Ten shadow part 8 Finally

Ritsuka and group were finished barrying Ayato dead body, they were going to dig it up and give to church after this was done but for now they need to give a proper barrel. As the group solemnly finished burying Ayato's body, they stood together in silence, paying their respects. Ritsuka then stepped forward, determined to ensure Ayato received a proper burial.

"Let's gather some flowers," Ritsuka suggested softly. "We should adorn his grave with them."

Ciel and Caren nodded in agreement, and they began to search the area for flowers, while Aozaki summoned some of her puppets to help. Edmond stood silently, his expression unreadable, as Ritsuka placed a hand on his shoulder in silent solidarity.

Once they had gathered enough flowers, they carefully arranged them around Ayato's grave, creating a beautiful tribute to their fallen comrade.

"Rest in peace, Ayato," Ritsuka whispered, bowing his head in reverence. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten."

With heavy hearts, the group stood together, silently paying their respects to their fallen friend.

As the group looked at the cavern inside of the cave as they knew that in there was the last of the 10 shadow and probably there leader. The group approached the cavern with a mixture of determination and apprehension, knowing that within its depths lay their final challenge. Ritsuka could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him as the leader of their group.

"We need to be prepared for anything," Ritsuka said, his voice steady despite the unease in his heart. "Whatever lies ahead, we face it together."

Aozaki nodded solemnly, her eyes scanning the cavern entrance for any sign of movement. "Agreed. We've come too far to falter now. Let's finish this."

Ciel and Caren stood beside Ritsuka, their expressions resolute. "We're with you, Ritsuka," Caren said, her voice firm. "No matter what happens, we'll face it together."

Edmond remained silent, his gaze fixed on the cavern entrance with a focused intensity. His presence was a silent reassurance to the group, a reminder of the strength they possessed.

With a final glance at one another, the group stepped into the cavern, ready to confront whatever awaited them within.

As they saw it was a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates. Sigureda and Edmond were ready, as Aozaki just looked at the wheel on the top of its head.

Is that karma wheel. Aozaki said looking at it. Odd.

Ritsuka felt a shiver run down his spine as he beheld the imposing figure before them. The sheer magnitude of its presence was enough to send a wave of dread coursing through him.

"It's definitely formidable," Ritsuka muttered, his eyes fixed on the strange wheel atop its head. "But we can't afford to hesitate now. We've come too far to back down."

Aozaki's observation about the wheel piqued his curiosity, but there was no time to dwell on it. They needed to act, and they needed to act fast.

"Sigurd, Edmond, we'll need your strength for this," Ritsuka said, his voice steady despite the nerves gnawing at him. "Aozaki, Ciel, Caren, support us from behind. Let's show this creature what we're made of."

With a shared nod of determination, the group readied themselves for the battle ahead. As the creature loomed ever closer, Ritsuka summoned his resolve, knowing that victory lay within their grasp if they fought together as one.

As then it moved as in flash it was Infront of Ritsuka as it's was ready to punch him

Reacting quickly, Ritsuka activated his Mystic Eyes, attempting to discern any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the creature's defenses. At the same time, he summoned his inner reserves of strength, preparing to evade the imminent attack.

"Watch out!" he shouted to the others, his voice ringing out with urgency as he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's powerful punch. As he landed, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him, fueling his determination to prevail against this formidable foe.

Devin dog information now. He said summoning the Devin dog. What the hell is his name the title

The Devin dog quickly responded to Ritsuka's command, his eyes gleaming with determination as he faced the towering creature.

"The tenth shadow is known as the Divine Generals Mahoraga," the Devin dog declared, his voice resolute. "It possesses immense strength and formidable defenses, but it also has a weakness."

As the Devin dog spoke, Ritsuka listened intently, ready to exploit any weakness that could give them an advantage in the battle ahead.

As Ritsuka activated all his magic crest, a surge of power surged through him, igniting his very being with fiery determination. With a fierce glint in his eyes and his hair ablaze like flames, he summoned forth the essence of Amaterasu, channeling its divine fire into a concentrated sphere of pure energy.

