Jeane d arc not alter

Ritsuka took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against a nearby wall as he surveyed the group. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Mash nodded, her expression grim. "We're all fine, but that was close. Berserker Lancelot's power... it's overwhelming."

"Yeah, no kidding," Edmond remarked, his tone terse. "We need to come up with a plan, and fast. We can't afford to let our guard down in a singularity like this."

Aozkai glanced around the makeshift shelter they had found, her gaze thoughtful. "We should fortify our position here," she suggested. "At least until we can figure out our next move."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's secure the area and take stock of our resources. We'll need to be prepared for whatever comes our way."

As then Ritsuka saw someone, as then he used shadow travel to come to them, as Ritsuka saw the he already knew these, but they didn't, thank yiu reset it was group of tree servants, no wait four, As it was Marie Antoinette, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jean d arc, aka the ruler one and the last one shocked Ritsuka it was Charles-Henri Sanson.

Um hi. Ritsuka said looking at them. So you must servants summond by the counter force

Marie Antoinette smiled warmly at Ritsuka. "Bonjour, mon cher. It seems we have all found ourselves in quite the predicament, non?"

Mozart chuckled, adjusting his spectacles. "Indeed, my dear Marie. But fear not, for where there is chaos, there is also inspiration."

Jeanne d'Arc regarded Ritsuka with a solemn expression. "We must remain vigilant and true to our purpose, even in the face of adversity. Our duty as servants is clear."

Sanson nodded in agreement, his demeanor serious. "We must work together to navigate this singularity and bring stability to the timeline. The fate of countless lives may depend on our actions."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a sense of determination welling up within him. "Right. Let's work together and overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. We can do this."

Ritsuka looked at the gathered servants, feeling a mix of familiarity and uncertainty. They were summoned by the Counter Force, but their memories had been reset along with the timeline.

"It's good to see you all," Ritsuka said, trying to sound confident despite the lingering doubts. "We need all the help we can get to deal with the singularity."

Marie Antoinette smiled warmly. "We are at your service, Master. Whatever challenges lie ahead, we shall face them together."

Mozart nodded, adjusting his spectacles. "Indeed, it seems fate has brought us together once more. Let us make the most of this opportunity."

Jeanne d'Arc, the Ruler class servant, spoke with quiet determination. "I will do my best to guide and protect everyone. We must restore peace to this troubled land."

Sanson, the executioner, remained silent, his expression unreadable. He simply nodded in agreement, his gaze steady.

With the support of these newfound allies, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of determination. They were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the Orleans singularity.

Hey so um let me take the group. Ritsuka said looking at the. But can one of you hold my solder and then everyone holds them

The servants were confused but Jeanne did, everyone then holde Jeanne as Ritsuka shadow travel back to the group, as Maria head was spinning, Sanson was blinking multiple times, Mozart was just confused, and Jeanne will she may have just saw her life flash before her eyes again.

As they reappeared among the group, Ritsuka released Jeanne and steadied himself, feeling a bit disoriented from the shadow travel. He looked around to see how the others were coping.

Marie Antoinette was holding onto her hat, her eyes wide with surprise. "Mon Dieu! That was quite an experience, Master."

Mozart adjusted his cravat, his expression thoughtful. "Fascinating! I must admit, I've never traveled in such a manner before. Quite exhilarating, wouldn't you say?"

Sanson remained composed, though a hint of unease flickered in his eyes. "A most unusual mode of transportation, but effective nonetheless."

Jeanne d'Arc took a moment to steady her breathing, her hands clasped tightly together. "I... I'm fine. Thank you, Master. Shadow travel is... intense."

Ritsuka nodded, relieved that they had all made it back safely. "Sorry for the sudden trip, everyone. But it's good to have you all here. Let's focus on the task at hand and work together to overcome this singularity."

Hey kid who are they. Aozkai said looking at the servant. And by the looks in there eyes, they just Shadow travel for the first time didn't they

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging Aozaki's observation. "Yes, they did. These are historical figures summoned as Servants to aid us in our mission. We'll need all the help we can get to navigate this singularity."

Marie Antoinette stepped forward with a graceful smile. "Bonjour, everyone! I am Marie Antoinette, your humble servant in this endeavor."

Mozart gave a flourishing bow. "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, at your service. I shall compose the soundtrack to our victory!"

