improving my mage craft

As Ritsuka was on the plane with Aozaki to go to there next destination modern day Greece

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel excited about their next destination.

"So, what are we going to do in Greece?" Ritsuka asked, turning to Aozaki.

"We're going to delve into ancient Greek mythology and magecraft," Aozaki replied, adjusting her scarf. "There's a lot to learn from their rich history and magical practices."

Ritsuka nodded, intrigued by the prospect. "I can't wait to see the ruins and artifacts firsthand."

"Just remember to stay focused on your training," Aozaki reminded him. "We're here to improve your magecraft skills, not just sightsee."

"I know, I know," Ritsuka said with a grin. "But a little sightseeing won't hurt, right?"

Aozaki chuckled. "As long as you don't get too distracted."

With that, they settled in for the flight, eager for the adventures that awaited them in Greece.

After we get there I am checking you magic crest ok. She said to Ritsuka. Gotta see what you got and how many generations

"Sure thing," Ritsuka replied, nodding eagerly. "I'm curious to see what's in there too."

As the plane soared through the skies toward Greece, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about the secrets his magic crest held. He had always felt a connection to magecraft, but there was still so much he didn't know about his own abilities.

"Hey, Aozaki-sensei," Ritsuka said after a moment of silence. "Do you think my magic crest is strong?"

Aozaki glanced at him, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's hard to say without examining it first," she replied. "But considering your potential and the training you've received so far, I'd say it's quite promising."

Ritsuka smiled at her words, feeling a surge of excitement. With each new destination on their journey, he was one step closer to unlocking the full extent of his magical abilities.

As they arrived they checked into a room and Ritsuka took of his shirt as Aozaki looked at his magic crest, which was in his back

Holy damm. She said looking at it. That is a lot of generation of mages,

Ritsuka craned his neck to try to get a glimpse of his magic crest. "Is it really that impressive?" he asked, unable to hide his curiosity.

Aozaki nodded, her eyes still fixed on the intricate patterns etched into Ritsuka's skin. "Yes, it's quite rare to see a magic crest with so many generations," she explained. "Each generation adds to the potency of your magecraft, allowing you to access a wider range of spells and abilities."

Ritsuka felt a swell of pride at her words. For years, he had trained tirelessly to hone his magical skills, and now it seemed that his efforts were finally paying off.

"So, what can I do with it?" Ritsuka asked eagerly, his mind buzzing with possibilities.

Aozaki chuckled softly. "Well, that's what we're going to find out," she replied. "But first, let's get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

From what I count there atlest 50 or maybe more. Aozaki said looking at Ritsuka. And that is probably that not all the times your family had one kid so imagine that

Ritsuka's eyes widened in amazement. "Fifty generations?" he repeated, his voice tinged with awe. "I had no idea..."

Aozaki nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, it's quite remarkable," she said. "Your family has a long history of magical talent, and each generation has contributed to the development of your magic crest."

Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the thought of his ancestors, each one passing down their knowledge and abilities to the next. It was a legacy that he was determined to uphold and honor.

"So, what's next?" he asked eagerly, eager to delve deeper into the mysteries of his magic crest.

Aozaki smiled, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Next, we'll start exploring the full extent of your magical abilities," she said. "But for now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow promises to be an exciting day."

Also need to keep you away from clock as much as possible. She said looking at her young students. You first tirh mystic eye and now this what are you the main characters of a video, anime, book or something

Ritsuka chuckled at her remark. "I suppose you could say that," he replied with a wry smile. "But I never imagined my life would turn out like this."

Aozaki nodded in understanding. "Life has a funny way of surprising us," she said. "But you have a rare gift, Ritsuka. It's important that you learn to control and harness it."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression determined. "I won't let you down, sensei," he said earnestly. "I'll do whatever it takes to master my abilities and fulfill my potential."

Aozaki smiled, her eyes softening with pride. "I know you will," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Now, let's get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

After a few minutes Aozaki handed Ritsuka a list

List of all the mage craft you can access through the crest of your kids. Aozaki said looking at. You know I hit the jackpot first rainbow mystuc turned out to be the death perception, then I find out you have sun mage craft and are related to thr great heor Karna and now this, talk about lucking out in your life kid

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation as he scanned the list. "It's a lot to take in," he admitted. "But I'm determined to learn as much as I can."

Aozaki nodded in agreement. "That's the spirit," she said with a smile. "Remember, knowledge is power. The more you understand about your abilities, the better equipped you'll be to face whatever challenges come your way."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I won't let you down, sensei," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "I'll do whatever it takes to become the best mage I can be."

Aozaki smiled, her eyes gleaming with pride. "I have no doubt you will," she said, clapping him on the back. "Now, let's get started on your training. We have a lot of ground to cover."

Ritsuka's heart weighed heavy with guilt as he reflected on the missed opportunities and the power he possessed. Why hadn't these abilities surfaced earlier, when they could have made a difference? Why hadn't he delved deeper into magecraft before? These questions gnawed at him, filling him with self-doubt and regret.

As he grappled with these feelings, Aozaki noticed the change in his demeanor. "Is everything alright, Ritsuka?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Ritsuka hesitated, unsure of how to voice his inner turmoil. "I... I just can't help but feel like I've wasted so much time," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "If I had known about all of this sooner, maybe I could have done more. Maybe I could have saved them."

Aozaki placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's natural to feel that way," she said softly. "But dwelling on the past won't change anything. What matters now is what you do with the knowledge and abilities you have. Use them to forge a new path, one where you can make a difference."

