Going to a different country again

Ritsuka's training had progressed over the past two months, delving into areas of magic that challenged his moral compass.

Seciresly, I can't believe you stone mageic crest and used as your own. Ritsuka said looking at Aozaki. Then again they a mage just like me being morally gray is our thing.

Hey if it makes you feel better they were the worst do humanity and they are still alive. Aozaki said getting her bag out of the car. Sure not all of them but still a lot to them were, plush can you blame got a bad hand by family

Ritsuka couldn't help but feel conflicted about using stolen magic crests, but Aozaki's justification offered some reassurance, albeit uneasy.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Ritsuka replied with a sigh. "But still, it feels wrong to benefit from someone else's misfortune, even if they were bad people."

Aozaki nodded understandingly. "I get it, kid. But sometimes in this world, you've got to make tough choices to survive. Just make sure you use your powers for good, alright?"

What am complaining. Ritsuka though to him self. After all I had killed so many people they seeing someone die is just NUM to me so why am I supires at what my master is doing. He thought to him self

As Ritsuka grappled with his thoughts, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Despite his experiences in combat and the lives he had taken, there was still a part of him that clung to a sense of morality. Deep down, he knew that using others' suffering for his own gain didn't sit right with him. However, he also understood the harsh reality of the mage world – sometimes, survival demanded compromises.

Come on kid our flight is almost here. Aozaki said. So where do you think we are going next in our world trip. She asked Ritsuka

Ritsuka paused, considering the possibilities of their next destination. "Maybe somewhere in Europe?" he suggested tentatively. "Or perhaps Asia? There's so much to see and learn everywhere we go."

Close but close enough we are going to Ireland. She said as she dragged Ritsuka to the plain. After all that is the home country of rune magic and many legends like Chu Chulainn, the sun god lug and many more came

"Wow, Ireland," Ritsuka exclaimed with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I can't wait to learn more about rune magic and explore the rich history and mythology there." He followed Aozaki eagerly onto the plane, eager for the adventures that awaited them.

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Ritsuka couldn't contain his curiosity. "Do you think we'll encounter any legendary creatures or spirits during our time in Ireland?" he asked Aozaki. "I've heard so many stories about mythical beings like leprechauns and banshees. It would be incredible to see them firsthand."

Aozaki chuckled, adjusting her scarf as she settled into her seat. "Well, Ritsuka, while it's true that Ireland is steeped in folklore and mythology, encountering mythical creatures is quite rare these days," she explained. "But who knows? With your growing magical abilities, anything is possible. Just remember to approach any encounters with caution and respect." She flashed him a reassuring smile before pulling out a book on Irish legends from her bag. "In the meantime, we can immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of Irish mythology and history."

Mage craft. Ritsuka said to his teacher. Not magical mage craft.

I know kid juts messing with you it fun to mess with other mages by saying magic instead of mage craft. Aozaki said with her lapping. Now let's sleep and wake up once we arrive to our destination

Ritsuka nodded, chuckling softly at Aozaki's playful teasing. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan," he replied, settling back in his seat and closing his eyes, already feeling the anticipation of their next adventure building within him. As the plane hummed with the steady rhythm of flight, he let himself drift into a restful sleep, eagerly anticipating what awaited them in Ireland.

Hours passed as the plane soared through the sky, carrying Ritsuka and Aozaki closer to their destination. In his dreams, Ritsuka found himself wandering through lush green landscapes, surrounded by ancient ruins and mystical symbols. Visions of legendary heroes and mythical creatures danced through his mind, stirring his imagination and fueling his curiosity about the magical traditions of Ireland.

Eventually, the gentle hum of the plane and the soft murmurs of other passengers began to fade away as they approached their landing. Ritsuka stirred from his slumber, blinking away the remnants of his dreams as he glanced out the window, catching glimpses of emerald-green fields and rugged coastlines below.

"Looks like we're almost there," he remarked, turning to Aozaki with a smile. "Ready to dive into the world of rune magic and Irish folklore?"

So where are we going first master. Ritsuka asked his master. I wanna know

To a museum first. Aozaki looked at Ritsuka who was dum founded. Don't worry it is mages Museum not a normal one

As they disembarked from the plane and made their way through the bustling airport, Ritsuka's anticipation grew with each step. The prospect of exploring a museum dedicated to magecraft filled him with excitement and curiosity.

As they arrived at the museum, Ritsuka was immediately struck by the grandeur of the building's facade. Intricate symbols adorned the entrance, hinting at the ancient knowledge and powerful artifacts that lay within.

Stepping inside, Ritsuka found himself surrounded by exhibits showcasing the history and practice of magecraft throughout the ages. Ancient scrolls and spellbooks were displayed alongside mystical artifacts and enchanted relics, each telling a story of magic and mystery.

