New servant

As Ritsuka was shown training with Tametomo on Archery skills. As Ritsuka continued his training with Tametomo on archery skills, he focused on improving his accuracy and precision. With each shot, he aimed to hit smaller and more distant targets, honing his skills under Tametomo's guidance. As the sun began to set, they wrapped up their training session, both feeling satisfied with the progress they had made.

I wonder. Rituska thought to him self. If I can summon another servant what do you guys think

As he says to Ayaka, Ciel, Caren and Aozkai, as Sigurd and Edmond come out Ritsuka mins as well

Summoning another servant could be risky, especially if it strains your magical reserves or divides your focus during combat. It's crucial to consider whether the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks and whether you have the capacity to maintain strong bonds with multiple servants. Everyone said to Ritsuka at the same times

As Ritsuka contemplated the idea, Aozkai chimed in, "It's not just about the summoning, but also about managing their presence and expectations. Each servant brings their own history, desires, and goals into the mix. It could complicate things significantly."

Ciel added, "We must also consider the potential impact on our resources and the dynamics within our group. Bringing in another servant means more mouths to feed, more magical energy to sustain, and potentially more conflicts to manage."

Ritsuka nodded, taking in their advice. "You're right. It's not a decision to be made lightly. I'll hold off on summoning another servant for now and focus on strengthening the bonds with the ones we already have."

With that settled, they resumed their training, fully aware of the complexities that came with the summoning of additional servants.

But what class it will this time. Sigurd said looking at Ritsuka. So far you have the Avenger, Saber and Archer class. Sigurd said looking at him. You had 2 years to get to now us is out bound are very strong I think you can summons another one

Ritsuka pondered Sigurd's words, considering the options. "You're right, Sigurd. Adding another class to our lineup could provide valuable versatility. Perhaps we should focus on a class that complements our existing strengths and fills any gaps in our capabilities."

Ayaka interjected, "Given our focus on combat and protection, a defensive or support-oriented class might be beneficial. A Caster or Lancer could offer strategic advantages on the battlefield."

Ciel added, "Alternatively, we could consider a Rider class for mobility and reconnaissance purposes. Their ability to traverse terrain swiftly and gather information could be invaluable."

After weighing their options, Ritsuka nodded. "Let's keep our options open and see what fate brings. When the time is right, we'll know which class to summon next."

It could also be one of the extra classes. Edmond said to everyone. Maybe a ruler, moon cancer, or god forbid foreigner or Pretender

"Pretender could be an interesting addition," Ritsuka mused. "Their ability to mimic other classes might provide us with unexpected advantages and keep our enemies guessing. However, we must be cautious, as summoning a Pretender could come with its own set of challenges."

Aozkai nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Pretenders can be unpredictable. We must ensure that the servant we summon aligns with our goals and values, regardless of their class."

After considering their options, the group decided to keep their minds open to all possibilities, knowing that fate would guide their decision when the time came to summon a new servant.

As the group was in front of Ritsuka, as he was ready to summon his latest servant. As he started to chant the Summoning Circle, a mist surrounded the whole area, as a beam of light was shown as the Summoning Circle glowed. As from it, came out a woman. She seemed to have light blue hair, wearing some sort of purple-like battle armor, with white gloves almost. She had a black skirt, and many more designs. She had almost purple-like eyes, but Itsuka couldn't tell. Her hairpiece was that of an angelic wing, and she had a heart-like spear. As she immediately moved and attacked Sigurd. As Sigurd moved and parry her attacker as he just holder her face

Sigurd is that really you. The woman said almost crying. Is it.

Yes it is me. Sigurd said looking at her. It has been a while my dear brynhildr

As the emotional reunion unfolded before them, Ritsuka and the others watched in awe. Brynhildr, the Valkyrie, had emerged as Ritsuka's new servant. Her appearance stirred memories and emotions within Sigurd, reminding him of their past encounters and the bonds they shared.

