Even more changes

As in a different place, a town brunned done to the grown as it shows a woman wirh skin as white as snow, yellow eyes, she was wearing a not so modest black dress she had long white hair similar to Maria, as she walked as the town

Didn't think i will summon you. Jeanne alter said looking at her. Maria or do you go by Maria alter

Maria Alter, her presence as ominous as her appearance, surveyed the charred remnants of the town with a cold detachment. "Call me what you will, Jeanne Alter. The name matters little in the face of our task."

Jeanne Alter eyed her counterpart warily. "What brings you here? Have you come to meddle in our affairs?"

Maria Alter's lips curled into a faint smirk. "I am here to fulfill my purpose, just as you are. Our paths may intersect, but I have no intention of interfering with your goals... unless they conflict with mine."

Jeanne Alter's gaze hardened. "Then let us work alongside each other, but make no mistake—I will not hesitate to act if your actions endanger the success of our mission."

Maria Alter's smirk widened slightly. "Understood. Let us see how events unfold."

With a silent acknowledgment, the two Alter Servants continued on their separate paths, each with their own agenda in the unfolding chaos.

As then a giant dragon fell from the sky as Jeanne alter and Maria alter went on the dragon and went to Jeanne base of operations, meanwhile it was the next day as Ritsuka and his allies were fighting another servants of Jeanne alter, as they were beserker lancalot Carmilla

The battle raged on as Ritsuka and his allies clashed against the formidable foes. Beserker Lancelot, fueled by his berserker rage, unleashed devastating blows with his sword, each strike carrying the force of a charging bull. Meanwhile, Carmilla, with her vampiric powers, moved with uncanny speed and grace, striking from the shadows with deadly precision.

Mash stood at Ritsuka's side, her shield raised defensively as she countered each of Lancelot's attacks with unwavering determination. Tametomo, with his keen marksmanship, launched arrows at Carmilla, forcing her to constantly evade and maneuver to avoid being hit.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka called upon his shadow servants, summoning them to aid in the fight. The specters and skeletons moved with eerie fluidity, engaging Lancelot and Carmilla in fierce combat, buying precious time for Ritsuka and his allies to regroup and strategize.

Meanwhile, above the battlefield, Jeanne Alter and Maria Alter rode atop the massive dragon, their eyes fixed on Jeanne's base of operations. With a mighty roar, the dragon descended upon the fortress, its fiery breath engulfing everything in its path as the two Alter Servants prepared to confront their mutual enemy.

Take this. Sigurd said hitting carmilla and blockung an attack by Berserk lancalot. Oh no you don't

As then Carmilla was shot before she body was covered by Amaterasu flames, as Ritsuka was holding his gun.

Why didn't use this from the start. Ritsuka said as he made the gun desiperd. I mean would have saved us the trouble

Sigurd's strike landed true, staggering Carmilla and creating an opening for Ritsuka's attack. With precision aim, Ritsuka fired his gun, the bullet finding its mark and piercing through Carmilla's defenses. As she recoiled from the impact, the flames of Amaterasu engulfed her, consuming her form in purifying fire.

Mash, witnessing the swift turn of events, nodded in agreement with Ritsuka's observation. "Indeed, it would have been advantageous to utilize such power from the start," she remarked, her voice tinged with admiration for Ritsuka's newfound abilities.

With Carmilla neutralized, the battlefield shifted in favor of Ritsuka and his allies. Sigurd, emboldened by their success, continued to press the attack against Berserker Lancelot, his sword strikes becoming more ferocious with each passing moment.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka remained vigilant, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to thwart Jeanne Alter's plans and restore peace to the singularity.

With a commanding gesture, Ritsuka summoned forth the Divine Dogs, celestial guardians ready to heed his call. The majestic creatures materialized on the battlefield, their presence commanding respect and instilling fear in their adversaries.

"Attack!" Ritsuka commanded, his voice carrying authority as the Divine Dogs leaped into action. With swift movements, they bounded towards Berserker Lancelot, their divine power pulsating with each step. With jaws ready to deliver divine justice, they lunged at their target, aiming to subdue the formidable enemy with their celestial might.

As the Divine Dogs lunged towards Berserker Lancelot, their jaws aimed to clamp down on him, the beserker prepared to counter. With a feral roar, he swung his sword with ferocious strength, aiming to cleave through the celestial beasts.

Meanwhile, Carmilla, recovering from the earlier assault, launched a swift counterattack, her vampiric agility allowing her to maneuver deftly around the battlefield. She targeted the group with deadly precision, her crimson eyes gleaming with predatory intent.

