Russian mages are built different

This is Ch is joke Ch enjoy, so yeah you can skip if you want just now that group went to a different country

As Ritsuka continued his training in Russia, he found himself facing new challenges and encountering mages with different techniques and perspectives. Under the guidance of Aozaki and his church mentors, he delved deeper into his magical abilities, honing his skills and expanding his knowledge.

One day, during a training session in the snow-covered wilderness, Ritsuka stumbled upon a group of Russian mage craft practicing their own unique form of magic. Intrigued, he approached them cautiously, curious to learn more about their techniques and traditions.

Ok what the hell. Aozaki said looking at the mages. What are you here for. She said ready to attack

The leader of the Russian mages stepped forward, his expression calm but wary. "We mean no harm," he said in a deep, resonant voice. "We are merely conducting our own training exercises. Who are you, and what brings you to this place?"

As Aozaki observed the group of mages, she noticed their disciplined stance and the aura of power emanating from them. "I am Touko Aozaki," she replied, her tone assertive. "We are here on behalf of the Holy Church. We seek knowledge and cooperation, not conflict."

The leader nodded thoughtfully, his gaze shifting to Ritsuka. "And who is this?" he inquired, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied Ritsuka.

"This is my student," Aozaki answered, stepping protectively closer to Ritsuka. "We are here to train and learn from the experiences of others."

The tension in the air eased slightly as the Russian mage leader nodded in understanding. "Very well," he said, gesturing for his companions to lower their guard. "You are welcome to observe our training exercises, but know that we do not take kindly to interference."

Aozaki nodded in agreement, her mind already assessing the potential lessons to be learned from the Russian mages' techniques. As they settled into their observation, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to these mages than met the eye.

What mage carft does the boy use. The Russian mage said. Are are you not allowed to say that

"A variety," Aozaki replied cryptically, exchanging a glance with Ritsuka. "He's still exploring his abilities and refining his skills. However, I assure you, he's a capable student."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression determined as he prepared to demonstrate his abilities.

Why did she lie. Ritsuka though to him self. then again we don't even know them so yeah. He thought to him self as he looked at his teacher

Aozaki's decision to withhold information was likely strategic, Ritsuka concluded, trusting her judgment in this situation. He remained vigilant, ready to follow her lead.

As the Russian mages continued to interrogate them, Aozaki maintained her composure, while Ritsuka couldn't help but notice their eccentric behavior.

"Da, we are here to teach you the Russian way of magecraft," one of the mages declared proudly, holding a bottle of vodka in one hand and a babushka doll in the other.

"Russian magecraft is strong like bear, and smooth like vodka," another chimed in, twirling a mustache that seemed to defy gravity.

Ritsuka couldn't contain his amusement, trying to stifle his laughter as he observed their antics. Aozaki shot him a warning glance, silently urging him to maintain his focus despite the absurdity of the situation.

"Ah, but first, we drink!" the mages exclaimed in unison, pouring shots of vodka for everyone at the table, including Ritsuka, who hesitated for a moment before joining in the toast.

"To strong magecraft and even stronger spirits!" they cheered, clinking their glasses together before downing the fiery liquid in one gulp.

Despite the initial chaos, Ritsuka found himself enjoying the company of these eccentric Russian mages, eager to see what other surprises they had in store for their training session.

"Sorry, kid, no vodka for you," Aozaki said, whisking the glass away before Ritsuka could take a sip. "You're not of legal age."

Ritsuka rolled his eyes playfully, knowing better than to argue with his teacher. "Fine, fine," he conceded, chuckling at the absurdity of the situation.

The Russian mages exchanged amused glances, clearly entertained by the exchange between teacher and student.

"Da, da, no vodka for little one," one of them chuckled, patting Ritsuka on the back with a hearty laugh.

With the drinking portion of the training session concluded, they proceeded to delve into the intricacies of Russian magecraft, blending elements of tradition with their own unique flair. Ritsuka found himself captivated by their teachings, eager to learn as much as he could from these unconventional mentors.

As the Russian training kicked into high gear, Ritsuka and Aozaki found themselves in awe of their mentors' methods. From swimming in icy waters to scaling trees with lightning speed, the Russian mages seemed to possess a resilience and strength unlike anything they had ever seen.

"And here I thought I had seen it all," Aozaki muttered to herself, watching in amazement

Let's run kid. Aozaki said not believing what he she was seeing. It is better if we run.

As they quietly started to run

Aozaki's instincts kicked in, urging them to retreat from the unconventional and grueling training of the Russian mages. Without a second thought, they slipped away quietly, preferring to avoid any further encounters with the formidable Russian practitioners. As they hurried away, Aozaki couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief at what they had just witnessed. "Let's get out of here," she urged Ritsuka, setting a brisk pace as they made their escape.

