
As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the group found themselves standing amidst the aftermath of their epic struggle against Maharaga, the Divine General. Ritsuka, still reeling from the intensity of the battle, struggled to gather his thoughts amidst the exhaustion that weighed heavily upon him. His body ached, and his mind felt clouded, but he knew there were matters that needed their attention.

With a weary sigh, Ritsuka glanced around at his companions, each bearing the marks of the fierce battle they had just endured. Sigurd and Edmond stood nearby, their expressions grave yet determined, while Aozaki surveyed the cavern with a calculating gaze. Ciel and Caren remained silent, their thoughts undoubtedly consumed by the loss of their fallen comrade, Ayato.

"We should gather our strength and tend to our wounds," Ritsuka said, his voice hoarse with fatigue. "But first, we must ensure that Ayato receives the proper burial rites. His sacrifice cannot go unnoticed."

Caren nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'll make the necessary arrangements with the church," she said softly. "Ayato deserves to be honored for his bravery and dedication."

As Caren set off to carry out her task, the rest of the group turned their attention to their own needs. Sigurd and Edmond began to assess their injuries, while Aozaki busied herself with examining the remnants of Maharaga's presence in the cavern.

"We should also report our success to the Mage's Association," Aozaki suggested, her tone serious. "They'll want to know that the threat of the Ten Shadows has been neutralized."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the importance of informing the authorities about their victory. Despite his exhaustion, he knew that their journey was far from over, and there were still challenges ahead that they would need to face together.

As the group tended to their wounds and made preparations to leave the cavern behind, Ritsuka couldn't help but reflect on the events that had led them to this point. They had faced countless dangers and overcome insurmountable odds, but through it all, they had remained united in their purpose.

With renewed determination, Ritsuka knew that they would continue to face whatever trials awaited them, armed with the strength of their bonds and the courage of their convictions. As they ventured forth into the unknown, he found solace in the knowledge that they would face the future together, ready to overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

As then out now where Ritsuka went fall asleep as he had everything done, after a while Ritsuka was somewhere else in his dream as he looked around, As Ritsuka was in his mind Infront of him was Maharaga, as Maharaga went to him and grabbed him by the neck

You didn't tame me. He said his voice echoing. You need to tame me properly kid, the other 9 maybe ok with but I am not

Ritsuka's heart pounded in his chest as he found himself face to face with Maharaga once again, this time in the depths of his own mind. The creature's presence loomed over him, its words reverberating with an unsettling intensity.

"I didn't tame you?" Ritsuka repeated, his voice trembling slightly. "But we defeated you. We vanquished the Ten Shadows."

Maharaga's gaze bore into Ritsuka, its eyes burning with an otherworldly intensity. "Defeated, perhaps," it said, its voice echoing ominously. "But tamed? Not yet."

With a chilling sensation creeping up his spine, Ritsuka watched as Maharaga released him, allowing him to rise to his feet. His mind raced with questions, but before he could voice them, Maharaga began to fade away, its form dissipating into the darkness of his subconscious.

As Ritsuka blinked, he found himself back in the realm of wakefulness, his body still weary from the ordeal of battle. But the encounter with Maharaga lingered in his thoughts, leaving him with an unsettling sense of foreboding.

Gathering his strength, Ritsuka rose to his feet, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in the waking world and within the depths of his own mind. With a steely resolve, he set out to rejoin his companions, knowing that their journey was far from over.

As Ritsuka looked around he relies he was in a house he wonder where he was.

Is anyone there. Ritsuka wondering if there was anyone. Hello

Ritsuka's eyes widened in surprise as the door creaked open, revealing a nun standing in the doorway. Relief washed over him as he realized that they must have been taken to a nearby church for rest and recovery.

"Hello?" Ritsuka called out tentatively, his voice echoing softly in the room. "Is everything okay?"

The nun smiled warmly at him, her gentle demeanor putting Ritsuka at ease. "Yes, everything is fine," she reassured him. "You're safe here. You and your companions were brought to our church for rest after your recent ordeal."

Ritsuka nodded, gratitude flooding through him at the nun's words. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "We appreciate your hospitality."

The nun inclined her head in acknowledgment. "It's our duty to aid those in need," she replied. "Rest now, young one. You've been through a lot, but you're safe here."

With a sense of relief washing over him, Ritsuka settled back onto the bed, allowing himself to relax for the first time in what felt like ages. As he closed his eyes, he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, the events of the past days catching up to him all at once.

