
As Ritsuka was shown Infront of Straw dummy on his hand was his sword Albion, as behind was Ayaka, as Ritsuka feets were covered by shadows as he moved in high speed, as she activeted his sun dash he moved and fade one, cut, then moves again makeing a seacond cut, and finally making a third cut making the dummy explode in sun like energy.

I did it. Ritsuka a smile on his face. What do you Master Ayaka

Nice work, Ritsuka. Ayaka said with a nod of approval. Your swordsmanship is improving rapidly. Keep up the good work.

As Ritsuka continued his training, Ayaka observed him closely, noting his progress with each technique he attempted. She provided guidance and corrections where needed, ensuring that he honed his skills effectively.

"Remember to maintain your focus and control," Ayaka advised as Ritsuka prepared for his next practice session. "Precision is just as important as power."

Ritsuka nodded, taking her words to heart as he approached the training dummy once again. With each strike, he concentrated on his form, striving for perfection in every movement.

Meanwhile, Ciel and Aozkai watched from a distance, impressed by Ritsuka's determination and growth. They exchanged nods of approval as they witnessed his improvement firsthand.

"It's amazing to see how far he's come," Ciel remarked, her eyes following Ritsuka's swift movements. "He truly has a natural talent for combat."

Aozkai nodded in agreement. "Indeed, but let's not forget the role his shadows play in his abilities. They provide him with unique advantages that few others possess."

As Ritsuka continued to train, his shadows swirled around him, enhancing his movements and lending him strength. With each passing moment, he grew more confident in his abilities, pushing himself to new heights with each strike.

After a grueling training session, Ritsuka stepped back, catching his breath as he wiped sweat from his brow. Despite the exertion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

"I'm getting stronger every day," he thought to himself, a determined gleam in his eyes. "And I won't stop until I've reached my full potential."

So what will you call that technique. Ayaka said remebring the moved Ritsuka did the three slash and then the explosion. Sun slash.

Slashed Dream Cries in Red. Ritsuka said looking at Ayaka. That is what i will call it

Ayaka nodded in approval, impressed by Ritsuka's choice of name. "Sun Slash: Slashed Dream Cries in Red. It has a powerful ring to it, fitting for such a formidable technique."

Ritsuka smiled, satisfied with his decision. "Thank you, Master Ayaka. I feel like it captures the essence of the technique perfectly."

With their training session complete and a new technique named, Ritsuka and Ayaka prepared to continue their journey of growth and discovery. They knew that with dedication and determination, there was no limit to what they could achieve together.

Still a mouth full. Aozaki said hearing through name of the attack. How about removing the sun slash part

"Agreed," Ayaka chimed in. "Just 'Slashed Dream Cries in Red' has a nice ring to it, and it still captures the essence of the technique."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "I like that. It sounds more streamlined and impactful without 'Sun Slash' at the beginning."

With the name refined, they continued their training with renewed focus and determination, ready to further refine and master the technique.

So are not gonna talk about the other part. Ciel said as she looked at Ritsuka. Do you have the name for that technic

What do you. As Ritsuka remember as he spoke the works Arises as from his shadow the shadow bird came out. No I still don't have name for this

As then Ritsuka pulled a book as he wrote his new power, in it he had many powers,

The list was

Sun mage craft

Weapons made from sun mage crafts

Mystic eye of death perception

Rune mage craft

Sun dash


Rune + Amaterasu fusion

Holy prayers

Surya's Arrow

Ten shadow

Shadow travel

Shadow creation

Slashed Dream Cries in Red

And Now Umbral Summons

Still I wonder. Aozkai said looking at the shadow robin. Does it only work on dead things or can you make it from living animals as well

Ritsuka pondered Aozkai's question for a moment before responding. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "But I think it's worth experimenting with. Maybe we can try it out on a small animal and see what happens."

As the group discussed their next steps, they decided to conduct an experiment to test Ritsuka's ability to summon shadow creatures from living animals. They ventured into the nearby woods, where they found a squirrel darting among the trees.

"Let's give it a try," Ritsuka said, focusing his thoughts on the squirrel. With a whispered command, he attempted to channel his shadow magic, reaching out to the squirrel's essence. Moments later, a shadowy replica of the squirrel materialized beside the real one.

"It worked!" exclaimed Ayaka, her eyes wide with amazement.

"But what will happen to the real squirrel?" Caren wondered, voicing the group's collective concern.

Ritsuka observed the real squirrel, which continued its normal activities, seemingly unaffected by the appearance of its shadow counterpart. Relieved, the group returned to their training area, eager to further explore Ritsuka's newfound abilities.

Here let me try one more thing Arises. Ritsuka said his shadow moving covering, Ciel, Caren, Aozkai and Ayaka shadow, as they shadow replica came out. It worked

As the shadow replicas of Ciel, Caren, Aozkai, and Ayaka emerged, the group marveled at Ritsuka's growing mastery over his abilities.

"Amazing," Ciel remarked, examining her shadow replica closely. "It's like looking into a mirror."

"It's incredible how precise the replicas are," Ayaka added, impressed by the attention to detail in the shadow creations.

Ritsuka smiled, pleased with the success of his experiment. "This opens up so many possibilities," he said, envisioning the potential applications of his Umbral Summons ability.

With their curiosity piqued and their spirits high, the group continued their training, eager to explore the full extent of Ritsuka's powers and the mysteries of the shadow realm.

As they observed Ritsuka's new abilities, a sense of intrigue filled the minds of Edmond, Sigurd, Tametomo, and the ten shadow.

"This is unexpected," Edmond remarked, his gaze fixed on Ritsuka. "He continues to surprise us with each new development."

