Holy Church training

As the morning sun rose over the safe house in France, Ritsuka prepared himself for the arrival of the representatives from the Holy Church. He felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, unsure of what to expect from his training with them. Meanwhile, Aozaki made final preparations, ensuring that everything was in order for the day ahead. They awaited the arrival of Ciel, Caren Hortensia, and Ayato, the chosen representatives from the Executors, Exorcists, and Templars, respectively.

As the appointed time neared, a car pulled up outside the safe house, and the representatives from the Holy Church stepped out. They were greeted by Aozaki and Ritsuka, who welcomed them inside. Introductions were made, and the training session began in earnest.

So this is the kid. Ciel said looking at Ritsuka. I expect him to be older not

Aozaki nodded. "Appearances can be deceiving. But don't let his age fool you; Ritsuka has proven himself to be quite capable."

Caren Hortensia observed Ritsuka with keen interest. "Indeed, age matters little in matters of magecraft and combat. What matters is determination and skill."

Ayato, the Templar representative, remained silent, his gaze fixed on Ritsuka with a mixture of curiosity and scrutiny.

Ritsuka felt a surge of nervous energy as he stood before the representatives of the Holy Church. Despite his apprehension, he remained composed, ready to prove himself worthy of their training.

With Aozaki's guidance, the training session commenced. Each representative took turns instructing Ritsuka in their respective areas of expertise, pushing him to his limits and testing his abilities.

Under Ciel's watchful eye, Ritsuka underwent intense physical training, honing his combat skills and agility. With Caren's guidance, he delved into spiritual practices and exorcism rituals, strengthening his connection to the divine. And under Ayato's tutelage, he learned advanced magical techniques and tactics, mastering the intricacies of spellcasting and magical combat.

As the training progressed, Ritsuka's confidence grew, and he began to excel in each discipline. His determination and resilience impressed his instructors, earning their respect and admiration.

By the end of the training session, Ritsuka had undergone a remarkable transformation. He emerged stronger, more skilled, and fully prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. With the support of the Holy Church and his own unwavering resolve, he was ready to embark on his next journey as a mage and defender of humanity.

So that is Caren before she became a sudo servent. Ritsuka though to him self ass he looked at Caren. What do you think Edmond

Edmond's voice echoed in Ritsuka's mind. "She is a formidable individual, with a strong sense of duty and conviction. Her path may lead her down unexpected roads, but her resolve will remain unwavering."

Ritsuka nodded silently, pondering Edmond's words. He felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to train under such skilled and experienced instructors, including Caren in her current capacity.

As the training continued, Ritsuka remained focused, absorbing as much knowledge and skill as he could from each of the representatives. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity and emerge stronger than ever before.

As Ritsuka was still training under Caren before he moves to Ayato, Ayato was looking at him, as he looked at Aozaki

That boy is fast learner. Ayato said looking at Ritsuka. Not just that he picked up on things real fast almost like he had fast growth like in some video games I played

Aozaki nodded in agreement, observing Ritsuka's progress with a keen eye. "Indeed, he has shown remarkable aptitude and adaptability. It's as if he's tapping into some innate potential that's been lying dormant within him."

Ayato chuckled softly. "Perhaps he's simply a natural talent. Whatever the case, it's clear that he possesses a rare gift for magecraft."

Together, they continued to monitor Ritsuka's training, marveling at his rapid advancement and looking forward to witnessing his future accomplishments.

Hey so the church has connections in all countries? Aozaki said to Ayato. If I am not wrong right.

"Yes, that's correct," Ayato replied. "The Holy Church has a vast network of contacts and influence spanning across various nations. It's one of the reasons why they hold considerable sway in the world of magecraft and the supernatural."

Aozaki nodded thoughtfully. "That explains why they were able to mobilize so quickly to protect Ritsuka. They certainly have the resources to keep a close eye on him."

As they conversed, Ritsuka continued his training diligently, unaware of the discussions taking place around him but determined to excel under the guidance of his mentors.

So can do me something. As Aozaki sent him something. Can you dig up some information.

As Ayato saw the link sent it was of karna and the ten shadow

What is this miss Aozaki. Ayato said looking at her.

"That," Aozaki began, her expression grave, "is a topic of great mystery and intrigue within the magical community. The Ten Shadows is a concept shrouded in secrecy, with only fragments of information scattered throughout history."

She continued, her tone serious. "Karna's association with the Ten Shadows is particularly enigmatic. Despite his legendary status and numerous tales recounting his exploits, very little is known about this aspect of his life. It's as if the Ten Shadows have been deliberately erased from historical records."

Ayato nodded, absorbing the information. "So, what do you hope to find by delving into this mystery?"

Aozaki's gaze turned steely. "Answers. Answers that may shed light on Ritsuka's past and the true extent of his abilities. Whatever the Ten Shadows are, they hold significance, and I intend to uncover the truth."

As then Ayato left pulling out bunch of weapon as he goes to Ritsuka.

I will be training you on how to use weapon like the black key's. Ayato said to Ritsuka. So let's began

Ritsuka nodded eagerly, intrigued by the prospect of learning new skills. As Ayato demonstrated various techniques with the black keys, Ritsuka observed closely, absorbing every detail.

"Okay, let me try," Ritsuka said, stepping forward to mimic Ayato's movements. With focused determination, he practiced wielding the black keys, gradually gaining proficiency with each repetition.

Ayato nodded approvingly as he observed Ritsuka's progress. "You have a natural talent for this," he remarked. "But remember, mastering these weapons requires discipline and dedication. Keep practicing, and you'll become even more formidable."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka continued his training, driven by the desire to hone his skills and fulfill his potential.

As the training session progressed, Ritsuka's proficiency with the black keys improved significantly. Under Ayato's guidance, he learned various techniques, from basic strikes to more advanced maneuvers.

Ayato observed Ritsuka's dedication and progress with satisfaction. "You're adapting quickly," he remarked, impressed by Ritsuka's determination. "But there's still much to learn. Let's move on to defensive techniques."

Ritsuka nodded eagerly, ready to absorb more knowledge. Ayato demonstrated defensive maneuvers, teaching Ritsuka how to parry and counter enemy attacks effectively.

As Ritsuka practiced, he felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that he was acquiring valuable skills that would serve him well in the future. With each training session, he grew more confident in his abilities, fueled by the desire to protect those he cared about and confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ritsuka's days were packed with rigorous training, but he relished every moment of it. In the mornings, he honed his magecraft under Aozaki's guidance, delving deeper into elemental manipulation and refining his sun and rune magecraft. With each passing day, his control and mastery over his abilities grew stronger, and Aozaki watched with pride as her student flourished.

During the afternoons, Ritsuka trained with the representatives from the Holy Church, whom he fondly referred to as his "church masters." Under their tutelage, he learned the art of combat and weaponry, including the precise handling of the black keys. Ciel, in particular, took a keen interest in Ritsuka's mystic eyes of death perception, recognizing their significance and potential.

As Ritsuka demonstrated his abilities, Ciel's curiosity was piqued. "I've encountered someone with similar abilities before," she mentioned, her tone tinged with intrigue. "It's rare to find individuals with such unique gifts."

Ritsuka listened intently, intrigued by Ciel's revelation. He wondered about the person she mentioned and what connection they might have to his own abilities. Yet, amidst the intensity of their training, there was little time for further discussion as they focused on sharpening Ritsuka's skills and preparing him for whatever challenges lay ahead.

By any chance is there name shiki tohno. Aozaki asked Ciel. If I am not wrong with the name that is

"Yes, that's correct," Ciel replied, her expression thoughtful. "Shiki Tohno is the name of the individual I encountered. His abilities are quite similar to yours, especially in regards to the mystic eyes of death perception."

Aozaki nodded, her interest piqued. "I see. Shiki Tohno... His name is well-known among certain circles. It's fascinating to hear that there's another with similar abilities."

Ritsuka listened attentively, intrigued by the mention of Shiki Tohno. He wondered about the connection between their abilities and what it could mean for his own journey. As the conversation continued, he resolved to learn more about this mysterious figure and the secrets surrounding his unique gifts.

Also I gess it makes sense you will know about my sister student. Aozaki said sigh. Seciresly what was she thinking

Ciel nodded sympathetically. "Indeed, it's not uncommon for our paths to intersect with those connected to the mysteries of magecraft. As for Shiki Tohno, his journey and his encounters may shed light on the complexities of your own abilities and the paths you may tread."

Aozaki sighed, acknowledging the interconnectedness of their world and the myriad forces at play. "Indeed, the decisions of others can often impact our own paths in unexpected ways. But it's our task to navigate these complexities and forge our own destinies."

With a shared understanding of the challenges they faced, Aozaki and Ciel continued their conversation, delving into the intricacies of their shared knowledge and experiences in the world of magecraft.

Um master what would have happened if I was trained by your sister. Ritsuka asked looking at his master. Can you tell.

Aozaki's expression softened with a faint smile at Ritsuka's question. "Well, if you were trained by my sister, you'd likely have a different approach to magecraft. Tohno Shiki, her former student, possessed unique abilities tied to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, much like your own."

She paused, considering the implications. "While her methods may be unorthodox and her demeanor rather... eccentric, she's undeniably skilled and knowledgeable. You might have learned unconventional techniques and gained insights into magecraft that few others possess."

Aozaki chuckled at her own jest about her sister's personal life. "As for her personal life, well, that's a different story altogether. Let's just say she has her own way of doing things. But in any case, you're here with me now, and we'll make the most of our time together."

As the training continues with the church as this time Ritsuka was learning with Caren she was teaching him many holy prayers to use agent's things like other mages, dead Apocalypse, undead basically anything the church considered unholy

Under Caren's tutelage, Ritsuka delved into the world of holy prayers, learning the intricate rituals and chants that the Church employed against various supernatural threats. Each prayer was imbued with centuries of tradition and faith, serving as powerful weapons against the forces of darkness.

Caren patiently guided Ritsuka through the nuances of each prayer, ensuring that he understood not only the words but also their deeper meanings and the intentions behind them. She emphasized the importance of faith and conviction, teaching him that the power of these prayers stemmed not just from their words but from the unwavering belief of those who wielded them.

As Ritsuka practiced these prayers, he could feel a sense of divine energy coursing through him, filling him with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. With each recitation, he grew more confident in his ability to stand against the darkness and protect those in need.

Under Caren's guidance, Ritsuka honed his skills as a defender of righteousness, ready to face whatever challenges the future might hold.

Hey your not trying to take my students to church are you. Aozaki said looking at Ayato and Ciel. Beacuse if so you guys have other things to worry about

Ayato and Ciel exchanged a glance before Ayato responded, "No, Miss Aozaki, we're here to train your student in combat techniques and holy rituals, not recruit him to the Church. Our goal is to prepare him to face the supernatural threats that may arise in his path."

Ciel nodded in agreement. "Indeed, our duty is to ensure that Ritsuka Fujimaru is well-equipped to defend himself and others against any dangers he may encounter. We have no intention of interfering with his personal beliefs or affiliations."

Aozaki eyed them skeptically before nodding. "Good. Just making sure we're on the same page. Ritsuka's training is my priority, and I won't tolerate any attempts to sway him in one direction or another."

"Understood," Ayato replied, and Ciel echoed his sentiment. They returned their focus to Ritsuka's training, reaffirming their commitment to preparing him for the challenges ahead without imposing any external agendas.

As the next day arrives as Ritsuka was training with Ciel hit him to hard and sent him to a three.

Shit are you ok kid. Ciel runs to Ritsuka. Are you on ok

As then Ritsuka body busted out into black flames the flames didn't hurt him but it did started to burn everything and all things

To be continued

Yesh I am cuitng of the Ch her deal with anyway don't forget my power stones because our army is growing and it won't stop also I have question do you guys want rwby fanfic because I have this one fanfic in mind