Beryl's Schemes

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the city, Beryl walked through the dimly lit streets, his mind consumed with thoughts of his next move. He had been tirelessly hunting for Ritsuka Fujimaru, following every lead, interrogating every contact, but the elusive target remained one step ahead.

"I need to find another angle," Beryl muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the bustling streets for any sign of his prey. As he passed by a dimly lit alley, a shadowy figure stepped out from the darkness, causing Beryl to tense up.

"Who's there?" Beryl demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for the concealed weapon at his side.

"It seems we have a mutual interest," a voice replied from the shadows, sending a shiver down Beryl's spine. "I've been watching you, Beryl. Your efforts to find Ritsuka Fujimaru have not gone unnoticed."

Beryl's heart raced as he struggled to maintain his composure. "Who are you? And what do you want with Fujimaru?"

The figure stepped forward, revealing themselves to be a tall, imposing man dressed in dark robes. "I am but a humble servant of the Church, tasked with ensuring that certain... loose ends are taken care of," the man said cryptically. "As for Fujimaru, let's just say that his existence poses a threat to our plans."

Beryl's mind raced as he processed the man's words. "So, you're after Fujimaru too?"

The man nodded, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Indeed. And it seems we share a common goal. Perhaps we can be of assistance to each other."

Beryl's instincts screamed at him to be cautious, but the allure of a potential ally in his hunt for Fujimaru was too great to resist. "What do you have in mind?" he asked cautiously.

The man stepped closer, his voice lowering to a whisper. "I have information that may lead you to Fujimaru's whereabouts. In exchange, I require your... unique talents to deal with a certain obstacle in my path."

Beryl's mind raced as he weighed the risks and rewards of the man's proposition. Could this be the break he had been waiting for, or was it merely another trap waiting to ensnare him?

"I'm listening," Beryl said, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil. "Tell me what you need, and I'll consider your offer."

The man's lips curled into a sly smile, sensing Beryl's interest. "Very well," he said, his voice dripping with intrigue. "There is a troublesome individual who has been meddling in our affairs—a mage of considerable skill and cunning. We believe he may hold valuable information that could aid us in our pursuit of Fujimaru."

Beryl's mind raced as he processed the man's words. "And you want me to... take care of this mage for you?"

The man nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Precisely. Eliminate him, and I will provide you with the information you seek regarding Fujimaru's whereabouts. It's a simple exchange, wouldn't you agree?"

Beryl's thoughts churned as he weighed the implications of the man's proposition. On one hand, obtaining information about Fujimaru's location could bring him one step closer to completing his mission. On the other hand, aligning himself with the Church—an organization known for its secrecy and ruthlessness—could prove to be a dangerous gambit.

"I'll need more details," Beryl said, his voice betraying none of his uncertainty. "Who is this mage, and where can I find him?"

The man's smile widened, revealing a glint of satisfaction. "All in due time, my friend. First, we must formalize our agreement. Do we have a deal?"

Beryl hesitated for a moment, the weight of his decision bearing down on him. But in the end, his desire to uncover the truth about Fujimaru's mysterious past outweighed his reservations.

"We have a deal," Beryl said, his voice steady. "But know this—I won't be your pawn. If you betray me, there will be consequences."

The man's smile widened into a grin, his eyes alight with malicious glee. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of betraying you, Beryl. After all, we're on the same side, aren't we?"

With a silent nod, the two men sealed their pact, setting into motion a chain of events that would alter the course of their destinies forever. As they disappeared into the shadows of the night, their fates became entwined in a dangerous game of power, deception, and betrayal. And somewhere in the darkness, Ritsuka Fujimaru remained a silent figure, unaware of the forces converging around him.

Meanwhile in a different place the future director and doctor of Chaldea Dr Romani aka the real Solomon was in his room as he was drinking his coffee as then multiple knifes as set flying as he moved as he saw someone walking up to him it was Beryl,

Noting personal who ever you are just a job. Beryl said activating his mage craft. Anyway good night

Dr. Romani's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "I see you've come looking for trouble," he replied, his voice calm but tinged with a hint of caution. "But you've chosen the wrong target."

As Beryl launched another wave of attacks, Dr. Romani deftly dodged and countered with his own defensive spells. The room erupted into chaos as spells clashed and magical energy crackled in the air.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Dr. Romani remarked, his movements fluid and precise. "But I'm not one to be underestimated."

