learning from the scroll

I think your ready. Aozaki said looking at Ritsuka as he is pracrung his black flames. I think your ready to finally learn runes from the scroll we stole from Ireland

As Ritsuka looked up from his training, a sense of anticipation filled him. The prospect of delving into the ancient knowledge contained within the stolen scroll excited him.

"Are you sure, Master?" Ritsuka asked eagerly, his eyes shining with determination. "I've been practicing with the basics and mid-level runes for a while now. I think I'm ready for the next step."

Aozaki nodded, her expression serious yet proud. "Yes, I believe you are. But remember, Ritsuka, with great power comes great responsibility. The runes contained in that scroll hold immense potential, but they must be wielded wisely."

Ritsuka nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I won't take it lightly, Master. I promise to use this knowledge for the greater good."

With that, Aozaki motioned for Ritsuka to follow her as they made their way to a secluded area where they could study the ancient runes in peace. The air crackled with anticipation as they unfurled the scroll and began their journey into the realm of advanced magecraft.

Is the kid really read for it. Ciel said looking at her. I mens are you sure.

I believe he is. Ayato said. What do you think Caren

Caren considered for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "I agree with Ayato. Ritsuka has shown remarkable progress and dedication in his training. While delving into advanced magecraft is a significant step, I believe he has the potential to handle it."

Ciel nodded, though still visibly concerned. "Very well. Let's trust in his abilities and guide him through this process."

With their decision made, they turned their attention back to Ritsuka, ready to support him as he embarked on this new phase of his magical education.

Ritsuka listened intently as Aozaki explained the basics of rune magecraft once again, refreshing his memory on the fundamentals before delving into the more advanced techniques. With the scroll spread out before him, he focused his concentration, feeling the ancient power emanating from the inscriptions.

As he traced the intricate patterns with his finger, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, connecting him to the magic contained within the scroll. Images and symbols danced before his mind's eye, and he instinctively understood their meanings, their purpose.

With each passing moment, Ritsuka's proficiency grew, his understanding of rune magecraft deepening as he absorbed the knowledge from the scroll. Aozaki and the others watched with pride and anticipation, recognizing the potential within their young student.

Hours passed in intense concentration, but Ritsuka remained undeterred, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a determination to master this ancient art. Finally, as the sun began to set, he completed his study of the scroll, his mind buzzing with newfound insights and revelations.

"Well done, Ritsuka," Aozaki said, her voice filled with admiration. "You've made remarkable progress today. I can sense the power of the runes resonating within you."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of accomplishment swelling within him. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey into the depths of magecraft, but he felt more confident and prepared than ever before.

With the scroll now fully understood, Ritsuka looked forward to putting his newfound knowledge to the test, eager to see what wonders he could achieve with the ancient magic of the runes.

As then Ayato called Aozaki, as she went to Ayato.

We found things about the ten shadow. Ayato said. Will more like a name they keep popping up mahoraga, he seems to he both to Hindu mythology and buddies tradition

Aozaki's interest piqued at the mention of Mahoraga. She knew that delving into Hindu mythology and Buddhist tradition could unearth valuable insights into the mysterious Ten Shadows.

"Mahoraga... That's intriguing," Aozaki mused, her mind racing with possibilities. "It seems we're on the right track. Keep digging, Ayato. We need to uncover as much information as we can about this figure and its connection to the Ten Shadows."

As Ayato nodded and resumed his investigation, Aozaki couldn't shake the feeling that they were edging closer to the truth behind the enigmatic organization that had plagued them for so long. She made a mental note to delve deeper into Hindu and Buddhist lore herself, determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding Mahoraga and the Ten Shadows once and for all.

One more thing. Ayato said looking at him. Our information is going down your next trip should be to India, and we will go with you

Aozaki nodded, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. "India it is, then. We'll make preparations to depart as soon as possible. We can't afford to waste any time in our pursuit of answers."

With a shared sense of determination, they set their sights on their next destination, ready to delve deeper into the secrets of the Ten Shadows and uncover the truth behind Mahoraga's role in their plans.

