
Ritsuka was seen Infront of practice area in his hand was a gun, the gun seem to be glowing as he fired at a tree as insted if holes in the tree it started to burn in black flames.

It worked. Ritsuka said with smile. I did it.

Wow it did. Aozkai siad looking at Ritsuka. A gun made by sun mage craft and bullets formed with Amaterasu flames. Aozkai said to her self seeing her student. That is amazing Kid

As Ritsuka admired his newly crafted weapon, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The gun represented not only his growing mastery over magecraft but also his resourcefulness in combining different techniques.

"I can't wait to test this out in battle," Ritsuka said, a spark of excitement in his eyes.

Aozkai nodded in approval. "Just remember to use it wisely, Ritsuka. Power like this can be dangerous if not wielded responsibly."

With a determined nod, Ritsuka holstered his new weapon. He knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

It also means a few more thing. Ciel siad looking at Ritsuka. With you able to make any gun with sun mage craft you don't need to buy any, mad not just that sense the bullet's are made from the Amaterasu flames, means you will not run out bullet's

"That's true," Ritsuka replied, realizing the practical implications of his new creation. "I'll never have to worry about running out of ammunition again."

The prospect of endless firepower gave him a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that he could rely on his own abilities in any situation.

"Thank you for your guidance, Aozkai," Ritsuka said, turning to his teacher with gratitude. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Aozkai smiled warmly. "You've always had the potential within you, Ritsuka. I'm just here to help you unlock it."

With his new weapon in hand and his mentor's support behind him, Ritsuka felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited him on his journey.

Meanwhile Caren Ayaka was seeing Ritsuka

Kid is becoming a jack of all trades master of all. Ayaka said looking at Ritsuka. What do you think Caren

Caren nodded in agreement. "He's certainly becoming quite versatile. It's impressive to see how quickly he's adapting to new skills and techniques."

"But mastering them all will take time," she added. "It's important for him to focus on honing his abilities and not spread himself too thin."

Ayaka nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. He has a lot of potential, but he needs to prioritize what's most important to him and work on mastering those skills first."

As they watched Ritsuka continue to train, they knew that with determination and guidance, he would become even stronger than before.

Anyway it is time. Ayaka said going to Ritsuka. Let's train with your ash lock now kid active them

Ritsuka nodded eagerly, holding out his hands as Ayaka activated the Ash Lock. The robotic arms extended from the device, each moving fluidly as if they were an extension of Ritsuka's own body.

"Now, let's see what you can do," Ayaka said, stepping back to observe as Ritsuka began to experiment with the Ash Lock's capabilities.

With a focused expression, Ritsuka started to manipulate the robotic arms, testing their range of motion and strength. He swung them in wide arcs, mimicking sword strikes, and then shifted to more delicate movements, like picking up small objects.

As he grew more accustomed to the Ash Lock, Ritsuka's movements became smoother and more precise. He started to combine the actions of the robotic arms with his own body's movements, creating a seamless flow of motion that impressed Ayaka and the others watching.

Wanna give them a name. Aozkai said looking at the Ash lock. I mean why not

Ritsuka considered Aozkai's suggestion, pondering over possible names for his new contraption. After a moment of thought, he smiled.

"How about 'Quintessence Arms'?" Ritsuka suggested, the name reflecting both the versatility and power of the Ash Lock.

Fair enough. Ayaka said looking at the amrs. It is a good name

With the name agreed upon, Ritsuka proceeded to train with his Quintessence Arms, exploring their capabilities and experimenting with different techniques. As the training session progressed, he grew more proficient in wielding them, gradually mastering their use in combat.

As Ritsuka honed his skills with the Quintessence Arms, he began to develop new techniques, blending their power with his own abilities. With each passing day, his control and mastery over the arms grew stronger, allowing him to execute precise and devastating attacks.

Aozkai and Ayaka watched with pride as Ritsuka pushed the limits of his abilities, impressed by his determination and quick progress. They offered guidance and encouragement, helping him refine his techniques and adapt them to different combat situations.

Meanwhile, Caren observed from a distance, silently analyzing Ritsuka's training and strategizing how to further support his development. She recognized the potential in his newfound abilities and pondered how they could be leveraged in future battles against the looming threats they faced.

