Ten shadow part 7

As the black dragon loomed over them, Ritsuka and the group prepared for what seemed to be their toughest battle yet. The ten shadows stood by their side, ready to face the formidable foe.

"We can do this," Ritsuka said, trying to boost morale. "We've faced tough challenges before, and we've always come out victorious."

"Yeah, but a dragon?" Ciel remarked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We have to try," Ayato said, determination evident in his tone. "For the sake of everyone we've lost, and for the future of humanity."

With a collective nod, they braced themselves for the impending clash.

Wasting no time Aozkai pulled out all puppets and even pulled out all her magic crest, as Ciel pulled out her seven holy scripture, as Ritsuka went into sun dash and coverd his weapon in black flames, as his ten shoadw an Edmond was by his sight

The battlefield crackled with energy as each member of the group unleashed their powers. Aozaki's puppets danced and swirled around her, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Ciel's seven holy scriptures gleamed in the sunlight, exuding an aura of ancient power. Ritsuka moved with blinding speed, his black flames licking at the air around him as he prepared to unleash his devastating attacks.

Beside him, Edmond stood tall and resolute, his eyes gleaming with determination. "We face formidable odds," he said, his voice echoing with a quiet intensity, "but we will not falter. Together, we are strong."

With a fierce battle cry, they charged towards the looming black dragon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the dragon sent out a whole drak roar a sound that blast that sent everyone back

The deafening roar of the dragon echoed across the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The sheer force of its cry knocked the group off balance, sending them stumbling backward.

But even as they struggled to regain their footing, determination burned in their eyes. With gritted teeth and steely resolve, they braced themselves against the onslaught, refusing to be intimidated by the creature's power.

"We can't let up now," Ritsuka shouted over the din, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We have to keep fighting!"

With renewed determination, they pressed forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The battle was far from over, but they were determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

Everyone. Ayatos yalled. Shield on it is about used it's fire

Ayato's urgent cry snapped everyone into action. They knew they had to act fast before the dragon unleashed its devastating attack.

"Get ready to deploy the shield!" Aozaki shouted, her voice ringing with authority.

In a synchronized motion, the group moved into position, preparing to activate the protective barrier. Each member focused their energy, channeling their magic into the shield spell with unwavering concentration.

Ritsuka's heart pounded in his chest as he summoned every ounce of strength within him. With a determined expression, he poured his mana into the spell, fueling its power with his unwavering resolve.

The air crackled with energy as the shield began to materialize, forming a shimmering barrier of light that enveloped the group. With a collective effort, they reinforced the shield, fortifying it against the impending onslaught.

As the dragon unleashed its fiery breath, the shield held strong, deflecting the searing flames and protecting the group from harm. For a fleeting moment, they stood united against the fury of their enemy, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

Road deer more healing. Ritsuka said to the deer. Now

Ritsuka's command spurred the Round Deer into action. With a graceful movement, it summoned its healing magic, channeling its power to mend the wounds of the group.

"Thank you, Round Deer," Ritsuka acknowledged, grateful for the creature's assistance.

As the healing energy enveloped them, the group felt their strength renewing, their vitality restored by the gentle touch of the deer's magic. With each passing moment, their injuries began to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of vigor and resilience.

With the Round Deer's healing support, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With determination in their hearts, they braced themselves for the next phase of the battle, knowing that victory was within their grasp.

As the dragon slammed it's tail down sending shock waves as he was ready to use another sound attack. The ground trembled beneath the force of the dragon's tail, sending shockwaves rippling through the earth. With a deafening roar, the dragon prepared to unleash another devastating sound attack, its intentions clear: to overwhelm and subdue its adversaries with sheer force.

Sensing the imminent danger, Ayato called out to the group, urging them to take cover and brace themselves for the incoming assault.

"Take cover! Brace yourselves!" Ayato's voice rang out, a note of urgency in his tone as he prepared to deploy defensive measures to shield the group from the dragon's onslaught.

As the group huddled together, their hearts pounding with adrenaline, they knew that they would need to act quickly and decisively if they were to stand any chance against the formidable adversary before them. With their resolve steeled and their determination unwavering, they awaited the dragon's next move, ready to face whatever challenges it may bring.

As the dragon unleashed its powerful sound attack, the group braced themselves, their defenses bolstered by Ayato's quick thinking. Shielded by the protective barrier, they endured the onslaught, gritting their teeth against the overwhelming force.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka rallied his companions, issuing commands with precision and determination. With the Round Deer's healing powers bolstering their resilience, they prepared to launch a counterattack.

