Rituska Vs Daybit

Hey what is happening. Daybit said walking to the training room. Oh your just training

"Yeah, just a little morning training session," Ritsuka replied, wiping sweat from his brow. "We're helping Mash improve her swordsmanship skills."

Daybit nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see. Well, don't let me interrupt. Carry on."

With a wave, Daybit turned to leave, leaving the group to their training. As the morning sunlight streamed through the windows, the sounds of clashing swords and determined grunts filled the room, a testament to their dedication and camaraderie.

After a while, Daybit came back and looked at Ritsuka, as he looked at them.

Anything you want. Ritsuka siad as his guard was on, this was the who killed Marisbury and had summoned a grand. Is there something

Out of the two of us who do you think is strong. Daybit said looking at Ritsuka as he still remember the blood Ritsuka when her meet him. Do you know

Ritsuka regarded Daybit for a moment, his expression serious. "Strength can be measured in many ways," he replied carefully. "But if we're talking about raw power, I'd say you definitely have an edge.

Daybit nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "True, but don't underestimate yourself, Ritsuka. You've faced countless challenges and come out on top. Strength isn't just about power; it's about resilience, determination, and the ability to adapt. In that sense, you're just as strong as anyone."

Ritsuka absorbed his words, feeling a sense of validation. "Thanks, Daybit. I appreciate it."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Daybit turned and left the room, leaving Ritsuka to ponder his words. Strength, he realized, came in many forms, and he was determined to continue growing, both as a Master and as a person.

So why not do this. Daybit siad looking at him. Why don't we have match.

Ritsuka considered Daybit's proposition. "Sure, why not?" he replied, a hint of challenge in his voice. "But let's make it interesting. No holding back."

Daybit grinned, his competitive spirit evident. "Agreed. Let's see what you're made of, Ritsuka."

With that, the two Masters prepared for their match, ready to test their skills against each other in a friendly but intense competition.

One more thing. Daybit siad looking at Ritsuka. No Ash lock and Mystic eyes for you.

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Fair enough," he said, acknowledging Daybit's condition. "Just our raw abilities then. Let's see who comes out on top."

With their terms set, Ritsuka and Daybit squared off, both eager to prove their strength without relying on any external enhancements.

Start. Aozaki siad as She was with Ayaka, and Mash. The start the fight

Ritsuka and Daybit eyed each other, their determination evident in their stances. Without a word, they both lunged forward simultaneously, their movements fluid and precise.

Daybit swiftly dodged Ritsuka's initial strike, countering with a swift punch aimed at Ritsuka's midsection. However, Ritsuka managed to deflect the blow with his forearm, retaliating with a kick aimed at Daybit's side.

The two exchanged blows rapidly, each landing solid hits while evading the other's attacks with expert agility. Despite Daybit's imposing presence and combat prowess, Ritsuka held his ground, demonstrating his own formidable skills.

As the fight progressed, their movements became more calculated, each trying to anticipate the other's next move. The intensity of their clash only grew, both determined to emerge victorious in this test of strength and skill.

As then Ritsuka used the shadows to grab Daybit, as the shadow went to grab him.

Daybit swiftly reacted, dodging the shadows' grasp with a swift sidestep. He countered with a powerful punch aimed at Ritsuka's torso, but Ritsuka managed to block it with his forearm, though he staggered backward from the force of the blow.

Seizing the opportunity, Daybit followed up with a series of quick strikes, aiming for Ritsuka's exposed areas. However, Ritsuka managed to evade most of the blows, his movements fueled by determination and focus.

With a sudden surge of energy, Ritsuka unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each strike fueled by his resolve to emerge victorious. Daybit defended himself with equal determination, the intensity of their exchange escalating with each passing moment.

What the hell is happening. Kadoc siad coming in as he just woke up. Ok what.

