Ten shadow part 6

As the group faced off against the jet-black ox and the giant deer, tensions rose among them. Ritsuka summoned Devin Dog, ready to confront these new adversaries.

"Devin Dog, help us identify these creatures! Which of the ten shadows are they, and what are their names?" Ritsuka commanded, his voice steady despite the looming threat.

Devin Dog, with its keen senses, focused on the approaching enemies. "The jet-black ox is known as Piercing Ox, the eighth of the ten shadows," it announced, its voice resonating with authority. "And the giant deer is Round Deer, the seventh shadow. Be cautious, for their powers are formidable."

With this knowledge, the group braced themselves for battle, knowing that their journey was far from over.

As Piercing Ox and Round Deer charged towards them, the group sprang into action, each member utilizing their unique abilities and skills.

Aozaki unleashed her powerful mage craft, conjuring barriers and launching potent spells to counter the relentless attacks of the ten shadows. Ayato dashed forward with lightning speed, his blades slicing through the air with precision as he engaged Piercing Ox in close combat.

Meanwhile, Ciel and Caren coordinated their tactics flawlessly, combining their expertise in combat and magecraft to create devastating attacks against Round Deer. Their holy scriptures crackled with divine energy, unleashing radiant beams of light that illuminated the battlefield.

Ritsuka, drawing strength from his lineage and newfound powers, stood firm at the center of the chaos. With Devin Dog by his side, he focused his mind and channeled the essence of Surya's Arrow, his flames blazing with intense heat as he prepared to unleash his ultimate technique.

The battle raged on, each clash of steel and burst of magic echoing through the mountain pass. Despite the overwhelming odds, the group fought with unwavering determination, knowing that their unity and resolve would see them through this trial.

As the dust settled and the last echoes of battle faded away, the group stood victorious, their bodies bruised and weary but their spirits unbroken. With Piercing Ox and Round Deer defeated, they pressed onward, their eyes set on the summit where the final confrontation awaited them.

We need to take down the deer first. The Devin dogs said to the group. The deer has healing power and it just keep healing the OX

Ayato nodded in agreement. "Right. We need to focus our efforts on taking down Round Deer first. Aozaki, can you create a barrier to contain it while we attack?"

Aozaki nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration as she began weaving a complex spell. "I'll do my best to contain it, but we need to act fast."

Ritsuka stepped forward, his black keys shimmering with latent energy. "I'll provide support from a distance. Ciel, Caren, keep the pressure on with your magic. We can't let Round Deer heal Piercing Ox any longer."

With their plan in place, the group launched their coordinated assault, each member unleashing their skills and abilities with precision and determination. As Round Deer struggled against the combined might of their attacks, the group pressed forward with renewed vigor, determined to overcome the formidable challenge before them.

As then Aozaki summoned more of her puppets, as Ritsuka removed her glass, as activated his mystic eyes

With Aozaki's puppets reinforcing the barrier, the group intensified their assault on Round Deer. Ritsuka's mystic eyes pierced through the creature's defenses, weakening its healing powers and exposing its vulnerabilities.

Caren and Ciel unleashed a barrage of spells, each one carefully aimed to exploit the deer's weaknesses. Ayato and Aozaki coordinated their attacks, striking at the creature from multiple angles and preventing it from escaping the barrier.

As Round Deer's strength waned under the relentless onslaught, Piercing Ox grew increasingly frantic, sensing its ally's impending defeat. But the group remained steadfast, their determination unwavering as they pressed forward with their assault.

As then Ritsuka moved in high speed activity sun dash as using his mystic eyes, as he cut one of the deers leg

Ritsuka's swift movements caught Round Deer off guard, his blade slicing through its leg with precision. The creature roared in pain, stumbling under the sudden attack. With its healing powers temporarily disrupted, the deer struggled to regain its balance, providing the group with a crucial opportunity to press their advantage.

Sensing an opening, Ayato launched a devastating barrage of spells, each one aimed at further incapacitating the wounded creature. Aozaki's puppets moved in concert with the group, their attacks coordinated to keep Round Deer off balance and prevent it from regaining its footing.