Sigurd intercepted her assault, his own blade meeting hers with resolute determination. The clash of swords echoed through the air, each strike a testament to their formidable skills as warriors.

Ritsuka, Mash, and the rest of the group remained vigilant, ready to support their allies and counter any threats that arose. With coordinated efforts and unwavering resolve, they stood firm against the onslaught of Jeanne Alter's forces, determined to emerge victorious and bring an end to the chaos plaguing Orleans.

Take this. Ritsuka said activating Surya arrows as his black flames moves. Take this carmilla

As the arrows was shot it covered carmilla as she was burned into noting, as she was defeated only Lancalot was left

With Carmilla vanquished by Ritsuka's devastating attack, only Berserker Lancelot remained standing amidst the aftermath of battle. The beserker, undeterred by the loss of his ally, unleashed a furious onslaught, his sword swinging with unparalleled savagery.

Sigurd, recognizing the imminent danger, braced himself to confront Berserker Lancelot head-on. With calculated precision, he parried the beserker's strikes, each clash resonating with thunderous force.

Meanwhile, Mash stood ready at Ritsuka's side, her shield raised in a protective stance. Together, they prepared to face Berserker Lancelot with unwavering determination, their resolve unshaken despite the formidable opponent before them.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka called upon his remaining strength and summoned forth his divine allies once more, their presence bolstering the group's defenses and lending them the strength needed to withstand Berserker Lancelot's relentless assault. With their combined efforts, they fought valiantly against the beserker, determined to emerge victorious and bring an end to the threat looming over Orleans.

Round deer. Ritsuka said summoning Round Deer. Heal us.

As then more of Ritsuka has summoned more of his umbrel summons as Edmond and Tametomo startrd to attack Beserker Lancalot.

With Round Deer's healing magic imbuing them with renewed vitality, Ritsuka and the others found themselves bolstered by its soothing effects, their wounds gradually mending as they pressed on in their battle against Berserker Lancelot.

Edmond and Tametomo, emboldened by Ritsuka's summons, launched a coordinated assault on the beserker, their combined efforts adding to the ferocity of the fight. Edmond's precise marksmanship and Tametomo's relentless barrage of arrows served to keep Berserker Lancelot on the defensive, creating openings for their allies to exploit.

Sigurd, wielding his mighty sword with unparalleled skill, joined the fray, his blade meeting Berserker Lancelot's with resounding clashes that echoed throughout the battlefield. With each strike, Sigurd pushed the limits of his strength, determined to overcome their formidable opponent and bring an end to the conflict.

Mash, ever vigilant at Ritsuka's side, stood ready to defend against any incoming attacks, her shield raised to intercept any blows directed their way. Together, they formed a steadfast front line, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka remained focused on the task at hand, directing his servants with precision as they worked together to turn the tide of the fight in their favor. With their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they fought on, determined to emerge victorious against the formidable foe standing before them.

As the battle reached its climax, Berserker Lancelot found himself overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of attacks from Ritsuka and his allies. With one final, decisive strike, Sigurd delivered a powerful blow that incapacitated the beserker, sending him crashing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Ritsuka surveyed the battlefield, his heart pounding with adrenaline. Despite the fierce opposition they had faced, they had emerged victorious.

"Is it over?" Mash asked, her voice tinged with relief as she lowered her shield.

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of triumph coursing through him. "For now, at least. But we can't let our guard down. Jeanne Alter won't rest until she's defeated us."

"We'll be ready," Edmond affirmed, his gaze unwavering as he scanned the horizon for any sign of further danger.

"Indeed," Sigurd agreed, sheathing his sword with a sense of satisfaction. "We've proven ourselves capable of facing whatever challenges come our way."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "Let's press on. There's still much to be done if we're going to restore peace to Orleans."

With renewed resolve, Ritsuka and his allies prepared to face whatever trials lay ahead, their bond as master and servants stronger than ever as they embarked on the next stage of their journey.

So what now. Mash said looking at Ritsuka said. What do we do know Senpai

Ritsuka took a moment to collect his thoughts, his gaze sweeping over the aftermath of the battle. "First, we need to regroup and assess the situation. Jeanne Alter won't be giving up anytime soon, so we have to stay vigilant."

He turned to Mash, a determined expression on his face. "We also need to reach out to Chaldea and inform them of everything that's happened here. Romani and the others need to know what we're facing."

Mash nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "And what about Jeanne? They're still out there, and they're undoubtedly planning their next move."

