
As Ritsuka woke from his sleep, he said it was squeezed out agent's something as he touches it, it felt soft, as he moved his head he saw a face a females faces, she had pink hair, fox ears, fair skin and golden yellow eyes wearing the same Chaldea unifrom as rhe workers.

Do you always have to do this. Ritsuka said looking at her. Now let's me kyonskya

The fox-eared girl chuckled softly. "You know I can't resist messing with you, Master. But sure, let's get going."

Ritsuka got up from his makeshift bed, stretching his limbs before grabbing his gear. As they stepped out of the room, the familiar hustle and bustle of Chaldea greeted them.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Ritsuka asked, adjusting his coat.

"We have a mission in Orleans," the fox-eared girl replied. "Reports suggest some irregularities in the area. We need to investigate."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression turning serious. "Understood. Let's gather the team and head out."

With a sense of purpose, they made their way to the briefing room, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in Orleans.

But just take care of everyone. Ritsuka said walking to rayshift are. You can't rayshift as Ritsuka went to the command room

In it he saw Dr Romani, and Mash waiting for him.

So as you know we have seven singularty to go through. Romani said as he pointed at seven light. We have chosen this one, after all we can't just drop you at the strongest, even if your highly strong Ritsuka.

But just take care of everyone. Ritsuka said walking to rayshift are. You can't rayshift as Ritsuka went to the command room

In it he saw Dr Romani, and Mash waiting for him.

So as you know we have seven singularty to go through. Romani said as he pointed at seven light. We have chosen this one, after all we can't just drop you at the strongest, even if your highly strong Ritsuka.

Ritsuka nodded in understanding. "I trust your judgment, Romani. Let's get this mission started."

Mash stepped forward, her expression determined. "We'll do our best to navigate through each Singularity safely, Master."

With a final glance at the holographic map displaying the Singularity they were about to tackle, Ritsuka took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the challenges ahead.

"Alright," he said, his voice firm. "Let's rayshift and make a difference."

Wait I am coming. As they saw Ophelia. Let me go.

Sorry can't. Olga said coming into the room. You know your body is not ready for rayshift.

Yeah sorry about that. Ritsuka said remembering breaking the his and Ophelia coffen, his handed started but Ophelia did do to that her body became unstable to rayshift. Hey but you can still provide support

"Absolutely," Ritsuka agreed, turning to Ophelia with a reassuring smile. "Your support is invaluable to us, Ophelia. We'll need you here, ready to assist if anything comes up."

Mash nodded in agreement. "We'll keep you updated on our progress, and you can provide backup from Chaldea."

Ophelia smiled back, a mixture of relief and determination in her eyes. "Alright, I'll be here, supporting you every step of the way."

With Ophelia's support assured, Ritsuka felt a surge of confidence. "Let's do this," he said, leading the way to the rayshift chamber with renewed determination.

Also. Ophelia said looking at Ritsuka. Stay safe.

Don't worry master will. Kyonskya said entering the room. I mean he is different from of you.

Right keep forgetting you exgist. Olga said looking at Kyonskya. From a small rabbit to a human you have changed.

Oh she master told you about how he found me. Kyonskya said looking at Ritsuka. It is a same but then again I will tell the story later

Ritsuka chuckled at Kyonskya's comment. "We'll save that story for another time. Right now, let's focus on the mission ahead."

With everyone's well-wishes and preparations in place, Ritsuka, Mash, and Dr. Romani stepped into the rayshift chamber, ready to embark on their next adventure.

Let's start. Romani said next to him and Aozkai, and Ayaka making sure everything goes as plan. Retrieve the grail and fix the Singularty, let's start

With a nod from Ritsuka, the rayshift process began, enveloping them in a swirl of light as they were transported to their destination. As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a new era, ready to face the challenges ahead and restore order to the Singularity.

As they stepped out of the rayshift portal, Ritsuka and his team found themselves in the heart of Orleans, surrounded by the quaint medieval buildings and cobblestone streets of the French countryside. The air was filled with the scent of flowers, and in the distance, they could hear the bustling sounds of a bustling village.

"Welcome to Orleans," Mash said, taking in the scenery with a sense of wonder. "It's so different from Chaldea."

"Yeah, it's like stepping into a history book," Ritsuka remarked, scanning their surroundings. "But we can't let the picturesque scenery fool us. We're here on a mission, and we need to stay focused."

As they began to explore the village, they encountered townsfolk going about their daily lives, seemingly oblivious to the chaos that lay ahead. But as they ventured deeper into the heart of the Singularity, they soon discovered the dark forces at work.