Caren and Ciel continued to bombard the creature with spells, their combined efforts gradually wearing down its defenses. With each passing moment, Round Deer grew weaker, its struggles becoming more desperate as the group closed in for the final blow.

Seeing this the OX just moved as it was going to the deer to help but then Aozkai puppet came and hold it by the horn, and flipped it as multiple blades came out of the puppet

Aozaki's puppet deftly seized Piercing Ox by the horn, restraining its movements with surprising strength. With a swift motion, the horned beast was thrown off balance, leaving it vulnerable to Aozaki's puppet's concealed blades. With precision, the blades struck true, inflicting deep wounds on Piercing Ox. As the blades pierced Piercing Ox, it bellowed in pain, its movements slowed by the injuries. Meanwhile, Ritsuka continued his assault on the Round Deer, striking at its legs and hindquarters with precise slashes from his black keys. The combination of Ritsuka's agility and Aozaki's puppetry skills began to wear down the ten shadows.

As Ritsuka engaged the Round Deer, his movements became a blur, his black keys slashing through the air with unmatched precision. Each strike aimed to weaken the creature's defenses, exploiting any opening with relentless determination. Meanwhile, Aozaki's puppets executed a synchronized attack on the Piercing Ox, their blades carving through its tough hide with relentless efficiency.

Ciel and Caren joined the fray, their combat prowess complementing Ritsuka's relentless assault. With each coordinated strike, they pushed the ten shadows back, gradually gaining ground in the fierce battle. Ayato, ever vigilant, provided support from a distance, his magical abilities amplifying the group's offensive power.

Despite their concerted efforts, the ten shadows proved to be formidable adversaries, their resilience fueled by dark energy. As the battle raged on, the group's stamina began to wane, the strain of combat taking its toll. Yet, they fought on, driven by a shared determination to overcome this formidable challenge and uncover the truth behind the ten shadows' mysterious origins.

As then they heard an explosion seeing that it was many of Aozaki puppet as they were in there self destruction mode.

That sound be enough. Aozkai said as see sees the smoke clear. Hopefully it is dead

As the smoke cleared, the group braced themselves for the sight of their fallen adversaries. Yet, to their dismay, the ten shadows remained standing, albeit weakened by the devastating attack. The Round Deer and Piercing Ox staggered, their forms battered and singed, but still defiant.

"It's not over yet," Ritsuka muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. "We need to press on."

Aozaki nodded grimly, her expression resolute. "Agreed. We cannot afford to let up now."

With renewed determination, the group prepared for the next phase of the battle, steeling themselves for whatever challenges lay ahead. The ten shadows may have proven resilient, but they would not relent until victory was theirs.

As then Ritsuka pulled his arm back pulling out all of mana and activity his mystic eyes hoping this will even this fight

Surya arrow. Ritsuka lapped ready to let his new attack out. Take this you deer and ox

As Ritsuka unleashed his Surya Arrow, a torrent of scorching energy surged forth from his outstretched hand, blazing with the intensity of the sun itself. The radiant projectile streaked through the air, homing in on its targets with unerring precision.

The Round Deer and Piercing Ox braced themselves as the searing brilliance of the Surya Arrow bore down upon them. The deer, its healing powers weakened by the earlier assault, struggled to evade the onslaught, while the ox, still reeling from Aozaki's puppetry, could offer little resistance.

With a blinding flash of light, the Surya Arrow struck true, engulfing the ten shadows in a tempest of fire and divine fury. The air crackled with power as the inferno consumed their forms, searing away their dark essence with relentless intensity.

As the flames subsided, the group watched with bated breath, hoping that their combined efforts had finally brought an end to the threat of the ten shadows. Yet, as the smoke cleared, they remained wary, knowing that victory could never be taken for granted in such perilous battles.

As then Ritsuka felt something look at his arm he found the mark of the deer and ox. As Ritsuka examined the marks on his arm, a mixture of relief and exhaustion washed over him. The scars of battle bore witness to the fierce struggle they had endured, but they also served as a reminder of their hard-fought victory.

"Yeah, we did it," Ritsuka replied, his voice tinged with weariness yet tingling with satisfaction. "But let's not lower our guard just yet. There may be more challenges ahead."

