Singularty F

As Ritsuka was sleeping, as then Ophelia came and wake him up, as she was just looking at him.

Let's me gess. Rituska said looking at her. It is time

As Ritsuka got up and prepared himself for the journey, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation mixed with nervousness. Ophelia accompanied him as they made their way to the briefing room, where the rest of the team was already gathered.

Marisbury began the briefing, outlining the details of Singularity F and the mission objectives. Ritsuka listened intently, mentally preparing himself for what lay ahead. As the briefing concluded, the team geared up and headed towards the Rayshift chamber, ready to embark on their next adventure.

As you all now 24 hourse ago we deserves this singularty. Marisbury said looking at all the master of Chaldea. It is your job to deal with for now every suit up and go

The urgency in Marisbury's voice was palpable as he urged the Masters to prepare for the upcoming mission. Ritsuka and the rest of the team wasted no time in gearing up, ensuring they had everything they needed for the journey ahead. With determination in their hearts and their Servants by their side, they made their way to the Rayshift chamber, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them in Singularity F.

As Ritsuka got into the rayshift pod, as for some reason Ritsuka didn't fell right, as it was starting Ritsuka broke out of th pot as he grabbed and broken Ophelia as he pulled her out he tryed to go Kirshtaria but then an explosion, as Ritsuka.

No. Rituska he couldn't believe it. How Lev is dead. Ritsuka summons his servant name even the ten shadow. Check for surviers.

As Ritsuka saw mash was stuck under something, as it was the same puller, as he tryed to pick up he was shot, as he called to the ground as he was there, his shadow were moving to remove the bullets and, his sun mage craft was healing.

How. Ritsuka siad as he spitted out blood. Was there another demon god

As he just holded mash hand as with a burst of light Ritsuka found him self in singularty F or Fuyuki.

How did this happen senpai? Mash said looking at him. Didn't you say Lev is dead so there shouldn't be an explosion

Ritsuka looked at Mash, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. "I thought Lev was dead too," he said, his voice strained. "But something must have gone wrong. There might be another enemy lurking in the shadows, someone who orchestrated this chaos."

Despite the confusion and uncertainty, Ritsuka knew they had to stay vigilant. "We'll figure it out, Mash," he said reassuringly. "For now, let's focus on the task at hand and navigate through this Singularity. We'll find answers along the way."

As then an arrows was sent to Ritsuka, as Ritsuka grabbed as he looked at were it came from, meanwhile Emiya Archer just looked at him as he was then attacked by Sigurd, as he was sent flying as he was stabbed by his sword.

Treat dealt with master. Sigurd said looking at Fuyuki city. So this is Singularty F

Ritsuka nodded, his mind still reeling from the sudden attack. "Thanks, Sigurd," he said, his voice tense with determination. "We need to stay on guard. There may be more threats lurking in this Singularity."

Turning his attention to Mash, he added, "Mash, keep an eye out for any unusual readings or anomalies. We need to gather as much information as we can to understand what's happening here."

As they ventured deeper into Singularity F, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He knew they were in for a challenging journey, but he was resolved to see it through to the end.

As then multiple skeletons came out mash ready her shield before she saw Ritsuka sent a arrows of black flames clearing it, as Ritsuka just had used Surya arrow

Arise. Ritsuka as the skeleton became part of his umbrel summons. neet

Ritsuka's command over his summons impressed Mash. "That was incredible, senpai," she said, admiration evident in her voice. "Your control over your Noble Phantasms is truly remarkable."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the compliment. "We need to press on," he said, his tone serious. "Let's stay focused and keep moving forward. There's no telling what other challenges await us in this Singularity."

As they Hurd a scream for help, bout Mash and Ritsuka saw it was Olga as she was running being chased by Spectres, Ritsuka and Mash jumped in

Ritsuka's command over his summons impressed Mash. "That was incredible, senpai," she said, admiration evident in her voice. "Your control over your Noble Phantasms is truly remarkable."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging the compliment. "We need to press on," he said, his tone serious. "Let's stay focused and keep moving forward. There's no telling what other challenges await us in this Singularity."

As the last spectre fell, Ritsuka turned to Olga, offering her a hand up. "Are you alright?"

Olga nodded, her expression a mix of relief and gratitude. "Thank you... I don't know what would have happened if you two hadn't come."

"We're just doing what we can to help," Mash replied, offering Olga a reassuring smile.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from a nearby alleyway. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" It was Emiya Archer, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he emerged from the shadows. "A little band of heroes, are we?"

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes at the familiar figure. "What's your game, Archer?"

Emiya smirked. "Just making sure you're not getting too comfortable, Master. After all, this is Singularity F, and things tend to get messy here."

Before Ritsuka could respond, Emiya vanished in a flurry of arrows, leaving them once again on edge.

As then Sigurd came as Archer pulled out his sword, as he looked at him

How are you back. Sigurd said looking at him. I tooked you down

As he saw Brynhildr had protect Ritsuka and other as Sigurd just fouces on Archer

Archer chuckled, twirling his sword skillfully. "Ah, Sigurd, you should know by now that dealing with me is never that simple."

Sigurd's grip tightened on his own weapon. "Then let's finish this."

Their clash echoed through the alleyway as Ritsuka and the others watched, knowing that their presence in Singularity F had just become infinitely more complicated.