Aozaki led Ritsuka through the museum, explaining the significance of each exhibit and sharing insights into the practices of magecraft. Ritsuka listened intently, absorbing every detail and marveling at the wonders before him.

As they wandered through the halls, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the ancient art of magecraft. With each passing moment, his fascination with the magical world deepened, and he knew that his journey was only just beginning.

Ritsuka's mind buzzed with questions as he examined the artifacts before him. Were these treasures acquired through legitimate means, or had Chaldea obtained them by more dubious methods? The thought gnawed at him, stirring a mix of curiosity and concern.

As he gazed upon the relics, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that each item held a profound significance. These were not mere trinkets or curiosities; they were conduits to a bygone era, portals to a time when heroes walked the earth and legends were born.

Among the artifacts, Ritsuka spotted objects that bore the unmistakable mark of Ireland's rich mythological tapestry. From the legendary spear of Chu Chulainn to the sacred artifacts of the Tuatha Dé Danann, each piece held the power to summon forth the spirits of Ireland's greatest heroes.

But as Ritsuka pondered the origins of these artifacts, he couldn't help but wonder: had Chaldea obtained them through honorable means, or had they resorted to theft and deceit? The thought troubled him deeply, casting a shadow over his awe and wonder.

With a furrowed brow, Ritsuka resolved to uncover the truth behind Chaldea's acquisitions. He knew that the answers lay hidden within the depths of the museum, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek them out. And so, with determination in his heart, Ritsuka embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the past and forge a path towards a brighter future.

Found it kid. Aozaki voice cut through Ritsuka thoughts. I found it.

As Ritsuka saw that it was scroll that has alot of rune's on it as Ritsuka was kinda confused

Ritsuka's heart raced as Aozaki shattered the glass case and swiftly pocketed the ancient scroll. The realization dawned on him that they were not here for a simple visit; they were here to steal.

"Master, is this...?" Ritsuka began, his voice trailing off as Aozaki's actions confirmed his suspicions.

"Yes, Ritsuka," Aozaki replied, her tone calm yet resolute. "We are taking what rightfully belongs to us, what has been hidden away from those who seek to hoard knowledge for their own gain."

As then Ritsuka's mind buzzed with a mix of excitement and apprehension as they hurriedly made their way out of the museum. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for stealing, but at the same time, he knew that this scroll held the key to unlocking his potential as a mage.

As they emerged onto the streets of Ireland, Aozaki wasted no time in using the stolen runes to open a portal back to their hotel. With a quick glance around to ensure they hadn't been followed, she grabbed Ritsuka's hand and led him through the shimmering gateway.

As the portal closed behind them, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of what lay ahead. He knew that their actions would have consequences, but for now, he was eager to delve into the mysteries of the stolen scroll and unlock the secrets of rune magic.

Alright I will learn these first you go to the books and learn more mid level Runes for now Ritsuka don't want you to blow your self of. Aozaki said looking the scroll. Let's see what things you have

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Got it, Master. I'll make sure to study carefully and not overreach."

With a determined expression, he turned towards the bookshelves, scanning the titles for any volumes on mid-level runes. As he immersed himself in the study of rune magic, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation for what lay ahead. This stolen scroll held untold potential, and he was determined to unlock its secrets.

Meanwhile, Aozaki meticulously examined the ancient scroll, tracing her fingers over the intricate runes inscribed upon its surface. She knew that this artifact held the key to unlocking Ritsuka's true potential, but she also understood the dangers that came with wielding such power. As she delved deeper into its mysteries, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind.

Together, master and apprentice delved into the ancient art of rune magic, each determined to harness its power for their own purposes. But little did they know, their actions would set into motion a chain of events that would shape the fate of not only themselves but the world itself.

5 moth later

During their time in Ireland, Ritsuka and Aozaki delved deep into the heart of the country's magical heritage. They traversed bustling cities and serene countryside, immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of Irish culture and history.

They visited ancient sites steeped in mysticism, where the echoes of long-forgotten legends whispered on the wind. From the towering cliffs of Moher to the mysterious stone circles of Newgrange, each location held its own secrets waiting to be uncovered.

In the bustling streets of Dublin, they explored mage shops and libraries, seeking out rare tomes and artifacts that could further their understanding of rune magic. They engaged with local mages, exchanging knowledge and techniques that spanned centuries of tradition.

As the months passed, Ritsuka's skills in rune magic grew exponentially under Aozaki's tutelage. He honed his craft with precision and dedication, delving into the intricacies of each rune and its unique properties.

But amidst the excitement of discovery, shadows lurked in the corners of their journey. Aozaki remained vigilant, ever wary of the dangers that surrounded them. She knew that their quest for knowledge could attract unwanted attention, and she remained steadfast in her determination to protect her apprentice at all costs.

