Ten shadow part 5

As Ritsuka was mediating he was in his mind he was still trying to access the power of Karna super form even do he knows it was more dream then anything

Ritsuka's determination to tap into the power of Karna's super form is evident as he meditates. Despite knowing it may be more of a dream, his persistence speaks volumes about his resolve. As he delves deeper into his meditation, memories of Karna's incredible feats flood Ritsuka's mind. He recalls the awe-inspiring moment when Karna unleashed his super form during the battle against powerful foes in the 4th Lostbelt. The image of Karna, surrounded by divine energy and wielding the might of Indian gods, fills Ritsuka with both admiration and determination. He knows that if he can somehow unlock even a fraction of that power, he will be better equipped to face the challenges ahead. With renewed focus, Ritsuka channels his inner strength, hoping to draw closer to the elusive super form.

As Ritsuka get out of his mind, he takes a breath he feels like his magic circuit was on fire

Fuck. He said to him self. God damm fine i will stop univers

Feeling the intense surge of magical energy coursing through his veins, Ritsuka grapples with the overwhelming power within him. Despite the strain on his magic circuits, he refuses to back down, determined to master this newfound strength. With a steely resolve, he prepares to confront whatever challenges lie ahead, ready to harness the full extent of his abilities, no matter the cost. As then a nock on his door came, Ritsuka went to open it as he saw it was Ciel

"Hey, Ritsuka," Ciel greeted him, noticing the intensity in his expression. "Are you alright? You seem a bit... tense."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ritsuka replied, trying to mask his frustration. "Just a bit exhausted from all the recent battles, I guess. What's up?"

Ciel hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I just wanted to check up on you. You seemed a bit off earlier during the fight. Is everything okay?" She peered at him with concern, her violet eyes searching his face for any signs of distress.

Thanks. Ritsuka said to Ciel. So um what is the plans for today

"We need to gather more information about the Ten Shadows," Ciel replied. "We can't let our guard down, especially after encountering them directly. I think it's best if we split up and investigate different areas of the city. What do you think?"

"I agree," Ritsuka nodded. "We need to gather as much information as possible to understand their motives and how to deal with them. I'll go with Ayato and Aozaki to one area, while you and Caren can investigate another. We'll meet back here later and share our findings."

"Got it," Ciel replied, her eyes glinting with determination. "We'll split up and cover more ground that way. Caren and I will head to the local library to research any historical records or legends that might mention the Ten Shadows. Meanwhile, you and the others can check with local mages or scholars who might have encountered them before."

Ritsuka nodded, impressed by Ciel's quick thinking. "Sounds like a plan. Be careful out there, though. We don't know what we might encounter."

Ciel gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. Just focus on finding out everything you can about those shadows."

Wait hold on a minute. Ayatos said relsied how stupid the idea was. What are we doing this is stupid if the ten shadow attack we should be together

Ayato's realization echoed through the room, prompting a pause in their plans. Ritsuka considered his words carefully, realizing the validity of Ayato's concern.

"You're right," Ritsuka admitted, his brow furrowed in thought. "Splitting up might not be the best idea, especially if we're dealing with unknown dangers. We should stick together and approach this cautiously."

Aozaki nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Agreed. It's better to face the threat as a unified group rather than risking anyone's safety by venturing alone."

With their decision made, they regrouped and formulated a new strategy, focusing on strengthening their defenses and gathering as much information as possible before confronting the Ten Shadows head-on.

So um I wanna ask you guys something. Ritsuka said to the group. About my new power the flame arrow, what should I call it

Ciel chimed in, her eyes glinting with enthusiasm. "How about 'Solar Flare Arrow'? It's a fitting name that reflects both the power and origin of your abilities."

Ayato nodded in agreement. "Solar Flare Arrow sounds strong and resonates with the source of your power. It's an excellent choice."

Aozaki pondered for a moment before offering her suggestion. "What about 'Sunfire Bolt'? It captures the essence of your fiery attack and emphasizes its swift and decisive nature."

Caren, considering the options, added her thoughts. "I like 'Radiant Phoenix Arrow.' It evokes the image of a powerful and majestic creature, matching the intensity of your attack."

Ritsuka listened to their suggestions, mulling over each option carefully. After a moment of reflection, he nodded in approval. "Thank you all for your input. I think 'Solar Flare Arrow' captures the essence of my new power perfectly."

With the name chosen, they continued their preparations, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed determination.