With a swift motion, Dr. Romani unleashed a powerful spell, binding Beryl in place and leaving him vulnerable to attack. As Beryl struggled against the magical restraints, Dr. Romani approached him with a steely gaze.

"Now, let's talk about why you're really here," Dr. Romani said, his tone cold and authoritative. "And what your employer's true motives are."

Beryl smirked, keeping his composure. "You're a smart man, Doctor. But I'm afraid my lips are sealed. I'm just here to do a job, nothing more." He readied his stance, prepared for any retaliation from Romani.

Romani leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "If that's the case, then I suggest you finish your job quickly and leave. There's nothing for you here." Despite his calm demeanor, there was a hint of warning in his tone. Beryl nodded, acknowledging the implied threat, before turning on his heel and disappearing into the shadows. Romani sighed, contemplating the implications of Beryl's presence.

I think I should take Marisbury offer and join Chaldea already. As he picked up his phone and called. Yeah up about that offer of your

As Beryl was running he didn't though this how things will go, he thought he will done with the man but no he inserts runned

As Beryl raced through the shadows, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every corner he turned, every alley he darted down, he felt a presence lurking just out of sight. It was as if the very darkness itself was conspiring against him. But he pressed on, determined to escape whatever unseen threat loomed behind him.

Suddenly, Beryl felt a sharp pain in his side, followed by a searing heat. He stumbled forward, clutching his wound as blood seeped through his fingers.

"Who's there?!" he shouted into the darkness, his voice tinged with panic.

But there was no reply, only the echo of his own fear reverberating through the empty streets. Beryl knew he had to find help, but with each step he took, the pain grew more intense, threatening to overwhelm him. Sweat beaded on his brow as he staggered forward, desperate to escape the unseen assailant and reach safety.

As Beryl saw it was the same man who sent him to kill the Dr

Beryl's eyes widened in recognition as he stumbled backward, his heart racing with fear and confusion. It was the man who had hired him for the job, the one who had tasked him with eliminating Dr. Romani. But why was he here now, and why had he attacked Beryl instead?

"Wait, why are you doing this?!" Beryl cried out, his voice trembling as he struggled to maintain his composure. "I did what you asked! I completed the mission!"

The man's expression remained cold and impassive as he approached Beryl, his footsteps echoing ominously in the quiet street. Without a word, he raised his hand, and Beryl braced himself for another attack, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

As then the man stopped another voice saying to spear him, as Beryl saw it was the man who hired him to kill Ritsuka, he just looked at Beryl before dropping a folder of Ritsuka location and left with the other man

Beryl's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. These people weren't just after Dr. Romani; they were also targeting Ritsuka. His mind raced as he considered his next move. Should he warn Ritsuka? Should he try to confront the people who had hired him?

In the end, he knew he had no choice but to act quickly. With a sense of urgency, he reached for the folder, his hands trembling as he flipped it open to examine its contents. Inside were detailed instructions and information about Ritsuka's whereabouts, along with a chilling warning about the danger he was facing.

Gripping the folder tightly, Beryl made a decision. He would find Ritsuka and warn him of the imminent threat. Whatever his past motivations had been, he couldn't stand idly by and allow harm to come to an innocent child.

With a determined resolve, Beryl set off into the night, his mind filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. He may have started out as an assassin, but now he was determined to become something more a protector, a guardian, and perhaps even a hero.

Beryl's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. These people weren't just after Dr. Romani; they were also targeting Ritsuka. His mind raced as he considered his next move. Should he warn Ritsuka? Should he try to confront the people who had hired him?

In the end, he knew he had no choice but to act quickly. With a sense of urgency, he reached for the folder, his hands trembling as he flipped it open to examine its contents. Inside were detailed instructions and information about Ritsuka's whereabouts, along with a chilling warning about the danger he was facing.

Gripping the folder tightly, Beryl made a decision. He had decide to just complete after all the other option was to face does man

As the next day arrives as Ritsuka was with Ciel they were in a forest, they decide they need a bigger place to train and for Ritsuka to learn more about his flames as they were multiple magical speel and knife were sent at them

Ritsuka swiftly activated his Amaterasu flames, engulfing the incoming spells and knives in black fire. He then focused on controlling the flames, directing them to dissipate harmlessly in the air. Ciel, impressed by Ritsuka's control over his newfound power, nodded in approval. "Your progress is remarkable, Ritsuka," she remarked. "But we must remain vigilant. There may be more threats lurking nearby." They continued their training, honing Ritsuka's skills amidst the challenges of the forest environment.