Meanwhile with Ritsuka he learn that scroll had ancient runes, things that he didn't knew about it even had ways to fuse runes to make convernation

Excited by the prospect of unlocking ancient knowledge, Ritsuka delved into the intricacies of the scroll, immersing himself in the study of ancient runes and their applications. With each discovery, he felt a newfound sense of empowerment, realizing the depth of wisdom contained within the ancient text.

As he delved deeper, Ritsuka began experimenting with rune fusion, combining different symbols to unlock new forms of magic. With each successful fusion, he marveled at the versatility and power of the ancient techniques, eager to incorporate them into his arsenal.

With the guidance of Aozaki and the newfound knowledge from the scroll, Ritsuka's mastery of magecraft reached new heights, setting the stage for even greater challenges and adventures ahead.

Hey can all of your come here. Ritsuka called out Aozaki and his church master. I need all of you here

Aozaki and the church representatives gathered around Ritsuka, intrigued by his summons.

"What's the matter, Ritsuka?" Aozaki asked, her curiosity piqued.

See this. Ritsuak siad putting his finger up as let out some of Amaterasu as he made a symbol of runes as he then is showing it was burning. I mixed Gravity runes with Amaterasu. As he sent to the three

A sense of awe filled the room as Ritsuka demonstrated his newfound ability. Aozaki, Ciel, and Ayato observed the fusion of Gravity runes with Amaterasu, impressed by the display of power and ingenuity.

"That's incredible," Aozaki remarked, studying the burning symbol closely. "Combining elemental magic with runes opens up a whole new realm of possibilities."

Ciel nodded in agreement. "It's a testament to your talent and adaptability, Ritsuka."

Ayato chimed in, "This could prove to be a formidable technique in combat. Well done, Ritsuka."

The three mentors exchanged impressed glances, recognizing Ritsuka's growing prowess in mastering different forms of magic.

What do you think Edmond. Ritsuka said in his mind. I waan known what my servent think using his flame like this

Edmond's voice echoed in Ritsuka's mind, filled with a mix of pride and caution. "Impressive, Master. Your ability to harness the flames in such a manner showcases your potential. However, remember to tread carefully with such power. It can be both a boon and a burden if not wielded wisely. Proceed with caution, but continue to explore your capabilities."

And how many times I have to say. Edmond said frustrated. The flames you us are your own not mine.

No I don't deserve these. Ritsuka said back. But it still fitting a sinner like me gets these flames

Edmond's voice softened, understanding the weight of Ritsuka's words. "We all carry burdens, Master. But it's how we choose to carry them that defines us. Embrace these flames as a tool for righteousness, for protecting those you care about. Let them be a symbol of your resolve to fight against injustice, regardless of the past. You are not defined by your sins, but by your actions in the present."

God if he is being recorded into the grail. Edmond said to him self. If was summond in this form my master will probably be an avenger

As Ritsuka delved deeper into the ancient runes inscribed on the scroll, he experimented with various combinations and applications. Each attempt revealed new insights and capabilities, expanding his understanding of the mystical arts. With determination and focus, he sought to master the intricate complexities of runic magic, drawing upon its power to enhance his abilities and face the challenges ahead.

As Ritsuka delved deeper into the ancient runes, he uncovered hidden secrets and arcane knowledge that had been lost to time. With each discovery, his mastery over rune magic grew, and he began to experiment with more advanced techniques. Through trial and error, he learned to weave intricate patterns of runes, each imbued with its own unique properties and effects.

Under the guidance of Aozaki and the church masters, Ritsuka honed his skills, refining his control over the elemental forces and expanding his repertoire of spells. He learned to channel the power of the runes to augment his physical abilities, enhance his combat techniques, and even manipulate the environment around him.

As he delved deeper into his studies, Ritsuka began to uncover the true potential of the ancient runes. He discovered their ability to tap into the fundamental energies of the universe, allowing him to wield immense power with a mere gesture or incantation. With each passing day, he grew more confident in his abilities, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his journey.

