Final plan

Jeanne alter was seating as she felt her beserker was taken done she took her deef breath, as she saw Gills de rais.

As Jeanne Alter saw Gilles de Rais approaching, she clenched her fists, her eyes narrowing with determination.

"You!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disdain. "What brings you here, Gilles?"

Gilles de Rais smirked, his expression eerie against the backdrop of the dimly lit room. "Ah, Jeanne, my dear alter," he said with a twisted grin. "I couldn't resist the temptation to witness your grand plans firsthand."

Jeanne Alter's grip tightened on her sword, her aura crackling with intensity. "I have no time for your games, Gilles," she retorted sharply. "If you're not here to aid me, then leave."

Gilles chuckled darkly, unfazed by her hostility. "Oh, but I am here to aid you, Jeanne," he replied cryptically. "In ways you cannot yet comprehend."

Jeanne Alter's eyes narrowed further, suspicion flickering in their depths. "What do you mean?" she demanded, her voice a low growl.

Gilles merely grinned in response, his demeanor enigmatic and unsettling. "All in good time, my dear Jeanne," he said cryptically, before turning to leave, his presence lingering like a shadow in the room.

Why not why not make this place a weapon. Giles said looking at Jeanne alter. After all if you want all of France destroyed, so what do you say

Jeanne Alter regarded Gilles with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism, her mind racing with the implications of his proposal.

"A weapon?" she echoed, her voice laced with intrigue. "Explain yourself, Gilles. What do you mean by making this place a weapon?"

Gilles de Rais grinned, his eyes gleaming with fervor. "Think about it, Jeanne," he urged, his tone persuasive. "This place holds immense power, power that could be harnessed to devastating effect. With the right manipulation, we could unleash destruction upon France like never before."

Jeanne Alter's mind raced with the possibilities, the allure of such power tempting her despite her reservations. "And how would we accomplish such a feat?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.

Gilles chuckled darkly, his gaze fixated on Jeanne Alter with unnerving intensity. "Leave that to me, my dear Jeanne," he said cryptically. "With my knowledge and your strength, we could reshape this place into a weapon that strikes fear into the heart of France itself."

Jeanne Alter considered his words carefully, weighing the risks against the potential rewards. In her quest for vengeance, she knew she couldn't afford to dismiss any opportunity, no matter how dubious it seemed.

"Very well, Gilles," she finally conceded, her voice resolute. "Let us explore this possibility further. But remember, I am the one in control here. Do not overstep your bounds."

Gilles de Rais grinned wickedly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course, my dear Jeanne," he replied, his tone dripping with false humility. "Together, we shall unleash a reign of terror upon France that will echo through the ages."

As Giles left as then Marie alter came next to her, as she saw her.

Are you really going to believe him. Marie alter said looking at you really trust that caster

Jeanne Alter regarded Marie Alter with a mixture of annoyance and defiance, her resolve unwavering despite the doubts that gnawed at her.

"Believe him?" she scoffed, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Trust him? Of course not, Marie. I'm not a fool. But I also know better than to dismiss the potential power he offers."

Marie Alter's expression softened with concern as she regarded her fellow Alter. "But Jeanne, you know what Gilles is capable of," she urged, her voice gentle yet firm. "He's dangerous, unpredictable. We can't afford to let him manipulate us."

Jeanne Alter's jaw tensed as she wrestled with her conflicting emotions, torn between her desire for vengeance and her instinct for self-preservation. "I know the risks, Marie," she admitted, her voice tinged with resignation. "But for now, we must play along. We need his knowledge, his expertise, if we are to achieve our goals."

Marie Alter nodded solemnly, her eyes reflecting the same determination that burned within Jeanne Alter's soul. "Very well," she conceded, her voice tinged with reluctance. "But remember, Jeanne, we must tread carefully. Trust no one but ourselves."

Jeanne Alter's lips curled into a wry smile as she regarded her companion. "Agreed," she replied, her voice firm with resolve. "From now on, we rely on no one but ourselves. We will carve our own path to victory, no matter the cost."

Now can you tell what is your deal. Jeanne alter said looking at Marie alter. I never summond you.

