Welcome to Chaldea

As Ritsuka and his companions stepped through the gates of Chaldea, they were greeted by a sense of anticipation and wonder. The sprawling complex stretched out before them, bustling with activity as staff members went about their duties. Marisbury Animusphere led the way, his demeanor calm and composed as he guided them through the entrance hall.

"Welcome to Chaldea," Marisbury said, gesturing towards the grandeur of the facility. "This will be your new home, where you will train and prepare for the tasks ahead."

Ritsuka looked around in awe, taking in the sights and sounds of his new surroundings. The air was filled with a sense of purpose, of people working towards a common goal. He couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of joining such a prestigious organization.

As they walked through the halls, Ritsuka caught glimpses of familiar faces among the staff members. There were agents and researchers, mages and scientists, all united in their dedication to the cause of humanity's survival.

Marisbury led them to a spacious briefing room, where they gathered around a holographic display showing a map of the world. He began to explain Chaldea's mission, detailing the organization's role in safeguarding humanity's future amidst the threat of incursions from otherworldly forces.

"As members of Chaldea," Marisbury said, his voice echoing through the room, "you will be tasked with identifying and neutralizing threats to humanity's existence. You will travel to different eras and dimensions, facing challenges beyond anything you've encountered before."

Ritsuka listened intently, his determination growing with each word. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way. With his friends by his side and the support of Chaldea behind him, he was confident that they would succeed in their mission.

As the briefing drew to a close, Marisbury turned to Ritsuka and his companions with a smile. "Welcome to Chaldea," he said once more. "Together, we will shape the course of history and ensure a brighter future for all of humanity."

Home sweet home. Edmond siad in Ritsuka. Feels good to be backs doesn't it master. He siad in Ritsuka head.

Yeah. Ritsuka siad in his mind. After all before the reset this was my home.

As Ritsuka and his companions settled into their new quarters, a sense of familiarity washed over him. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, there was comfort in returning to a place that had once been his home. Edmond's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the bond they shared and the journey they had undertaken together.

"Yeah," Ritsuka thought to himself, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It does feel good to be back."

With the support of his friends and allies, Ritsuka was ready to face whatever the future held. As he looked out over the grounds of Chaldea, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. This was where he belonged, where he could make a difference in the world.

As he prepared to embark on his next mission, Ritsuka knew that he was surrounded by those who would stand by him through thick and thin. Together, they would continue to fight for the future of humanity, one step at a time.

As Ritsuka was walking he pumped into someone, as he had yellow spiky hair sent back, purple eyes, and wearing the tipical Chaldea uniform, this was daybit the last the if the crypters, and the only one to summons the grand servant, as Daybit let out a blood lust at Ritsuka, unknowingly Ritsuka let out his, and at that moment Daybit felt like he just died.

Sorry about that. Ritsuka siad looking at Daybit as he walked away. Sorry.

As Ritsuka walked away. Ritsuka couldn't shake off the unsettling encounter with Daybit. There was something about the crypter's presence that set him on edge, a primal instinct that stirred within him. As he walked away, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about the significance of their meeting.

With each step, Ritsuka's thoughts raced, his mind grappling with the implications of their brief exchange. What did it mean for their paths to cross in such a manner? And why did he feel such a powerful surge of energy in that moment?

Despite the unease lingering in his mind, Ritsuka pressed forward, determined to focus on the tasks at hand. But deep down, he knew that the encounter with Daybit was just the beginning of something much larger, something that would shape the course of their journey in unforeseen ways.

As then Ritsuka saw brown blur as it tackles him tothr ground as Ritsuka goes sliding away, as Aozaki and the rest just watched

Yup, I know that hug anywhere. Ritsuka siad as his head was spinning. Hi Ophelia

As Ritsuka regained his bearings, he found himself face to face with Ophelia, her familiar presence bringing a sense of familiarity amidst the chaos of Chaldea. Despite the unexpected tackle, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth wash over him at the sight of his old friend.

"Ophelia, it's good to see you," Ritsuka said, a faint smile gracing his lips as he pushed himself up from the ground.

Ophelia returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know I can't resist a good surprise attack," she said, extending a hand to help Ritsuka up.

As Ritsuka dusted himself off, he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the bonds he had forged during his time at Chaldea. With Ophelia by his side, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

"Oh hi, Ophelia," Aozaki said, coming next to her. "How have you been?"

"Great!" Ophelia said with a smile. "Just catching up on some research and training. What about you all?"

"We've been doing well," Aozaki replied. "Just settling back into Chaldea after some recent events."

As they chatted, Ritsuka dusted himself off and joined the group, eager to catch up with everyone.