As the sun began to set on another day of training, Ritsuka felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. With his Quintessence Arms by his side and the support of his mentors and allies, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Ritsuka summon 5 sword made by Sun mage crafts, as he pulled out his own new sword, which he name after the dragon it was made by as each of the four arms grabbed each of the sword and Ritsuka grabbed another

Let's do this. Ritsuka said with a smirk on his face. 6 swords style.

Alright master. Sigurd said inform of Ritsuka. Let's see what you can do

With a determined expression, Ritsuka unleashed a flurry of strikes, each sword moving with precision and fluidity. The blades gleamed in the sunlight as they danced through the air, leaving trails of fiery energy in their wake.

The Quintessence Arms moved in perfect harmony with Ritsuka's own movements, enhancing his speed and power with their supernatural strength. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, cutting through obstacles with ease and leaving no room for hesitation.

As Ritsuka continued to push himself, his confidence grew with each passing moment. He felt the connection between himself and the Quintessence Arms strengthening, as if they were an extension of his own being. With their combined strength, he knew that nothing could stand in their way.

As the training session came to an end, Ritsuka sheathed his swords with a satisfied smile. He had unlocked a new level of power and control, and he was eager to put it to the test in the battles that lay ahead. With his allies by his side and his Quintessence Arms at the ready, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Kids going to be nightmare to all Mages that fight him. Aozkai said to Ciel, Caren, and Ayaka. I mean if the flames weren't enough he has power sword and a powerful Ash lock god famm on top that he is only 11 he growing fast

Ciel nodded in agreement. "He's certainly becoming a force to be reckoned with. We'll need to make sure he doesn't let it go to his head."

Caren chimed in, her expression serious. "Agreed. We need to keep a close eye on him and make sure he continues to use his abilities wisely."

Ayaka glanced over at Ritsuka, a hint of pride in her eyes. "He may be young, but he's proven himself time and time again. I have faith that he'll continue to rise to the occasion and become an even greater mage."

As they watched Ritsuka train, the group knew that they had a formidable ally on their side. And with each passing day, his potential only seemed to grow stronger.

Meanwhile in his mind Maharage was watchung this, he hate to say but the boy was showing why he masses to defeat so many of the shadow heck if this continues the boy would tame him, as he had a smile.

They let it be. Maharaga said as he looked at the Devin dog. Next the boy summons you tell that he can use me

The Devin dog nodded, understanding the implications of Maharaga's words. "Understood. I'll relay the message to him when the time comes."

Maharaga observed Ritsuka's progress with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. The boy's potential was undeniable, and Maharaga couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future held.

Meanwhile back to Ritsuka he was mediating he was still trying to do something, he still remembers super Karna and wanted to tryw and do something similar to it, even do the last he tried it felt like his magical circuits were on fire

Ritsuka focused his mind, delving deep into his magical circuits, determined to push past his limits. With each attempt, he could feel the strain on his body and the intense heat coursing through him. Yet, he refused to give up, driven by the memory of Super Karna's power and the desire to achieve something similar.

As he continued to meditate, Ritsuka gradually began to sense a shift in his magical energy, a subtle change that hinted at a breakthrough. With renewed determination, he pushed harder, pushing his magical circuits to their limits and beyond.

As then he stopped as he was taking deef breath, as he had a smile.

I am making it. He siad with smile. I will make not today but soon

Ritsuka's smile widened as he felt a surge of determination coursing through him. Though he hadn't achieved his goal yet, he could sense that he was getting closer with each attempt. With newfound confidence, he knew that it was only a matter of time before he mastered this technique.

Feeling energized by his breakthrough, Ritsuka stood up and stretched, ready to continue his training. With each step forward, he was one step closer to unlocking the full extent of his abilities. Little did he know, the challenges ahead would push him to his limits and test his resolve like never before. But for now, he relished in the progress he had made and looked forward to what the future held.

As Ritsuka saw a bird falling from the sky he went to check but the bird was already Death, sigh Ritsuka made a Knife with his sun mage crafts, as he then looked at the bird as he magical circuits went up on power.

Arise. With those simple words a part of Ritsuka shadow went end grabbed the birds shadow and lipted up making a shadow Verison of the bird. What the h-. As Ritsuka felt down

As Ritsuka just woke up as he saw Aozkai, Ciel, Caren and Ayaka next to him worried.

What happened. Aozkai said worried. What happened kid

As Ritsuka slowly regained consciousness, he found himself surrounded by his concerned companions. Blinking groggily, he tried to piece together what had happened.

"I... I don't know," he mumbled, still feeling disoriented from the experience. "I tried something new with my powers... and then everything went dark."