How a about this. Caren said to the whole group. Ritsuka is descended of Karna which mens he connects to the Indian sun god so I have two names Surya's Arrow or Karna final attack. Caren said to them. Surya's is Karna father and Karna is archer after all

Ritsuka considered Caren's suggestion, acknowledging the significance of his lineage. "Surya's Arrow... It has a powerful ring to it, paying homage to both my ancestry and the source of my abilities. And 'Karna's Final Attack' carries the weight of my heritage as well."

Ayato nodded approvingly. "Both names resonate with strength and legacy. 'Surya's Arrow' emphasizes the connection to your lineage, while 'Karna's Final Attack' highlights the formidable nature of your power."

Aozaki chimed in, expressing her agreement. "Indeed, both names are fitting tributes to your heritage and prowess as a mage. Whichever you choose, it will undoubtedly strike fear into the hearts of your enemies."

Ciel nodded in approval. "I like the idea of honoring your lineage while embracing the power it bestows upon you. 'Surya's Arrow' and 'Karna's Final Attack' are both excellent choices."

Ritsuka nodded, grateful for their input. "Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions. I think both names capture the essence of my abilities. I'll decide on one soon."

With their discussion concluded, they turned their attention back to their preparations, ready to face the challenges ahead with renewed resolve and determination.

Should we leave it to a vote. Ciel said to everyone. If so let's do it

"Sure, let's put it to a vote," Ayato agreed. "Each name has its merits, so it's only fair to let everyone have a say."

Aozaki nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Majority rule seems like a fair way to decide."

Ritsuka smiled, appreciating their collaborative approach. "I'm open to whatever the group decides. Let's see which name resonates with everyone the most."

Caren nodded. "Let's cast our votes then. Raise your hand for 'Surya's Arrow' if you prefer that name, and 'Karna's Final Attack' if you prefer that one."

As the group raised their hands to cast their votes, Ritsuka observed the outcome, eager to see which name would be chosen as the official moniker for his new power.

After counting the raised hands, it was clear that the majority favored "Surya's Arrow."

"Well, it looks like the decision has been made," Ritsuka said with a smile. "Surya's Arrow it is."

"Agreed," Ayato said, nodding. "It's a fitting name considering the connection to the Indian sun god."

Caren nodded in approval. "Yes, 'Surya's Arrow' carries a sense of power and lineage. I think it's a great choice."

Aozaki chimed in, "Indeed. It's a name that reflects both the origin of the power and its potency. Well chosen."

With the name decided, the group felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that they had successfully named Ritsuka's newfound ability. Now, they could continue their journey with renewed determination, armed with the power of Surya's Arrow.

Alright now that we have done. Ayato said. As the ten shadow have told let's go to the mountain were all the ten shadows are coming from

The group agreed, recognizing the importance of confronting the source of the Ten Shadows. With their resolve strengthened and a clear objective in mind, they made preparations to head to the mountain.

As they traveled, anticipation mingled with apprehension. They knew they were about to face formidable adversaries, but they were determined to press forward regardless.

Upon reaching the mountain, a sense of foreboding washed over them. The air crackled with energy, and an ominous aura surrounded the peak where the Ten Shadows were rumored to reside.

"We need to proceed with caution," Aozaki cautioned, her eyes scanning their surroundings warily.

Ritsuka nodded, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his weapon. "Agreed. We don't know what we'll encounter up there, so we need to stay focused and be prepared for anything."

With their resolve steeled, the group began their ascent, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the mountain and the looming confrontation with the Ten Shadows.

As meanwhile in mountain there the chain broke again this time the remaining 3 broke as from the two of them came out a deer and a ox these were the 7th and 8th of the the ten shadow the. Deer was the 7th Round Deer and the 8th was Pierching OX

As the chains shattered, releasing the seventh and eighth of the Ten Shadows, the atmosphere around the mountain grew heavier, infused with the ominous presence of these powerful entities.

Round Deer and Piercing Ox emerged, their forms imposing yet graceful, ready to heed the call of their master and wreak havoc upon any who dared to challenge them.

Deep within the mountain's caverns, they roamed, their eyes glowing with a fierce intensity as they prepared to carry out their purpose. Each step they took echoed through the darkness, a harbinger of the chaos they would soon unleash upon the world.

Meanwhile, the group continued their ascent, unaware of the new threats that awaited them at the mountain's summit. With every passing moment, the tension grew, a silent battle of wills building between the Ten Shadows and those who sought to stop them.

As they left to mind Ritsuka the 3rd chain from it comes out a shadow it was the 9th of the ten shadow as it was talking shape, as then back with Ritsuka they were going to the mountain

As they ventured towards the mountain, Ritsuka and the group were unaware of the shadowy figure materializing from the broken chain. The ninth of the Ten Shadows, its form coalescing with an eerie presence, began to take shape, a manifestation of darkness and malevolence.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka and his companions pressed onward, their determination driving them forward despite the looming threat overhead. With each step, they drew closer to the mountain's summit, their hearts heavy with the weight of what lay ahead.

