Traing with Aozaki the puppet mage

As the sun began to rise, Ritsuka found himself standing in a spacious training room, facing Toko Aozaki, the renowned puppet mage. She regarded him with a stern yet curious expression, ready to begin their training session.

"Alright, Ritsuka," Aozaki began, her voice firm. "Today, we're going to focus on honing your magical abilities and strengthening your control over them. We'll start with some basic exercises to gauge your current level."

Ritsuka nodded, eager to learn and improve. He knew that training with Aozaki would push him to his limits, but he was determined to become stronger.

"First, I want you to summon a basic magical construct," Aozaki instructed, gesturing to an empty space in the room. "Focus your mana and visualize the form of the construct in your mind. Then, channel that energy to bring it into existence."

Ritsuka closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the flow of mana within him. He pictured a simple, floating orb of light in his mind and began to shape his mana accordingly. With a flicker of effort, the orb materialized in front of him, glowing softly with magical energy.

"Good," Aozaki nodded approvingly. "Now, I want you to try controlling the movement of the construct. Make it hover in place, then move it around the room using only your mana."

Ritsuka focused on the orb, willing it to obey his commands. With careful precision, he guided it through the air, maneuvering it around obstacles and obstacles as Aozaki observed his progress.

"Excellent," Aozaki remarked with a hint of satisfaction. "You have a natural talent for magecraft, Ritsuka. But remember, true mastery comes with practice and discipline. Now, let's move on to the next exercise."

As the training session continued, Ritsuka immersed himself in the study of magecraft under Aozaki's guidance, eager to unlock his full potential and become a formidable mage in his own right.

I expect this for some who uses sun mage craft. Aozaki said looking at him. Before you ask why telling to learn the basic it to see if you have thought them by the looks of it your father thought you well about mage craft

Ritsuka nodded, grateful for his father's guidance in the fundamentals of magecraft. He understood the importance of building a strong foundation before delving into more advanced techniques.

"I appreciate the compliment," Ritsuka replied respectfully. "My father taught me the basics, but I'm eager to learn more and expand my abilities under your tutelage, Sensei."

Aozaki nodded in acknowledgment, her expression softening slightly. "Good. With dedication and perseverance, you'll continue to grow stronger with each passing day. Now, let's continue with your training."

Alright know I am going to teach you about your mystic eyes. Aozaki said as then one of her many puppet. You know all about my puppet they are as human as me this is the best way to train those eyes other then going and killing real people

Ritsuka listened intently, understanding the gravity of what Aozaki was about to teach him. He knew that his mystic eyes held immense power and that learning to control them was crucial for his development as a mage.

"I'm ready to learn," Ritsuka affirmed, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. "Please, instruct me on how to use my mystic eyes effectively."

With determination in his eyes, Ritsuka prepared himself for the rigorous training that lay ahead, knowing that mastering his mystic eyes would be essential for his future endeavors.

Aozaki nodded approvingly at Ritsuka's readiness. She then began to explain the intricacies of his mystic eyes, detailing their capabilities and the potential dangers they posed if not wielded with caution.

"These mystic eyes possess the power to perceive the concept of death itself," Aozaki explained solemnly. "They can discern the lines and points of mortality within all things, allowing you to see the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of your opponents."

Ritsuka listened attentively, absorbing every word as he focused on understanding the nature of his unique ability. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was determined to wield his mystic eyes with wisdom and restraint.

"As we proceed with your training, you'll learn to control and refine the use of your mystic eyes," Aozaki continued. "But remember, their power comes with a price. Misuse or overuse of your mystic eyes can have dire consequences, so you must always exercise caution."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the weight of Aozaki's words. He understood the importance of mastering his abilities while remaining mindful of the potential risks involved. With Aozaki's guidance, he was determined to unlock the full potential of his mystic eyes and become a formidable mage.

"Let us begin," Aozaki said, a hint of anticipation in her voice as she prepared to initiate Ritsuka into the mysteries of his mystic eyes.

And also it basically allows you kill anyone very easily. Aozaki said as he looked at him. I mean you can even kill ghost and sprite with these after all everything has to end once my previous student shiki showed to me after all

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the gravity of Aozaki's words. The realization of the immense power at his disposal settled heavily upon him, accompanied by a sense of duty to wield it responsibly.

"Yes, I understand," Ritsuka replied, his voice tinged with solemnity. "I'll strive to use my mystic eyes judiciously and with the utmost care."

Aozaki regarded him with a mixture of approval and caution, recognizing the weight of the burden placed upon her young pupil's shoulders. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and temptations, but she had faith in Ritsuka's determination and integrity.

"Good," Aozaki said, her tone firm yet encouraging. "Remember, true strength lies not only in the mastery of one's abilities but also in the wisdom to wield them wisely. With time and dedication, you will harness the full potential of your mystic eyes and emerge as a formidable mage."