"I sense a disturbance," Aozaki said, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed their surroundings. "There's something sinister lurking in this Singularity."

Before they could investigate further, they were ambushed by a group of shadowy figures, servants corrupted by the chaotic energy of the Singularity. With weapons drawn, Ritsuka and his team sprang into action, engaging in a fierce battle against their formidable foes.

Despite the odds stacked against them, they fought with determination and courage, relying on their skills and teamwork to overcome each new challenge. With Mash's steadfast defense, Aozaki's powerful magecraft, and Ayaka's precision strikes, they managed to push back the enemy forces and emerge victorious.

But their victory was short-lived, as they soon encountered the leader of the enemy forces – a powerful servant wielding dark magic and a thirst for destruction.

"We've found our target," Ritsuka said grimly, facing off against the sinister foe. "Let's finish this and restore peace to Orleans."

As then Mash can see it as they both saw as Ritsuka called for Edmond, Sigurd, and Tametomo as these were the servants he had brought. As they saw the servant leading them as it was a girl short white hair and pale yellow eyes. She has armor on her face in the shape of an M that covers her nose and the sides of her head. Her armor also covers her chest, arms and hands. It turns into more of an open front dress from her waist down. Ritsuka knew who this was it was Jeane d arc alter the same.

It looks the timeline id Orleans's didn't change that much. Ritsuka siad looking at mash. Rember what I told you about the Orleans when I told about the reset mash.

Mash nodded, recalling Ritsuka's previous explanation about the events of Orleans and how they had been reset. "Yes, I remember. The presence of Jeanne d'Arc Alter indicates that this Singularity is following a similar pattern to the previous one."

Ritsuka glanced at Jeanne d'Arc Alter, his expression determined. "We'll need to be cautious. She's a formidable opponent, but we've faced her before and emerged victorious. With our combined strength and strategy, we can overcome any challenge."

With that, Ritsuka and his team prepared for battle, steeling themselves for the confrontation ahead. As they faced off against Jeanne d'Arc Alter and her forces, they knew that the fate of Orleans – and perhaps even the entire world – rested on their shoulders.

As then spiked went through the ground as Sigurd broke then, as then Ritsuka saw with Jean alter was Vlad and Carmilla as then they saw someone attack them, as Mash blocks.

Will mash. Ritsuka said looking at the servant. This is beserker lancalot.

Ritsuka's eyes narrowed as he identified the formidable foe before them. "Berserker Lancelot... We can't afford to underestimate him. He's incredibly powerful and relentless in battle."

Mash braced herself, ready to defend against the onslaught of Berserker Lancelot's attacks. "I'll do my best to hold him off, Senpai. But we'll need a plan to defeat him."

Ritsuka nodded, scanning the battlefield for any potential weaknesses or opportunities. "We'll need to focus our attacks and coordinate our movements. Sigurd, Edmond, Tametomo, target Vlad and Carmilla while I distract Berserker Lancelot. Mash, provide support and be ready to adapt to any changes in the situation."

With their strategy in place, Ritsuka and his team launched into action, engaging in a fierce battle against their formidable adversaries. As they fought, they remained vigilant and determined, knowing that victory would not come easily, but that their combined strength and determination would see them through.

The clash of steel echoed through the air as Ritsuka and his companions faced off against Berserker Lancelot and the other Servants. Sigurd, wielding his mighty sword, engaged Vlad in a fierce duel, their blades flashing in the sunlight. Meanwhile, Tametomo unleashed a barrage of arrows at Carmilla, forcing her to dodge and weave to avoid being struck.

Mash, using her shield to deflect Lancelot's relentless attacks, held her ground against the berserk knight's overwhelming strength. Ritsuka, with Edmond at his side, focused on distracting Lancelot, darting in and out of his range to keep him off balance.

Despite their valiant efforts, the battle was intense and grueling. Berserker Lancelot's ferocity seemed boundless, and Vlad and Carmilla fought with cunning and determination. But Ritsuka and his team refused to yield, drawing upon their resolve and teamwork to press on.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka spotted an opening in Lancelot's defenses. With a quick signal to Edmond, they launched a coordinated assault, exploiting the moment of vulnerability to deliver a powerful blow. Berserker Lancelot staggered back, momentarily stunned by the force of their attack.