Sanson offered a polite nod. "Charles-Henri Sanson. I specialize in... matters of execution, shall we say."

Jeanne d'Arc spoke softly but with conviction. "I am Jeanne d'Arc, the Ruler-class Servant. It is an honor to fight alongside you all."

Ritsuka turned back to Aozaki. "They may be new to shadow travel, but they're willing to do whatever it takes to help us."

Mash pulled Ritsuka aside, her voice lowered. "Senpai, didn't you say Sanson was with Jeanne Alter in the future? How is he on our side this time?"

Ritsuka glanced at Sanson, who was standing nearby, before responding quietly. "Yes, Mash, that's true. In the future timeline, Sanson was indeed summoned by Jeanne Alter. But it seems the circumstances have changed here. We'll need to keep an eye on him and adjust our strategy accordingly."

I may have an answer mash. Edmond said coming next to both of them. It could be the butterfly, even do I have no how it effect Goetia, plan

"Interesting theory," Ritsuka mused, nodding at Edmond. "The butterfly effect could indeed have altered the course of events in unexpected ways. We'll need to remain vigilant and adapt to these changes as we navigate through this singularity."

As they continued their journey through the singularity, encountering familiar faces and unexpected allies, Ritsuka and the group faced numerous challenges. From battles against powerful Servants to unraveling the mysteries of the altered timeline, each step forward brought them closer to their goal of restoring history.

Along the way, they encountered resistance from forces loyal to the singularity's corrupted rulers. However, with the combined strength of their Servants and the unwavering determination of their team, they pressed on.

As they delved deeper into the singularity, Ritsuka remained vigilant, mindful of the potential consequences of their actions. The butterfly effect loomed over them, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their mission. Yet, Ritsuka's resolve remained unshakeable, determined to see their journey through to the end.

With each victory and setback, Ritsuka and their companions grew stronger, forging bonds that transcended time and space. Together, they faced the challenges of the singularity head-on, united in their quest to restore balance to the timeline.

As they stood on the precipice of their final confrontation, Ritsuka knew that the fate of humanity rested on their shoulders. With their Servants by their side and their allies at their back, they prepared to confront the ultimate challenge and bring an end to the singularity once and for all.

As it was random night so far the group had only fought shadow servants which didn't fell right to Ritsuka at this time he should have been attacked by Martha but it didn't happen.

Are you ok senpai. Mash said comeing next time Ritsuka. You look zooned out.

Not really. Ritsuka said looking at mash. It is just I fell like Jean alter is planning something big.

As Ritsuka saw the water he finally noticed, going to see hsu reflect, he saw his fangs, which were bigger and looked sharp as well, as he then remember that Vlad had bitten him, and Vlad is vampire.

The realization hit Ritsuka like a thunderbolt. Vlad's bite had infected him, turning him into a vampire. It explained the changes he noticed in himself, the heightened senses, and the sharpness of his fangs. But more importantly, it raised questions about his own fate and the looming threat of Jeanne Alter's plans.

As the weight of this revelation settled upon him, Ritsuka knew that he needed to tread carefully. Becoming a vampire brought with it newfound powers, but also the risk of losing control and succumbing to darkness. He couldn't afford to let that happen, not when so much was at stake.

With determination in his heart, Ritsuka resolved to confront Jeanne Alter and uncover her true intentions. He couldn't allow her schemes to succeed, not if it meant jeopardizing the safety of humanity and the fate of the world.

"Mash, I think I've been infected by Vlad," Ritsuka admitted, his voice tinged with concern. "I can feel it, the changes... It's like something inside me is stirring, something primal."

Mash's expression shifted from concern to alarm. "Senpai, we need to find a way to stop it before it's too late," she urged, her voice filled with determination. "We can't let this darkness consume you."

Ritsuka nodded, grateful for Mash's unwavering support. "I won't let it," he vowed, his gaze meeting hers with resolve. "We'll find a way to reverse this, together. But for now, we need to stay focused on our mission and deal with Jeanne Alter."

With a shared sense of purpose, Ritsuka and Mash steeled themselves for the challenges ahead. The threat of Jeanne Alter loomed large, but they refused to back down. They would face whatever obstacles came their way, united in their determination to protect humanity and preserve the future.

But I don't fell like drinking blood. Ritsuka said looking at him. And not just that, I still as strong in the sun as it is, it maybe incomplete thanks to my bloodline I think.

