Ritsuka VS Mahoraga

As Ritsuka was shown meditating in his room, he suddenly felt a strange presence. It was sinister and dark, sending shivers down his spine. Sensing danger, he quickly stood up and summoned his servants, Sigurd, Brynhildr, and Tenochtitlan. They gathered around him, ready for whatever threat approached. As all his shadows cane out looking at him, as Ritsuka sigh as he summons the 10 shadow Mahoraga.

Let me guess. Ritsuka said looking at him. You wanna see how strong I have become

And to see more thing. Mahoraga said looking at him. To see if you can finally tame me

As the confrontation intensified, Ritsuka could feel the weight of Mahoraga's gaze upon him. Despite the danger, he remained calm and composed, ready to face this challenge head-on.

"I may not have fully tamed you yet," Ritsuka replied, "but I've grown stronger since our last encounter. Let's see what you've got, Mahoraga."

With a determined expression, Ritsuka summoned his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, their crimson glow piercing through the darkness of Mahoraga's presence. He readied himself for the battle, knowing that every move had to be precise and calculated.

Mahoraga's shadows writhed and surged forward, but Ritsuka stood his ground, his shadows intertwining with his adversary's in a dance of power and will. As the clash ensued, sparks flew, and the air crackled with anticipation.

With each exchange, Ritsuka pushed himself further, tapping into the depths of his abilities and channeling the strength of his companions. He knew that victory would not come easily, but he was determined to prove himself against the formidable Mahoraga.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's resolve remained unshaken. With every strike, he drew closer to mastering the ancient power that dwelled within him. And as the final blow was struck, he knew that he had taken another step forward on his journey to unlock his true potential.

As he actives his Ahs lock and summons his 5 swore and pulled out Albion, as she started to use his summons, as he started to attack more

With a flurry of strikes, Ritsuka unleashed the full might of his Ash Lock, summoning his swords with expert precision. Albion gleamed in his hand as he danced through the battlefield, his movements fluid and precise.

Mahoraga's shadows recoiled under the onslaught, but the ancient being was not so easily defeated. With each blow, it retaliated with equal ferocity, its dark tendrils lashing out in an attempt to overwhelm Ritsuka.

But Ritsuka was undaunted, his determination unwavering as he pressed forward. With each strike of his blade, he carved through the darkness, his resolve burning brighter with every passing moment.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka unleashed a final, devastating attack, channeling the full power of his Ash Lock and his companions' support. With a mighty roar, he struck true, shattering Mahoraga's shadows and emerging victorious.

Your getting stronger. Mahoraga said moving grabbing Ritsuka face and slammed to th ground, then sending him flying. Now what.

As Brynhikdr and Sigurd tryed to do a combo moves, as Tametono sent arrows flying at him

As Ritsuka staggered to his feet, bruised but undeterred, he could feel the weight of Mahoraga's power bearing down on him. With every movement, the ancient being seemed to radiate an aura of primal energy, making each strike feel like a force of nature.

But Ritsuka refused to back down. Drawing upon the strength of his companions and the resolve within him, he steadied himself for the next onslaught.

Brynhildr and Sigurd moved in unison, their attacks synchronized as they sought to create an opening. Tametomo's arrows rained down from above, each shot aimed with precision and purpose.

With a surge of determination, Ritsuka launched himself back into the fray, his movements fluid and calculated. Dodging Mahoraga's strikes with grace, he countered with his own barrage of attacks, each blow fueled by the power of his Ash Lock and the flames of Amaterasu.

The battle raged on, each side refusing to yield. But as the dust settled and the echoes of clashing steel faded.

As Edmond was ready for a stronger attack, as his leg was grabbed, as he was next to Sigurd.

Ah shit. Edmond said relishing what going to happen. Not again.

As his body was slammed, into Sigurd as it was used as a weapon

The impact sent Sigurd and Edmond crashing to the ground, the force of the blow reverberating through their bodies. Despite the suddenness of the attack, they managed to roll with the impact, lessening the severity of the collision.