Ritsuka nodded once more, a newfound resolve burning within him. He was determined to honor Aozaki's teachings, to hone his skills, and to fulfill his destiny as a mage of unparalleled prowess. With Aozaki's guidance, he embarked on the journey ahead, ready to face whatever challenges lay in wait.

Now partic with my puppet and I see you by the side line. She said as she wakes away. Good luck.

As she looked at Ritsuka using his sun mage craft he made a dagger as he started to fight the puppet.

How did you get those eyes. She said looking at Ritsuka. And why does eyes say that you have faces death more times then anyone can count

As Ritsuka sparred with the puppet, Aozaki observed him keenly, her thoughts racing. She couldn't help but wonder about the origins of his mystic eyes and the countless brushes with death they hinted at. Yet, she kept her inquiries to herself, muttering quietly, "How did you get those eyes? And why do they speak of facing death more times than anyone can count?" These questions were meant for her alone, as she watched her student train.

As Ritsuka moved with precision and skill, Aozaki noted his progress, impressed by his determination and natural talent. She made mental notes of his strengths and weaknesses, planning her approach to his training accordingly.

After the session, she approached him with a thoughtful expression. "You're showing promise, Ritsuka. But there's much more to learn about controlling those mystic eyes of yours. We'll delve deeper into their secrets in our next session." With a nod of assurance, she dismissed him to rest and prepare for the next day's training.

Other then sun mage craft do you know any other. Aozaki said looking at him. Tell me do you

Aozaki's question caught Ritsuka off guard, prompting him to pause and consider his response carefully. "Um, well, I've heard of other types of magecraft, but I haven't really practiced any besides sun magecraft. I know a bit about elemental magecraft and some basics of spiritual magecraft, but I haven't delved deeply into them." He admitted, feeling a bit inadequate under her scrutiny.

How about this I teach you Rune mage craft, sure it is not my main but it is second to my puppets so yeah. Aozaki said looking at Ritsuka. After all I offered this to my last student and she said no arigent ass hole

Ritsuka nodded eagerly, intrigued by the prospect of learning rune magecraft. "That sounds interesting. I'd definitely like to learn more about it," he replied, grateful for the opportunity to expand his magical knowledge under Aozaki's tutelage.

Aozaki nodded, pleased with his enthusiasm. "Good. Rune magecraft involves inscribing symbols to channel magical energy and effects. It's a versatile skill that can be used for various purposes, from enchanting objects to creating barriers or offensive spells," she explained. "Let's begin with the basics." She then proceeded to demonstrate how to inscribe simple runes and explained their meanings and uses to Ritsuka.

As Ritsuka observed Aozaki's demonstration, he absorbed the knowledge eagerly. The runes appeared intricate yet fascinating, each symbol carrying its own significance and power. Aozaki's expertise shone through her explanations, making the complex art of rune magecraft seem more accessible.

"Now, it's your turn," Aozaki said, handing Ritsuka a stylus and a blank surface to practice on. "Try replicating this basic rune." She guided him through the motions, offering corrections and tips along the way.

With focused determination, Ritsuka attempted to recreate the rune. Initially, his strokes were hesitant and unsteady, but with Aozaki's patient guidance, he gradually improved. As he gained confidence, his movements became smoother, and soon, he successfully inscribed the rune.

"Well done," Aozaki praised, nodding in approval. "Now, let's move on to more complex runes and their applications." She delved into advanced techniques, demonstrating how to modify runes for different purposes and combine them to amplify their effects.

Ritsuka absorbed the teachings eagerly, his mind buzzing with possibilities. He experimented with different combinations and applications, eager to master this new aspect of magecraft. Under Aozaki's expert tutelage, he made steady progress, honing his skills with each passing day.

As the training session continued, Ritsuka felt a sense of fulfillment and excitement. Rune magecraft opened up a world of possibilities, offering him new avenues to explore and enhance his abilities. With Aozaki's guidance, he was determined to unlock the full potential of this ancient art.

But after a while Ritsuka felt like his Brain had stopped workings.

Ok that is enough your going to fry your Brain kid. Aozaki said stopping Ritsuka. You need time unless you have something like fast growth you won't be able to learn something new in one day so rest

Aozaki's words brought Ritsuka back to reality, realizing the strain he had put on himself. He nodded, acknowledging her advice, and set aside his materials, feeling a dull ache behind his temples.

"Rest sounds good," Ritsuka admitted, rubbing his eyes wearily. "I guess I got a bit carried away."

Aozaki chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. "It happens to the best of us. Remember, mastery takes time and patience. Rushing will only lead to burnout."

Taking her advice to heart, Ritsuka leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes to ease the tension in his mind. The room was filled with a comfortable silence as he allowed himself to relax, the weight of his training momentarily lifted.