"That's strange," Mash remarked, her brow furrowing in thought. "If you were truly infected by Vlad, shouldn't you exhibit all the typical traits of a vampire?"

Ritsuka nodded, considering her words. "You're right. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye. Whatever it is, we need to be cautious. Vlad's bite may have triggered something within me, but it doesn't define who I am."

Mash nodded in agreement. "We'll figure this out, Senpai. In the meantime, we'll stay vigilant and keep an eye out for any further changes."

With their resolve strengthened, Ritsuka and Mash continued their journey, determined to confront Jeanne Alter and uncover the truth behind Ritsuka's mysterious transformation.

We should tell the other. Ritsuka said Geting up as he moved to trh group. Maybe Jean arc knows about this or Aozkai does. Ritsuka said as he looked at Mash.

Mash nodded, rising to her feet beside Ritsuka. "Agreed. It's important that everyone is aware of the situation. Jeanne Alter might have some insight into what's happening, and Aozaki might have some theories as well."

Together, they approached the rest of the group, ready to share their concerns and gather any information that could help them unravel the mystery surrounding Ritsuka's unexpected changes.

"Hey, everyone," Ritsuka began, addressing the group. "There's something I need to talk to you all about. It's about what happened earlier with Vlad. After he bit me, I've been feeling... different. I've noticed some changes in myself, and I think it's important that we discuss them."

Mash added, "Ritsuka believes that Vlad may have turned him into a vampire, or at least triggered some kind of transformation. He's experiencing unusual symptoms, and we're not sure what it means or how it might affect our mission."

They looked around at their companions, hoping for some guidance or insight into the situation.

As the group listened intently, Aozaki stepped forward, her expression thoughtful. "Vampire, you say? That's certainly unexpected, but not entirely unprecedented given our circumstances. We'll need to monitor your condition closely, Ritsuka, and be prepared for any potential consequences."

Jeanne Arc, her eyes narrowed in suspicion, spoke up next. "This could be a trick or a trap orchestrated by Jeanne Alter. We must remain vigilant and not let our guard down."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "I understand the concern, but I trust Vlad's actions weren't under Jeanne alter influence. Regardless, we need to proceed with caution and be prepared for anything."

With that, the group continued their discussion, strategizing how to handle Ritsuka's newfound condition and the potential implications it might have on their mission.

Let's see. Jeanne pulling out one of her holy relics. Touch this and let's see what happens

As Ritsuka does he feels noting, no burning, no hurting no noting, as he pulled out his black keys and even that didn't Hurd him.

Jeanne Arc eyebrows furrowed in surprise as Ritsuka reported his lack of reaction to the holy relic. "That's unexpected. It appears your condition may not be affected by conventional means. We'll need to explore other avenues to understand and possibly manage this."

Aozaki chimed in, her expression thoughtful. "Given this revelation, we should consider consulting with other experts or exploring ancient texts for information on vampire lore or similar phenomena. There might be clues hidden in history that could shed light on your situation."

Ritsuka nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Agreed. We can't afford to overlook any potential resources or avenues for information. Let's make it a priority to gather as much knowledge as we can to better understand and address this situation."

With renewed determination, the group set out to uncover the secrets behind Ritsuka's unexpected immunity and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Just call Romania. Ritsuka said looking at them. The people in Chaldea needs to know about this

2 minutes a blue box came with Romani, Ayaka, Ophelia, Olga and Kyonskya showing on it, as Aozkai had contacted all of them.

Ritsuka wasted no time in explaining the situation to the group through the holographic projection. "We've encountered an unexpected development. It seems I've been bitten by Vlad, who's a vampire, but I'm not experiencing any of the typical effects associated with vampirism."

Romani's brow furrowed in concern as he listened intently. "That's... unexpected, to say the least. We'll need to run some tests and gather more information to understand what's happening. In the meantime, be cautious and avoid any further encounters with vampires or similar entities."

Ayaka's expression mirrored Romani's concern. "We'll mobilize Chaldea's resources to investigate this matter thoroughly. Your safety is our top priority, Ritsuka."

Ophelia, Olga, and Kyonskya exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Stay vigilant, Ritsuka," Ophelia urged. "We'll do everything we can to support you from here."

With the assurance of their support, Ritsuka felt a sense of relief, knowing that Chaldea was rallying to address this new challenge.

To be continued

So yeah hope people are liking this story and give me power stones