As they traversed the rugged terrain, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. Something lurked in the shadows, something powerful and sinister, yet he pushed aside his apprehension, focusing instead on the task at hand.

Little did they know, the ninth shadow had emerged, its sinister gaze fixed upon them, biding its time until the moment was right to strike. The stage was set for a confrontation of epic proportions, and Ritsuka and his companions were about to face their greatest challenge yet.

Alright let go. Aozaki said pointing at the mountain. There is path that leads to the top hopefully we don't get attacked

With Aozaki leading the way, the group forged ahead, following the winding path that snaked its way up the mountain's slopes. Each step brought them closer to their destination, yet the looming threat of the Ten Shadows weighed heavily on their minds.

As they ascended, the air grew colder, and the surroundings took on an ominous hue, casting long shadows across their path. Despite the treacherous terrain and the palpable sense of danger, Ritsuka and his companions pressed on, their resolve unshaken by the looming threat.

Along the way, they encountered various obstacles and challenges, from steep inclines to treacherous cliffs, each one testing their strength and determination. Yet, with their combined skills and unwavering determination, they overcame every hurdle in their path.

As they neared the summit, the tension in the air grew thicker, anticipation mingling with apprehension as they prepared themselves for the inevitable confrontation with the Ten Shadows. With their fate hanging in the balance, Ritsuka and his companions stood ready to face whatever lay ahead, determined to emerge victorious against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

Hey what is that sound. Ciel said hearing something coming at them as she sees a jet black ox coming at them. Oh fuck

As the jet-black ox charged towards them with formidable speed, the ground beneath their feet trembled, and the air crackled with an ominous energy. Its eyes gleamed with a malevolent light, and its powerful hooves thundered against the rocky terrain, leaving deep gouges in its wake.

Ritsuka and his companions quickly sprang into action, readying themselves for the impending clash. Aozaki summoned her magical puppets, while Ayato and Caren prepared their respective combat techniques. With a swift motion, Ritsuka summoned his shadows, the Devin dogs, and Nue, their forms shimmering in the dim light.

"Get ready, everyone!" Ritsuka called out, his voice cutting through the tension. "We'll take this beast down together!"

As the jet-black ox closed in, its massive horns gleaming in the sunlight, the group braced themselves for the impact, their determination unwavering in the face of danger. With their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they stood ready to confront the Ten Shadows head-on, determined to emerge victorious against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

As then a giant deer also came to help the ox, as eveyrone just looked at them.

Ten shadow. Ayato said to group. Beacuse let's face because every animal that has attacked us is part of the ten shadow

As the giant deer joined the fray, the group's resolve was put to the test. The realization that every creature they encountered was part of the Ten Shadows filled them with a sense of urgency. With each new adversary, the challenge grew greater, but so too did their determination to overcome it.

"We can't afford to let our guard down," Aozaki warned, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. "These creatures may be formidable, but together, we are stronger."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, his mind racing as he considered their options. "We need to stay focused and work together," he said, his voice steady despite the rising tension. "If we can take down these creatures, we'll be one step closer to confronting the source of the Ten Shadows."

With renewed determination, the group launched into action, their movements fluid and coordinated as they sought to outmaneuver their opponents. As the battle raged on, each member of the group played their part, drawing upon their unique strengths and abilities to combat the relentless onslaught of the Ten Shadows.

As Ritsuka summoned the Devlin Dog, he focused his thoughts, seeking guidance on the identities and strengths of the creatures they faced.

"Devin Dog, we need your insight," Ritsuka implored, his voice tinged with urgency. "Which of the Ten Shadows are these, and what are their names?"

The Devlin Dog's eyes glowed with a faint, ethereal light as it surveyed the battlefield, its keen senses honed to detect the subtlest of details. After a moment of intense concentration, the Devlin Dog spoke, its voice low and resonant.

"The giant ox is known as Piercing Ox, the eighth of the Ten Shadows," the Devlin Dog revealed, its words carrying a weight of authority. "And the massive deer is Round Deer, the seventh of their number."

Ritsuka absorbed this information, his mind racing as he formulated a plan of attack. With the knowledge of their adversaries' identities in hand, the group could better strategize their approach, targeting weaknesses and exploiting vulnerabilities to gain the upper hand in battle.

To be continued

Yeah we are getting near the end hope people are liking this arc and tell me in the comments