Kirschtaria Wodime part 2

As Kirschtaria slowly regained his strength, Ritsuka and Aozkai continued to investigate the circumstances surrounding his attack. They delved deeper into the connections between the Wodime family and possible adversaries. Meanwhile, Caren and Ciel provided care and support for Kirschtaria and Jacob, ensuring their well-being as they recovered.

With tensions rising and mysteries unfolding, Ritsuka and his allies remained vigilant, determined to uncover the truth and ensure the safety of those involved.

Let see. Aozkai looked at the place Kirshtaria was attacked as he picked up a weapon. Will this is interesting

Is that what I think it is Master. Ritsuka said looking at weapon. This is true same weapons use not just hurt mages but also damage there magic circuit right

Indeed, Ritsuka. A weapon like this is designed not only to inflict physical harm but also to disrupt the flow of magical energy within a mage's circuits. It's a formidable tool in the hands of someone with ill intent. We must tread carefully as we investigate further.

As they examined the weapon, Ritsuka noticed something peculiar engraved on its hilt.

"Master, look at this symbol," Ritsuka said, pointing to the intricate design.

Aozkai inspected it closely. "This symbol... It belongs to a faction within the Association, known for their involvement in covert operations and political maneuvering."

"So, this weapon might be a clue to who orchestrated the attack on Kirschtaria," Ritsuka speculated.

"It's possible," Aozkai agreed, her expression serious. "We need to gather more information before drawing any conclusions."

With determination, they resolved to uncover the truth behind the attack and protect Kirschtaria from further harm.

But I am confused. Aozkai said looking at the simble. These people only listen to higher ups of mages family I gess your theory about his father sending assassin at him is correct

"It seems likely," Ritsuka agreed, troubled by the implications. "But we can't jump to conclusions just yet. We need to investigate further."

Aozkai nodded. "Agreed. We'll need to tread carefully and gather more evidence before confronting anyone."

With a shared determination, they set out to uncover the truth behind the attack on Kirschtaria and ensure his safety in the turbulent world of mage politics.

As Ritsuka summon rabbit escape as one of them went to him.

Go and find evedenec. Ritsuka said graving the rabbit next to him. Any information you find he will find me.

Rabbit Escape nodded, understanding its task, and scurried off in search of clues. Ritsuka and Aozkai remained vigilant, prepared to follow any lead that might shed light on the mysterious attack on Kirschtaria.

As they waited for Rabbit Escape to return, Ritsuka and Aozkai discussed their next steps.

"We need to be cautious," Ritsuka said, glancing around. "If Kirschtaria's father is indeed behind this, he might try again."

Aozkai nodded in agreement. "We'll have to keep a close eye on Kirschtaria and ensure his safety."

Just then, Rabbit Escape returned, carrying a small piece of fabric in its mouth. Ritsuka took it and examined it carefully.

"This could be a clue," Ritsuka said, studying the fabric. "We need to find out where it came from."

With determination in their hearts, Ritsuka and Aozkai set out to unravel the mystery behind the attack on Kirschtaria Wodime.

So what now. Aozkai said to Ritsuka. Where do we go next

Wait for someone to attack us. Rituska says as then multiple magical pallets are sent to them, as he made fire wall. And here it is

As the magical attacks were repelled by Ritsuka's quick thinking, Aozkai looked impressed.

"You've certainly grown stronger," she remarked, a hint of pride in her voice.

Ritsuka nodded, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of further danger. "We can't let our guard down. Whoever is behind this won't give up easily."

With Aozkai by his side, Ritsuka remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to uncover the truth behind Kirschtaria's attack.

Will I am 13 now. As Ritsuka pulled out Albion. Alright let's just end this. Rituska said his sword glowing in the sun. After they don't even deserve the 6 style

With Albion in hand, Ritsuka prepared for battle, his determination clear in his eyes.

"Let's finish this," he said, his voice steady and resolute.

Together, Ritsuka and Aozkai stood ready to confront their adversaries, their resolve unshakeable as they prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As they charged forward, the sun shining brightly overhead, Ritsuka knew that no matter what obstacles they encountered, they would face them head-on, united in their determination to protect those they cared about and uncover the truth behind Kirschtaria's attack.

