
Ritsuka and his companions arrived in Bangladesh, ready to explore and continue their training. They found themselves in a bustling city filled with vibrant colors, lively markets, and the aroma of exotic spices in the air.

As they walked through the streets, they couldn't help but feel the energy of the place. Aozaki, Ayato, Ciel, and Caren were all eager to delve into the mysteries of this new location, hoping to uncover more about the ten shadows and their connection to Ritsuka's destiny.

With determination in their hearts, they set out to meet with local mages and scholars, seeking knowledge and guidance in their quest. Little did they know, their journey in Bangladesh would lead them to unexpected encounters and revelations that would shape their path in ways they never imagined.

Anything more about that ten shadow. Aozaki said to Ayato. What is your church record saying about them

Ayato, flipping through his notes, responded, "The records are sparse, but there are mentions of the ten shadows scattered throughout history. They're often depicted as powerful entities with ties to ancient rituals and mythological beliefs. Some sources suggest they wield unimaginable power, while others describe them as malevolent forces lurking in the shadows."

Aozaki nodded thoughtfully, her mind racing with possibilities. "We need to gather as much information as we can about them. If they pose a threat to Ritsuka and the world, we must be prepared to face them."

With renewed determination, the group continued their exploration of Bangladesh, their eyes and ears open for any clues that might lead them closer to understanding the enigmatic ten shadows and their role in shaping Ritsuka's destiny.

There is one more. Ayato said. A curse I don't know why but it seems to only effect Karna and I am worried about as you know we are only two to know about Ciel and Caren and even Ritsuka are kept at the dark about this

Aozaki's expression grew serious as she listened to Ayato's revelation. "A curse specific to Karna? That's concerning. We can't afford to ignore any potential threats, especially if they're targeting Ritsuka or those close to him. We'll need to keep a close eye on him and be prepared to intervene if necessary."

She glanced over at Ritsuka, who was engrossed in studying a magical tome nearby. "For now, let's continue our investigation while ensuring Ritsuka's safety remains our top priority. We'll find a way to confront this curse and protect him from harm."

The thing about this is. Ayato said looking at Aozaki. After a whole year of doing everything we can only find this amount of information why?

Aozaki furrowed her brows, deep in thought. "It's concerning indeed. The lack of substantial information after such an extensive effort suggests that whatever is behind this curse is deeply rooted or well-hidden. It's possible that those involved have taken great measures to conceal their actions or manipulate the flow of information."

She paused, tapping her chin in contemplation. "We may need to broaden our search and explore alternative avenues for gathering intelligence. Perhaps there are overlooked clues or unexplored connections that could shed light on the situation. In any case, persistence and resourcefulness will be key in uncovering the truth behind this curse."

Which means. Ayato said looking at her. We will be going to India the ten shadow were last seen there as leagues says

"Agreed," Aozaki replied with determination. "India seems to be the next logical step in our investigation. If there's any chance of uncovering more information about the ten shadows and their curse, it's likely to be found there. We'll need to approach this with caution and thoroughness, considering the complexity and potential dangers involved."

She glanced at Ritsuka, who was engrossed in studying his magecraft scrolls. "We'll need to prepare Ritsuka for what lies ahead. This journey won't be without its challenges, but with the right training and guidance, he'll be ready to face whatever awaits us in India."

Meanwhile in cave inside a mountain in India there seems to be a critur as it was a muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates as it felt something, it then smiled, as he seemed to in chains and locked up as he let out screen as one of the seal broke from it came out two wolf one was white and the other one black these two were known as divine dogs the first of the ten shadow to be sealed

Let's go brother. White dog said to be black one. It is time the curse has finally started

With a shared glance, the divine dogs, embodiments of ancient power, understood the gravity of the moment. The breaking of the seal signaled the beginning of their purpose—to unleash chaos and fulfill the curse that bound them.

As they padded forward, their movements synchronized, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The black and white wolves were ready to embark on their fateful journey, guided by the unseen hand of destiny.

Meanwhile back to the gang they seem to enjoyinh there time in Bangladesh

As the group explored the vibrant streets of Bangladesh, Ritsuka marveled at the bustling markets and colorful cultural displays. Aozaki, Ayato, Ciel, and Caren led him through the maze-like alleyways, introducing him to local delicacies and traditions.

Amidst the chaos and charm of the city, Ritsuka found moments of tranquility, soaking in the sights and sounds of a world far removed from his own. Yet, beneath the surface, he couldn't shake a sense of curiosity—an eagerness to learn more about the mysterious forces at play in the world around him.