Ritsuka nodded, the weight on his shoulders easing slightly at her words. "You're right," he said, determination flickering in his eyes. "I won't let this hold me back anymore. I'll use everything I have to protect those who matter most."

Aozaki smiled, a sense of pride swelling within her. "That's the spirit, Ritsuka," she said. "Now, let's focus on the present and the future. There's still much for you to learn and accomplish."

Also kid what are you taking about with 8. Aozaki said confused. Yuri stared learing about mage craft two year ago it is not like you time travel back to the past or something because that is impossible

Ritsuka blinked in surprise at Aozaki's words. "But... but I thought..." he stammered, his mind racing to make sense of what she was saying. "I mean, I've been through so much... and I remember..."

Aozaki's expression softened as she regarded him. "It's natural to feel disoriented after learning something new about yourself," she said gently. "But trust me, time travel is not something that can be achieved easily, if at all. What you're experiencing is likely just a mix of memories and emotions from your past."

Ritsuka nodded slowly, the pieces of the puzzle starting to come together in his mind. "I understand," he said, though a part of him still felt unsettled by the revelation. "I'll try not to dwell on it too much."

Aozaki gave him a reassuring smile. "Good," she said. "Now, let's focus on the task at hand. We have much to learn and explore here in Greece, and I don't want anything distracting us from that."

Kid your a kid live your life and form what i saw your living a happy life with your family so yeah what do you really mean. Aozaki said confused by her student. If there is something then tell me

Ritsuka close his mouth he had decide he will not tell anyone about his reset about his second chance by god

Noting it is just. Ritsuka said his world unable to be formed. Noting master let's just fouces on training

Aozaki regarded Ritsuka with a knowing look, sensing that there was more to his words than he was letting on. However, she respected his privacy and didn't press him further. "Alright then," she said, accepting his response. "Let's focus on our training and make the most of our time here in Greece."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, relieved that the topic had been dropped. He knew that he needed to come to terms with his past and his second chance, but for now, he was content to focus on honing his magecraft and exploring the mysteries of Greece with his mentor.

As then it shows Ritsuka in training room, as sun magic goes through his body a yellow glow comes up as he is ready to run

Ready, steady and go. Aozaki said as Ritsuka stared to run

Ritsuka dashed across the training room, his movements fueled by the power of sun magic coursing through his veins. With each step, he felt the energy surging within him, propelling him forward with incredible speed. Aozaki watched closely, observing his form and technique, ready to offer guidance and correction where needed. As Ritsuka pushed himself to his limits, determined to master his newfound abilities, he knew that with Aozaki's guidance, he would become a formidable mage capable of facing any challenge that lay ahead.

30 seacond not bad. Aozaki said. It looks your idea of using sun magic to improve your everything is good idea so what will you call this mode

As Ritsuka caught his breath, he pondered for a moment before responding, "Solar Dash. Yeah, Solar Dash Mode sounds fitting."

Aozaki nodded approvingly. "I like it. Keep practicing with Solar Dash Mode, and soon enough, you'll be even faster and more agile than before."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka continued his training, pushing himself to improve his mastery over sun magic and his physical abilities.

As then Aozaki pulled out the same scroll she stole as she looked at Ritsuka.

You have master the basics and middle of rune mage craft. Aozaki said looking at the scroll. Your learning fast we start the advanced this scroll you can learn when you reach master level

Ritsuka's eyes widened with excitement as he gazed at the intricate runes inscribed on the scroll. "Advanced rune magecraft... I can't wait to learn it!"

Aozaki nodded, a hint of pride in her expression. "You've shown remarkable progress, but remember, mastering advanced rune magecraft will require patience, dedication, and precision. Let's begin."

So how longer until I can learn the master one. Ritsuka said as his eyes had starts. How many year unthle I can learn from that scroll

Aozaki considered Ritsuka's question for a moment before responding, "It's hard to say exactly how long it will take. Mastering the advanced techniques could take several years of diligent practice and study. But with your talent and determination, I have no doubt you'll get there faster than most."

If i had to say probably a year. Aozaki said as she thinking a bit more. Or maybe a year and a half

"Wow, a year or a year and a half isn't that long at all!" Ritsuka exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement. "I'll make sure to work hard every day so I can reach that level as soon as possible!"

Now partic more. Aozaki said pulling out her phone. And for what I will be doing is looking up your ancestors Karna

As Aozaki began her search, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and anticipation. He wondered what secrets or connections to his family's past might be uncovered through Aozaki's investigation. While he continued his training, his mind occasionally drifted to thoughts of Karna and the potential insights that could be gained from learning more about him.

Seciresly why can't I find out about the ten shadow. Aozaki thoight to her self. This is giving me a headache, I swear to trh gods if we need to go to India just to find out. She said thinking to her self why. God I probably need to go to India don't I but for know let's just fouces on my students training. As she saw Ritsuka practiceing his sun mage crafts he runes at the same time making a unique combination

As Aozaki watched Ritsuka practice, a sense of pride welled up within her. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, she found solace in the dedication and progress of her young student. With a determined focus, she set aside her own frustrations and resolved to support Ritsuka on his journey of growth and discovery.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give my power stones our army is growing and will continue to grow, so um I have questions for everyone reading my fanfic should I create a Patreon so you guys can support me, and I can relish all the Ch I have written, and any future fanfic beacuse i am thus Naruto one in mind cakked Naruto childe of the sun god