Final battle

As the group had taken down Tomoe.

We did it. Mash said. Let go we only have one person left

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of relief washing over him as they emerged victorious from their battle with Tomoe. "Right, let's finish this," he said, his voice filled with determination.

With renewed resolve, the group pressed forward, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls of the castle as they made their way deeper inside. Each step brought them closer to their final confrontation with Jeanne Alter, and Ritsuka knew that they would need to be prepared for whatever awaited them.

As they reached the inner chambers of the castle, they found themselves face to face with Jeanne Alter herself. The air crackled with tension as the two sides locked eyes, each one prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

"Jeanne Alter," Ritsuka called out, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "It's over. Surrender now, and we can end this peacefully."

But Jeanne Alter only laughed, her eyes gleaming with malice as she prepared to unleash her full power upon them. "Fools," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can defeat me? I am the ruler of this domain, and I will not be defeated so easily."

With that, she launched herself into battle, her sword flashing as she moved to attack. But Ritsuka and his allies were ready, their weapons drawn and their resolve unshakable as they prepared to face off against their final foe.

As everyone was going to attack as Ritsuka was grabbed by shadow arm's, as he was inside of Shadow as he saw someone he didn't think he will see it was Marie Alter as then he was shocked how was she summons was his question.

So your the last master of Humanity. Marie Alter looks at him. Your thr anomaly, will I better take care of you

Ritsuka's mind raced with questions as he found himself face to face with Marie Alter, the unexpected appearance of his former ally sending a jolt of confusion through him. "Marie... but how?" he stammered, struggling against the grip of the shadow arms that held him in place.

Marie Alter's gaze was cold and calculating as she regarded him, her expression unreadable. "I was summoned by another master, one with a mission to eliminate the final master of humanity," she explained, her voice devoid of emotion. "And it seems that you are the target of that mission."

Ritsuka's heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. He was not only facing off against Jeanne Alter and her forces but also against an enemy he had once considered an ally. But despite the shock and betrayal he felt, he knew that he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

With a steely resolve, Ritsuka summoned his strength, readying himself for whatever challenges lay ahead. He may have been caught off guard by Marie Alter's unexpected appearance, but he was determined to emerge victorious and put an end to the chaos once and for all.

As then Marie Alter sent a power ful attack at him as multiple, dark horse cane to him, as Ritsuka summons his Umbrel summons as skeleton, dragons, Spector, as she pulled out Albion, and activated his ash lock

With a swift motion, Ritsuka called upon the power of his umbrel summons, surrounding himself with a formidable army of skeletons, dragons, and specters. As Marie Alter launched her powerful attack, he braced himself, ready to meet her onslaught head-on.

The dark horses charged towards him, their menacing forms threatening to overwhelm him, but Ritsuka stood firm, his grip tight on Albion. With a determined expression, he activated the ash lock, channeling its energy to counter Marie Alter's assault.

The clash of forces filled the air with tension, the sound of their battle echoing throughout the chamber. Ritsuka focused all of his concentration, pushing back against the dark forces with every ounce of strength he possessed.

As the battle intensified, the clash between Ritsuka and Marie Alter grew more intense with each passing moment. Marie Alter's dark powers surged against Ritsuka's umbrel summons, creating a whirlwind of chaos and destruction within the chamber.

Ritsuka's skeletal warriors clashed with Marie Alter's shadowy minions, their weapons clashing and sparks flying as they fought for dominance. Meanwhile, the dragons roared with fury as they breathed streams of fire, engulfing Marie Alter's forces in flames.

Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka and Marie Alter faced off directly, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. With a swift motion, Ritsuka swung Albion, unleashing a powerful wave of energy that tore through the darkness, striking Marie Alter with incredible force.

But Marie Alter was not so easily defeated. With a defiant roar, she summoned forth even more dark forces, overwhelming Ritsuka's defenses and launching a relentless barrage of attacks. Shadows twisted and contorted around her, forming into monstrous creatures that lunged at Ritsuka from all sides.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Ritsuka remained undaunted. Drawing upon his inner strength, he fought back with unwavering determination, pushing himself to his limits to keep pace with Marie Alter's onslaught. With each strike, he grew more focused and determined, channeling his resolve into every blow.

The battle raged on, the clash of forces echoing throughout the chamber as Ritsuka and Marie Alter engaged in a fierce struggle for supremacy. With every passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and the outcome of their confrontation hung in the balance. But Ritsuka remained steadfast, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in his quest to emerge victorious.

As then Ritsuka arms were grabbed as his head put in guillotine, as Ritsuka saw Maria alter as then Ritsuka just summons his Max elephant as it removed it.

With a swift and decisive move, Ritsuka summoned his powerful Max Elephant, its immense form towering over the battlefield. With a thunderous roar, the Max Elephant charged forward, its massive tusks gleaming in the dim light of the chamber.

With a single powerful sweep of its trunk, the Max Elephant struck out at Marie Alter, sending her reeling backward with tremendous force. The guillotine was shattered into pieces, freeing Ritsuka from its grasp and allowing him to regain his footing.

As the dust settled, Ritsuka stood tall, his resolve unshaken despite the fierce onslaught he had faced. With a determined expression, he faced off against Marie Alter once more, ready to continue the battle until victory was achieved.

Marie Alter, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, glared at Ritsuka with a mixture of anger and frustration. Despite her best efforts, she had been unable to defeat him, and now her plans lay in ruins before her.

With a defiant roar, Marie Alter prepared to launch another assault, but Ritsuka was ready. Drawing upon his inner strength and the support of his allies, he stood firm, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in his quest to save humanity and restore peace to the world.