"Surya Arrow!" Ritsuka called out, unleashing his newly mastered technique with focused intent. The blazing arrow streaked through the air, aimed directly at the dragon's vulnerable spot.

At the same time, Aozaki's puppets surged forward, their movements fluid and coordinated. With each strike, they sought to exploit the dragon's weaknesses, aiming for its exposed joints and vulnerable underbelly.

Ciel, wielding her seven holy scriptures with expert precision, channeled her mana into devastating spells, weaving intricate patterns of light and energy that danced through the air, seeking out the dragon's vital points.

Edmond, ever vigilant at Ritsuka's side, unleashed the full extent of his power, his presence a constant source of strength and support for the group as they battled against overwhelming odds.

Despite the dragon's ferocity and relentless assault, the group fought on with unwavering resolve, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity. With each blow they landed, they drew closer to victory, their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that they fought not only for their own survival, but for the sake of all those who had come before them. Amidst the chaos of battle, Max Elephant unleashed torrents of water, his powerful attacks serving as a relentless barrage against the dragon's defenses. Great Serpent and Ox joined the fray, their coordinated strikes adding to the onslaught as they targeted the dragon's vulnerable points.

Toad and Rabbit Escape sprang into action, their swift movements guiding the group to safety as they dodged the dragon's deadly attacks. With Toad's protective barrier and Rabbit Escape's nimble agility, they managed to evade the worst of the dragon's onslaught, buying precious moments for the others to strike back.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka and Edmond remained at the forefront of the battle, their determination unyielding as they faced the dragon head-on. With each coordinated strike and calculated maneuver, they chipped away at the dragon's defenses, inching closer to victory with every passing moment.

As the battle raged on, the group's resolve remained steadfast, their spirits undaunted by the enormity of the task before them. With their combined strength and unwavering determination, they fought on, determined to emerge victorious against the formidable foe that stood in their path.

As the dragon went to the sky as was ready to she another sound attack with a mix of fire

As the dragon soared into the sky, its massive form eclipsing the sun, a sense of foreboding gripped the battlefield. With a thunderous roar that echoed across the mountains, it unleashed a devastating combination of sound and fire, threatening to engulf everything in its path.

In the face of this ferocious assault, the group rallied together, their determination shining bright amidst the chaos. Aozaki summoned all her puppets, forming a protective barrier to shield against the dragon's fiery onslaught. Ciel channeled the power of her seven holy scriptures, creating a shimmering shield of divine energy to reinforce their defenses.

Ritsuka and Edmond, undaunted by the dragon's overwhelming power, pressed forward with unwavering resolve. With a swift motion, Ritsuka activated his mystic eyes, enhancing his perception and allowing him to anticipate the dragon's next move. Edmond, ever the tactician, devised a strategy to exploit the dragon's vulnerabilities, guiding Ritsuka with his keen insights.

As the dragon unleashed its deadly attack, the group stood firm, their combined efforts holding back the tide of destruction. With a mighty roar, they pushed back against the onslaught, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

With each passing moment, the dragon's strength waned, its once-ferocious assault faltering under the relentless barrage of their counterattacks. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the group emerged victorious, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

As then the dragon was felt to the ground, as then almost like video game bosses it got back up in new stronger form. As the dragon rose from the ground, its form shimmering with newfound power, a collective groan echoed through the ranks of the group. The sight of the dragon regaining its strength and transforming into an even more formidable adversary filled them with frustration and disbelief.

"I call bullshit," Caren exclaimed, her voice tinged with irritation as she glared at the dragon's imposing figure. "This is absurd. How can it just get back up like that?"

Despite their frustration, the group knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down. With the dragon's resurgence, the battle had taken a dangerous turn, and they would need to muster all their strength and ingenuity to emerge victorious.

"We can't let our guard down," Aozaki declared, her eyes narrowed in determination. "We've come too far to let this setback defeat us. We'll find a way to overcome this."

With renewed resolve, the group prepared to face the dragon once more, steeling themselves for the fierce battle that lay ahead. They knew that victory would not come easily, but they were determined to stand firm against whatever challenges awaited them.

As the group braced themselves for the dragon's next assault, Ritsuka called upon his shadows for support.

"Devin dog, Nue, attack with everything you've got!" Ritsuka commanded, his voice ringing out with authority amidst the chaos of battle. "Max elephant, Great serpent, focus your attacks on weakening its defenses!"