Sigurd nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "Indeed. It seems there is no limit to his potential."

Tametomo, the newest addition to Ritsuka's roster of servants, watched intently, his mohawk bristling with anticipation. "I look forward to seeing how he harnesses these powers in battle," he said, eager to test his own skills alongside Ritsuka's newfound abilities.

Meanwhile, the ten shadow whispered amongst themselves, their voices filled with a mixture of awe and respect for their master's growing strength. They knew that with each passing day, Ritsuka was becoming more formidable, and they were honored to stand by his side as he journeyed further into the depths of his power.

Meanwhile back with Ritsuka, he spread his shadow all around the ground, with one thought hundred of hands cane out

Alright let's changed it. Ritsuka said as spikes came out. Let's see what other things I can do

As Ritsuka experimented with his newfound power, he marveled at the versatility it offered. With a mere thought, he could manipulate his shadow into various forms and shapes, each one more intricate than the last.

"Remarkable," Ayaka remarked, her eyes wide with wonder as she watched Ritsuka's display of control over his shadow. "It's as if your imagination is the only limit to what you can create."

Ritsuka nodded, his concentration unwavering as he continued to shape and mold his shadow into different constructs. "It's incredible," he agreed. "I never imagined I could have this much control over my own shadow."

Ciel, Caren, and Aozkai observed with keen interest, each one contemplating the implications of Ritsuka's newfound abilities. They knew that with such power at his disposal, Ritsuka would be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

As Ritsuka delved deeper into his exploration of Umbral Summons, the possibilities seemed endless, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of what he could achieve with his newfound power.

Still I wanna thank the ten shadow. Ritsuka said looking at them. With out then I won't have this power

Ritsuka's expression softened as he turned his gaze towards the ten shadows. They stood before him, silent and watchful, their loyalty unwavering despite the dangers they had faced together.

"I owe a debt of gratitude to each of you," Ritsuka said, his voice sincere. "Without your guidance and support, I wouldn't be standing here today, wielding this incredible power."

The ten shadows nodded in acknowledgment. Though they rarely spoke, their presence was a constant reminder of the bond they shared with Ritsuka, forged through battles and trials.

"We are bound to you, Master," one of the shadows murmured, its voice a whisper on the edge of Ritsuka's consciousness. "Together, we shall overcome any obstacle that stands in our way."

Ritsuka smiled, a sense of gratitude swelling within him. With the ten shadows by his side, he knew that he could face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in the strength of their unity.

Anyway. Ritsuka said talking of his glasses as he activeted his mystic eyes. It is time to train my eyes. As he looked at Aozkai as Aozkai summons one her more advanced puppet

As Aozkai summoned her advanced puppet, Ritsuka focused his gaze, the crimson hue of his mystic eyes intensifying. He studied the intricate details of the puppet's construction, analyzing its joints and mechanisms with precision.

"Keep your focus, Ritsuka," Aozkai reminded him, her voice steady. "The key to mastering your mystic eyes lies in understanding the intricacies of your opponent's movements."

Ritsuka nodded, his gaze never wavering from the puppet before him. With each passing moment, he felt his perception sharpening, his awareness expanding to encompass every subtle shift in the puppet's form.

As the training session continued, Ritsuka's control over his mystic eyes grew more refined, his ability to discern the puppet's weaknesses becoming more acute with each passing moment. By the end of the session, he felt a newfound confidence in his abilities, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him on his journey. Seeing the lines of life and death, he moved pulling out his sword and started to attack

With the lines of life and death guiding his movements, Ritsuka launched into a series of precise strikes, his sword slicing through the air with effortless grace. Each movement was calculated, each strike aimed at exploiting the vulnerabilities revealed by his mystic eyes.

Aozkai watched with keen interest as Ritsuka's swordsmanship flourished, the fluidity of his movements reflecting his growing mastery over his mystic eyes. With each strike, he seemed to dance on the edge of life and death, his blade a lethal extension of his will.

As the training session progressed, Ritsuka's attacks grew more precise, his understanding of the puppet's weaknesses deepening with each strike. With each decisive blow, he felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was one step closer to unlocking the full potential of his mystic eyes.

By the time the session drew to a close, Ritsuka's skills had reached new heights, his swordsmanship honed to a razor-sharp edge. With a sense of accomplishment, he sheathed his sword, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with newfound confidence.

As Ritsuka stand for that first time he had one agent's one of his master puppets as he looked at his master as his master nodded

Arise. Ritsuka these words activating his umbrel summons. I will name you crimson puppet

With a surge of power, the puppet stirred to life, its movements fluid and precise as it responded to Ritsuka's command. Crimson Puppet stood tall and imposing, its crimson robes billowing around it as it awaited further instruction.

Ritsuka watched with satisfaction as his Umbra Summons took form, impressed by its craftsmanship and the power it exuded. With a nod of approval, he acknowledged its existence, knowing that it would serve him well in the battles to come.

As Crimson Puppet stood at his side, Ritsuka felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that he had gained a valuable ally in his quest for mastery. With this new addition to his arsenal, he felt more confident than ever in his ability to overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.

Will kid, just in one day you got 5 new umbrel summons. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka. And 5 very powerful ones nun the less

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him at the accomplishment. "It's thanks to your guidance and the support of everyone here," he said, acknowledging the role his mentors and companions had played in his growth.

With each new Umbra Summon at his disposal, Ritsuka felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead. He knew that the path to mastering his abilities would be fraught with obstacles, but with the strength of his allies and his unwavering determination, he was ready to confront whatever trials awaited him.

To be continued

Short Ch I know but hope people like it