Alright who sent you. Aozkai said stepping on the head of assassin. Who was it, no wait it was same person who sent, you afther Kirschtaria wasn't it

The assassin remained silent, their expression unreadable beneath the mask.

Ritsuka stepped forward, his gaze unwavering. "You will tell us everything," he said firmly, his voice carrying a note of authority. "Who sent you? And why?"

The assassin hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, their voice low and menacing. "You may have defeated me," they said, "but you will never uncover the truth. The mastermind behind this is far beyond your reach."

With that, the assassin's body dissolved into smoke, leaving Ritsuka and Aozkai to ponder the cryptic message.

Yeah fuck this. Rituska said activating his Amaterasu flames. Let's see if you will talk if you burn

Ritsuka's Amaterasu flames flickered ominously, casting a dark shadow over the room as the assassin's expression tightened in fear.

Aozkai placed a restraining hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "Easy, kid," she cautioned. "We need information, not vengeance. Let's find another way to make them talk."

Ritsuka hesitated, his gaze still fixed on the assassin. After a moment, he reluctantly extinguished the flames. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "But if they won't talk willingly, we'll find another way to make them talk."

They decided to take the captured assassin to a secure location where they could question them without interruption. As they traveled, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Who would want to harm Kirschtaria, and why?

Upon reaching their destination, they began the interrogation. Despite their efforts, the assassin remained tight-lipped, refusing to reveal any information about their employer or their motives.

Frustration mounting, Ritsuka glanced at Aozkai, silently asking for guidance. She nodded subtly, indicating for him to proceed with caution.

With a deep breath, Ritsuka summoned his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, hoping to intimidate the assassin into talking. But as he looked into their eyes, he saw only fear and desperation.

Realizing that brute force wouldn't yield results, Ritsuka decided to try a different approach. He offered the assassin a deal: information in exchange for leniency.

After much negotiation, the assassin finally relented, revealing the identity of their employer and the reasons behind the attack on Kirschtaria.

As the truth came to light, Ritsuka and Aozkai exchanged a knowing glance. Now armed with crucial information, they could take the next step in unraveling the mystery surrounding Kirschtaria Wodime's attack.

So it was his father. Aozaki said as she saw Ritsuka burning the body of the assassin. I gess your theory was correct

Ritsuka nodded solemnly, his expression grim. "It seems so. But why would his own father want to harm him?"

Aozkai sighed, her gaze fixed on the flames consuming the assassin's remains. "Family politics, perhaps. The struggle for power and control within mage families can be ruthless."

As they contemplated the implications of this revelation, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Kirschtaria. To be betrayed by one's own family was a cruel fate indeed.

But there was no time to dwell on such thoughts. They had uncovered the truth, but their work was far from over. With determination in his heart, Ritsuka vowed to protect Kirschtaria and uncover the full extent of the conspiracy against him.

What ever it is. Rituska said finally putting out the Amaterasu flames. Let's just go back

As Ritsuka grabbed on Aozkai had as they travelled back to trh house, as they were back, as they saw Ciel, Caren, Ayaka, Krischtaria and Jacob as they sighed.

The tension in the air was palpable as they returned to the safety of the house. Ritsuka's eyes swept over the group, taking in their worried expressions.

"We're back," Ritsuka said, his voice heavy with the weight of their recent discoveries. "But it seems we have more questions than answers."

Kirschtaria nodded solemnly, his gaze distant as he processed the events of the day. Jacob clung to Caren's side, his eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

Ciel, Caren, and Ayaka exchanged concerned glances, their thoughts mirroring Ritsuka's. The revelation of Kirschtaria's father's involvement had shaken them all to the core.

But amidst the uncertainty and turmoil, one thing remained certain: they were a team, bound together by a common goal. As they faced the challenges ahead, they would stand united, ready to confront whatever dangers lay in wait.

With determination in their hearts, they braced themselves for the trials to come, knowing that together, they were stronger than any obstacle they might face.

As the next day arrives they arrived in the wodime family house, as even Krischtaria was with them, as they walked to the gate.