Unbeknownst to Ritsuka, hidden beneath the veneer of everyday life, ancient secrets lurked, waiting to be uncovered. But for now, amidst the laughter and camaraderie of his companions, Ritsuka allowed himself to be swept away by the magic of the moment, savoring the fleeting joys of adventure and discovery in a land unknown.

With Caren leading the charge, the group ventured into a vibrant clothing store, its colorful fabrics and intricate designs captivating their senses. As they browsed through racks of vibrant saris and ornate shalwar kameez, laughter filled the air, punctuated by exclamations of delight and wonder.

With Caren's expert guidance, they each selected a traditional Bangladeshi outfit, eager to immerse themselves in the local culture. Ritsuka marveled at the rich tapestries and intricate embroidery, the vibrant hues of the fabrics reflecting the warmth and hospitality of the people.

As they emerged from the dressing rooms adorned in their new attire, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With each step, he embraced the spirit of adventure, ready to experience everything Bangladesh had to offer, from its bustling markets to its tranquil riverbanks.

Together, they wandered through the streets, their colorful outfits drawing smiles and nods of approval from the locals. For Ritsuka, it was a moment of connection—a glimpse into a world far removed from his own, yet somehow familiar and welcoming.

As the day stretched on, they reveled in the magic of their surroundings, forging memories that would last a lifetime. And amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, Ritsuka found himself grateful for the bonds of friendship that had brought them together, uniting them in a shared journey of discovery and adventure.

Today is fun. Ritsuka said to the group. So what Now

With the day stretching out before them, the group pondered their next move, basking in the warm glow of their shared experiences in Bangladesh. Ciel suggested exploring some of the local markets, renowned for their vibrant atmosphere and eclectic array of goods.

"Sounds like a plan," Ayato chimed in, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I've heard there's a market not too far from here that's famous for its spices and textiles. It could be a feast for the senses!"

Ritsuka nodded eagerly, intrigued by the prospect of immersing himself further in the sights, sounds, and flavors of Bangladesh. "Let's go," he said with a smile, his adventurous spirit ignited by the prospect of another day of discovery.

As they made their way through the bustling streets, the air alive with the hum of activity and the tantalizing aroma of exotic spices, Ritsuka felt a sense of exhilaration coursing through him. With each step, he reveled in the sense of freedom and possibility that surrounded him, eager to explore every corner of this vibrant city.

Together, they wandered through the maze of stalls and vendors, their senses overwhelmed by the kaleidoscope of colors and scents that surrounded them. From intricately woven textiles to fragrant spices and tantalizing street food, each discovery sparked joy and wonder in their hearts.

As the day wore on, they found themselves drawn deeper into the heart of the market, their laughter mingling with the lively chatter of the locals. And amidst the hustle and bustle of the crowd, Ritsuka felt a profound sense of gratitude for the friends by his side, their shared adventures weaving a tapestry of memories that would endure long after their journey had ended.

Why does it fell like something. Ayato said to Aozaki loud enough only she can hear. Like a cowm before the storm

Aozaki's expression turned serious as she glanced around, taking in the vibrant energy of the bustling market. "I know what you mean," she replied softly, her voice tinged with concern. "There's an undercurrent here, a sense of tension beneath the surface."

She cast a wary glance at their surroundings, her instincts on high alert. "Let's stay vigilant," she said, her tone firm. "We don't know what might be lurking in the shadows, especially in a place as crowded and chaotic as this."

Ayato nodded, his senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the atmosphere. "Agreed," he said, his gaze sweeping the crowd for any signs of trouble. "We'll keep our guard up and watch each other's backs."

With a shared understanding, they continued on their journey through the bustling market, their steps measured and purposeful as they navigated the labyrinth of stalls and vendors. And though the air was thick with anticipation, they pressed onward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Weird part I felt once we arrived in Bangladesh. Aozkai said. Isn't it weird to think that we were talking about the ten shadow and talking about going to India and once we arrived here there was no problem, I mean what country is after Bangladesh

"It is strange," Ayato agreed, his brow furrowing in thought. "But perhaps that's exactly why we should remain cautious. Sometimes, it's the calm before the storm that catches us off guard the most."

Aozaki nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Ayato's words. "You're right," she conceded. "We can't afford to let our guard down, especially when we least expect trouble."

With a shared sense of vigilance, they continued their exploration of Bangladesh, their senses alert to any signs of danger. And though the day remained uneventful, they couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous lurked on the horizon, waiting to reveal itself in due time.

Proper human history is beautiful master. Edmond said in Ritsuka head. Isn't it.

