Sword Vs Bow

The clang of wooden swords echoed through the training grounds as Ritsuka faced off against Ayaka in a sparring match. They both wielded wooden practice swords, their movements precise and calculated as they exchanged blows.

Ritsuka focused on applying the techniques of the Kamisato sword style that Ayaka had been teaching him. Each strike, each parry, was executed with precision, a testament to his dedication to mastering the ancient art.

Ayaka, her movements fluid and graceful, countered Ritsuka's attacks with ease, her years of training evident in every motion. She offered guidance and encouragement as they sparred, pushing Ritsuka to refine his technique and improve his skills.

As the training session continued, Ritsuka felt himself growing more confident in his abilities. The Kamisato sword style resonated with him, its principles of balance and harmony aligning perfectly with his own fighting instincts.

Ayaka, impressed by Ritsuka's progress, nodded approvingly. "You're getting better, Ritsuka. Your form is improving, and your strikes are becoming more fluid."

Ritsuka grinned, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "Thanks, Ayaka. Your teachings have been invaluable."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka redoubled his efforts, fully committed to mastering the Kamisato sword style under Ayaka's guidance. Together, they continued to train, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Hey who do you think is stronger. Ayaka said looking at Ritsuka. I mean our Sigurd and Tametomo, which is stronger

Ritsuka paused for a moment, considering Ayaka's question carefully. "It's hard to say," he admitted, furrowing his brow in thought. "Both Sigurd and Tametomo possess incredible strength and skill in their own right."

Ayaka nodded, acknowledging his response. "Indeed, they are both formidable warriors," she agreed. "Sigurd's mastery of the sword is unparalleled, while Tametomo's prowess with the bow is equally impressive."

Ritsuka glanced between the two servants, weighing their respective strengths in his mind. "I suppose it ultimately depends on the situation," he mused. "Sigurd excels in close combat, while Tametomo's ranged attacks offer a different advantage."

Ayaka smiled, pleased with his analysis. "Exactly," she said. "Each servant brings unique abilities to the table, and it's important to recognize and utilize their strengths accordingly."

With a newfound appreciation for the capabilities of both Sigurd and Tametomo, Ritsuka resolved to continue training with them, honing his skills and learning how best to harness their power in battle.

How about this. Edmond said coming out of Ritsuka. Let's have them fight a friendly match, if that is ok master.

Ritsuka considered Edmond's suggestion, intrigued by the idea of pitting Sigurd and Tametomo against each other in a friendly match. "That could be interesting," he replied thoughtfully. "It would give us a chance to see their abilities in action and perhaps learn more about their strengths and weaknesses."

Ayaka nodded in agreement. "It could also serve as valuable training for both of them," she added. "A friendly sparring match would allow them to test their skills against each other in a controlled environment."

Ciel chimed in, her eyes alight with excitement. "I'm all for it," she said eagerly. "It'll be like a practice duel, but with servants instead of students."

Ritsuka smiled, sensing the enthusiasm of his companions. "Very well," he said, nodding decisively. "Let's arrange the match and see what unfolds. Perhaps we'll discover something new about both Sigurd and Tametomo in the process."

Why don't we ask them first. Aozkai said looking at them. If there ok with them why not

"Good idea," Ritsuka agreed, turning his attention to Sigurd and Tametomo. "What do you both think? Are you willing to engage in a friendly sparring match to test your skills against each other?"

Sigurd nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I have no objections," he replied. "It would be an honor to demonstrate my abilities in combat."

Tametomo grinned, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Count me in!" he exclaimed eagerly. "I've been itching for a good fight, and this sounds like just the opportunity I've been waiting for."

With the agreement of both servants secured, Ritsuka and the others began making preparations for the upcoming match, eager to witness the clash of swords and bows that was sure to follow.

As Sigurd and Tometomo was ready for the fight, as they were ready with there weapons.

Remember no np. Ritsuka said looking at his servant. We don't want to blow this place up

The two servants squared off, each poised and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Sigurd wielded his mighty sword Gram, while Tametomo notched an arrow onto his bow, his posture relaxed but alert.

With a swift movement, Sigurd lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with precision. Tametomo deftly dodged the attack, gracefully side-stepping to avoid the lethal strike. In response, he notched another arrow onto his bowstring and let it fly with pinpoint accuracy towards Sigurd.

Sigurd deflected the arrow with a skillful parry of his sword, his movements fluid and precise. He then countered with a powerful slash, aiming for Tametomo's midsection. But Tametomo was quick to react, leaping backwards to evade the blow before launching into a rapid series of arrow shots aimed at Sigurd's feet, forcing him to dance nimbly out of harm's way.

The battle raged on, each combatant unleashing a barrage of attacks and defenses in a dazzling display of skill and prowess. Sigurd's swordsmanship was unmatched, his strikes powerful and precise, while Tametomo's archery was deadly accurate, his arrows finding their mark with unerring precision.