With unwavering resolve, Ritsuka thrust the fiery orb toward Maharaga's gaping maw, the flames dancing with ferocity as they sought to consume their target. With a primal roar echoing through the cavern, he unleashed the full force of Amaterasu, propelling the fireball into Maharaga's waiting jaws.

As then the creator goes for Ritsuka before getting cut end burn by Sigurd and Edmond respectfully as the heroic sprites were trying to keep Maharaga away from Ritsuka

As Sigurd and Edmond swiftly intercepted Maharaga's attack, their swift and coordinated strikes disrupted the enemy's advance. Meanwhile, Ritsuka's remaining companions, Aozaki and the others, stood ready to assist, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity. With Maharaga momentarily thwarted, the group seized the opportunity to regroup and strategize their next move.

As they saw the wheel on Maharaga head moves, two times, as everyone felt a chill

It is adapting. The Devin dogs said looking at Maharaga. We need to act quickly

As the tension mounted, Ritsuka and his allies knew they had to act swiftly. With Maharaga's adaptability becoming apparent, they understood the urgency of the situation. Each member of the group prepared themselves for the ensuing battle, their resolve hardened by the knowledge that the fate of not only themselves but potentially all those they cared about hung in the balance. With a shared determination, they braced themselves for the daunting task ahead, ready to face whatever challenges Maharaga would throw their way.

As Maharaga lunged forward, Ritsuka and his allies sprang into action. Sigurd and Edmond engaged the towering foe head-on, their swords flashing with deadly precision as they sought to keep Maharaga occupied. Meanwhile, Aozaki unleashed a barrage of powerful spells, her magic crest ablaze with energy as she unleashed devastating attacks on their formidable opponent.

Ciel and Caren worked in tandem, their coordination seamless as they utilized their respective abilities to support the group and exploit any weaknesses in Maharaga's defenses. With precise timing and calculated strategy, they aimed to keep the creature off balance and vulnerable to their onslaught.

Ritsuka, fueled by determination and a newfound sense of purpose, channeled his magic into his attacks, his black flames blazing as he unleashed a relentless assault on Maharaga. Drawing upon the power of his Mystic Eyes and the strength of his Ten Shadows, he fought with unwavering resolve, his every move calculated to weaken their adversary and tip the scales in their favor.

As the battle raged on, the cavern echoed with the clash of steel, the crackle of magic, and the roar of the combatants. Each member of the group pushed themselves to their limits, their efforts fueled by the knowledge that failure was not an option. With every strike, they pressed forward, determined to emerge victorious against the seemingly insurmountable foe that stood before them.

Surya's Arrow. Ritsuka yalled the black flames once again forming arrow. Take that....what ever you are

As Ritsuka unleashed his Surya's Arrow, the black flames engulfed the arrow, forming a menacing projectile aimed straight at Maharaga. The arrow flew with incredible speed, piercing through the air towards the towering figure with relentless force. As the arrow soared through the air, Maharaga swiftly reacted, raising its massive arm to intercept the attack. With a thunderous clash, the arrow collided with Maharaga's arm, causing a powerful explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the cavern. Despite the force of the impact, Maharaga stood firm, its body emanating an aura of resilience.

Seeing the limited effect of the attack, Edmond and Sigurd sprang into action. Sigurd, wielding his mighty sword Gram, lunged forward with incredible speed, aiming to strike Maharaga with all his might. Meanwhile, Edmond conjured his Noble Phantasm, unleashing a barrage of dark energy blasts aimed at Maharaga's vulnerable spots.

Aozaki, utilizing her powerful magecraft, created intricate barriers to protect the group from Maharaga's counterattacks. Ciel and Caren, with their holy scriptures and magic, supported the offensive efforts, channeling their energy to weaken Maharaga's defenses.

Despite their coordinated assault, Maharaga proved to be a formidable foe, retaliating with devastating blows and unleashing waves of energy that tested the limits of the group's endurance. The battle raged on, each side pushing themselves to the brink in a desperate struggle for victory.

As each attacied happen the wheel moved and Meharaga just kept adapting, as he then grabbed Sigurd and slammed him to the ground, and smacked him at Edmond at his speed using his as weapos as it sent Sigurd flying as well.