Seizing the opportunity, Mash unleashed her Noble Phantasm, "Lord Camelot," creating a protective barrier to shield her allies from harm. With renewed determination, Ritsuka and his team pressed their advantage, redoubling their efforts to overcome their formidable foes.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka and his companions fought with unwavering resolve, their bonds of friendship and camaraderie driving them forward. With their combined strength and determination, they faced the challenges before them head-on, ready to emerge victorious no matter the odds.

As then they were attacked by arrow as Edmond stopped then Ritsuka looked at the person, he thought it was Atalante but instead who he saw shocked him, she had white hair, two horns on her head, shs was wearing a Japanese armour, as she waw holding a red bow and arrows this was Tomoe Gozen

Huh will. Ritsuka just looked at the Japanese servant. Talk going from France to Japan

This didn't happen in original timeline of event senpie. Mash said looking at. Who was the original archer for this

As Ritsuka and the others faced off against Berserker Lancelot, they were surprised by the sudden appearance of Tomoe Gozen as their enemy. The battle intensified as Berserker Lancelot unleashed his fury, while Tomoe Gozen rained arrows down on them with precision.

Mash held her ground, deflecting attacks with her shield, while Ritsuka coordinated their efforts with the summoned servants. Edmond countered Berserker Lancelot's wild swings with his own calculated strikes, while Sigurd engaged in a fierce duel with the enemy.

Meanwhile, Jeanne Alter faced off against Vlad and Carmilla, each clash of their weapons echoing through the battlefield. Despite the odds, Ritsuka remained determined, knowing that they had to overcome this challenge to progress in their mission to restore the singularity.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka's mind raced with strategies, seeking a way to turn the tide in their favor against these formidable opponents. With teamwork and determination, they fought on, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in this altered version of Orleans.

As Ritsuka summoned forth his shadow servants, the battlefield erupted with renewed chaos. The shadow Specters and skeletons emerged from the ground, adding to the ranks of their forces. With a command, Ritsuka directed them to engage the enemy, providing support to their frontline fighters.

Ciel's shadow materialized beside Ritsuka, ready to heed his orders. With her dark powers at his disposal, Ritsuka felt a surge of confidence, knowing that their combined strength could tip the scales of battle in their favor.

Together, they pressed on, their shadow servants fighting alongside them against the onslaught of enemies. With each clash, they drew closer to victory, determined to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their way and restore order to the singularity of Orleans.

As then Vlad went to Ritsuka mash tryed to y'all as Bald bits Ritsuka and started to drinks his blood before he moves away, as he was holding his mouth, as he started burn in black flames of Amaterasu, as Ritsuka looked at him.

Tell me Vlad do you know about the hero Karna. Ritsuka said potion at him. If so the you know his father is the son god, and do to that his blood as special profits, these profits pass on to his children and distended, gess you fucked up

Vlad, writhing in pain from the black flames, glared at Ritsuka with a mixture of anger and realization. The revelation about Karna's divine blood sent a shiver down his spine as he comprehended the gravity of his mistake. In his blind pursuit of power, he had underestimated the strength inherited by Ritsuka, unwittingly sealing his own fate.

As the flames continued to engulf him, Vlad's once formidable demeanor faltered, replaced by a sense of defeat. With his resistance waning, he could do little but acknowledge the consequences of his actions. In a final act of defiance, he let out a defiant growl before succumbing to the purifying flames of Amaterasu, vanishing from the battlefield.

With Vlad's defeat, the immediate threat had been neutralized, allowing Ritsuka and his allies to regroup and assess their next steps. Though the battle had taken its toll, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to restore peace to Orleans.

That is enough. Jaane arc said. By this command shilde I give you all the power to use you np Lancelot

Arthurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Berserk lancalot screened to trh heaves as the whole place was covered by drak mist and red light. Arthur. He screamed.

Yeah no run. Edmond said looking at this. It is better to run

The group wasted no time in heeding Edmond's advice, retreating swiftly from the overwhelming presence of Berserker Lancelot and the ominous red mist that engulfed the battlefield. With Lancelot's unleashed power threatening to consume everything in its wake, there was little they could do but retreat and reassess their strategy from a safer vantage point.

As they retreated, Ritsuka glanced back at the swirling darkness, feeling a sense of foreboding. The power that Berserker Lancelot had unleashed was unlike anything they had faced before, and it served as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked within the singularity.

Once they had put some distance between themselves and the chaotic battleground, they paused to catch their breath and regroup. Despite the setback, their resolve remained unshaken, and they remained determined to confront whatever challenges lay ahead on their journey through Orleans.

To be continued

Anway give me power stones, and also no kyonskya is not Ritsuka assassin class servant, I am still saving that for when the time comes