"Are you alright, Edmond?" Sigurd asked, concern evident in his voice as he helped his fellow Servant to his feet.

"Yeah, just a bit bruised," Edmond replied, wincing as he assessed the damage. "But nothing I can't handle."

As they regrouped, their focus turned back to the battle unfolding before them. With Ritsuka leading the charge, they knew they had to stand strong against Mahoraga's relentless assault. Together, they would overcome this challenge and emerge victorious, their bond as allies stronger than ever.

Arise. Ritsuka siad summons his Umbrel summons. Attack.

With Ritsuka's command, his Umbra Summons surged forward, their forms intertwining with shadows as they launched a coordinated assault on Mahoraga. Each shadow moved with precision and speed, striking at vulnerable points and testing the limits of their opponent's defenses. As they attacked from multiple angles, Mahoraga found himself hard-pressed to defend against their relentless onslaught.

Meanwhile, Brynhildr and Sigurd continued to coordinate their attacks, weaving seamlessly between each other as they sought to exploit any openings in Mahoraga's defenses. Tametomo's arrows rained down with pinpoint accuracy, adding to the barrage of attacks raining down upon their foe.

Edmond, though still recovering from the previous blow, summoned his flames once more, unleashing a torrent of fire aimed at engulfing Mahoraga and leaving him vulnerable to their combined assault.

Together, they fought as one, their determination unwavering as they pressed forward in their battle against Mahoraga, determined to emerge victorious.

What hell is happening. Aozaki siad coming as she saw Ritsuka fighting Mahoraga. Ok nope.

As she summons her puppets ready to help Ritsuka, as they went for Mahoraga.

Aozaki's puppets, agile and precise, joined the fray, their movements synchronized with Ritsuka's Umbra Summons and the other Servants' attacks. Together, they launched a coordinated assault, aiming to overwhelm Mahoraga with their combined strength and skill.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion and magic as attacks rained down from all sides, each strike aimed at wearing down Mahoraga's defenses and leaving him vulnerable to a decisive blow.

Ritsuka's determination burned bright as he fought alongside his allies, his focus unwavering despite the ferocity of the battle. With each passing moment, they gained ground, pressing Mahoraga back and slowly but steadily gaining the upper hand.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka and his allies continued to fight with unwavering resolve, their determination driving them forward as they sought to overcome their formidable opponent. Victory seemed within reach, but they knew they could not afford to let their guard down until Mahoraga was defeated once and for all.

We can't keep this going for ever. Sigurd siad remember the first time they fought. He is just adapting we need to, stop the wheel on hsu head to stop spinning

One problem. Ritsuka siad talking breath. Last time he didn't expect this he is going to expect it

Sigurd's words struck a chord with the group, reminding them of the importance of adapting their strategy to counter Mahoraga's own adjustments. Ritsuka nodded in agreement, recognizing the need for a decisive move to gain the upper hand in the battle.

"We need to disrupt his rhythm," Ritsuka said, his voice steady despite his exertion. "If he's anticipating our moves, we'll have to change the game plan."

With a quick glance at his allies, Ritsuka formulated a plan. "Ayaka, prepare your Mystic Eyes. We'll use them to disorient him while we launch a coordinated assault."

Ayaka nodded, her expression focused as she prepared to activate her Mystic Eyes of Distortion. As she unleashed their power, the battlefield warped and twisted around Mahoraga, throwing off his perception and leaving him vulnerable to attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Ritsuka and his allies launched a synchronized assault, their attacks coming from unexpected angles and overwhelming Mahoraga's defenses. With precision and determination, they pressed their advantage, driving Mahoraga back and keeping him off balance.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka and his allies fought with renewed vigor, their determination to emerge victorious fueling their every move. With their combined strength and cunning, they pushed Mahoraga to the brink of defeat, knowing that the fate of the battle hung in the balance.

