decision," Ritsuka began, his voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within him. "And I appreciate the opportunities that lie ahead if I accept Ms. Aozaki's offer."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "But I also recognize the risks involved," he admitted, his expression earnest. "I know that my mystic eyes carry a burden, and I'm willing to face the challenges that come with them."

Ritsuka's eyes met Ms. Aozaki's, a sense of determination shining within them. "I want to learn how to control my mystic eyes," he asserted, his voice unwavering. "And if that means training under your guidance, Ms. Aozaki, then I'm ready to embark on this journey."

His parents exchanged a glance, pride and concern mingling in their eyes. Ophelia's parents nodded in understanding, their support evident in their expressions.

Ms. Aozaki regarded Ritsuka with a sense of respect, acknowledging the maturity and resolve in his words. "Very well, Ritsuka," she said, her tone measured yet supportive. "If you're committed to this path, then I'll do everything in my power to help you unlock your full potential."

With Ritsuka's decision made, the adults exchanged a solemn nod, united in their determination to support him on his journey of discovery and growth as a mage with mystic eyes of unparalleled power.

As then Ritsuka mother goes and picks him up by the ear.

How many times have I told you not to listen to adult. His mother said with anger. No cake for you today son

Ritsuka winced as his mother's firm grip tugged at his earlobe, her scolding words ringing in his ears. "Sorry, Mom," he mumbled, feeling a pang of regret for causing her distress. The thought of missing out on cake, especially on his birthday, only added to his disappointment.

As his mother released his ear, Ritsuka cast a sheepish glance at the others gathered around the table, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Despite the setback, he remained resolute in his decision, knowing that his path forward would be filled with challenges but also opportunities for growth.

With a determined expression, Ritsuka straightened his posture and met Ms. Aozaki's gaze once more, reaffirming his commitment to the journey ahead. Though he may have to forgo cake today, he was prepared to embrace the challenges of mastering his mystic eyes and unlocking his full potential as a mage.

For know let's enjoy Ritsuka birthday. Mr Phamrsolone said saying Ritsuka from his mom. So yeah we brought cake and it is Ritsuka favourite

Ritsuka's eyes lit up with excitement as Mr. Phamrsolone mentioned the cake, a warm smile spreading across his face. Despite the earlier scolding from his mother, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at the prospect of celebrating his birthday with his family and friends.

"Thank you, Mr. Phamrsolone!" Ritsuka exclaimed, his spirits lifted by the gesture. He eagerly joined the others at the table, anticipation bubbling within him as he waited for the cake to be served. In that moment, surrounded by loved ones, he felt a sense of belonging and gratitude, knowing that even amidst challenges, there were still moments of joy to be cherished.

As the festivities continued, Aozaki observed Ritsuka and Ophelia with a keen eye, noting the bond between them. Despite the celebration, her mind wandered to the question of Ritsuka's limited circle of friends. It struck her as curious that a boy of his age would have only one close companion.

In the midst of laughter and merriment, Aozaki made a mental note to inquire about this matter later. There was something intriguing about Ritsuka Fujimaru, and she was determined to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface.

As the party went one as Ritsuka was in rapping his gift Ophelia looked at him

Is this going to be the last time we will see eachother. She said with a sad voice. I mean your going to training and I am staying here

Ritsuka paused, a somber expression crossing his face as he considered Ophelia's words. "I don't know," he admitted softly, his gaze meeting hers. "But whatever happens, you'll always be my first friend, Ophelia. And no matter where we are, that won't change."

Ophelia managed a small smile, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Thank you, Ritsuka," she whispered, reaching out to squeeze his hand gently. "For everything."

As the party continued around them, the two friends shared a silent understanding, cherishing the moments they had together, unsure of what the future held but grateful for the bond they shared.

How about this in 9 year we will meet again. Ritsuka putting. His hand up. What do you say. As he already know that one way or other in the future they will meet in Chaldea

Ophelia's eyes brightened with hope at Ritsuka's words. "Deal," she said with a determined nod, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I'll be waiting for you, Ritsuka. No matter what happens, we'll see each other again in nine years."

Ritsuka returned her smile, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "I promise," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "No matter where I am, I'll find my way back to you."

With that pact made, the two friends shared a moment of quiet resolve, knowing that no matter the challenges they faced, their friendship would endure, transcending time and distance. As the party ended and next day arrives Ritsuka was seen packing his bag Aozaki said that they will traveling around the world and learning mage craft, in her world he was bord just being in Japan

As Ritsuka stepped outside, he was met with the sight of Ophelia and her family waiting for him. In Ophelia's hand was something wrapped in delicate paper, undoubtedly a farewell gift. A pang of sadness tugged at Ritsuka's heart as he realized that this might be the last time he saw his friend for a while.

Approaching them with a bittersweet smile, Ritsuka tried to push aside the melancholy thoughts that threatened to dampen the moment. Instead, he focused on the warmth of Ophelia's smile and the support of her family, finding solace in the knowledge that their bond would endure despite the distance between them.

As Ophelia extended the gift to him, Ritsuka accepted it with gratitude, silently promising himself that no matter where his journey took him, he would carry their friendship with him always.

One more thing. She said going face to face. I hope you like it. As she kissed him in the cheeks as then with flustered face she ran

As Ophelia's lips brushed against his cheek in a fleeting kiss, Ritsuka's expression shifted to one of bewilderment. His cheeks flushed with warmth, his mind racing to process the unexpected gesture. Watching Ophelia retreat with a flustered demeanor, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in his stomach.

Huh. Ritsuka said with most confusing voice wonder what just happened. I was not expecting that. Ritsuka thought to him self.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of surprise and curiosity that lingered after Ophelia's parting kiss. With a bemused smile, he touched his fingertips to the spot where her lips had briefly touched, a blush creeping across his cheeks as he replayed the moment in his mind.

Despite the confusion, there was also a sense of warmth and affection that filled Ritsuka's heart, reminding him of the bond they shared and the memories they had created together. As he watched Ophelia disappear from view, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder what other surprises the

Come on kid let's go the plain won't wait for every. Aozaki said to Ritsuka. So get in the car

With a mix of anticipation and uncertainty swirling within him, Ritsuka nodded and followed Aozaki to the waiting car. As he settled into the seat, he stole one last glance back at Ophelia and her family, a bittersweet feeling tugging at his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Ritsuka turned his gaze forward, his mind brimming with thoughts of the adventures that awaited him beyond the horizon. With Aozaki by his side and a new chapter about to unfold, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through him as the car pulled away, carrying him toward the unknown.

To be continued

So yeah the next few Ch I don't know how long but I know it is going to be a training arc also hope to see some of the crypter in the next upcoming Ch before we go to Chaldea and any way don't forget my power stones, also before anyone ask why I picked Aozaki Simple, she has dealing with mystic, she already had to deal with someone with the same eyes as Ritsuka twitch if I am correct, she is a powerful mage and and will yeah, anyway don't forget to give me power stone our army is growing and we close to the revolution also just a question should I get patron to relish Ch which have been stacking up, and other fanfic I have in mind