Together, master and apprentice forged ahead, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. As they ventured deeper into the heart of Ireland's magical realm, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with courage in their hearts and runes at their fingertips, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

What level of mage are you. Ritsuka asked his teacher. I mean everyone gives you respect.

I am clock tower one and only rare level mages. She said as she was looking to a few field of Karna. Mother fucking god. She thought to her self still finding noting about the 10 Shadows

As Ritsuka listened to Aozaki's response, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Clock Tower, the prestigious institution known for its mastery of magecraft, was revered among magi worldwide. To hear that his teacher held such a lofty position within its ranks only added to her mystique in his eyes.

"Clock Tower, huh? That's impressive," Ritsuka remarked, his admiration evident in his voice. "So, what's it like being one of the rarest mages there? Do you have a lot of responsibilities?"

Aozaki chuckled softly at his question, her gaze still fixed on the field of runes before her. "Responsibilities? More like endless paperwork and bureaucratic nonsense," she replied with a wry grin. "But it comes with the territory, I suppose. Being a clock tower mage means navigating the intricate web of mage society, with all its politics and power struggles."

She paused for a moment, her expression growing more serious. "But it also means having access to resources and knowledge that others can only dream of. It's a double-edged sword, but one that I've learned to wield to my advantage."

Ritsuka nodded, taking in her words thoughtfully. He had always known that the world of magecraft was fraught with complexities and challenges, but hearing about Aozaki's experiences firsthand brought a new level of understanding.

"Thanks for sharing, sensei," he said with a smile. "I guess we're both on a journey of discovery, huh? Learning and growing every step of the way."

Aozaki returned his smile, a hint of pride flickering in her eyes. "Indeed we are, Ritsuka. And I have no doubt that you'll become a formidable mage in your own right, with or without the title of Clock Tower mage."

With that, they turned their attention back to the field of runes, their minds buzzing with the endless possibilities that lay before them.

Plsuh it was that or have sealing designation on me. Aozaki siad. Will I use have one but know I don't

"Sealing designation?" Ritsuka repeated, furrowing his brow in confusion. "What's that?"

Aozaki sighed, her expression growing somber as she glanced at Ritsuka. "It's a form of punishment that Clock Tower imposes on mages who step out of line or break its rules," she explained. "Essentially, it's a way for them to control and monitor us, ensuring that we don't pose a threat to their authority."

Ritsuka's eyes widened in realization as he absorbed her words. The idea of being subjected to such a restrictive measure sent a chill down his spine.

"That sounds... terrible," he murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "But why would they want to do that to you?"

Aozaki shrugged nonchalantly, though there was a hint of bitterness in her tone. "Oh, you know. I've had my fair share of run-ins with the higher-ups, questioning their decisions and challenging their authority," she admitted. "But I've always been one to march to the beat of my own drum, consequences be damned."

She paused, her gaze hardening with resolve. "But I refuse to be shackled by their rules and regulations. I'd rather carve my own path, even if it means facing their wrath."

Ritsuka nodded in understanding, his admiration for his teacher growing with each passing moment. Despite the challenges she had faced and the obstacles in her way, Aozaki remained steadfast in her convictions, refusing to be cowed by the powers that be.

"Well, I'm glad you're not burdened by that anymore," he said earnestly, offering her a supportive smile. "And I'm grateful to have you as my teacher, sensei. You've taught me more than just magecraft – you've shown me the importance of standing up for what you believe in, no matter the cost."

Aozaki's lips quirked into a small smile at his words, a rare display of warmth from the usually stoic mage. "You're a good kid, Ritsuka," she said softly. "And I have no doubt that you'll accomplish great things in the world of magecraft – sealing designation or not."

With renewed determination, they returned their focus to the task at hand, ready to delve deeper into the mysteries of rune magic and unlock its secrets together.

We are moving tomorrow. Aozaki looked at the window seeing someone shadows. I getting the ticked get your bags we are not staying the extra month

Ritsuka nodded, sensing the urgency in Aozaki's tone. He quickly gathered his belongings, stuffing them into his bag before joining her at the window.

"Who was that?" he asked, peering out into the darkness where Aozaki had seen the shadows.

Aozaki's expression darkened as she scanned the area outside. "I'm not sure," she admitted, her voice low with concern. "But it's best not to take any chances. We'll leave tonight and make our way to the next destination under the cover of darkness."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, his instincts telling him that it was better to err on the side of caution. With their bags packed and their preparations complete, they slipped out of the hotel room and made their way to the nearest transportation hub, ready to embark on the next leg of their journey.

To be continued

Don't forget my power stones Our army is growing and we have tooken down the first leader is let the solder comes