"It seems fate has reunited you two," Ritsuka remarked, observing the heartfelt exchange between the two legendary figures. "Welcome, Brynhildr, to our ranks. Your presence will undoubtedly strengthen our cause."

Brynhildr nodded, her gaze softening as she addressed Ritsuka. "Thank you for summoning me. I pledge my loyalty to you, Master, and to this noble cause."

With Brynhildr now among them, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of determination. Together with his growing band of powerful servants, they were more prepared than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead in their quest for victory.

So what class is she. Aozaki said looking at Brynhildr. I ma gess lancer

"Yes, I am a Lancer-class servant," Brynhildr confirmed with a nod, acknowledging Aozaki's inquiry.

As Brynhildr confirmed her class, Ritsuka looked at her in amazement. Another powerful servant had answered his call.

"I'm glad to have you on our side, Brynhildr," Ritsuka said with a smile, extending his hand in greeting.

Brynhildr accepted his hand with a gentle smile. "It's an honor to serve under your command, Master."

With the addition of Brynhildr to their ranks, Ritsuka and his team felt more confident in facing the challenges ahead. They continued their training, now with the strength and skills of another formidable servant at their disposal.

As the summoning ritual once again glowed, everyone was surprised and shocked to see that there was another Servant there. She seemed to have an Aztec headpiece on top of her head, which was blue and gold in color. She was wearing a white, almost armor-like design, with a skirt that was seen by ancient tribe people going down. She was holding what seems to be like a spear or maybe a sword. It was pretty hard to tell. She had black hair with blue highlights on it and white skin. She seemed to have black eyes as well, and she looked at the group. Immediately, Sigurd and Brynhildr went there spear and sword next to her throat. Edmond flames were on and Tametomo was ready to fire is arrow.

Pretender. The woman said looking at the group. I am your pretender class servant Tenochtitlan

As Tenochtitlan revealed her class, the group remained cautious, unsure of her intentions.

"A Pretender class servant," Aozaki murmured, eyeing Tenochtitlan warily. "This could be both advantageous and dangerous."

Ritsuka stepped forward, trying to gauge the newcomer's demeanor. "Welcome, Tenochtitlan. We are honored to have you join us. However, we must ensure that our goals align."

Tenochtitlan nodded, her expression unreadable. "I am here to serve you, Master. My loyalty lies with you, but my true nature remains hidden for now."

With Tenochtitlan's enigmatic presence adding to their ranks, Ritsuka and his team braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, their resolve strengthened by the addition of yet another powerful servant.

After a few minutes Ciel spoke to everyone

That is it. Ciel said looking at everyone. I expect both servant to come out

Ciel's words hung in the air, prompting the group to remain vigilant, awaiting any potential threat or revelation from their newly summoned servants. As they exchanged cautious glances, the atmosphere grew tense, each member mentally preparing for whatever might unfold next. With the weight of uncertainty pressing upon them, Ritsuka and his companions stood ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them on their path forward.

As then everyone Lapprd relsing that noting was going to happen.

Oh boy that was an ice breaker. Edmond said looking at Ciel. Thanks for that

Edmond's remark elicited a few chuckles from the group, easing the tension that had lingered in the air moments before. With the atmosphere lightened, they began to converse more freely, discussing their plans and strategies now that they had two new servants in their midst. As they exchanged ideas and shared insights, a sense of camaraderie filled the space, strengthening their bond as they faced the uncertainties of the future together.

As the conversation flowed, Ritsuka took the opportunity to learn more about his new servants, Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan. He asked them about their abilities, their strengths, and their experiences in battle. Brynhildr shared tales of her valorous exploits on the battlefield, while Tenochtitlan recounted the ancient legends and rituals of her people.

Meanwhile, Aozaki and the others discussed the implications of having two additional servants in their ranks. They debated strategies for integrating them into their combat formations and considered the potential advantages and disadvantages of each servant's unique abilities.