Responding to Ritsuka's orders, the shadows sprang into action, launching a barrage of attacks at the dragon from all directions. The air crackled with energy as bolts of lightning, torrents of water, and waves of flame rained down upon the creature, each strike aimed at wearing down its formidable defenses.

Meanwhile, Ciel unleashed the power of her seven holy scriptures, channeling their divine energy into a devastating onslaught against the dragon. Each scripture glowed with ethereal light as she wielded them with unparalleled precision, their sacred magic tearing through the dragon's scales with unerring accuracy.

Aozaki, her puppets surrounding her like a protective barrier, focused her considerable magical prowess on weakening the dragon's resolve. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed waves of destructive energy, aiming to disrupt the creature's concentration and leave it vulnerable to their onslaught.

As the battle raged on, the group fought with unwavering determination, their skills and abilities complementing each other in a symphony of coordinated attacks. Though the dragon fought fiercely, its strength was no match for the combined might of their united front.

With each passing moment, the dragon's defenses began to falter, its roars of rage growing more desperate as it struggled to hold its ground against the relentless assault. Victory seemed within reach, but the group knew that they could not afford to let their guard down until the dragon lay defeated at their feet.

As the dragon went to Ritsuka as it Ritsuka was forgen he counted move as a splat if blood can be shown as Ritsuka was inn the group as he saw it was Ayato as he had a hole in his stomic

The sight of Ayato's grievous wound sent shockwaves of horror rippling through the group. Ritsuka's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and anger as he rushed to Ayato's side, his mind racing with thoughts of how to stem the flow of blood and save his friend's life.

"Stay with me, Ayato!" Ritsuka urged, his voice filled with urgency. "We need to get you patched up!"

With trembling hands, Ritsuka tore strips of fabric from his cloak and pressed them firmly against Ayato's wound, hoping to staunch the bleeding as best he could. Meanwhile, Aozaki and Ciel worked quickly to channel their healing magic, their hands glowing with divine light as they focused their efforts on closing Ayato's wound and restoring his strength.

As the group rallied around their injured comrade, the dragon launched another ferocious assault, its claws and teeth tearing through the air with deadly precision. But despite the danger that surrounded them, Ritsuka and the others remained steadfast in their determination to protect Ayato at all costs.

With each passing moment, Ayato's condition grew more precarious, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he fought to cling to consciousness. But through sheer force of will and the combined efforts of his friends, he remained resolute, refusing to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka and the others fought with renewed vigor, their hearts heavy with the weight of their friend's peril but their resolve unshaken. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, drawing strength from each other as they fought to emerge victorious against the dragon and its tenacious onslaught.

Road deer. Ritsuka yalled as active his sun mage crafts healing part. Come stay with me.

Sorry kid. Ayato said with blood coming his mouth. Looks like it is my time to die. As he closed his eyes

Tears welled in Ritsuka's eyes as he watched Ayato's life slipping away before him. His heart felt heavy with grief and regret, knowing that despite all their efforts, they couldn't save their friend.

"No, Ayato, don't say that," Ritsuka pleaded, his voice choked with emotion. "You're going to make it through this. We're going to get you out of here and back to safety."

But deep down, Ritsuka knew that Ayato's injuries were too severe, his condition beyond their ability to heal. As Ayato's breathing grew shallower and his body grew weaker, Ritsuka felt a sense of helplessness wash over him, his mind filled with memories of their time together and the bond they had shared.

"I'm sorry, kid," Ayato whispered, his voice barely a whisper. "But I don't think I'm going to make it."

Ritsuka felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to find the words to respond. He wanted to reassure Ayato, to tell him that everything would be okay, but he knew that would be a lie. Instead, he simply reached out and clasped Ayato's hand tightly in his own, offering what little comfort he could in their final moments together.

As Ayato's eyes fluttered closed and his breathing slowed to a halt, Ritsuka bowed his head in silent mourning, his heart heavy with sorrow for the loss of his dear friend. But even as tears streamed down his cheeks, he knew that Ayato's memory would live on in the hearts of those who had known and loved him, a beacon of strength and courage in the face of adversity.

Ritsuka yalled as then unknown to him the holy energy fired up, as the laylin below him activated, as the a voice.

Are you my master. The voice said. If so let me help me

As then infornt of the group was someone only Ritsuka and Edmond recornised as they saw who it was it was Sigurd, but he didn't recognised Ritsuka do to the reset, as he looked at thr dragon.

Ritsuka's heart raced with a mix of confusion and hope as he heard the voice and witnessed the unexpected arrival of Sigurd. Despite the disorientation caused by the reset, a surge of recognition and relief washed over him at the sight of his old ally.