Aozkai exchanged a worried glance with the others before gently helping Ritsuka sit up. "You overexerted yourself," she explained gently. "Your new abilities are still developing, and pushing them too far can have consequences."

Ciel nodded in agreement. "You need to be more careful, Ritsuka," she advised, her expression reflecting her concern.

Caren placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "We're here for you, but you need to take things slowly," she added, her voice soft but firm.

Ayaka remained silent, her eyes reflecting a mixture of worry and determination. "We'll help you figure this out," she promised, her tone resolute.

Feeling grateful for their support, Ritsuka nodded weakly. "Thanks, everyone," he said softly. "I'll be more careful next time."

Can show us what this new ability is. Ayaka said looking at Ritsuka. Can you show us

As Ritsuka concentrated, he summoned forth a shadowy bird, its form flickering slightly as if uncertain of its existence. As the bird took shape, its features became clearer, revealing the unmistakable form of a robin.

Ayaka's eyes widened in astonishment as she observed the shadowy creature. "Incredible," she murmured, her voice tinged with awe. "To think you can create living shadows..."

Ciel nodded in agreement, her analytical mind already considering the potential applications of such an ability. "This could be a valuable asset in battle," she remarked, her tone thoughtful.

Aozkai observed the shadow bird with a mixture of admiration and concern. "It's impressive, Ritsuka," she admitted, "but remember to use it wisely. Such powers come with great responsibility."

Caren smiled softly, her gaze lingering on the shadowy robin. "It's beautiful," she said quietly, appreciating the delicate intricacies of Ritsuka's creation.

As Ritsuka looked at the shadow bird, a sense of pride swelled within him. Despite the challenges he faced, he knew that with the support of his companions, he could continue to develop and master his newfound abilities.

Well, not necessarily like that

Ritsuka said, looking at his mentors. I don't know how to explain it, but you guys noticed the dead bird in the backyard, right? So when I approached it, I just said the word, arise. My shadow covered the bird's shadow, and then it just came out like that.

As Ritsuka explained, his mentors listened intently, absorbing every detail of his experience with keen interest.

Aozkai nodded thoughtfully, her expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "So, it's not just a matter of summoning shadows," she mused. "It seems to involve a deeper connection, almost like a symbiosis between your own shadow and that of the bird."

Ciel's analytical gaze sharpened as she processed Ritsuka's words. "It suggests a potential link between your abilities and the natural world," she speculated. "Perhaps your connection to the shadows allows you to tap into the essence of living creatures."

Ayaka's eyes sparkled with intrigue as she considered the implications of Ritsuka's revelation. "If you can control the shadows of living beings," she mused, "it could open up a whole new realm of possibilities in terms of combat strategy and reconnaissance."

Caren's expression softened with empathy as she listened to Ritsuka's explanation. "It sounds like a profound experience," she said gently. "But be careful, Ritsuka. Such powers carry great responsibility, as Aozkai mentioned."

As Ritsuka absorbed their feedback, he felt a sense of reassurance knowing that his mentors were there to guide him through the complexities of his evolving abilities. With their support, he was determined to explore the full extent of his powers while remaining mindful of the risks involved.

Do you know how it works. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka. Is it beacuse of you being related to karna. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka. After all shadow are made after light from the sun touch sometime like trees

Ritsuka pondered Aozkai's question, considering the potential connection between his newfound ability and his heritage as a descendant of Karna.

"It's possible," he admitted, "that there's some influence from Karna's divine lineage. His association with fire and sunlight might have an impact on my abilities, especially since shadows are ultimately created by the interaction of light and objects."

He paused, mulling over the idea further. "But I also think it's more than just that," he continued. "It feels like there's something intrinsic to me, something that goes beyond lineage or heritage. Maybe it's a manifestation of my own connection to the world around me, a reflection of my inner self."

Ritsuka glanced at his mentors, hoping they would understand his uncertainty. "I suppose," he concluded, "that it's something I'll have to explore further to truly understand."

To be continue

Yeah so before People ask, no Ritsuka is not rising the dead, or using the dead, he can do this to living things as well it more of sub skill of his shadow powers then new power, anwya give me power stones our army will grow stronger and stronger, anyway new fanfic coming out today it is called RWBY: Oscar the gamer, also I was say today in fgo thanks to the 20 millions download things going on, I got my self a Artoria Caster on my first 10 pull I am so happy