Ritsuka's jaw tightened with resolve. "We'll find them, Mash. But for now, let's focus on regrouping and preparing for whatever comes next. We can't afford to let our guard down, not even for a moment."

With a nod of determination, Ritsuka led the way as they began to strategize their next steps, their bond as master and servant stronger than ever as they faced the challenges ahead.

As Ritsuka and Mash prepared to regroup with the others, they noticed a faint glow emanating from a nearby alley. Curious, they approached cautiously, ready for anything.

To their surprise, they found a small, glowing object lying on the ground. As Ritsuka picked it up, he realized it was a crystal shard, pulsating with magical energy.

"This... this feels familiar," Ritsuka murmured, studying the shard intently. "I think I've seen something like this before."

Mash leaned in for a closer look, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It looks like it's connected to magecraft, but I can't determine its exact purpose."

Before they could investigate further, a voice echoed from the shadows. "Ah, so you've found it."

Startled, Ritsuka and Mash turned to see a figure emerging from the darkness. It was a woman with long, flowing hair and piercing blue eyes, her demeanor calm yet enigmatic.

"Who are you?" Ritsuka asked, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

The woman smiled cryptically. "I am but a traveler passing through. As for this shard, it holds the key to unlocking a great power—one that could change the course of fate itself."

Ritsuka's interest was piqued. "What kind of power?"

The woman's smile widened. "That, my dear master, is for you to discover. But be warned: with great power comes great danger. Use it wisely, or risk facing the consequences."

With those cryptic words, the woman disappeared into the shadows, leaving Ritsuka and Mash with more questions than answers.

"We should bring this shard back to Chaldea," Mash suggested, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Perhaps Da Vinci or Romani can shed some light on its significance."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, tucking the shard safely away. "Agreed. Let's head back and regroup with the others. But let's keep this shard between us for now. Who knows what secrets it holds?"

With a shared sense of determination, Ritsuka and Mash continued on their journey, the mysterious shard burning brightly in their minds as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Ritsuka and Mash prepared to regroup with the others, they noticed a faint glow emanating from a nearby alley. Curious, they approached cautiously, ready for anything.

To their surprise, they found a small, glowing object lying on the ground. As Ritsuka picked it up, he realized it was a crystal shard, pulsating with magical energy.

"This... this feels familiar," Ritsuka murmured, studying the shard intently. "I think I've seen something like this before."

Mash leaned in for a closer look, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It looks like it's connected to magecraft, but I can't determine its exact purpose."

Before they could investigate further, a voice echoed from the shadows. "Ah, so you've found it."

Startled, Ritsuka and Mash turned to see a figure emerging from the darkness. It was a woman with long, flowing hair and piercing blue eyes, her demeanor calm yet enigmatic.

"Who are you?" Ritsuka asked, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

The woman smiled cryptically. "I am but a traveler passing through. As for this shard, it holds the key to unlocking a great power—one that could change the course of fate itself."

Ritsuka's interest was piqued. "What kind of power?"

The woman's smile widened. "That, my dear master, is for you to discover. But be warned: with great power comes great danger. Use it wisely, or risk facing the consequences."

With those cryptic words, the woman disappeared into the shadows, leaving Ritsuka and Mash with more questions than answers.

"We should bring this shard back to Chaldea," Mash suggested, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Perhaps Da Vinci or Romani can shed some light on its significance."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, tucking the shard safely away. "Agreed. Let's head back and regroup with the others. But let's keep this shard between us for now. Who knows what secrets it holds?"

With a shared sense of determination, Ritsuka and Mash continued on their journey, the mysterious shard burning brightly in their minds as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile the women was on rooftops, as she had smirk. As then Zelretch came next to her.

Hellow Gabriel. Zelretch said looking at her. So god is giving his champion another power

Gabriel turned to face Zelretch, her expression unreadable. "Indeed, Zelretch. It seems the wheels of fate are turning once again, and I intend to see where they lead."

Zelretch chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You always did have a knack for stirring up trouble, my dear. But remember, even gods can fall prey to their own ambitions."

Gabriel's smirk widened. "Oh, I'm well aware of that, Zelretch. But rest assured, I have my own plans in motion. And this little power play is just the beginning."

With a flick of her wrist, Gabriel vanished into the night, leaving Zelretch to ponder the implications of her words. As he watched her disappear, a small grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Ah, Gabriel," he murmured to himself. "What trouble will you stir up next?"

To be continued

Hope people like and give me powe stones also we have reached 50 Ch yeah baby lets gooooooo