With the gentle presence of the nun nearby, Ritsuka drifted off to sleep, knowing that he was in good hands and that he and his companions would be able to face whatever challenges awaited them with renewed strength and determination.

Meanwhile with Ciel and Caren they were taking to hire up from the church

You have to be kidding me. The man said not believing it. So Ayato one of our best agent's of the church is dead, god this is a bad day for me

Ciel and Caren exchanged somber glances as they stood before the high-ranking official from the church, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"We understand that this is a difficult time," Ciel said solemnly, her voice tinged with sorrow. "Ayato's loss has hit us hard, but we were not expecting such an attack. We thought the shadows were vanquished."

The high-ranking official sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "This turn of events is unexpected and concerning," he admitted, his tone grave. "We must reevaluate our strategies and be prepared for any further threats that may arise."

Caren stepped forward, her expression determined. "Rest assured, we will continue to honor Ayato's memory and remain vigilant against any potential dangers," she declared, her voice unwavering in its resolve. "With Ritsuka and his newfound servant, we have strengthened our forces and will do whatever it takes to protect our people."

The high-ranking official nodded solemnly, acknowledging their commitment to the cause. "Your dedication is commendable," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "Continue to uphold the ideals of the church and work together to ensure the safety of our community."

With a shared nod of determination, Ciel and Caren turned to leave, their hearts heavy with grief but their resolve unyielding in the face of uncertainty. As they stepped out into the night, they knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were ready to face them together, united in their mission to protect those they cared about.

But the boy still needs a teacher. The man said as he Looked at them. Ritsuka will need another unless Ayato was finished with the kids training which he wasn't, so I will be sending her to help

Her? Ciel thought for a bit before her eyes wident. Ayaka Sama. She said the the man was taking Ayato younger sister

The high-ranking official nodded in agreement. "Yes, Ayaka will be joining your ranks to assist in Ritsuka's training," he confirmed. "She possesses considerable skill and knowledge, and her guidance will be invaluable in helping Ritsuka harness the full potential of his abilities."

Ciel and Caren exchanged a knowing glance, recognizing the significance of Ayaka's involvement. "We will welcome her with open arms and ensure that Ritsuka receives the guidance he needs," Ciel affirmed, her voice filled with determination.

As they departed from the meeting, Ciel couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Ritsuka would have a capable teacher to guide him on his journey. With Ayaka's support, they would be better equipped to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile with Ritsuka he went to check on teacher Aozkai hoping she was ok, I mean they fought a fucking dragon, deer and ox with them fighting what basically a god in one day and Ritsuka was hoping she was ok

With a sense of concern weighing heavily on his mind, Ritsuka made his way to find Aozaki, hoping to check on her well-being after the intense battle they had just faced. As he approached her quarters, he couldn't shake the memories of their fierce struggle against Maharaga and the toll it had taken on each of them.

Knocking gently on the door, Ritsuka waited anxiously for a response, his heart pounding with anticipation. After a moment, the door creaked open, revealing Aozaki standing before him, her expression weary but determined.

"Aozaki, are you alright?" Ritsuka asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. "That battle... it was unlike anything we've faced before."

Aozaki offered him a small, reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Ritsuka," she replied, her voice steady despite the fatigue evident in her eyes. "It was a difficult fight, but we emerged victorious, thanks to your leadership and the strength of our companions."

Relief washed over Ritsuka as he heard Aozaki's words, grateful that she had come through the battle relatively unscathed. Despite the challenges they had faced, their bond as allies had only grown stronger, and Ritsuka knew they would continue to rely on each other in the trials ahead.

As they stood together in the quiet of Aozaki's quarters, Ritsuka felt a sense of gratitude for the companionship and support they had shared throughout their journey. With Aozaki by his side, he felt confident that they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

So now what. Ritsuka asked his teacher. What do we do.

Will simple. Aozkai said with a smile. We train with the shadow. She said looking at him. And keep doing what we are doing, also just travail the world like how we have been doing it.

Ritsuka nodded, absorbing Aozaki's words with a sense of determination. Despite the challenges they had faced and the battles yet to come, he knew that their journey was far from over. With the power of the shadows at their disposal, they had a responsibility to hone their skills and continue their quest to protect humanity from the forces of darkness.

"Understood," Ritsuka replied, his voice resolute. "We'll train with the shadows and continue our mission to safeguard the world. Together, we'll face whatever challenges lie ahead, and emerge stronger than ever before."