Mother fucker. Sigurd said hitting a wall. That Hurd and it was very disrespectful

The group witnessed Maharaga's relentless assault, its ability to adapt to their attacks proving to be a formidable challenge. As Sigurd and Edmond were thrown back by the force of Maharaga's blows, Ritsuka felt a surge of determination.

"We can't give up now," Ritsuka called out to the group, his voice filled with resolve. "We need to find a way to overcome its adaptability."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and the others continued to press the attack, utilizing their unique abilities and coordinating their efforts to exploit Maharaga's weaknesses. Despite the odds stacked against them, they refused to back down, their determination to protect each other and overcome this powerful foe driving them forward.

Shit what do I do. Ritsuka said realising the longer the fight goes the more Maharaga adapted. I have a plan but the ox won't work fuck it. Making his had into that of dragon mouth he summons the 9th shadow. Tiger funeral

Ritsuka's bold move surprised the group, but they quickly understood his plan as Tiger Funeral materialized beside him.

"Tiger Funeral, we need your assistance," Ritsuka called out, his voice urgent yet determined. "Use your speed and agility to distract Maharaga while we launch our attacks."

With a fierce roar, Tiger Funeral leaped into action, darting around Maharaga with lightning speed, keeping the monstrous creature off balance and preventing it from fully focusing on its attacks. Meanwhile, Ritsuka and the others seized the opportunity to unleash a barrage of coordinated strikes, aiming to exploit any vulnerabilities they could find.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's plan began to show signs of success, Maharaga's adaptability momentarily hindered by the relentless onslaught. With Tiger Funeral's assistance and their unwavering determination, they fought on, refusing to yield to the overwhelming power of their adversary.

As the dragon grabbed Maharaga and started to use sound and fire base attack, as Ritsuka still wonder was the dragon called Tigers funeral

As Ritsuka summoned Tiger Funeral, the dragon materialized with a powerful roar, ready to unleash its fury upon Maharaga. Ritsuka, recognizing the dragon's true nature, felt a surge of relief knowing they had a formidable ally in this crucial moment.

With the dragon's assistance, the group intensified their assault on Maharaga, exploiting the distraction created by Tiger Funeral's attacks. Maharaga, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the dragon, struggled to defend itself against the combined onslaught.

Driven by determination and the newfound strength provided by Tiger Funeral, Ritsuka and the others pressed forward, their coordinated efforts wearing down Maharaga's defenses with each successive strike.

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly apparent that Maharaga was no match for the combined might of Ritsuka, his allies, and the fearsome dragon. With their relentless assault, they gradually gained the upper hand, pushing Maharaga to the brink of defeat.

As Maharaga's wheel shifted once more, signaling another adaptation, its tail poised to strike at Ritsuka. However, before the deadly blow could land, one of Aozaki's puppets sprang into action, intercepting Maharaga's attack and holding its tail at bay.

In a coordinated maneuver, Aozaki summoned twenty more puppets, positioning them strategically around Maharaga. With a swift and synchronized detonation, the puppets exploded in a blinding display of magical energy, engulfing Maharaga in a maelstrom of destruction.

The force of the explosions rocked the cavern, causing debris to rain down as the shockwave reverberated throughout the chamber. Maharaga, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, staggered under the barrage of magical blasts, its defenses momentarily weakened.

Seizing the opportunity, Ritsuka and the others launched a relentless assault, capitalizing on Maharaga's momentary vulnerability. With renewed determination, they unleashed their most potent attacks, pushing Maharaga to the brink of defeat.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Maharaga lay battered and broken, its once formidable form now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. With their combined efforts, Ritsuka and his allies emerged victorious, having vanquished the final obstacle in their path.

With Maharaga defeated and the threat of the Ten Shadows eradicated, Ritsuka and the group could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that peace had been restored to the land.

Sigurd this is going to be the most dum thing I will do but. He said to Sigurd. But this might just work throws me at him

What. Sigurd asked confused. Are you nuts.

Just do it. Ritsuka said determation in his voice. Just do it.