As then they were attacked as Brynhildr saw it was another Servant, Her dress, armwear, and leggings have a tattered appearance, and they leave a number of small patterns on her skin, as she looked at the group,.

Fuck. Ritsuka though to him self seeing the servant as it was Medusa Alter. Shit so far noting in timeline is going properly, I just hope we are dealing with salter. Ritsuka though to him self

Ritsuka's heart raced as he faced the unexpected appearance of Medusa Alter. Despite the chaos, he tried to maintain his composure, knowing that any misstep could prove costly in this dangerous Singularity. With a deep breath, he prepared himself for the battle ahead, hoping that they could overcome this new challenge and restore order to Singularity F.

As then multiple fire balls hits, Emiya and Medusa as Infront of them was another Servant.

Not best way to meet you guys. The servant said looking at them. But what can we do, name Chu Chulainn more specifically I am caster so let's run. As he actived his mage craft

As Caster Cu Chulainn unleashed his magecraft, Ritsuka quickly assessed the situation. With enemies closing in and the odds stacked against them, he knew that retreat was the only option for now. Gripping his weapon tightly, he gestured for his allies to follow as they made a hasty escape from the advancing enemies, hoping to regroup and devise a new plan to tackle the challenges of Singularity F.

As they retreated, Ritsuka kept a close eye on their surroundings, scanning for any potential threats. The group found temporary shelter in a nearby abandoned building, where they could catch their breath and strategize.

"We need to come up with a plan," Ritsuka said, addressing the group. "We're up against powerful enemies, and we can't afford to underestimate them."

Mash nodded in agreement. "We should gather as much information as we can about this Singularity. Understanding its nature and the Servants involved will be crucial."

"I'll try to analyze the magical energy fluctuations in the area," Olga offered. "Perhaps we can pinpoint the source of the disturbance."

Meanwhile, Edmond gazed out of a broken window, his expression unreadable. "We need to be prepared for anything," he remarked. "The situation here is far from ordinary."

With everyone on high alert, they began to piece together what they knew about Singularity F, determined to unravel its mysteries and overcome the challenges it presented.

Oh right how are you here Olga. Ritsuka looked at her hoping this time she was a life. Did you also Rayshift with a coffen?

No. Olga said looking at him. As the explosion, dad put in one of them as he set up for Singularty, it was dum move, but it was probably the only one can think of

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the circumstances that led to Olga's unexpected presence in Singularity F. "We'll find a way to get through this," he reassured her. "Together, we can overcome any obstacle."

Mash offered Olga a comforting smile. "We're glad you're safe," she said sincerely. "Having you with us gives us hope."

As they prepared to face the challenges ahead, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. Despite the dangers lurking in Singularity F, he was resolved to protect his comrades and navigate through the chaos until they could find a way back to safety.

As then blue screen came up, as they saw it was Ophelia, Dr Romani, Ayaka, as they were looking

Testing testing can you hear us. Dr Romani said to the group. Wait can you see us as well, is this working Ayaka

Ritsuka nodded. "We can hear you and see you," he confirmed. "What's going on?"

Dr. Romani's expression was grave as he addressed them. "We've detected abnormalities in Singularity F," he explained. "It seems that the timeline has been significantly altered, and the distortions are causing disruptions in our communication. We need you to investigate the source of these changes and restore stability to the Singularity."

Ayaka chimed in, her voice filled with concern. "Please be careful," she urged. "We're monitoring your progress from here, but the situation seems precarious."

Ritsuka exchanged a worried glance with Mash and Olga. Despite the gravity of the situation, he was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead. "We'll do our best," he promised. "We won't let you down."

Wait what about that master canadates? Olga said looking at Romani. Are they ok, if not but then in cryo sleep, the explosion has probably done a huge number on Chaldea

On it. Romanu said as he looked at Ayaka, as she pressed a few button. Anything more..

About father where is he. Olga said looking at Romani. Is he ok?

We can't find him after the explosion. Romani said with a sad face. It is to say he is probably dead, crushed for now, just fix this singularty

Romani's words hung heavily in the air, casting a somber mood over the conversation. Ritsuka felt a pang of sadness for Olga, knowing how close she was to her father. "We'll do everything we can," he assured her, his voice filled with determination. "For now, let's focus on stabilizing Singularity F and preventing any further damage."

Mash nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. "We'll find a way to restore order," she vowed. "And we'll keep an eye out for any signs of your father."

Olga managed a small nod, her gaze reflecting both sorrow and determination. "Thank you," she whispered softly. "Please, be careful out there."

With a shared resolve, the team turned their attention back to the task at hand, ready to face the challenges of Singularity F head-on.

As then Chu Chulainn came to there hiding place after explaining that eh took done archer end lancer aka Medusa Alter, as he explained to them about the singular it was the same as in canon, as Ritsuka listen and relsied thinks didn't, change that much

So let me get this correct. Olga said looking at him. You guys, had holy grail was, were saber, after that Saber came back and was corrupted, and so she started the war again, and after she took down the servants but you they also became corrupted and stared to follow her. Olga said looking at Chu Chulainn

To be continued

Hope people like this give me power stones as our kingdom keep growing and it won't stop, and also enjoy the double update