With a shared sense of purpose, Ritsuka and Aozaki prepared to embark on the next chapter of their journey, ready to confront whatever trials awaited them with unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit.

As the next day arrived Ritsuka was with the Devin dog standing on a shadow,

Now try it. The devin dog said looks at Ritsuka. Try the shadow travel technic, master

Ritsuka took a deep breath, his determination fueling his focus as he prepared to attempt the shadow travel technique. Channeling the knowledge he had gained from his training with the Devin dog and his experiences with the shadows, he centered himself, reaching out with his mind to connect with the shadow beneath his feet.

With a mental command, Ritsuka willed the shadow to envelop him, embracing its essence as he sought to merge his consciousness with its dark energy. Slowly at first, he felt the sensation of weightlessness as the boundaries between himself and the shadow blurred, the transition between physical and shadow form becoming seamless.

As the transformation took hold, Ritsuka felt a surge of exhilaration coursing through him, the sensation of traveling through the shadows electrifying his senses. With a newfound sense of freedom and power, he embraced the experience, allowing the shadow to carry him to his destination with effortless grace.

As the journey reached its conclusion, Ritsuka emerged from the shadow, his form solidifying once more as he stood on solid ground. With a triumphant smile, he turned to the Devin dog, his eyes shining with excitement.

"I did it," Ritsuka exclaimed, his voice filled with pride. "I traveled through the shadows!"

The Devin dog nodded in approval, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Well done, master," he said. "You've mastered the shadow travel technique with remarkable skill. With this ability at your disposal, there will be no limit to what we can accomplish together."

With a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence, Ritsuka looked forward to the adventures that lay ahead, knowing that with the power of the shadows by his side, anything was possible.

This is a perfect technic for an assassin. Ciel said seeing Ritsuka use the technic. It is also a good tracel form and a good way to hide as well

Ciel's observation sparked a thoughtful expression on Ritsuka's face as he considered the multifaceted nature of the shadow travel technique. The idea of using it for stealth and espionage intrigued him, recognizing its potential for both offensive and defensive purposes.

"You're right, Ciel," Ritsuka replied, nodding in agreement. "The versatility of this technique is remarkable. It could be incredibly useful not only for evading enemies but also for infiltrating enemy territory unnoticed."

As he spoke, Ritsuka began to envision the various ways in which he could utilize the shadow travel technique to his advantage. From reconnaissance missions to surprise attacks, the possibilities seemed endless, limited only by his imagination and skill.

"With this ability, we'll be able to move swiftly and silently, striking our enemies from the shadows before they even know what's hit them," Ritsuka mused, a determined glint in his eyes. "It will give us a significant edge in our mission to protect humanity and confront the forces of darkness."

With their newfound knowledge and skills, Ritsuka and his companions were more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges awaited them, armed with the power of the shadows and the determination to succeed against all odds.

I now, I can also try this. Ritsuka said activating his sun dash. Let's try shadow travel with sun dash

Ritsuka's suggestion piqued the curiosity of everyone present, including Aozaki, who watched with interest as he prepared to combine the shadow travel technique with his sun dash ability.

"An intriguing proposition," Aozaki remarked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Combining the speed and agility of your sun dash with the stealth and versatility of shadow travel could prove to be a formidable combination indeed."

With a nod of agreement, Ritsuka focused his energy, channeling the power of both techniques simultaneously. As he concentrated, a faint aura enveloped him, the interplay of light and shadow intertwining around his form in a mesmerizing display.

With a burst of speed, Ritsuka dashed forward, seamlessly melding into the shadows as he moved. The transition was smooth and effortless, his movements fluid as he traversed the darkness with the swiftness of a shadow.

As he emerged from the shadows on the other side, Ritsuka's expression was one of satisfaction and determination. The successful fusion of his sun dash and shadow travel techniques had opened up new possibilities for him, enhancing both his offensive and defensive capabilities in equal measure.

"Remarkable," Aozaki murmured, her gaze fixed on Ritsuka with a newfound sense of respect. "With this combination, you'll be virtually unstoppable, capable of striking swiftly and disappearing into the darkness before your enemies even have a chance to react."

Encouraged by their success, Ritsuka and his companions began to brainstorm further ways to refine and improve upon their techniques.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, also my new original story school of the insane has juts come out so please check it out, i will be uploading 2 ch every week on that story