As Kadoc saw Daybit and Ritsuka fighting, as she saw Mash, Aozaki and Ayaka as he had the face of please explain

Mash quickly explained the situation to Kadoc, detailing that Daybit and Ritsuka had decided to spar. She assured him that it was merely a friendly training session between them, and there was no cause for alarm.

Meanwhile, Aozaki and Ayaka observed the fight intently, analyzing the combat styles of both participants. Aozaki nodded in approval at the display of skill, while Ayaka watched with a mixture of fascination and concern.

As the fight continued, Ritsuka and Daybit exchanged powerful blows, each testing the other's limits and abilities in combat. Despite the intensity of their clash, both fighters remained focused and determined, pushing themselves to their limits in the pursuit of victory.

As Daybit used his magecraft to counter Ritsuka's attacks, Ritsuka swiftly summoned several black keys, launching them towards Daybit with precision and speed. The black keys sliced through the air, aimed at Daybit's defenses with calculated accuracy.

Daybit, recognizing the danger, swiftly evaded the incoming black keys, utilizing his agility to maneuver around them. With each dodge, he countered with his own spells, sending bursts of magical energy towards Ritsuka in retaliation.

The training room crackled with energy as the two combatants engaged in a fierce exchange of blows and spells, their skills and abilities on full display for those watching.

Ahhh. Ritsuka said jumping as he hut the ground as Daybit moved away as they saw a hole was made. Oops to much.

As Ritsuka recovered from his landing, he realized the extent of the damage caused by his attack. With a sheepish expression, he acknowledged his mistake. However, before he could react further, Daybit seized the opportunity and launched a swift kick, sending Ritsuka flying backward.

Ritsuka grunted in pain as he hit the ground once more, feeling the impact reverberate through his body. With determination, he pushed himself up, ready to face Daybit's next onslaught. The intensity of their battle only seemed to escalate as both combatants unleashed their full strength, locked in a fierce duel.

After a while Ophelia, Pepe and Kirschtaria came and saw the match and so did many of the member of Chaldea.

Alright my time. Pepe siad pulling out two box one with Ritsuka name and the other Daybit. who wan tit bet to win the fight

As the many woker and other master of Chaldea gave the money to who they think will win, as Kadoc just watched, as he saw Ophelia sneekly putting some money onto Ritsuka Box as Mahs did the say.

As the spectators placed their bets, the tension in the room heightened, with anticipation hanging thick in the air. Ophelia and Mash discreetly placed their wagers on Ritsuka, showing their support for their friend. Kadoc observed the scene, noticing Ophelia's actions with a hint of curiosity. Meanwhile, Pepe supervised the betting process, ensuring everything was in order for the match to continue.

As the fight resumed, Daybit and Ritsuka exchanged blows with incredible speed and precision. Ritsuka, determined to prove himself, unleashed a barrage of attacks with his shadow manipulation and black keys, aiming to catch Daybit off guard. However, Daybit countered each move with his own powerful magecraft and physical prowess, proving to be a formidable opponent.

The room erupted with cheers and gasps as the two combatants clashed, their skills on full display. Ophelia, Pepe, and Mash watched intently, their hearts racing with excitement and anticipation for the outcome. Kadoc observed with keen interest, intrigued by the intense battle unfolding before him.

With each strike and dodge, the tension in the room grew, and the spectators held their breath, eager to see who would emerge victorious in this intense showdown between Ritsuka and Daybit.

As then one attacked both punched together, as they sent each other flying as they were knocked out, as everyone just saw.

Wait who won. Kirschtaria saw the match. Who landed in the ground first.

Wait what about the money. One of the master siad. I bet on Daybit.

I bet on Ritsuka. Another master said. What know pepe.

As everyone saw Pepe was sneekly moving with the two box, as he just ran as all the master and stap member moved to catch him

As chaos ensued with everyone chasing after Pepe, Ayaka approached the unconscious Ritsuka and Daybit. She checked on them to ensure they were alright, then signaled for medical assistance to arrive.