As then Beryl comes out of the forest, as Ritsuka sees him his eyes wident and anger comes over him, he was told what he did to mash in the original timeline, even do those even thank god still didn't happen his heart was still in revenge mode not just that he was the reason Pepe died so he was ready to burn him alive.

Listen I don't have much time to I will end this mast. As beryl using his crush turned him self into a black wolf ( imagine Berly from his boss fight ). So I will quickly end this

As then puch from Ritsuka sent him flying as his body was glowing with Sun mage craft

Ritsuka's body radiated with intense heat as he channeled his Sun mage craft, enveloping himself in a blazing aura. With a determined expression, he confronted the transformed Beryl, his eyes reflecting the flames swirling around him. "You won't escape this time," Ritsuka declared, his voice filled with resolve. As Beryl lunged forward, Ritsuka unleashed a torrent of searing flames, engulfing the black wolf in a blaze of fire. The forest echoed with the sound of crackling flames as Ritsuka unleashed his full power, determined to put an end to Beryl's threat once and for all.

As Beryl, in his transformed state, charged at Ritsuka with ferocious speed, Ritsuka stood his ground, his eyes narrowed in concentration. With a swift motion, he conjured a barrier of shimmering flames around himself, deflecting Beryl's initial assault. The flames crackled and danced in response to Ritsuka's will, forming a protective shield against the incoming attack.

Beryl snarled as he crashed against the barrier, his claws scraping against the fiery surface. With a menacing growl, he lunged again, his fangs bared in a vicious display. But Ritsuka was prepared. Channeling his sun mage craft, he unleashed a powerful wave of scorching heat, aiming directly at Beryl.

The intense flames engulfed the black wolf, searing his fur and causing him to recoil in pain. Despite the agony, Beryl pressed on, his determination unwavering. With a swift movement, he leaped over the flames, aiming to strike at Ritsuka from above.

But Ritsuka was one step ahead. As Beryl descended upon him, Ritsuka unleashed a barrage of fireballs, each one aimed with pinpoint accuracy. The fiery projectiles soared through the air, converging on Beryl with relentless force.

Caught off guard by the onslaught, Beryl let out a pained yelp as the fireballs struck true, engulfing him in a blazing inferno. The intense heat washed over the surrounding area, casting flickering shadows across the forest.

As the flames subsided, Ritsuka stood panting, his chest heaving with exertion. He watched intently as the smoke cleared, waiting to see if Beryl had been defeated or if the relentless adversary would rise once more.

Damm you almost killed me. Beryl said using some healing mage craft to heal him. But I am not dead.

As then Ritsuka used some Gravity's runes to pull him to trh earth, as then Used his black flames to start to burn him, he was making sure to keep him dead

As Beryl plummeted to the ground, pulled by the force of Ritsuka's gravity mage craft, he let out a desperate cry. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the earth, causing the ground to tremble beneath them.

But Ritsuka was unrelenting. As Beryl lay sprawled on the forest floor, struggling to rise, Ritsuka summoned the full extent of his Amaterasu flames. The black flames surged forward, enveloping Beryl in their searing embrace.

The intense heat consumed everything in its path, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. Beryl's agonized screams echoed through the forest as the flames licked at his form, devouring him with merciless fury.

Ritsuka watched grimly as the flames consumed Beryl, his expression stoic and determined. He knew that this was necessary, that Beryl posed a threat that could not be allowed to persist.

As the flames subsided, leaving nothing but smoldering embers in their wake, Ritsuka took a moment to catch his breath. He had emerged victorious, but the battle had taken its toll. With a weary sigh, he turned and made his way back through the forest, his mind already racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.

Are you ok kid. Ciel asked looking at him. I mean sure he tryed to kill us but that was another perosn you just killed

"I'm fine," Ritsuka replied, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "It had to be done. He was a threat, not just to us, but to others as well."

Despite his words, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within him. Taking a life, even in self-defense, weighed heavily on his conscience. But he knew that he couldn't afford to dwell on it now. There were still dangers ahead, and he needed to stay focused if he was going to overcome them.

"We should keep moving," Ritsuka continued, his gaze scanning the forest warily. "We don't know if there are more like him out there, and I don't want to take any chances." With a determined nod, he began to lead the way deeper into the forest, his mind already turning to the challenges that lay ahead.

To be continued

Oh boy that butterfly are going to be kicking in from this Ch anyway hope people like and give me power stones