Black flames

Aozaki rushed over, her expression alarmed as she observed the sudden eruption of black flames. "What's happening?" she exclaimed, scanning Ritsuka for any signs of distress.

Ciel backed away, her eyes wide with shock. "I-I don't know," she stammered, watching the flames with growing concern. "I didn't mean to... It was just a training exercise..."

Aozaki quickly assessed the situation, her mind racing with possibilities. "It seems like some sort of reaction," she mused, trying to recall any similar instances in her vast knowledge of magecraft. "Ritsuka, try to focus your energy. Concentrate on containing the flames."

Ritsuka nodded, his brow furrowed in concentration as he attempted to reign in the flames. With a deep breath, he centered his thoughts and channeled his mana, willing the flames to recede. Slowly, the black flames began to diminish, eventually fading away entirely.

As the ordeal subsided, Aozaki let out a sigh of relief. "Well done, Ritsuka," she said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "That was unexpected, but you handled it admirably."

Ciel approached cautiously, still visibly shaken by the incident. "I'm sorry," she apologized, her voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't mean to cause any harm."

Aozaki nodded understandingly. "It's alright. We'll need to be more careful in the future," she replied, her mind already formulating plans to prevent any similar occurrences. "Let's take a break for now and regroup later. Ritsuka, you should rest and recover from the strain."

With that, they decided to temporarily halt the training session, giving Ritsuka time to recuperate and allowing them to assess the situation more thoroughly before resuming their efforts.

As then Edmond spoke to Ritsuka.

Remarkable. Edmond said shocked. Master you access my flames how, but at the same time it was not mine it was different it flushed with you sun mage craft

As Ritsuka experienced the merging of his sun magecraft with Edmond's flames, he couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment at the unexpected phenomenon. "Edmond, what just happened?" he asked silently, directing his thoughts towards the familiar voice within his mind.

Edmond's response came swiftly, his tone filled with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "It appears that your sun magecraft has intertwined with my flames in a most unexpected manner," he explained, his words resonating within Ritsuka's consciousness. "This could signify a deeper connection between your abilities and those of your Servants."

Ritsuka pondered Edmond's words, his mind racing with possibilities. "Do you think it's related to my Command Spells?" he wondered, recalling the symbol etched upon his hand, a constant reminder of his contract with the Heroic Spirits.

"It's certainly a possibility," Edmond replied thoughtfully. "Your Command Spells serve as a conduit for your authority as a Master, allowing you to channel the power of your Servants. It's conceivable that this connection extends beyond mere command and influences the very essence of your magecraft."

Aozaki, unaware of the silent exchange occurring within Ritsuka's mind, observed the scene before her with keen interest, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected manifestation of Ritsuka's abilities. As Ritsuka and Edmond delved deeper into the mystery together, they remained united by an unbreakable bond forged through countless trials and shared experiences, their journey intertwined by fate and destiny.

I wanna train these flames. He said to Aozaki. If it is mine then I will learn more

Aozaki regarded Ritsuka with a mixture of caution and fascination, recognizing the potential significance of his newfound ability. "Very well," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "But we must proceed with caution. These flames hold great power, and delving too deeply into their mysteries could have unforeseen consequences."

With Ritsuka's determination to master his unique flames, Aozaki made preparations for specialized training sessions, focusing on honing his control and understanding of this newfound aspect of his magecraft. Together, they embarked on a journey of discovery, exploring the depths of Ritsuka's abilities while remaining vigilant against any potential dangers that lurked within.

As for the next few hours Ritsuka practice with the flames as Ayato, Ciel and Caren were there just in case

Under the watchful eyes of Ayato, Ciel, and Caren, Ritsuka delved deeper into the mysteries of his newfound flames. With each passing hour, he gained greater control and mastery over the fiery energy that surged within him. Ayato offered guidance on combat techniques, teaching Ritsuka how to channel the flames into devastating attacks while maintaining precision and control.

Ciel and Caren provided support from the sidelines, offering advice on maintaining balance and harmony between Ritsuka's various magical abilities. Their collective expertise ensured that Ritsuka's training remained focused and productive, allowing him to push the boundaries of his capabilities without succumbing to the dangers that lurked within.

As the training session drew to a close, Ritsuka could feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Though mastering his newfound flames would require continued dedication and practice, he had taken the first crucial steps on the path to unlocking his full potential. With the guidance of his mentors and the support of his allies, Ritsuka was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Let's see what we know so far. Aozaki said. These flames are stronger then any other flame mage craft, and it burns and only Ritsuka can turn it of and if Ritsuka doesn't do that it doesn't stop unthle the target is fully burn

As Aozaki analyzed the situation, she noted the unique properties of Ritsuka's flames. They burned with an intensity unlike any other flame magecraft she had encountered, and their ability to persist until their target was fully consumed was both impressive and concerning. It was clear that these flames held immense power, but with that power came the potential for great danger if left unchecked.

"Impressive," Aozaki remarked, her gaze fixed on Ritsuka. "But such power comes with its own set of risks. We must ensure that you maintain strict control over these flames at all times. Losing control could have dire consequences, not only for your enemies but for yourself and those around you."

She paused, deep in thought, before continuing. "We'll need to develop a thorough understanding of the nature of these flames and how best to harness and control them. This will require careful experimentation and training, but with patience and determination, we can unlock the full potential of your abilities while minimizing the risks involved."