Alright let's go. Ritsuka said looking at Krischtaria. Don't worry noting will happen

The imposing gates of the Wodime family house loomed before them, casting long shadows over the path ahead. Ritsuka's words carried a reassuring tone, but the tension in the air was palpable as they approached.

Kirschtaria nodded, though his expression remained guarded. "I hope you're right," he said quietly, his eyes scanning the surroundings warily.

Together, they passed through the gates and entered the sprawling estate, the echoes of their footsteps mingling with the whispers of the wind. As they made their way towards the main house, their senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves and creak of branches setting their nerves on edge.

But despite the unease that gripped them, they pressed on, their determination unwavering. Whatever awaited them within the walls of the Wodime family house, they would face it together, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that bound them as one.

Inside the grand halls of the Wodime estate, they were met with an air of formality and tradition. Servants bustled about, attending to their duties with quiet efficiency, while portraits of ancestors adorned the walls, their stern gazes watching over the proceedings.

Lord Wodime himself, a stern figure with a commanding presence, awaited them in the main hall. His eyes narrowed as he took in the group, his gaze lingering on Kirschtaria.

"You have returned," he said, his voice cold and clipped. "And you bring guests."

Ritsuka stepped forward, his posture confident despite the tension in the air. "We've come to speak with you, Lord Wodime," he said firmly. "About your son."

Kirschtaria tensed beside him, but said nothing, his eyes fixed on his father.

Lord Wodime's expression remained unreadable as he regarded them. "Speak then," he said, his tone betraying no hint of emotion. "But choose your words carefully."

And so, in the hallowed halls of the Wodime family estate, the stage was set for a confrontation that would shape the fate of all involved.

As then he recognised as he was shocked lord wodime went to him and hugged him.

Oh my god. Lord wodime said. Well back Kirshtaria, well come back

As Lord Wodime embraced Kirschtaria, the atmosphere in the room shifted palpably. Surprise registered on the faces of those gathered, while Kirschtaria himself seemed taken aback by his grandfather's sudden display of affection.

"Oh, Grandfather..." Kirschtaria's voice was barely above a whisper, his surprise evident in his tone.

Lord Wodime released his grandson, stepping back to regard him with a mixture of relief and concern. "You've returned to us," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with emotion. "I feared the worst when you disappeared without a word."

Kirschtaria's expression softened, a hint of warmth entering his eyes. "I had to find my own path," he said quietly. "But I never forgot where I came from."

Lord Wodime nodded, his gaze lingering on his grandson with a mixture of pride and regret. "You are your own man now, Kirschtaria," he said. "But you will always have a place here, with your family."

The tension that had hung in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of reconciliation and understanding. As grandfather and grandson stood together, surrounded by their loved ones, it was clear that a new chapter had begun for the Wodime family.

Alright with that done. Aozkai said clearing the throat. Let's talk about what happened to Kirshtaria when went missing

As the group settled into chairs arranged in a semi-circle, Aozkai began to speak, her tone measured and calm. "Kirschtaria, we need to understand what happened to you during your disappearance. Can you tell us anything about the events leading up to your attack?"

Kirschtaria shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I'm not sure where to begin," he admitted, his voice barely audible.

"Start from the beginning," Aozkai encouraged gently. "Anything you can remember may be helpful."

Taking a deep breath, Kirschtaria began to recount the events of that fateful day, his words halting at first but gaining momentum as he spoke. He described how he had ventured into the city alone, seeking solace in the bustling streets after a heated argument with his father. He spoke of encountering a group of strangers, their faces obscured by shadow, and the sudden, violent attack that had left him wounded and near death.

Listening intently, the others exchanged worried glances as Kirschtaria's account unfolded. It was clear that his memories of the incident were fragmented and incomplete, but there were enough details to piece together a troubling picture.

When he had finished speaking, Kirschtaria looked up, his expression haunted. "I don't know who they were or why they attacked me," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "But I have a feeling that my father may be involved somehow."

The room fell silent, the weight of Kirschtaria's words hanging heavily in the air. It was clear that there were still many unanswered questions, but for now, they would have to focus on supporting Kirschtaria as he began to rebuild his life and uncover the truth behind his attack.

Luck or unlock. Ritsuka said looking at him. Me and Aozkai found who sent the assassin after you

"That's fortunate," Kirschtaria replied, his expression a mix of relief and curiosity. "Who was it?"