As they made their escape, Aozaki couldn't help but reflect on the sheer intensity of the Russian mages' training methods. "I've seen some tough training regimens in my time, but that was something else," she remarked to Ritsuka as they put distance between themselves and the training grounds. "We'll have to be extra careful around these Russian mages from now on."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, still trying to process everything they had witnessed. "Definitely," he replied, his mind reeling from the unexpected challenges they had faced. "I don't think I've ever encountered training like that before."

With a shared understanding of the need for caution, they continued on their way, mindful of the formidable reputation of the Russian mages they had encountered.

As they arrive to the church house as they locked the door as they saw Ciel, Ayato and Caren coming from the other door as they locked it

Russian church member are built different. The three of them said. Never never agakn

Ritsuka and Aozaki exchanged relieved glances, grateful to have made it back safely. "I think we can all agree to steer clear of Russian training grounds from now on," Aozaki remarked, a wry smile playing on her lips.

The others nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mix of exhaustion and disbelief at the intensity of the experience. "Definitely," Ciel replied, her voice tinged with a hint of awe. "I don't think any of us were prepared for that."

With a shared understanding of the need to recover from their ordeal, they settled in for the evening, grateful to be back in the safety of their sanctuary.

And here I thought russian memes where that. Ciel trying to fix her Brain. Meme

Ciel attempted to lighten the mood with a self-deprecating joke. "Well, I guess my brain needs a bit of recalibration after all that," she quipped, eliciting a chuckle from the group. "Next time, we'll stick to training regimens that don't involve bear wrestling, alright?"

The others nodded in agreement, relieved to be able to laugh off their harrowing experience. Despite the intensity of their training, they knew they had grown stronger together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ah so this is your house. As they all heard a voice Turing there head they saw someone which shocked them all. It looks you already started the training keys continue

As the group of 5 saw it was the Russian mage and church member as they just let them self in as unholy screens can herd from the group of 5

The unexpected arrival left the group speechless, exchanging bewildered glances as they tried to process the intrusion. Aozaki, ever the quick thinker, stepped forward, her demeanor unwavering despite the intrusion.

"Welcome," she said with forced cordiality, masking her irritation. "To what do we owe this... unannounced visit?"

The Russian mage smirked, unperturbed by their discomfort. "I've come to see how the training is progressing," he replied casually, his gaze flickering over the group with a hint of amusement. "And it seems I've arrived at an opportune moment."

Ciel, Ayato, and Caren exchanged uneasy glances, while Ritsuka bristled with indignation at the intrusion. This was their safe haven, their sanctuary, and yet here they were, confronted by an unwelcome guest.

With tensions simmering beneath the surface, Aozaki took charge, her voice firm. "If you wish to observe, then do so quietly," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "But do not interfere with our training."

The Russian mage chuckled, offering a mocking salute before retreating to a corner of the room, his presence an unwelcome reminder of the challenges they faced, both within and beyond the confines of their makeshift sanctuary.

As a whole day of training happend as in the grouo was done with it

Alright that was a good training. The mage said to the group. We will coming back tomorrow.

As he left the group just watch

Ayato get the plain tickets we are moving to next country now. Aozaki said not ready to deal with the training again

With a collective sigh of relief, the group began to unwind, the tension of the day's events slowly dissipating as they prepared to move on to their next destination. Ayato wasted no time in securing the necessary arrangements, ensuring a swift departure from the Russian wilderness and onward to their next destination.

As they gathered their belongings and made their way to the awaiting transportation, there was a palpable sense of anticipation mingled with exhaustion. The trials of the day had taken their toll, but they emerged stronger, more determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the plane soared into the night sky, carrying them toward their next destination, the group found solace in the knowledge that they were united in their quest, bound together by a shared purpose and an unwavering resolve to see it through to the end.

Never coming back to Russia. Ritsuka said to everyone. Never coming back

With unanimous agreement, the group echoed Ritsuka's sentiment, vowing to steer clear of Russian mage training in the future. As they settled into their seats for the journey ahead, they were already looking forward to leaving the harrowing experience behind them and focusing on the challenges that lay ahead in their journey. Russia would remain a distant memory, a chapter best left closed as they forged ahead toward their next destination.

So where to next. Aozkai said to Ayato. Or are we finally going to you know where

Indian out information has finally went dry but first let's take a break and go to Bangladesh. Ayatos said to Aozaki. After that we all go to idea.

Ok then. Aozkai said putting on her sleeping mask. Let's go to sleep

With the decision made, they settled in for the journey, each eager to leave Russia behind and embrace the next leg of their adventure. As the plane soared through the night sky, they drifted off to sleep, anticipation for the challenges and discoveries awaiting them in Bangladesh and beyond fueling their dreams.

To be continued

Yeah this whole Ch was joke Ch originally this was ment to come out in April first but seeing how many Ch I had before to it didn't anyway yeah enjoy and give me power stones