As the clash of weapons echoed through the training grounds, Ritsuka and the others watched with bated breath, marveling at the intensity and ferocity of the battle unfolding before them. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that this was no ordinary sparring match, but a true test of strength and skill between two legendary heroes.

Who do you think he will win. Edmond said looking at Ritsuka. What do you say

Don't know. Ritsuka said looks at the battle. Saber servants do have advanced again archer servants, but this is still something

As the battle between Sigurd and Tametomo intensified, both warriors displayed incredible skill and agility. Sigurd, with his masterful swordsmanship, parried Tametomo's arrows with precision while closing the distance between them. Tametomo, on the other hand, utilized his bow with remarkable speed and accuracy, creating a barrage of arrows that forced Sigurd to dodge and weave.

Sigurd unleashed a series of powerful sword strikes, aiming to overwhelm his opponent with sheer force. However, Tametomo's agility allowed him to evade most of the attacks, relying on his quick reflexes to maintain distance and continue firing arrows.

The clash of blades and arrows echoed throughout the training ground as Ritsuka and the others watched in awe. Each combatant pushed themselves to the limit, determined to prove their superiority.

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly difficult to determine a clear victor. Both Sigurd and Tametomo demonstrated unwavering determination and skill, making it a truly thrilling contest to witness.

As both servants jumped away, Sigurd looked at Tametomo before pulling out his sword. As his sword started to glow with multiple other six smaller swords coming, as he held his fist, as he had a smile, Tametomo went back as well, as then a misty surround the areas around his body. As the sun once prevalent turned to the moon, as then a red beam of light fallen down, as these two were ready to release their noble phantasms, everything looked at each other, but with Ritsuka and the rest just looking slack-jawed.

Shield now. Aozkai said. Now

As a few shilde were made and summond, to protect the group from, what was going to happen.

The tension in the air was palpable as both Sigurd and Tametomo prepared to unleash their noble phantasms. Sigurd's sword glowed with an intense light, accompanied by the appearance of six smaller swords, each emanating its own power. With a determined expression, Sigurd raised his fist, ready to strike.

Meanwhile, Tametomo was enveloped in a mysterious mist, the atmosphere around him shifting as if under the influence of the moon. A crimson beam of light descended from the sky, adding to the surreal spectacle unfolding before them.

Ritsuka and the others watched in stunned silence, their eyes wide with amazement at the impending clash of noble phantasms. The sheer power and intensity of the moment left them speechless, captivated by the incredible display of strength from both servants.

As the tension reached its peak, the battlefield seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the inevitable clash. Sigurd's determination was mirrored by Tametomo's focus, each servant poised to unleash their full power.

With a sudden burst of energy, Sigurd launched his assault, the six smaller swords surrounding him and adding to the overwhelming force of his attack. Meanwhile, Tametomo's misty aura intensified, the red beam of light shining brighter as if heralding the arrival of a legendary force.

The moment of impact was breathtaking, a collision of immense power that sent shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield. As the dust settled and the echoes of their clash faded, the true victor remained unclear, leaving Ritsuka and the others on edge as they awaited the outcome.

The tension was palpable as Ritsuka's voice cut through the aftermath of the battle, his frustration evident to all who stood witness to the chaotic clash.

"I said no Noble Phantasms!" Ritsuka's voice reverberated with a mix of anger and disbelief, his gaze piercing through his servants with a stern intensity.

Despite his outburst, the servants remained silent, their expressions a mix of guilt and defiance, each one grappling with the consequences of their actions in the heat of the moment.

Tametomo stepped forward, his demeanor calm yet resolute as he addressed Ritsuka. "Master, it seems our enthusiasm got the better of us. We apologize for the oversight."

Sigurd nodded in agreement, his voice calm and composed. "Indeed, it was an error in judgment. We allowed the intensity of the moment to cloud our better judgment."

Ritsuka exhaled heavily, his frustration slowly giving way to understanding. "Just... be more mindful next time. We can't afford any more slip-ups like this."

With a nod of acknowledgment, the servants bowed respectfully, silently resolving to heed Ritsuka's words and exercise greater caution in the future.

Will now what. Aozkai said looking at the amount of damage they did. Will sorry Ciel.

The hire up are not gonna be happy. Ciel said looking at the danger around the church. Oh boy Caren.

If I have to say this going to be taken out of our salaty from the church. Caren said with sigh seeing the amount of damage. Oh boy we are fucked.

Sorry guy. Ritsuka said to the both of them. If only two People were a bit more mind full

As he was looking at Sigurd and Tametomo, as just sigh as he knew that Ciel, Caren and Ayaka are going to be in trouble for this

Ritsuka's expression softened as he looked at his companions. "I'll take responsibility for this. I'll talk to the church officials and explain what happened."

Aozkai placed a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder, her eyes reflecting understanding and support. "We'll face this together, Ritsuka. We're a team, after all."