As he drifted into a state of rest, Ritsuka reflected on the day's lessons, grateful for the opportunity to learn from a master like Aozaki. With her guidance, he knew he was on the path to unlocking the full extent of his potential in the arcane arts.

Hey kid you are really using your magic circuit right. Aozaki asked Ritsuka. Sorry but I need to know your not using your real nerves right

Ritsuka nodded, still feeling the remnants of fatigue from his earlier exertion. "Yeah, I'm trying to focus on channeling my mana through the circuits instead of relying on my nerves. It's a bit tricky, but I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Aozaki observed him carefully, her eyes scanning his movements with a discerning gaze. "Good, good," she murmured, nodding in approval. "Remember, mastering control over your circuits is essential for efficient magecraft. It allows you to conserve energy and perform more complex spells without straining your body."

Ritsuka absorbed her words, realizing the importance of honing this skill. "I'll keep practicing," he promised, determination flickering in his eyes. "I want to make sure I can handle whatever challenges come my way."

Aozaki smiled, a glimmer of pride shining in her eyes. "That's the spirit, kid. With dedication and perseverance, there's no limit to what you can achieve."

Yeah never use your nerves that will just burn them alive. Aozaki said. So don't be an idiot

Who the hell is stupid enough to do that. Ritsiak not believing someone will do that. I mens you have to half bakes to do that.

At that moment a certain white hair counter guardian, and across thr multiverse certain red hair mages sneezed at the same time

Aozaki chuckled, shaking her head. "You'd be surprised, kid. Some mages are too eager to push their limits and end up paying the price. That's why I'm here—to make sure you don't make the same mistakes."

Ritsuka nodded, taking her words to heart. "I'll remember that," he said, grateful for her guidance. "Thanks for looking out for me, sensei."

Aozaki waved off his gratitude with a smirk. "Don't mention it. Just make sure you listen to my advice, or else you might end up with more than just a burnt-out nervous system."

As Ritsuka prepared to rest, Aozaki glanced at him with a thoughtful expression. "You're a quick learner, kid. With a bit more training, you'll be a force to be reckoned with."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, sensei. I'll do my best to make you proud."

With that, he headed off to rest, eager to continue his training the next day under Aozaki's guidance.

What should I do now. Aozaki said to her self. I could work on my puppets more but I can read about the sun mage craft he has but probably sounded the less people know about and what it can do the better for Ritsuka

Aozaki pondered her options, weighing the importance of each. She knew that delving deeper into Ritsuka's sun mage craft could uncover valuable insights that might aid his training and development. However, she also recognized the need for discretion, as revealing too much about such a rare and powerful magic could attract unwanted attention.

Ultimately, she decided to prioritize Ritsuka's training and advancement while keeping a watchful eye on his progress with the sun mage craft. She resolved to research the intricacies of this unique magic in her spare time, ensuring that she could provide him with the guidance and support he needed without drawing undue scrutiny.

With her plan in mind, Aozaki set to work, delving into the mysteries of sun mage craft with a determined focus, ready to uncover its secrets and help her student reach his full potential.

Didn't his father say this came from the hero Karna I think that was his name. Aozaki said. I gess I know what I will be doing for the next few hours internet here I come

As Aozaki delved into her research, she made a mental note to investigate the origins of the sun mage craft further, particularly its connection to the legendary hero Karna. With her keen intellect and resourcefulness, she was confident that she could uncover valuable information that would shed light on Ritsuka's abilities and how best to nurture them.

As she navigated through various sources and databases, Aozaki delved into ancient texts, scholarly articles, and historical records, scouring for any references to Karna and his association with sun magic. She meticulously cross-referenced her findings, piecing together fragments of knowledge to form a comprehensive understanding of the magic's origins and potential applications.

Hours passed as Aozaki delved deeper into her research, her determination unwavering as she pursued the truth behind Ritsuka's unique abilities. With each revelation she uncovered, she grew more convinced of the significance of his connection to Karna and the untapped potential that lay within him.

Finally, as the sun began to set and the day turned to dusk, Aozaki emerged from her study, her mind buzzing with newfound insights and possibilities. Armed with the knowledge she had acquired, she felt more prepared than ever to guide Ritsuka on his journey, knowing that together, they would unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny as a mage of unparalleled skill and potential.

Ten shadow. She said looking at pages. Now this is interesting even do much is not know about then other then it being connected to hero Karna, I wonder why there is zero information about this

As Aozaki delved further into her research, she couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue surrounding the elusive concept of the "Ten Shadows" attributed to the hero Karna. Despite her exhaustive efforts, she found herself hitting dead ends in her quest for information.

"This is peculiar," Aozaki muttered, frustration evident in her voice. "There should be more documented evidence or references, yet it's as if these 'Ten Shadows' have been intentionally obscured from history."

Her curiosity piqued, Aozaki resolved to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Ten Shadows, determined to unravel their mysteries and understand their significance in the context of Karna's legend.

To be continued