It is. Ritsuka answer in his mind. But I just wish some of the friend I made in the lost belt like hope, Asha and many more can see this. Ritsuka guilt and sadness heavy in his heart

"It's natural to feel that way," Edmond replied, his voice comforting yet tinged with a hint of melancholy. "But remember, their sacrifices weren't in vain. Their worlds may have been lost, but their memories live on within you. And through you, they continue to shape the course of history, guiding humanity toward a brighter future."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of resolve settling within him. "You're right, Edmond. I'll carry their memories with me and strive to honor their legacies in everything I do."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka turned his focus back to the present, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the strength and courage forged from the bonds he shared with his lost comrades.

This this time i will make sure to bring. Ritsuka said to Edmond as Edmond was shocked and worried. What is wrong Edmond

Edmond's concern was palpable, his voice tinged with urgency. "Master, bringing individuals from the Lostbelts into proper human history can have unpredictable consequences. It could disrupt the delicate balance of events and potentially endanger both worlds. We must proceed with caution and consider the potential ramifications of our actions."

Ritsuka's expression shifted, realizing the gravity of his words. "You're right, Edmond. I didn't fully consider the implications. I'll be more cautious in the future and prioritize the stability of both worlds."

With a shared understanding, Ritsuka and Edmond resolved to tread carefully, mindful of the delicate threads that bound their worlds together. They would work together to navigate the complexities of time and space, ensuring the safety of all involved.

But the fairy in the 6th lost belt could do it. Ritsuka said to Edmond. There lost belt became a world so i am planing something and to do this we need to make sure the Chaldea is not destroyer by the aline god

Edmond paused, considering Ritsuka's words carefully. "The circumstances in each Lostbelt are unique, and the abilities of the inhabitants may not translate directly to our situation. While the fairy in the 6th Lostbelt had that capability within its domain, bringing individuals from there into proper human history could still pose risks."

He continued, his tone serious. "We must prioritize the safety of Chaldea and the stability of proper human history. If there's a way to achieve your goals without endangering either, then we can explore it. But we must proceed with caution and consider all possible outcomes."

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You're right, Edmond. We'll need to find a solution that doesn't jeopardize everything we've worked for. Let's proceed thoughtfully and with a clear plan."

With a shared determination, Ritsuka and Edmond resolved to find a way forward that would achieve their goals while safeguarding the future of both worlds.

But still. Ritsuka said to Edmond. I wanna save them I don't want them to die, sure the Frist, second and third lost belt were doomed world. Ritsuka said again. The fourth was not we just needed to stop God Arjuna

Edmond understood Ritsuka's sentiments. "I empathize with your desire to save them, Master. Each Lostbelt harbored lives, hopes, and dreams, and it's natural to wish for their salvation. However, altering the fabric of proper human history is a delicate matter, and the consequences could be dire."

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "While we may not be able to save every individual from the Lostbelts, we can honor their memories by ensuring that their sacrifices were not in vain. We can strive to create a future where such tragedies are prevented, where humanity can flourish without the need for Lostbelts or the threat of alien gods."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Edmond's words. "You're right, Edmond. We'll focus on building a better future, one where the mistakes of the past are not repeated. And perhaps, in doing so, we'll find a way to bring hope to those who were lost along the way."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and Edmond turned their attention to the challenges ahead, resolved to forge a path toward a brighter tomorrow while honoring the memory of those left behind in the Lostbelts.

But the future you talk about Edmond. Ritsuka said. It what i saw after I stopped the lost belt and slime god, and what I got was guilty by the mages and locked even after everything humanity didn't change, and the date was ntk use full, we didn't have enough the data was destroyed, mash told if there was I would, never mind what i am saying

Edmond listened intently to Ritsuka's concerns, understanding the weight of his words. "I see your apprehension, Master. The path ahead may seem fraught with uncertainty, and the failures of the past weigh heavily on your mind. But remember, the future is not set in stone. While we cannot change the past, we have the power to shape the future."

He continued, his voice steady and reassuring. "Chaldea may have faced setbacks, and the road ahead may be challenging, but we must not lose hope. Every decision we make, every action we take, contributes to the tapestry of fate. And though the data may be scarce, our resolve remains strong. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and carve out a future where humanity thrives."

Ritsuka nodded, finding solace in Edmond's words. "You're right, Edmond. We cannot dwell on the past or fear the future. We must focus on the present, on what we can do here and now to make a difference. With your guidance and the support of our allies, I believe we can find a way forward."

Um Edmond. Ritsuka said to Edmond. Did you realise what you just said I was literally given chance by god to return back to my childhood to change the past

Good point. Edmond said

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones and let out army grow, and anyway do you guys want me too add note to theu fanfic or any of the weapon or character