Meanwhile, Pepe zigzagged through the crowd, evading capture as he laughed and teased the pursuers. The commotion drew the attention of other staff members and servants, who joined in the pursuit, adding to the frenzied atmosphere.

Back in the training room, Ophelia, Kadoc, and Mash watched the scene unfold with amusement, their attention momentarily diverted from the aftermath of the match. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of camaraderie among the participants, as they shared in the excitement and unpredictability of life at Chaldea.

Meanwhile Marisbury came back to Chaldea next to him was a girl this was his daughter Olga, as Romaine was next to him, as they came in they saw Pepe running as lot of people were trying to catch him

What the hell. Marisbury siad looking at what is happening. What happened while we were gone da Vinci. Marisbury called out for Da Vinci

Da Vinci, who had been overseeing the training room, turned towards Marisbury's voice. She quickly assessed the situation, taking in the chaotic scene of Pepe being chased by a throng of people.

"Welcome back, Marisbury," Da Vinci said, striding over to him. "It seems you've returned just in time for some excitement. Pepe's causing quite a stir with his antics."

Marisbury nodded, his expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Indeed. Can you shed some light on what's been happening here?"

Da Vinci proceeded to fill Marisbury in on the events that transpired during his absence, including the impromptu match between Ritsuka and Daybit, which had culminated in the current pursuit of Pepe. As she spoke, Olga observed the scene with wide eyes, intrigued by the lively atmosphere of Chaldea.

Marisbury listened attentively, absorbing the information before turning his attention back to the ongoing chase. With a bemused smile, he remarked, "Seems like we have our own brand of excitement here at Chaldea. Let's see how this unfolds."

As the next day arrived and two new rules were added to Chaldea, no one from team are allows to fight each other and pepe is nri allows to hoke bets.

Will that something. Kadoc read the new rules. What do you guys think. As he lookes at team A

Kirschtaria glanced over the new rules, nodding thoughtfully. "Seems reasonable enough. It'll help maintain unity among the teams."

Ophelia nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We're all here to work together towards a common goal, after all."

Pepe, who had been sulking slightly after the betting prohibition, sighed resignedly. "I suppose it's for the best. Can't have any distractions getting in the way of our mission."

Daybit smirked, unfazed by the rules. "Rules are made to be broken, aren't they? But I'll play along for now."

As for Ritsuka, he simply nodded in acceptance, knowing that adherence to rules was crucial for maintaining order within Chaldea.

With the new rules in place, the dynamics within Chaldea shifted slightly, but the teams remained focused on their respective missions, determined to carry out their duties efficiently.

And to think do to that match, you two created a whole new rule. Hinako said looking at Daybit and Ritsuka. Just wow, just wow

Daybit shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a friendly sparring session that got a bit out of hand. No harm done, right?"

Ritsuka chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry about that. Things got a bit intense."

Hinako smiled wryly. "Well, at least it resulted in a new rule that'll help maintain peace and harmony here at Chaldea. Let's try to avoid any more incidents like that in the future, shall we?"

With a collective agreement from the group, they all resolved to focus on their missions and work together harmoniously, ensuring that Chaldea continued to operate smoothly and effectively.

Um team a. Dr Romani cane to then look at all of them. Marisbury is called you

As Ritsuka and the rest of them a went, as in the room they saw Marisbury, Lev lainur as he looked at all then thinking on how to kill them, as Ritsuka sent hus glare already knowing the future.

So I brought you here to meet someone. As Marisbury called for someone as she came. This is my daughter Olga, Olga this is team A the top team of Chaldea

Olga smiled warmly, extending her hand in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I've heard a lot about the accomplishments of Team A, and I'm looking forward to working alongside you."

Ritsuka and the others exchanged polite greetings with Olga, sensing her genuine enthusiasm and determination to contribute to Chaldea's cause. As they conversed further, they discussed upcoming missions and strategies, eager to collaborate effectively as a team under Marisbury's leadership.