"Sigurd!" Ritsuka exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Yes, I'm your master. Please, help us defeat this dragon."

With a nod of determination, Sigurd turned his attention to the formidable foe before them, his eyes ablaze with purpose. Drawing his sword with practiced ease, he prepared to face the dragon head-on, ready to lend his strength to their cause.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of hope welling within him, bolstered by Sigurd's presence by his side. With their combined efforts and determination, they would stand against any challenge that dared to threaten them, united in their quest to overcome the darkness and emerge victorious.

Ok I don't know wat happened. Aozkai said looking at Sigurd. But I am not complaining

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, grateful for Sigurd's unexpected assistance. "We'll figure it out later," he said, his voice tinged with relief. "For now, let's focus on defeating this dragon and protecting each other."

With renewed determination, the group rallied together, bolstered by Sigurd's presence and their shared resolve to emerge victorious against the formidable foe before them. With their combined strength and unwavering determination, they faced the dragon head-on, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Sigurd saw Edmond, as he started to attack the dragon.

Odd. He said looking at Edmond. I feel like we meet before no matter. Sigurd said looking at him. But still it is weird to see a master with two servant's

Edmond's gaze met Sigurd's, a hint of recognition flickering in his eyes before he composed himself. "Indeed," Edmond replied cryptically. "Circumstances have brought us together once more. Let us focus on the task at hand."

With a shared understanding, Edmond and Sigurd joined forces, their combined might adding a new dynamic to the battle against the dragon. Together, they launched a coordinated assault, exploiting weaknesses and strategizing to overcome the formidable opponent before them. As they fought side by side, their past connection remained a mystery, buried beneath the urgency of the present moment.

Sigured, Edmond relished your Noble phatasam. Ritsuka said yalling right now. He said to the both of them

Sigurd and Edmond acknowledged Ritsuka's command with a nod, each drawing upon their respective Noble Phantasms. Sigurd wielded Gram, the mighty sword capable of slaying dragons, while Edmond unleashed the power of his own Noble Phantasm, the Enfer Château d'If. Together, their combined might surged forth, aiming to deliver a decisive blow to the dragon and turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

As the two powerful Noble Phantasms clashed with the dragon's immense form, a wave of energy rippled through the battlefield, causing the ground to tremble. Sigurd's sword cut through the air with precision, while Edmond's dark powers engulfed the dragon in a torrent of shadows.

Ritsuka, Ciel, Caren, and the others watched in awe as the battle unfolded before them. The sheer intensity of the clash between Sigurd, Edmond, and the dragon was unlike anything they had ever witnessed.

"We need to support them!" Ritsuka shouted, rallying the group. "Max Elephant, Great Serpent, continue your attacks! Toad, Rabbit Escape, cover us! We can't let up now!"

With renewed determination, the group launched their own assaults against the dragon, utilizing every ounce of their strength and skill to assist Sigurd and Edmond in their struggle against the formidable foe.

As finally the dragon fell done defeat as it body turned into Shadow, as it goes to his arm as he saw the mark of the dragon in his arm

As Ritsuka felt the mark of the defeated dragon on his arm, a sense of recognition washed over him. He realized that this new mark was another symbol of his connection to the Ten Shadows, adding to the complexities of his role as their master.

"So, another one," Ritsuka murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "What does this one bring to the table?"

Understanding dawned on him as he recalled the powers and abilities of the other Ten Shadows he had encountered. Each mark represented a unique force, and Ritsuka knew that he would have to unravel their mysteries and harness their strengths to confront the challenges ahead.

Congratulations master. The Devin dog said to Ritsuka. You have defeated tiger Funeral and even tammed it now we only have one left. The Devin dog looks at rh cave were all the ten shadow espace from. Him.

"Thank you," Ritsuka replied, acknowledging the Devin dog's words. "But we can't let our guard down yet. There's still one more shadow to deal with, and I have a feeling it won't go down without a fight."

Turning his gaze towards the cave where the shadows had emerged, Ritsuka braced himself for the final confrontation. He knew that the journey was far from over, and the challenges ahead would test their resolve like never before.

To be continued

Yeah I have noting to write here so yeah, oh with right Fgo jp is having a Collab event with Mahoyo/witch of the holy night which mean Touko Aozaki is being added to the game, or maybe not i am not sure, but if she is hopefully she takes Ritsuka as her student, also I will be making a new story called School of the Insain