As the discussion continued, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan by their side, they were better equipped than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As the next day arrives Ritsuka was seeing Sigurd and Brynhildr, original Sigurd would fight Tametomo but sense his wife came back they started to spar, as everyone just watched.

So this what happens when you multiple servant. Tenochtitlan said looking at the fight. And you ok with this master

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him as he watched his servants engage in friendly combat. "Yeah, I'm okay with it," he replied. "It's good to see them getting along and honing their skills together. Besides, it's a great opportunity for us to learn from each other and strengthen our bonds as a team."

As Brynhildr and Sgurd stopped, Brynhildr went to Ritsuka as spoke to him

What mage carft do you use master. Brynhildr said looking at Ritsuka. Can you tell me

Ritsuka smiled, appreciating Brynhildr's interest in his abilities. "I primarily use sun magecraft," he replied. "It allows me to manipulate solar energy for various purposes, like creating weapons, shields, and even offensive spells. It's a versatile form of magic that has served me well in many battles."

Brynhildr nodded, listening intently. "Rune magecraft is a powerful art," she remarked. "Combining it with sun magecraft must make you quite formidable in combat. I look forward to seeing your abilities in action, Master."

As the conversation continued, Brynhildr and Ritsuka exchanged insights on their respective magecraft abilities. Brynhildr shared stories from her past battles, offering advice on how to enhance the effectiveness of rune magecraft in combat. Ritsuka, in turn, shared his experiences using sun magecraft and how he integrated it with his other skills.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group watched the interaction with interest, eager to learn more about their new servant and how she would contribute to their future endeavors. With Brynhildr's arrival, the dynamics within the group seemed to shift, opening up new possibilities for their adventures together.

As Brynhildr delved into the teachings of the primordial runes with Ritsuka, she explained their significance in Norse mythology and how they were believed to hold immense power. Together, they explored the meanings behind each rune and how they could be harnessed for various purposes, including protection, healing, and divination.

Ritsuka listened intently, absorbing the knowledge imparted by Brynhildr with a sense of wonder and curiosity. With her guidance, he gained a deeper understanding of the ancient symbols and their potential applications in his magecraft.

Their training sessions became a daily ritual, with Brynhildr passing down the wisdom of the primordial runes to her master. As they continued to study together, Ritsuka's proficiency in rune magecraft grew, allowing him to unlock new capabilities and unleash the full potential of his abilities.

As Ritsuka was shown Infront of Tenochtitlan he was shown face to face with her, as she looked at him

You say you have black flames. Tenochtitlan said looking at her master. Can you show me these Amaterasu flames,

Ritsuka nodded, focusing his mana as he summoned the Amaterasu flames. The black flames danced around his outstretched hand, emitting an intense heat and casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit room. Tenochtitlan observed the flames with interest, studying their movements and aura.

Impressed by the display, she nodded in approval. "Impressive, Master. These Amaterasu flames possess incredible power. With such formidable abilities at your disposal, you are well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead."

Ritsuka smiled, grateful for Tenochtitlan's acknowledgment. He knew that with her guidance and the strength of his newfound abilities, he was ready to face whatever trials awaited him on his journey.

I can do more with these. Rituska said the flame covers his arm before making a fire spear. I can make this into any weapon I want

Tenochtitlan watched with keen interest as Ritsuka demonstrated his control over the Amaterasu flames, shaping them into a formidable weapon. The fire spear glowed with an intense heat, emanating power and potential. She nodded in approval, acknowledging Ritsuka's mastery over his abilities.

"Indeed, Master. Your command over the Amaterasu flames is impressive. With the ability to shape them into any weapon, you possess a versatile and formidable arsenal. It is a testament to your skill and potential as a mage."

Ritsuka smiled, feeling a sense of pride in his abilities. With Tenochtitlan's guidance and support, he knew he could continue to refine and expand his powers, becoming even stronger in the process.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones