Sword and Bows

Ritsuka finds himself deep in thought, contemplating the events of the past few days and the challenges that lie ahead. He sits in a quiet corner of the room, his mind racing with thoughts of his training, his companions, and the mysteries that still surround the shadows.

Suddenly, he is interrupted by a knock on the door. Startled, Ritsuka looks up to see Ayaka standing in the doorway, a determined expression on her face.

"Ritsuka," she says, her voice steady. "I've been sent here to assist you in your training. It's time we get started."

Ritsuka nods, grateful for the distraction. He stands up, ready to begin the day's training with renewed focus and determination.

Together, Ritsuka and Ayaka make their way to the training grounds, where they are greeted by Aozaki and the Devin dog. The atmosphere is tense with anticipation as they prepare for the day's training.

"Today, we'll be focusing on swordsmanship," Aozaki announces, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Ritsuka, Ayaka, I want you to spar with each other. Remember, the key is to focus on your technique and maintain control at all times."

With a nod, Ritsuka and Ayaka take their positions, their swords at the ready. As they begin to spar, the sound of clashing steel fills the air, their movements fluid and precise.

Ritsuka's heart races as he faces off against Ayaka, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knows that she is a skilled swordsman, and he must stay on his guard if he hopes to match her in combat.

As they exchange blows, Ritsuka feels a sense of exhilaration coursing through him. With each strike and parry, he learns more about himself and his abilities, pushing himself to new heights in pursuit of mastery.

Ayaka, too, fights with determination, her movements graceful and powerful. She pushes Ritsuka to his limits, forcing him to adapt and evolve with each passing moment.

As the spar continues, Ritsuka begins to gain the upper hand, his confidence growing with each successful strike. He finds himself drawing on the lessons he has learned from his training with Aozaki and the Devin dog, using their guidance to inform his movements and strategies.

Finally, with a well-timed feint, Ritsuka lands a decisive blow, disarming Ayaka and bringing the spar to an end. They stand facing each other, breathing heavily, their swords lowered in mutual respect.

"Well done, both of you," Aozaki says, her voice filled with pride. "You've both shown great skill and determination today. Keep up the good work, and you'll become formidable warriors in no time."

With that, the group disperses, their spirits lifted by the day's training. As Ritsuka reflects on his progress, he feels a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead on his journey to become a master swordsman.

There's a few more days past, like this, with Ritsuka training in Sword, other Church activities, and Macecraft training as well. As one day he was training with Ayaka, his Sword got sent flying as Ayaka just looks at him with a smile.

Not bad kid. Ayaka siad looking at him. I think it time your learn something more.

What is it. Ritsuka said looking at Ayaka. What is is

My family mostly fouces on two things. Ayaka said looking at Ritsuka. Swords and mage carft, for our sword training we have style a family style it is called The kamisato art. Ayaka said looking at Ritsuka. And the mage craft ice and water, my brother used to fouces on ice. Ayaka said feeling sad, as it only had been a few days sense Ayato did. But fouces on ice mage craft

As Ayaka begins to teach Ritsuka the basics of the Kamisato Sword Art, Ritsuka can't help but feel a pang of guilt weighing heavily on his heart. The memory of Ayato, his former teacher and mentor, looms large in his mind, reminding him of his failure to protect him.

"I'm sorry, Ayaka," Ritsuka murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... I couldn't save your brother. I let him down."

Ayaka's gaze softens with understanding as she places a comforting hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Ritsuka," she says gently. "Ayato wouldn't want you to blame yourself. He believed in you, just as I do."

Despite Ayaka's reassuring words, Ritsuka can't shake the feeling of guilt that gnaws at him. But he knows that he can't dwell on the past forever. He owes it to Ayato's memory to continue his training and become stronger.

With a determined resolve, Ritsuka focuses on the present, absorbing Ayaka's teachings with a newfound determination. He channels his grief and guilt into each movement, striving to honor Ayato's legacy by mastering the Kamisato Sword Art to the best of his abilities.

As the days pass, Ritsuka's bond with Ayaka grows stronger, their shared grief forging a deep connection between them. With Ayaka's guidance and support, Ritsuka finds solace in his training, knowing that he is not alone in his journey to become a skilled warrior and mage.

meanwhile Sigurd in Ritsuka mind was seeing the training as Edmond said sometimes to him.

What mad. Edmond said looking at Sigurd. What even after Ritsuka summons a saber class like this you, one who is the master of the sword, he didn't ask you to train him

Sigurd's gaze lingers on Ritsuka and Ayaka as they train together, a mixture of pride and concern evident in his expression.

"I know," Sigurd replies, his voice tinged with regret. "But perhaps it's for the best. Ritsuka needs a fresh perspective, someone who can guide him in ways that I cannot."

Edmond nods in understanding, his eyes following Ritsuka's movements with keen interest. "Ayaka seems capable," he remarks, his tone thoughtful. "And she understands the Kamisato Sword Art better than anyone. She'll be a valuable mentor to him."

Sigurd sighs, a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "I just hope I can still be of use to him, in whatever capacity he needs."

Edmond places a reassuring hand on Sigurd's shoulder. "You will, my friend," he says firmly. "Ritsuka values your wisdom and experience. And I have no doubt that he will turn to you when he needs it most."

With a shared understanding, Sigurd and Edmond continue to observe Ritsuka's training, their silent support a testament to their unwavering dedication to their young master.

But really. Sigurd said looking at Ritsuka. How did he masses to summond us, normally it will take a lot of energy from the holy grail.

You gess is as good as mine. Edmond said looking at Sigurd. But do you have theories, or are you thinking can he summon more servants

Sigurd furrows his brow in contemplation, his gaze fixed on Ritsuka as he trains with Ayaka.

"It's a mystery," Sigurd admits, his voice thoughtful. "But perhaps there's more to Ritsuka than meets the eye. He's shown remarkable potential, summoning not just one, but multiple Servants without apparent strain."

Edmond nods in agreement, his expression equally pensive. "Indeed. It's possible that Ritsuka possesses some unique quality or ability that allows him to interact with the Holy Grail in ways we don't yet understand."

As they watch Ritsuka's training progress, the two heroic spirits exchange theories and ideas, each one more speculative than the last. But one thing remains clear: Ritsuka's extraordinary talents continue to defy explanation, leaving Sigurd and Edmond intrigued and eager to unravel the mysteries that surround their young master.

I may have an idea. Edmond thinks to himself, as he looks at Chica. Cannot tell him that. So far, I'm the only servant that even remembers with Ritsuka before the reset. Still don't understand how that works. Edmond once again thinks to himself, complicating on his unique predicament. As he then sighs a bit. My theory is that he's probably bursting with holy energy. Just, maybe. Or maybe I'm thinking too much of it. Edmond says to himself, As this was only in his mind, no one else could hear him.

Edmond's thoughts delve into the complexities of Ritsuka's connection to the Holy Grail, grappling with the enigmatic presence of Chica and the implications of their shared memories from before the reset.

"It's perplexing," Edmond acknowledges inwardly, his gaze lingering on Chica with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Whatever connection Creator and I share with Ritsuka's past, it's clear that there's more to it than meets the eye."

As he considers the possibility of Ritsuka's heightened connection to the Holy Grail, Edmond can't shake the feeling that they're on the cusp of a revelation. "Perhaps," he muses silently, "Ritsuka's abundance of holy energy is a key factor in summoning multiple servants and retaining memories from before the reset."

With a sense of determination, Edmond resolves to keep a vigilant eye on Ritsuka's journey, prepared to confront whatever mysteries and challenges lie ahead. After all, in a world where the lines between reality and myth blur, every clue, no matter how small, could hold the key to unlocking the truth.

As the training day ended, Ritsuka went to his room, as he summoned Edmond and Sigurd.

I need to try something. Ritsuka said looking at both of them. I am going to try and summond another servent this place is build on top of a laylin, so it is perfect.

Edmond and Sigurd exchanged a glance, intrigued by Ritsuka's proposal. "Summoning another servant?" Sigurd questioned, his brow furrowing slightly. "That's quite a bold move, especially considering the circumstances."

Edmond nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed," he concurred. "But if this place is indeed built upon a leyline, as you suspect, then the conditions for summoning another servant may indeed be favorable."

Ritsuka nodded, his determination unwavering. "I've been thinking about it for a while," he admitted. "And with everything that's been happening, I feel like now's the time to give it a try."

With a shared sense of anticipation, the trio prepared for the summoning ritual, positioning themselves at key points within the room to harness the leyline's energy. As Ritsuka focused his thoughts and concentrated his magic, a surge of power coursed through the room, enveloping them in a shimmering aura of light.

With a resolute expression, Ritsuka channeled his intent into the summoning ritual, his mind reaching out across the boundaries of time and space in search of a new ally to join their cause. As the ritual reached its crescendo, a brilliant flash of light erupted in the center of the room, heralding the arrival of their newest servant.

Oh, right. Before I do this. Ritsuka said look at Sigurd and Edmund. Can you call in Aozkai, Ciel, caren, and Ayaka please? I kind of need them here, just in case. Ritsuka said looking at his servants.

Sigurd and Edmond nodded in understanding, acknowledging the wisdom of having their allies present for such a momentous occasion. With a shared sense of purpose, they quickly set about summoning Aozaki, Ciel, Caren, and Ayaka to join them in the room.

Within moments, their companions arrived, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation as they took in the scene before them.

"What's going on?" Aozaki asked, her gaze shifting between Ritsuka and the others.

"We're about to attempt to summon another servant," Ritsuka explained, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "I felt it was necessary to have all of you here for support."

Ciel and Caren exchanged a glance, their expressions reflecting a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Another servant?" Ciel echoed, her eyes widening with intrigue. "This could be a game-changer."