Will I never used this to him. Ritsuka siad as he turned his flame. Surya arrow.

Ritsuka focused his energy, channeling the power of his Amaterasu flames into a concentrated attack. With a resolute determination, he unleashed the Surya Arrow, a devastating projectile imbued with the searing heat of the sun.

The arrow streaked through the air, leaving a trail of blazing light in its wake as it homed in on Mahoraga with unerring accuracy. With a thunderous impact, the Surya Arrow struck its target, engulfing Mahoraga in a fierce conflagration that seared through his defenses and left him reeling.

As the flames subsided, Mahoraga staggered, his once formidable aura faltering in the face of Ritsuka's overwhelming assault. With a final burst of effort, Ritsuka and his allies pressed their advantage, launching a coordinated barrage of attacks that left Mahoraga battered and defeated.

With a triumphant roar, Ritsuka and his allies emerged victorious, their indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve proving stronger than any challenge they faced. As Mahoraga lay vanquished before them, Ritsuka knew that they had overcome yet another trial on their path to greatness or they thought

Did we win. Ayaka siad looking at the group. I hope so.

As then Mahoraga got back up and moved to Ritsuka, as they all just siad fuck. As they moved out of the way

As Mahoraga rose once more, his resolve undiminished despite the punishing onslaught he had endured, a tense silence fell over Ritsuka and his allies. With renewed determination, Mahoraga advanced towards Ritsuka, his gaze fixed firmly on his opponent.

With a swift motion, Ritsuka readied himself for the incoming assault, his mind racing as he prepared to face Mahoraga's next move. As Mahoraga closed the distance between them, Ritsuka braced himself, steeling his resolve for the inevitable clash.

With a thunderous roar, Mahoraga launched himself at Ritsuka, his movements swift and relentless as he sought to overwhelm his opponent with sheer force. Ritsuka met his charge head-on, his defenses holding firm against Mahoraga's relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka and Mahoraga fought with unwavering determination, each refusing to yield an inch in their relentless pursuit of victory. With every strike and counterstrike, their clash echoed through the air, a testament to the fierce intensity of their confrontation.

In the end, only time would tell who would emerge victorious in this titanic struggle between master and servant, their fates intertwined in a battle that would test the limits of their strength and resolve.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's determination burned brighter than ever, his every move calculated and precise as he sought to outmaneuver his formidable opponent. With each clash of their weapons, sparks flew, illuminating the intensity of their struggle.

Mahoraga, undeterred by Ritsuka's resilience, pressed on with relentless ferocity, his attacks coming in a relentless barrage that tested Ritsuka's defenses to their limits. But Ritsuka refused to falter, his focus unwavering as he met each blow with unwavering resolve.

As the battle reached its climax, both combatants pushed themselves to their absolute limits, their every movement fueled by the fierce determination to emerge victorious. With one final, decisive strike, Ritsuka unleashed the full extent of his power, channeling the energy of the sun itself into a devastating attack that left Mahoraga reeling.

With a thunderous crash, Mahoraga was sent hurtling backward, his form engulfed in a blinding blaze of light as Ritsuka's attack struck true. For a moment, the battlefield was shrouded in silence, broken only by the sound of Mahoraga's defeat echoing through the air.

As Mahoraga got up and sent Ritsuka flying again, as Edmond catches him, and Tametomo sent arrows flying.

Are you ok master. Tametomo said looking at Ritsuka. Are you ok

Ritsuka nodded, his determination unbroken despite the punishing blows he had endured. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice steady despite the strain of battle. "Let's keep going. We can't afford to let up now."

With renewed resolve, Ritsuka pushed himself to his feet, his gaze fixed on Mahoraga with unwavering focus. Though battered and bruised, he refused to back down, his determination burning brighter than ever as he prepared to face his opponent once more. With his allies by his side, he knew that victory was within their reach, and he would stop at nothing to achieve it.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and yeah we are going to be moving into Chaldea soon so yeah