We haven't tryed holy water. Ayato said. Let's see if holy water can effect these black flames like normal water

"That's worth a try," Aozaki agreed, nodding thoughtfully. "If holy water can affect these flames differently than regular water, it could provide valuable insight into their nature and potential weaknesses."

With Ayato's suggestion in mind, they obtained some holy water and approached Ritsuka cautiously. Aozaki instructed Ritsuka to summon his flames while Ayato carefully poured the holy water over them, observing the reaction closely.

As the holy water made contact with the black flames, they sputtered and flickered, their intensity dimming slightly. It was clear that the holy water had some effect, albeit not as pronounced as they had hoped.

"It seems holy water can dampen the flames to some extent," Aozaki noted, analyzing the results. "But it's not a complete solution. We'll need to explore other methods of control and containment. Perhaps there are other holy artifacts or rituals that could help mitigate the flames' power."

With this new information, they continued their research, determined to uncover more about the mysterious black flames and how best to manage them.

It is not the most effective holy water we got. Ciel said looking at the flame. This one is not as pure I think the more pure the holy water the better

"Indeed, purity might play a significant role," Aozaki agreed, nodding in acknowledgment of Ciel's observation. "We should procure a sample of the purest holy water available and conduct further experiments to gauge its effectiveness against the flames."

Taking Ciel's suggestion into account, they made arrangements to obtain a sample of the purest holy water they could find, aiming to test its potency against Ritsuka's black flames. With their focus on finding a solution, they continued their investigation, determined to uncover any weaknesses or limitations of the enigmatic flames.

As they awaited the arrival of the pure holy water, Ritsuka continued to practice controlling the black flames under the guidance of Aozaki. Each day brought new insights and discoveries about the nature of these unique flames, and Ritsuka's proficiency in wielding them steadily improved.

Meanwhile, Ayato, Ciel, and Caren assisted in researching potential countermeasures and defensive strategies against the flames. They scoured ancient texts and consulted experts within the Holy Church to gather information that could aid in their understanding of this mysterious phenomenon.

When the pure holy water finally arrived, they wasted no time in conducting their experiments. They observed closely as the water made contact with the black flames, noting any changes in behavior or intensity. The results of these tests would be crucial in formulating a comprehensive strategy for dealing with the flames in various situations.

As their investigation progressed, they delved deeper into the origins of the flames and the connection to Ritsuka's sun magecraft. With each revelation, they moved closer to unraveling the secrets behind this extraordinary ability and unlocking its full potential.

It works. Ritsuka said looking at the flames going away. I gess the more pure the water the powerful the effect

"That's promising," Aozaki remarked, nodding in approval. "We'll need to remember that for future encounters. It seems your flames have a vulnerability after all."

As they continued their research and training, they remained vigilant, knowing that understanding and mastering these flames would be crucial for Ritsuka's development as a mage. With each new discovery, they grew closer to unlocking the full extent of his abilities and harnessing them for the greater good.

Now what do we call the flames. Ayato said looking at Ritsuka. I mean we can't just call them the flames

Amaterasu. Ritsuka said not hesitating. The name of these flames will be Amaterasu

"Amaterasu," Ayato repeated, mulling over the name. "A fitting choice. The flames are as brilliant and powerful as the sun goddess herself."

With the flames now named, they continued their training, honing Ritsuka's control over Amaterasu and exploring its capabilities further. Each step brought them closer to unlocking the true potential of these extraordinary flames.

I wonder if I can make weapon like how I do with my sun mage craft. Ritsuka though to him self. I mean I have gotten to the point were it is like project but stronger

Ah, I see. Ritsuka's thoughts shifted to his newly discovered ability, the Amaterasu flames. He considered the possibility of fashioning weapons directly from the ethereal fire, harnessing its intense heat and destructive power to create formidable armaments.

"Perhaps I can mold the flames into solid forms," Ritsuka mused, his mind brimming with potential designs. "Blades infused with the essence of Amaterasu, capable of cutting through anything in their path."

Excited by the prospect, Ritsuka resolved to experiment with shaping the flames into weaponry, eager to see what formidable creations he could bring forth.

Meanwhile in a different place, beryl was seen talking out a target, as he then pulled out his phone

Yeah mission done sent me my payment. Beryl said to the man. So make it quick

As Beryl awaited his payment, frustration gnawed at him. Despite his relentless pursuit, Ritsuka Fujimaru remained elusive, evading his every attempt to track him down.

"Where are you hiding, Ritsuka Fujimaru?" Beryl muttered to himself, his gaze darkening with determination. "No matter where you run, I'll find you. And when I do, you'll regret ever crossing paths with me."

Beryl's mind raced with questions as he pondered the motives behind his client's relentless pursuit of Ritsuka Fujimaru. Despite his efforts, the pieces of the puzzle refused to fit together, leaving him with a sense of unease and frustration.

"Is it a personal vendetta? Or is there something more to this?" Beryl mused, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty. "Whatever the reason, I'll uncover the truth. And when I do, it'll shake the foundations of everything."

Maybe I should find another church person. He said as evil grinn came to his face. And he can give my answer as he "chat". Beryl said the last part with malice's

Beryl's grin widened as a sinister plan began to take shape in his mind. With a newfound sense of determination, he set his sights on his next target, determined to extract the answers he sought by any means necessary.

"I'll find you, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Beryl muttered darkly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "And when I do, you'll regret crossing paths with me."

To be continued

Yeah so um hope people like this Ch and give me power stones our army won't ever stop growing and lets go also sorry for the short Ch, also do you guys wanr rwbu fanfic