Ayaka, Ayato's younger sister, remained silent but attentive, her eyes fixed on Ritsuka with a sense of determination.

With their allies gathered and their intentions clear, Ritsuka and his companions prepared to proceed with the summoning ritual, knowing that the outcome could shape the course of their journey in ways they could only begin to imagine.

As Ritsuka started to chant the summoning ritual to summon his newest servant the group watched

As Ritsuka began to chant the summoning ritual, a palpable tension filled the room, each member of the group holding their breath in anticipation of what was to come. The air seemed to crackle with energy, a tangible sense of anticipation hanging heavy in the air.

With each word of the incantation, Ritsuka's voice grew stronger, his determination fueling the ritual as he reached out into the void, calling forth a new servant to join their ranks. The room seemed to pulse with power, the very fabric of reality shimmering with the intensity of their collective will.

As the ritual reached its climax, a brilliant flash of light erupted in the center of the room, illuminating the chamber with blinding radiance. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as the group watched in awe, awaiting the arrival of their newest ally.

And then, as quickly as it had appeared, the light faded, revealing the figure of a mysterious servant standing before them. Their presence exuded an aura of strength and determination, their eyes meeting Ritsuka's with a silent acknowledgment of their newfound bond.

With the summoning complete, the group looked upon their newest companion with a mixture of curiosity and excitement, eager to learn more about the servant who had answered their call. As they prepared to embark on the next chapter of their journey, united in purpose and resolve, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a team.

As the group's subtlest servant, he seemed to be wearing a white-like armor with a black underlying layer on it. He seemed to be holding a bow, a mohawk on his side, which was very fluffy, almost like a warrior. He looked like a warrior, as in his right arm was a bow, and on his left was an arrow. These things seemed to be very metal, metallic, and robotic-looking. Even his whole armor was metallic and robotic-looking. His armor was white and blue in color, but a slowing-down cape down it. He looked almost Japanese, as a dragon-like head was on his left shoulder, as he looked at it. To see that he had two horns coming from his head, as he just looked at it with chuka, as they all realized something. The magical energy coming from this guy wasn't that of a human. He felt almost mechanic, robotic, but with Ritsuka knew who this was, as it already summoned him in Chaldea

Archer. The figures said looking at Ritsuka and the group. I am Archer Minamoto no Tametomo I ask are you my master

As Archer Minamoto no Tametomo introduced himself to the group, his imposing presence commanded their attention. His armor, adorned with intricate details and metallic accents, gleamed in the ambient light of the room, reflecting his warrior spirit and unwavering resolve.

Ritsuka nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of recognition dawning upon him as he realized the significance of Archer's presence. Though his appearance was unlike any servant they had encountered before, Ritsuka knew that Archer Minamoto no Tametomo was a legendary hero from ancient times, renowned for his skill in archery and valor in battle.

"Yes, I am your master," Ritsuka replied, his voice steady with determination. "Welcome, Archer Minamoto no Tametomo. We are honored to have you join our ranks."

As the group welcomed their newest ally, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement at the prospect of fighting alongside such a legendary hero. With Archer's strength and skill added to their arsenal, they knew that they were better prepared than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead.

With their numbers now complete, Ritsuka and his companions stood united, ready to embark on the next phase of their journey together. As they prepared to face whatever trials awaited them, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious against the forces of darkness.

Ok, I am going to be the first one to say this. Ciel siad looking Tametomo. He looks gundam, and I mean that in a good way.

I see. Tametomo said looking at Ciel. I gess it makes sense, I am not human after all

Tametomo's response elicited a chuckle from Ciel as she nodded in agreement.

"Well, you certainly have the presence of a Gundam," Ciel remarked with a grin. "But regardless of your origin, your strength and valor are what truly matter. We're grateful to have you on our side, Tametomo."

With a nod of appreciation, Tametomo acknowledged Ciel's words, his gaze reflecting a sense of determination and readiness to fulfill his role as a guardian and ally to Ritsuka and the group.

As the conversation continued, the group's camaraderie strengthened, their bond forged through shared experiences and the challenges they had overcome together. With Tametomo's addition to their ranks, they stood united, prepared to face whatever trials lay ahead with courage and resolve.

Alright who is telling this to the church. Ayaka said as everyone relsied, as they all Looked at each as everyone except of Caren massed to say. Not in

Fuck. Caren said relishing she has to be then one to handle the news. Fuck all of you

Caren's frustration was palpable as she realized the weight of the task that lay before her. Despite her reluctance, she knew that informing the church about Ayato's passing was a responsibility she couldn't shirk.

With a resigned sigh, Caren squared her shoulders, steeling herself for the difficult conversation that awaited her. Though the burden was heavy, she knew that she couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgment. The Church need to now about this but, why most it be her

To be continued

So um my phone is facing some problems and do to that I don't know when I will uploading again so yeah also check out my original story please