"Aozkai can fill you in on the details," Ritsuka said, gesturing to his mentor. "But it seems your suspicions about your father were correct."

Kirschtaria's eyes widened in shock, and he leaned forward, his hands gripping the arms of his chair tightly. "My father?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "But why would he...?"

"We don't have all the answers yet," Aozkai interjected, her voice calm but firm. "But we're working on it. For now, your safety is our priority."

Nodding slowly, Kirschtaria sank back into his seat, his mind clearly racing with thoughts and questions. As the others exchanged concerned glances, they knew that their journey was far from over, and that they would need to remain vigilant in the days ahead.

My son. Lord wodime said shocked. I may have an answer. He said looking at the group. It because you were chosen to inherit the family magic crest

"That's a possibility," Ritsuka acknowledged, exchanging a glance with Aozkai. "But it still doesn't explain why someone would go to such lengths to harm Kirschtaria."

Lord Wodime nodded solemnly. "Indeed, it raises more questions than it answers. But regardless, I am relieved to have my grandson back safe and sound."

Kirschtaria remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as he processed the revelation. It was clear that the news had shaken him to his core, and the weight of his family's expectations now seemed heavier than ever.

"We'll do everything we can to ensure Kirschtaria's safety," Ritsuka said firmly, placing a reassuring hand on Kirschtaria's shoulder. "And we won't rest until we uncover the truth behind this attack."

With determination in their hearts, the group prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their resolve to protect one another and uncover the secrets that threatened to tear their world apart.

Anyway. Ritsuka said summoning a knife as he sent it flying as it stopped into some, as it was invisible. You can come out now. As it was man yellow hair similar to Kirshtaria, as he Looked at the group. So you were planning to kill once you heard he was coming.

As lord wodime and Kirshtaria new him, it was Kirshtaria father as they were angered.

Kirschtaria's father stood before them, his expression unreadable as he faced the accusations leveled against him. Lord Wodime's features hardened with anger and disappointment, while Kirschtaria's gaze burned with betrayal.

"You dare show your face here after what you've done?" Lord Wodime's voice trembled with fury as he addressed his son. "You would stoop so low as to harm your own flesh and blood for the sake of power?"

Kirschtaria remained silent, his fists clenched at his sides as he struggled to contain his emotions. The revelation of his father's betrayal cut deep, and he found himself grappling with a mixture of anger, sadness, and disbelief.

"We demand answers," Ritsuka said firmly, his eyes narrowing as he stared down Kirschtaria's father. "Why did you order the assassination of your own son?"

The air crackled with tension as they waited for Kirschtaria's father to speak, his silence serving as confirmation of his guilt. With each passing moment, the weight of his betrayal hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their once peaceful gathering.

Why, why, why. Kirschtaria father said looking at Ritsuka. Why must he get the magic crest and not me why. He yalled at them

As then Ritsuka shadow moves and covers Kirshtaria father shadow as he was yalling, a dragon head made by Ritsuka shadow cane and ate Kirshtaria father whole, as the group didn't even bat an eye

Kirschtaria's father's anguished cries echoed through the room, his desperate questions left unanswered in the wake of Ritsuka's swift and decisive action. The group stood in silence, their expressions solemn and unmoved as the shadowy dragon consumed him whole.

Lord Wodime's gaze held a mixture of sorrow and resignation, understanding the tragic consequences of his son's misguided ambition. Kirschtaria remained stoic, his eyes betraying a hint of sadness as he witnessed his father's fate.

Ritsuka, though he acted with determination, couldn't shake the weight of what he had done. The darkness of his shadow magic served as a stark reminder of the power he wielded and the responsibility that came with it.

As the dragon dissipated into the shadows, a heavy silence hung in the air, each member of the group grappling with their own thoughts and emotions. Despite the grim turn of events, they knew that justice had been served, albeit in a manner that left a bitter taste in their mouths.

In the aftermath, they shared a silent understanding, a tacit agreement to move forward and ensure that such betrayal would never again stain the bonds of their family. As they stood united, they knew that their journey was far from over, and that together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued

Give me power stones, and also check out my original story school of the Insane