As after a while Lev was shown outside of Chaldea, as he was looking into the sky, as then multiple shadow came and grabbed him.

What. Lev said looking at the shadow was walking from the snow was Ritsuka. What are you doing Ritsuka

How shut your moth demon god piller. Ritsuka said looking into Lev eyes. So stay quit

As Lev was shocked, he counted believe he was found so easily, as he saw Ritsuka fade dagger with his sun sword, ready to cut his neck

Lev's eyes widened in alarm, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Wait, Ritsuka, you can't just—"

But before he could finish, Ritsuka's expression hardened, his resolve unwavering. "I can and I will," he declared, his voice cold and determined.

Just as Ritsuka raised the dagger, a voice rang out from behind them. "Ritsuka, stop!" It was Mash, running towards them with urgency in her eyes. "Violence isn't the answer. We can't resort to this."

Ritsuka hesitated, the dagger poised inches from Lev's neck. He glanced back at Mash, torn between his desire for justice and her plea for restraint.

Oh right you don't know. Rituska said looking at mash. Sleep

As mash fell on the snow as Ritsuka just cut lev neck and stabbed him in the hurt, as he then cut his self for his cover story of Lev attacking him, so when he came back to Chaldea everyone believe him as after a while Ritsuka was shown next to mash.

I am pretty sure you want answer. Rituska said looking at her. So what do you want to know first

Mash blinked in confusion as she regained consciousness, the events of moments ago still a blur in her mind. She looked up at Ritsuka, her eyes filled with questions and uncertainty. "Ritsuka... what... what happened?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Ritsuka sighed heavily, his expression pained as he looked down at her. "I'm sorry, Mash. I had to do something... something drastic to protect us," he explained, his tone grave.

Mash's brows furrowed in confusion. "Protect us? From what?" she inquired, her voice tinged with fear.

Ritsuka hesitated for a moment, grappling with how much to reveal. "There are... forces at play here, Mash. Forces that threaten everything we've worked for," he began cryptically. "I had to take action to ensure our safety, even if it meant... doing something drastic."

As Ritsuka summoned all his servant, as he saw all of them, as he looked at Edmond.

So it is time. Edmond said looking at him. I gess it is time.

As Ritsuka told mash about everything about the original, timeline the aline god, who Romani really was, to the lost belt, the reset all way to here, as the servant were also shocked minus Edmond who already knew.

Mash listened intently as Ritsuka recounted the harrowing journey they had been on, her eyes widening in disbelief at each revelation. The weight of the truth settled heavily upon her shoulders, and she struggled to process the magnitude of everything Ritsuka had revealed.

"I... I had no idea," Mash murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "All this time... and we've been fighting to protect humanity, to save the world, without even knowing the full truth."

Ritsuka nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. "It's a lot to take in, I know," he said softly, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on Mash's shoulder. "But we can't afford to dwell on what's behind us. We have to keep moving forward, together, and face whatever challenges lie ahead."

Mash looked up at Ritsuka, determination shining in her eyes despite the uncertainty swirling within her. "You're right," she said firmly. "We'll face whatever comes our way, together."

So with Lev dead didn't this create a big butterfly effect master. Sigurd finally realising why Ritsuka was so mature. What will happen Know

I don't know. Rituska said looking at him. There is a reason why wait one day before singularity F to do this so the damage would be small, what happened he have to wait for Singularty F to figure out. Rituska said to Sigurd as he looked at him

Sigurd nodded, acknowledging Ritsuka's wisdom. "I understand. We'll have to proceed cautiously then."

Ritsuka glanced around at his assembled servants, a sense of determination in his eyes. "We'll navigate through this together, as we always have. No matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them as a team."

With renewed resolve, the group prepared for the trials that awaited them, knowing that the fate of humanity rested in their hands.

To be continued

Hope people like and give me power stones for my Kingdom, after all we have tooken down the government