Hey Ritsuka. Ophelia siad looking at her best fired/crush. Why aren't you wearing your mystic eyes killer.

Oh simple. Ritsuka said potion at his eyes. Aozaki made mystic killer contact lens for me

"Wow, that's convenient," Ophelia remarked, impressed. "I might have to ask her for a pair too."

"Yeah, they're pretty handy," Ritsuka agreed with a nod. "Plus, they're more comfortable to wear for long periods."

I see you already now Ophelia. Marisbury siad looking at Ophelia. Good anyway Ophelia take to the room with the other member of team A, he will your 7th team mate

"Understood," Ophelia replied, giving a nod to Marisbury. She then turned to Ritsuka. "Come on, let's go. I'll introduce you to the rest of the team."

As Ophelia led Ritsuka to meet the rest of Team A, they entered a spacious room filled with various equipment and screens displaying data from Chaldea's operations.

"Everyone, this is Ritsuka Fujimaru," Ophelia announced to the team. "He'll be joining us from now on."

The team members turned their attention to Ritsuka, giving him nods and welcoming smiles. Among them were familiar faces like Mash Kyrielight, the Demi-Servant, and Scandinavia Peperoncino, he was the most oldest

"Welcome aboard, Fujimaru!" Pepe exclaimed, clapping Ritsuka on the back. "You've joined the best team in Chaldea, if I do say so myself."

"Indeed," Mash chimed in with a warm smile. "We're glad to have you with us, Ritsuka."

Ritsuka returned the smiles, feeling a sense of camaraderie among his new teammates. He knew that working alongside them, he would continue his journey to protect humanity and unravel the mysteries of the singularity.

Nice to see you again Ritsuka. As walking upt to him Kirschtaria. Nice to see you again, and once thank you for saving me.

"It's good to see you too, Kirschtaria," Ritsuka replied warmly, extending his hand for a handshake. "I'm just glad I could help. How have you been since then?"

Oh my is there a story I see. Pepe siad walking up. I wanna hear

Ritsuka smiled at Pepe's enthusiasm. "Sure, there's always a story or two. How about we grab a seat somewhere comfortable?" He gestured towards a nearby lounge area where they could sit and chat more comfortably.

As Ritsuka recounted the events of Chapter 38 and 39, the group listened intently, their expressions shifting from surprise to concern and occasionally admiration at Ritsuka's actions. Kirschtaria nodded in acknowledgment of Ritsuka's bravery, while Ophelia and Pepe interjected with questions and comments throughout the story. Marisbury remained attentive, absorbing the details of Ritsuka's encounters and the challenges he faced. As the tale unfolded, it became clear to everyone that Ritsuka's journey was far from ordinary and that each step he took was a testament to his strength and determination.

So how is your magic crest doing. Ritsuka siad looking at Kirschtaria. I mean has it healed

Kirschtaria nodded. "Yes, it has healed well, thanks to your efforts and the care of our allies. I am grateful for your assistance." He glanced at Ritsuka with a hint of admiration. "Your mastery of mage craft is truly impressive."

Meanwhile in the Conner of the room was Kadoc he just looked at Ritsuka signing, knowing well that here was another mage consent for his bloodline and mage craft, meanwhile there was him who was just selected for his high aptitude as a Master.

God why must I be the weak link. Kadoc sight to him self. Like why. As he looked at Hinako Akuta. And you can just keep ignoring and reading that book

Did you say something. Hinako siad lying because she heard everything. If not I will be going.

Kadoc shook his head. "No, nothing important," he muttered, watching her leave. He sighed, feeling the weight of his insecurities pressing down on him.

As Hinako left, Kadoc's thoughts drifted back to his own situation. He knew he had to find a way to overcome his feelings of inadequacy and prove himself as a capable Master. With determination in his heart, he resolved to focus on his training and make the most of his opportunities within Chaldea.

Despite his doubts, Kadoc knew he couldn't afford to dwell on his insecurities. He had a role to play in the fate of humanity, and he couldn't let his personal feelings hinder his responsibilities. With renewed determination, he sought out opportunities to improve his skills and contribute to the efforts of Chaldea.

As Kadoc immersed himself in training and study, he began to find his own path within Chaldea. He sought guidance from experienced mages and worked tirelessly to enhance his magical abilities. Over time, he gained confidence in his capabilities and started to make valuable contributions to the team's missions.

Meanwhile, Hinako observed Kadoc's progress from a distance, her interest piqued by his dedication and perseverance. Despite her reserved demeanor, she found herself drawn to his quiet determination and began to engage with him more frequently, offering subtle encouragement and support.