As the year progressed, Ritsuka continued his training under the watchful eye of Aozaki and the church masters. They delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, uncovering ancient texts and artifacts that shed light on the secrets of the arcane. Alongside his rigorous magical studies, Ritsuka also explored the rich history and culture of Russia, immersing himself in its folklore, traditions, and landscapes.

As they journeyed through Russia, Ritsuka encountered new challenges and adversaries, testing his skills and resilience at every turn. From navigating treacherous terrain to facing off against magical creatures and rogue mages, he grew stronger with each trial, honing his abilities and sharpening his instincts.

Amidst their travels, Ayato and Aozaki continued their investigation into the elusive Ten Shadows, scouring ancient texts and consulting with scholars and mystics in their quest for answers. Despite their efforts, the truth remained elusive, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

As the year drew to a close, Ritsuka reflected on his journey thus far, grateful for the knowledge and experiences he had gained. With determination burning in his heart, he looked ahead to the challenges that awaited him, ready to face them head-on with courage and conviction.

So anything new. Aozaki asked looking at a ten year old Ritsuka. What did you family sent you

As it shows Ritsuka looking at his phone, as he was reading the text.

Not much my family and Ophelia family are doing well. Ritsuka said talking a bite out of his pan cakes. Also they said that Ophelia is studying in the UK. Ritsuka said with a sigh. I miss her

Hearing this Aozaki couldn't help her self.

What miss you little girlfriend kid. Aozaki said with smirk. Don't worry you will meet her soon

As Ritsuka blushed slightly at Aozaki's teasing, he shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. "She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend," he protested, though the flush on his cheeks betrayed his true feelings.

Aozaki chuckled knowingly, ruffling Ritsuka's hair affectionately. "Whatever you say, kiddo. Just remember, friendships can blossom into something more," she said cryptically before turning her attention back to her own breakfast.

Ritsuka couldn't shake the warmth that spread through him at Aozaki's words. Perhaps there was more to his relationship with Ophelia than he realized, and maybe, just maybe, their bond would deepen into something special in the future.

Stop it Aozaki let the kid eat. Ciel said seating down eating her own plate of food. He just finished your food ok Ritsuka

Aozaki held up her hands in mock surrender, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alright, alright, I'll lay off the teasing," she relented, though a playful grin still tugged at her lips.

Ritsuka breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the reprieve from Aozaki's teasing. He resumed eating his breakfast, feeling a sense of contentment settle over him despite the playful banter. Today was just another day of training and exploration, but somehow, it felt like the beginning of something new and exciting.

Meanwhile Ritsuka can hear the lapping of Edmond in his head, why because 5 minutes again Edmond made the same joke to him about Ophelia, when he told him he missed her

Ritsuka couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at Edmond's jest, the sound of his laughter mingling with the bustling ambiance of the breakfast table. Despite the seriousness of their training and the mysteries they sought to uncover, moments like these provided a brief respite from the weight of their responsibilities. Edmond's presence, though often enigmatic and aloof, offered a familiar comfort in the midst of their journey.

As the day progressed, Ritsuka's training regimen resumed with renewed vigor. Under the guidance of Aozaki and the church representatives, he delved deeper into his mastery of magecraft and the manipulation of his unique abilities. Each day brought new challenges and revelations, as Ritsuka honed his skills and expanded his understanding of the magical arts.

Amidst their studies, Ritsuka found himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic whispers of Edmond Dantes in his mind. Though their interactions were often cryptic and veiled in layers of mystery, Edmond's guidance provided invaluable insights into Ritsuka's evolving abilities and the challenges that lay ahead.

As they ventured further into the labyrinthine depths of magic and mysticism, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the precipice of something monumental. With each passing day, he grew more determined to unlock the secrets of his past and the true nature of his powers, knowing that the fate of countless worlds hung in the balance.

To be continued

Hope you like this Ch and give me power stones our army will not stop growing and we will win