Ciel and Caren exchanged a glance, a mixture of concern and gratitude in their eyes. "Thank you, Ritsuka," Ciel said softly. "We appreciate your willingness to stand up for us."

Ritsuka nodded, determination clear in his gaze. "Let's clean up this mess and make things right. Together."

As the next day arrives as Ritsuka was training with 8 out of the 10 Shadows of the ten shadow they were the ones no 1 to 8 aka Devine dog, Nue, Toad, Great Serpent, Max elephant, Rabbit escape, Round Deer and Pierching OX.

The training ground buzzed with energy as Ritsuka sparred with his Shadows. Each Shadow displayed incredible agility and power, pushing Ritsuka to his limits.

"Come on, Ritsuka! You can do it!" Aozkai cheered from the sidelines, her voice full of encouragement.

Ritsuka gritted his teeth, focusing on his movements as he countered the attacks of the Shadows. His determination fueled his every action, driving him to keep pushing forward.

With each strike, Ritsuka felt himself growing stronger, more in tune with his abilities. The bond between him and his Shadows strengthened, forging an unbreakable connection.

As the training session came to an end, Ritsuka wiped the sweat from his brow, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. He had come a long way, but he knew that the road ahead would only get tougher. However, with his Shadows by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Totality. Ritsuka said looking at the Shadow. You guys still haven't explained to what that is how it work's

The Shadows exchanged glances before the Devine dog stepped forward, its eyes reflecting a sense of wisdom beyond its appearance.

"Totality is the culmination of our combined strength and abilities," the Devine dog explained. "When we synchronize our powers with yours, we create a harmonious bond known as Totality."

"It's like tapping into a reservoir of untapped potential," Nue added, nodding in agreement. "With Totality, we can enhance your abilities, amplify your strengths, and overcome even the most formidable foes."

Ritsuka listened intently, absorbing every word. Totality sounded like a powerful force, one that could unlock his true potential and elevate his capabilities to new heights.

"Thank you for explaining," Ritsuka said, gratitude evident in his voice. "I look forward to exploring the depths of Totality and harnessing its power alongside all of you."

This also works in another way. Nue said coming up to Ritsuka. When one of us dies for good out power goes to the tiger shadow does making the rest more and more stronger.

Ritsuka's eyes widened in realization at Nue's explanation. The concept was both fascinating and sobering.

"So, the strength of the fallen Shadows lives on within the rest of you," he mused, understanding dawning upon him. "It's a way to honor their sacrifice and ensure that their legacy endures."

Nue nodded solemnly. "Indeed. Their essence becomes part of the collective strength of Totality, empowering us to continue our mission alongside you, Master."

Ritsuka felt a newfound sense of responsibility weighing upon him. Each fallen Shadow represented not just a loss but also a reinforcement of their collective resolve. It was a reminder of the stakes involved in their journey and the bonds they shared.

"Thank you for sharing this with me," Ritsuka said, gratitude lacing his words. "We'll carry on their legacy and make sure their sacrifice was not in vain."

That gives me an idea. Ritsuka said looking at all of his shadows. Rabbit Escape has a lot of them, and he always multiplies. Which means that if you kill one of the Rabbit Escapes, well, you guys will get its totality. If you kill enough of them while making sure that the main one survives, you all would get a massive power boost, right? Which mean, as long as well keepe the original Alive both it and you guys will be getting, stronger Ritsuka says, looking at all of them. Obviously I won't do this unless Rabbit Escape agrees to it.

The Shadows exchanged glances, considering Ritsuka's proposal carefully. After a moment of silent communication among themselves, Rabbit Escape stepped forward, nodding in agreement.

"We understand, Master," Rabbit Escape said, his voice resonating with determination. "As long as it serves our collective purpose and strengthens our bond with you, we are willing to cooperate."

Ritsuka smiled, grateful for their trust and unity. "Thank you, Rabbit Escape. Your cooperation means a lot. Let's work together to achieve our goals and overcome any challenges that come our way."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and his Shadows continued their training, knowing that they were stronger together and ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As Ritsuka activeted his Amaterasu flames, as the original rabbit escape went away as look at th clones.

I will make your death quick. Ritsuka said looking at them. And sorry Surya arrow.

With a swift motion, Ritsuka unleashed his Surya Arrow, a powerful technique fueled by his Amaterasu flames. The arrow soared through the air, striking each clone of Rabbit Escape with precision and efficiency. As each clone dissipated into thin air, their power flowed back to the original Rabbit Escape, enhancing his strength.

The process was quick and efficient, and soon only the original Rabbit Escape remained, stronger than ever before. Ritsuka nodded in satisfaction, knowing that their plan had worked as intended.

"Well done, Rabbit Escape," Ritsuka praised, a sense of accomplishment filling the air. "Together, we are stronger than ever. Let's continue to work together and grow even stronger."

With their newfound strength and unity, Ritsuka and his Shadows continued their training, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with confidence and determination.

To be continued

Not fully back but enjoying a second phone for updates and yeah