As the days passed, Kadoc and Hinako formed an unexpected bond, their shared experiences and mutual respect paving the way for a deeper connection. Together, they faced the challenges of Chaldea's missions, each relying on the other's strengths to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Despite the uncertainties of their journey, Kadoc and Hinako found solace in each other's company, forging a bond that would endure the trials ahead. As they stood side by side, ready to confront whatever dangers lay ahead, they knew that together, they were stronger than ever before.

Meanwhile Ritsuka was summoned by, Marisbury.

So what servant do you like to summon. Marisbury siad looking at him. Like Ophelia want to summons a saber, or Kadoc wants a caste.

Will about that. Ritsuka said showing his command shilde as he summons, Edmond, Sigurd, Brynhildr, Tametomo, and Tenochtitlan. I kinda have a few Sevants.

At that moment Marisbury, just felt donw out cold the shock of the events nocking him out.

"I must say, Ritsuka, that's quite the impressive array of Servants you have there," Marisbury remarked, regaining his composure. "It seems you're already quite well-acquainted with the intricacies of summoning."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him at the acknowledgment. "I've had some unique experiences that have allowed me to form strong bonds with these Servants. They've proven invaluable allies in our endeavors."

Marisbury nodded thoughtfully, considering the implications of Ritsuka's command over multiple Servants. "Very well, then. It appears you have a formidable team at your disposal. Let us proceed with your induction into Chaldea's ranks, shall we?"

One more thing. Marisbury said looking at Ritsuka. What class are each of your servant's

Ritsuka paused for a moment, mentally categorizing each of his Servants by their class.

"Let's see," he began, "Edmond Dantès is an Avenger, Sigurd is a Saber, Brynhildr is a Lancer, Tametomo Gozen is an Archer, and Tenochtitlan is a Pretender."

Marisbury raised an eyebrow at the diverse range of classes among Ritsuka's Servants. "Impressive," he commented. "You seem to have quite the versatile team. With such a lineup, I have no doubt you'll make a significant contribution to Chaldea's endeavors."

Ritsuka nodded appreciatively, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "I'll do my best to live up to expectations," he vowed.

May I ask what are the Avenger and Pretender. Marisbury siad looking at Edmond and Tenochtitlan. Because I have never hurd of them

"Of course," Ritsuka replied, ready to explain. "The Avenger class represents Servants who have taken vengeance upon the world or specific individuals. They typically have a grudge or resentment that fuels their actions. As for the Pretender class, it's a relatively new addition to the Grail War system. Pretenders are unique in that they can mimic the abilities and appearances of other Heroic Spirits, making them highly versatile and unpredictable."

Marisbury listened intently, absorbing the information. "Fascinating," he mused. "It seems the dynamics of the Holy Grail War have evolved since my time. Thank you for the explanation."

Ritsuka nodded, glad to provide clarity. "No problem," he said. "If you have any more questions about Servant classes or anything else, feel free to ask."

As Ritsuka went out, he went to the training room, as he saw the rest of team A training except of Daybit and Hinako, as she was reading a book

As Ritsuka entered the training room, he found Team A members engaged in various training activities. Ophelia was meticulously refining her swordsmanship technique, her movements graceful yet powerful. Kirschtaria was immersed in a magical exercise, his focus intense as he honed his spellcasting skills. Pepe was sparring with a training dummy, his movements swift and agile as he practiced hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Daybit was nowhere to be seen, and Hinako was seated in a corner, absorbed in a thick tome, her attention fully captivated by its contents. Kadoc was working on his own training regimen, his expression determined as he practiced defensive maneuvers.

Ritsuka greeted his teammates with a nod as he entered the room. "Good to see everyone putting in the effort," he remarked, a note of encouragement in his voice.

Ophelia glanced over and offered Ritsuka a smile. "We must stay vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges may arise," she said, her voice steady and resolute.

Kirschtaria nodded in agreement, his concentration unbroken as he continued his magical exercises.

Pepe paused his sparring to acknowledge Ritsuka with a grin. "Training is the key to success," he said, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

Ritsuka approached Hinako, who looked up from her book with a serene expression. "What are you studying, Hinako?" he inquired, curious about her reading material.

Hinako closed the book momentarily and looked at Ritsuka. "I'm delving into the intricacies of ancient magecraft," she replied softly. "There's much to learn from the past."

Ritsuka nodded in understanding, appreciating her dedication to her studies. "Keep up the good work, everyone," he said, a sense of camaraderie evident in his tone. "We'll need to be at our best for the challenges that lie ahead."

To be continued

Anyway this is the start of volume 2 Singularty anyway so yeah hope people like this ch, also I wanna say this thank you for getting me to 82k readers, I love writing this fanfic and you people reading it thanks for all the support, just if more people will comment, that would be good I like just discuss