Oh you see. Mare alter said looking at her. I am on a mission from my master to kill the final master of humanity, after all he is an anomaly in his plans

Jeanne Alter's gaze hardened as she processed Marie Alter's words, her suspicions confirmed as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"So you're here to kill him," she murmured, her voice low with disbelief. "The final Master of Humanity. And you're working for someone else."

Marie Alter nodded solemnly, her expression tinged with regret. "Yes, Jeanne," she admitted, her voice heavy with resignation. "I serve another, one who seeks to eliminate any threats to his plans, no matter the cost."

Jeanne Alter's fists clenched at her sides as she fought to contain her rising anger. "And you're willing to betray us for this master of yours?" she demanded, her voice laced with accusation. "After all we've been through together?"

Marie Alter's gaze faltered, a shadow of guilt flickering across her features. "It's not that simple, Jeanne," she protested, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I have my reasons, my own battles to fight. But know this, I will never forget the bond we share, the camaraderie we've forged in battle. No matter what happens, you will always be my sister in arms."

Jeanne Alter regarded Marie Alter with a mixture of anger and sadness, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "Fine," she conceded, her voice tinged with resignation. "But don't expect me to trust you blindly. From now on, we walk separate paths, united only by our shared purpose."

Marie Alter nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting the same determination that burned within Jeanne Alter's soul. "Agreed," she replied, her voice firm with resolve. "We may be divided, but our goals remain the same. Together or apart, we will see this through to the end."

As Ritsuka finally arrived to the base of Jeanne Alter, it has been a few days already during thus time he had fought Martha and Killed her, during that time they had meet Elizabeth and Kiyohime as they join him, after that they found a met dragon if Jeanne alter dragon after that they found Siegfried and after that him and Sigurd became good friend to heal Siegfried they found saint George during this Maria was attacked and she was killed by Jeanne alter assassin who she took down.

So this her place. Ritsuka said getting of his horses. Let's finished this.

As then the ground moves as then the castle went to the sky, as everyone was shocked.

This this. Ritsuka though to him self. This never happened in the original timeline holy fuck.

As the castle ascended into the sky, Ritsuka felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The gravity of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks as he realized the magnitude of what they were up against.

"We can't let her get away with this," Ritsuka declared, his voice firm with determination. "We have to stop Jeanne Alter, no matter what it takes."

Mash nodded beside him, her expression resolute. "Right, Senpai," she affirmed, her eyes reflecting the same steely resolve as his own. "We'll do whatever it takes to bring her down."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka led his allies towards the floating fortress, each step bringing them closer to their final confrontation with Jeanne Alter. They knew the battle ahead would be their toughest yet, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay in their path.

As they approached the castle, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at the pit of his stomach. He knew that the fate of humanity rested on their shoulders, and failure was not an option.

With a deep breath, Ritsuka steeled himself for the battle ahead. Whatever awaited them inside the fortress, they would face it together, as comrades united in their quest to save the world from destruction.

Umbrel summons. Ritsuka said as then multiple dragons that they killed came out. Everyone on the dragon right now we are going.

As the dragons emerged from the shadows, their spectral forms shimmering with ethereal energy, Ritsuka's command resonated through the air. With a swift motion, the dragons lowered themselves to the ground, their backs offering a sturdy platform for Ritsuka and his allies to mount.

Mash, Sigurd, Kiyohime, Elizabeth, and the rest of the group wasted no time in climbing onto the backs of the summoned creatures, their expressions a mix of determination and anticipation. They trusted Ritsuka's judgment implicitly, knowing that every decision he made was in the best interest of their mission.

With a resounding roar, the dragons took flight, their powerful wings slicing through the air as they ascended towards the floating fortress. The wind whipped against their faces as they soared higher and higher, the castle looming ever closer with each passing moment.

As they approached the fortress, Ritsuka could feel the tension in the air, the weight of their impending battle bearing down on them. But he refused to let fear cloud his resolve. With his companions by his side and the power of his umbrel summons at their disposal, they were more than ready to face whatever challenges awaited them within the castle walls.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Ritsuka urged the dragons forward, their collective determination propelling them towards their ultimate showdown with Jeanne Alter. Victory may not be guaranteed, but they would fight with every ounce of strength they possessed, knowing that the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

Meanwhile in the castle Jeanne alter just saw the castle as she looked Giles.