As sigurd did what his master said he Ritsuka grabbed on to the wheel as then he activated the full power of Amaterasu, he has noticed that to adapt the wheel must moved so Ritsuka was using all his powers to make sure the wheel does not move

Locked in a fierce struggle, Ritsuka's determination burned as bright as his flames, refusing to give an inch against Maharaga's relentless onslaught. With each passing moment, he exerted more pressure, his resolve unshakeable in the face of the formidable opponent before him.

As Maharaga's movements slowed under the relentless assault of Ritsuka's flames, victory seemed within reach. With one final surge of effort, Ritsuka unleashed a torrent of fire, overwhelming Maharaga and bringing it to its knees.

Take this. Ritsuka activeted all his magic crest, as for a moment one of his eyes glows golden yellow and his hair was red as fire. Take this. As he made a pure fire ball for Amaterasu as he put in his mouth. Burn. He yalled as he put the fire ball in Maharage mouth

As the fireball ignited within Maharaga, it became a beacon of blazing fury, the intense heat searing through the creature's form with unstoppable force. The flames enveloped Maharaga from within, incinerating its essence as the divine fire ravaged its being.

With a mighty roar that shook the very foundations of the cavern, Ritsuka watched as Maharaga was consumed by the inferno, its towering figure reduced to nothingness in the face of Amaterasu's wrath. As the flames subsided and the dust settled, Ritsuka stood amidst the smoldering remains of his vanquished foe, his victory assured by the power of divine fire.

As Maharage gut up and sent Ritsuka flying as Sigurd and Edmond came before th wheel can move they actived theye Noble phatasam ready to finish this off, as Aozkai was actives a speel to so power it mad the earth shake.

Will I gess I will loosing some magic crest. He said smilling. But that this

As the two heroic spirits converged on their target, Aozaki unleashed a spell of unparalleled potency, channeling her magic into the very earth itself. With a deafening roar, the ground trembled beneath their feet, the sheer force of Aozaki's spell threatening to tear the cavern asunder.

With their combined might, Sigurd, Edmond, and Aozaki unleashed a devastating barrage of attacks, their weapons and magic converging on Maharaga with unrelenting force. As the onslaught reached its crescendo, the very air crackled with energy, signaling the imminent demise of their formidable foe.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Ritsuka surveyed the scene, his eyes scanning the cavern for any sign of their vanquished foe. As he checked his arm, he discovered the unmistakable mark of a karma wheel etched into his flesh, a silent testament to their hard-won victory.

With a weary sigh, Ritsuka realized the gravity of their achievement. They had not only defeated Maharaga but also succeeded in acquiring all ten shadows, Turning to his companions, Ritsuka's gaze met theirs, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Though the battle had been arduous and the stakes high, they had emerged triumphant, united in their victory and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they prepared to leave the cavern behind, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction mingled with anticipation. With the power of the ten shadows now at their disposal, they were more than ready to confront whatever trials awaited them in the days to come.

So what know. Ciel siad looking at the group. What do we do

As she saw Ritsuka falling down the days event finally kicking in for him, as he just felt a sleep as his 10 yearold body can't handle it anymore, Sigurd and Edmond also went away, letting Ritsuka rest.

With Ritsuka succumbing to exhaustion, the group knew it was time to regroup and recuperate after the intense events they had just faced. Ciel's question hung in the air, prompting Aozaki to take charge and outline their next steps.

"We need to inform the church about Ayato's passing," Aozaki declared, her voice firm with determination. "Then, we should all take some time to rest and recover. It's been a long and difficult journey, and we owe it to ourselves to recharge our energies before facing whatever challenges lie ahead."

Caren nodded in agreement, her expression somber as she processed the loss of their comrade. "I'll make the necessary arrangements with the church," she assured the group. "We'll ensure that Ayato receives the proper rites and honors."

As they began to make preparations to leave the cavern and return to civilization, each member of the group silently acknowledged the weight of their recent experiences. But amidst the sorrow and fatigue, there was also a sense of solidarity and determination to press forward, united in their resolve to confront whatever trials awaited them in the future.

To be continued

Also sense this is the end of this arc I wanna thank Ly_Meng34 for the idea of how use the Ten Shadow in fate thank you