The group nodded in agreement, their resolve undiminished by the trials they had faced. With renewed determination, they prepared to press onward, knowing that the road ahead would be fraught with peril but determined to face whatever trials awaited them with courage and unity.

As then they all heard a roar as then all of them ten shadows came out of Ritsuka and so did Edmond, as then there eyes were wident as they saw a black dragon

The sudden appearance of the black dragon left the group stunned, their eyes wide with disbelief and trepidation. It was a sight beyond anything they had expected, a manifestation of darkness and power that sent shivers down their spines.

"What... What is that?" Ayato gasped, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze fixed on the imposing figure before them.

"It's... it's one of the ten shadows," Aozaki murmured, her expression grave as she assessed the formidable creature.

Ritsuka's heart pounded in his chest as he beheld the ominous presence of the dragon. Despite the fear that gnawed at him, he knew that they could not afford to falter now. They had come too far to let their resolve waver in the face of adversity.

"Stay calm, everyone," Ritsuka urged, his voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions raging within him. "We can't afford to lose focus now. We'll face this challenge together, just like we always have."

With grim determination, the group braced themselves for the battle ahead, steeling their nerves as they prepared to confront the dark dragon and whatever other trials awaited them in this perilous journey.

It is the 9th shadow. All of the ten shadow said. Tiger Funeral, don't ask me why we call it Tiger we have no idea

The group exchanged wary glances, their minds racing as they grappled with the implications of facing the formidable creature known as Tiger Funeral. Each of them understood the gravity of the situation, knowing that their skills and courage would be put to the ultimate test in this encounter.

"We have to find a way to defeat it," Ayato declared, his voice tinged with determination. "We've come too far to back down now."

"But how do we even begin to fight something like that?" Ciel questioned, her brow furrowed in concern.

Ritsuka surveyed the scene before him, his mind racing as he sought a strategy to overcome this formidable foe. He knew that they would need to rely on each other's strengths and work together as a cohesive unit if they stood any chance of emerging victorious.

"We'll find a way," Ritsuka said, his voice resolute. "We've faced incredible challenges before, and we've always found a way to prevail. Together, we can overcome anything."

With renewed determination, the group prepared to confront Tiger Funeral, their resolve unshaken despite the daunting odds stacked against them. As they steeled themselves for the battle ahead, they knew that their bonds of friendship and camaraderie would be their greatest assets in the struggle against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

Round deer, heal us. Ritsuka commanded the deer. Toad, protect us from attack, Nue, Devin dog and ox attack. Ritsuka said to them, Max elephant, Great serpent attack from a far, rabbit escape and ox help moved the group from the dragon attacks, and Edmond go all out.

With Ritsuka's commands echoing in the air, each member of the group sprang into action, their movements synchronized as they executed their respective roles with precision and determination.

The Round Deer responded to Ritsuka's command, its healing powers emanating from its form as it worked to mend the wounds of its allies. Meanwhile, Toad positioned itself defensively, shielding the group from the brunt of Tiger Funeral's attacks with its formidable defenses.

Nue, Devin Dog, and Ox launched a coordinated assault on Tiger Funeral, their combined efforts aimed at weakening the creature and turning the tide of the battle in their favor. Max Elephant and Great Serpent unleashed devastating attacks from a distance, their elemental powers adding to the onslaught against their formidable foe.

As the group moved with agility and purpose, Rabbit Escape and Ox ensured their swift mobility, darting and weaving through the chaos of the battlefield to evade Tiger Funeral's relentless assaults. And amidst the fray, Edmond unleashed his full power, his formidable abilities unleashed in a dazzling display of strength and skill.

Together, the group fought with unwavering resolve, their spirits unbroken even in the face of overwhelming adversity. As they clashed with Tiger Funeral, each member knew that victory would not come easily, but they remained steadfast in their determination to emerge triumphant against the darkness that threatened to consume them.

To be continued

So yeah I mad Tiger Funeral into a dragon, reason will we don't now what it looks like or what it does, and also beacuse it is the 9th of the 10 shadow which means it must be in the same power level as Maharaga, so what better way to do then make it a dragon