What the fuck. Jeanne said looking at him. How did you wait where is the grail, oh shit that is the power source

Gilles de Rais stood before Jeanne Alter, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observed her reaction to the floating fortress. He knew that the sight of the castle ascending into the sky would unsettle even someone as resolute as Jeanne Alter.

"Ah, you've noticed," Giles said, his voice dripping with amusement. "I thought it was time to shake things up a bit. After all, why settle for a mere fortress when you can have a floating fortress?"

Jeanne Alter's eyes narrowed as she realized the implications of Giles's actions. She quickly scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of the Holy Grail, the source of the castle's power.

"Where is the Grail?" she demanded, her tone tinged with urgency. "Don't tell me you've misplaced it."

Giles chuckled darkly, his gaze locking with Jeanne Alter's. "Oh, the Grail is right where it needs to be. But perhaps you're more interested in what it can do rather than where it is."

Jeanne Alter's grip tightened on her sword as she assessed the situation. She knew that Giles was not one to be trusted, but she also couldn't afford to underestimate him. If the Grail was indeed the source of the castle's power, then they needed to retrieve it at all costs.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Jeanne Alter prepared herself for the battle that lay ahead. Whatever challenges awaited her within the castle, she would face them head-on, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.

Fine. Jeane alter said getting of her seat. Take me to the grail, I only have Tomoe she is the only servant I have left

Gilles de Rais smirked at Jeanne Alter's demand, clearly relishing the opportunity to lead her into the heart of the castle.

"As you wish, my lady," he said, bowing mockingly before gesturing for her to follow him. "But remember, the path to the Grail is fraught with peril. Are you prepared to face whatever challenges lie ahead?"

Jeanne Alter's expression hardened as she squared her shoulders, determination burning in her eyes. She knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but she was prepared to do whatever it took to reclaim the Grail and secure victory for herself.

"I will not falter," she declared, her voice steely with resolve. "Lead the way, Gilles. And know that if you try anything deceitful, you will regret it."

With that warning hanging in the air, Jeanne Alter followed Gilles de Rais into the depths of the floating fortress, her mind focused on the task at hand and the fate of humanity weighing heavily on her shoulders.

As then Ritsuka and the group arrived to gate of the castle, as they opened as hundreds of arrows are flyed at them, as then Mash blocked it.

Will there she is. Jeanne Arc said looking at Tomoe. The last Servant of Jeanne alter.

Ritsuka scanned the scene before them, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of Tomoe Gozen standing defiantly amidst the chaos. She was the last line of defense for Jeanne Alter, and they would need to defeat her if they hoped to confront their adversary.

"We have to take her down," Ritsuka said, his voice firm with determination. "But be careful—Tomoe is a formidable opponent, and she won't go down without a fight."

Mash nodded in agreement, her shield at the ready as she prepared to engage Tomoe in battle. "We'll do whatever it takes to stop her," she affirmed, her resolve unwavering.

With their allies by their side and their determination steeling their hearts, Ritsuka and Mash charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to bring down Jeanne Alter and reclaim the Grail.

The air crackled with tension as Ritsuka and the group charged forward, their weapons drawn and their minds focused on the task at hand. Tomoe Gozen stood tall, her bow at the ready as she prepared to face off against the intruders.

"Get ready, everyone!" Ritsuka called out, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We're taking her down!"

Mash moved into position beside Ritsuka, her shield raised defensively as she braced herself for the coming onslaught. "Stay behind me, Senpai," she urged, determination shining in her eyes.

With a nod, Ritsuka prepared to unleash the full power of his Servants, summoning forth their Noble Phantasms to aid in the battle ahead. Edmond Dantès loosed a volley of arrows from his bow, while Sigurd and Tametomo moved in to engage Tomoe in close combat.

The clash of steel rang out as the battle raged on, each side fighting fiercely for victory. Tomoe proved to be a formidable opponent, her skill with the bow unmatched as she unleashed a barrage of arrows upon her foes.

But Ritsuka and his allies refused to back down, their determination unwavering as they pressed forward with relentless resolve. With each strike and parry, they inched closer to victory, their determination driving them ever onward.

As the battle raged on and Ritsuka knew that they would need to give it their all if they hoped to emerge victorious. With their bonds of friendship and their unwavering determination, they fought on, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to bring down Jeanne Alter and reclaim the Grail.

To be continued

So um who is playing the new solo leveling game,