Really who is your master. Ritsuka siad looking at her. Tell if is it Solomon.

Hahhahahahahaha. Maria alter lapped as then she sent her powers out. You really are an anomaly, you first break his future vison with what you do, then you killed lev and then you made him come and destroye Chaldea.

With a steely gaze, Ritsuka stood his ground, undeterred by Maria Alter's mocking laughter. "I may be an anomaly, but I won't be swayed by your words," he declared, his voice ringing with determination. "I fight for the future of humanity, and nothing will stand in my way."

As Maria Alter's powers surged toward him, Ritsuka summoned his own strength, channeling the power of his Servants and his unwavering resolve. With a swift motion, he raised his hand, calling forth the protective barrier of his Command Spells to shield himself from the incoming attack.

The clash of energies echoed throughout the chamber, the sheer force of their confrontation shaking the very foundations of the castle. Sparks flew as Ritsuka's barrier held firm against Maria Alter's onslaught, each side pushing against the other with unyielding determination.

As the intensity of the battle reached its peak, Ritsuka remained steadfast, his eyes locked on Maria Alter with unwavering focus. He knew that victory would not come easily, but he was determined to prevail, no matter the cost.

With a surge of determination, Ritsuka pushed forward, his resolve unwavering in the face of Maria Alter's relentless assault. Drawing upon the strength of his Servants and the power of his convictions, he launched a counterattack, unleashing a torrent of magical energy to meet Maria Alter's dark forces head-on.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as their clashing powers sent shockwaves reverberating through the air. Shadows danced and twisted, while flashes of light illuminated the darkness with fleeting brilliance. Ritsuka's Umbra Summons surged forward, engaging Maria Alter's dark horsemen in a fierce battle for supremacy.

Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka remained focused, his mind clear and his determination unshaken. With each movement, he sought to outmaneuver his opponent, finding openings in her defenses and striking with precision and skill. Every spell cast, every command given, was executed with unwavering resolve, driving him ever closer to victory.

But Maria Alter was a formidable foe, her powers fueled by dark magic and an unyielding desire to fulfill her master's bidding. She fought with ferocity and determination, matching Ritsuka blow for blow as she sought to overwhelm him with sheer force of will.

As the battle raged on, the fate of humanity hung in the balance, the outcome uncertain. But Ritsuka refused to back down, his spirit unbroken and his determination unwavering. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he pressed forward, knowing that the future of humanity depended on his success.

Surya Arrows. The black flames moved ready to attack Marie Alter. Take this.

As he sent a few more Amaterasu flames at her, as he sent a few black keys at her.

The Surya Arrows streaked through the air, trailing ribbons of black flames as they homed in on their target. Marie Alter met the attack head-on, summoning a barrier of dark energy to deflect the onslaught. However, Ritsuka's relentless assault continued unabated, the Amaterasu flames and black keys adding to the chaos of battle.

The Amaterasu flames engulfed the battlefield, casting an eerie glow as they consumed everything in their path. Marie Alter dodged and weaved through the flames, her movements fluid and graceful as she sought to evade Ritsuka's attacks. Yet the black keys followed her every move, their razor-sharp edges slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Despite Marie Alter's best efforts, she found herself hard-pressed to defend against Ritsuka's relentless barrage. The sheer intensity of his assault left her struggling to maintain her composure, her dark powers pushed to their limits as she fought to keep pace with her determined opponent.

But Ritsuka was undeterred, his resolve unwavering as he pressed forward with unwavering determination. With each spell cast and each attack unleashed, he drew upon the strength of his allies and the power of his convictions, driving himself ever closer to victory.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn in Ritsuka's favor. With each passing moment, Marie Alter found herself pushed further and further back, her defenses weakening under the relentless assault. And as Ritsuka's final attack struck true, she knew that her time was running out.

Alright no more. As then Ritsuka hair went a red colour as one of his eyes went gold as he had red lines on his body. I really need to thank Mahoraga for helping me unlock this.

What. Marie Alter said getting up. What is this

Ritsuka stood before Marie Alter, his body pulsing with newfound power as he gazed upon her with steely determination. The transformation had unlocked latent abilities within him, granting him the strength needed to face his adversary head-on.

"This is the power of resolve," Ritsuka declared, his voice carrying the weight of his determination. "The power to protect those I hold dear, no matter the cost."

Marie Alter regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, sensing the magnitude of his newfound strength. She realized that she faced a formidable opponent, one whose determination burned brighter than any flame.

"But know this," Ritsuka continued, his gaze unwavering. "I will not let your twisted ambitions come to fruition. I will fight until my last breath to ensure the safety of humanity."

With those words, Ritsuka surged forward, his movements fueled by the power of his convictions. Marie Alter braced herself for the coming onslaught, knowing that the battle ahead would be unlike any she had faced before.

So you won. Marie alter said on the ground. You really are an anomaly.

Yeah so what. Ritsuka said looking at seating down. With this command.

As then Shadow covered Marie alter as then her whole body was healed as she saw her arm that was cut of was also backed, as she relished.

You mother fucker. She said looking at him. You made into one of your umbrel summons

As Marie Alter stood, her form now shrouded in shadowy energy, her eyes burned with a fierce determination.

"I may be your creation," she seethed, "but I am no one's puppet. I will not be controlled by you or anyone else."

Ritsuka met her gaze with a steely resolve, his own determination unyielding. "I didn't make you to control you," he replied calmly. "I made you to save you. To give you a chance to find your own path."

Marie Alter scoffed, her expression twisting with contempt. "Save me? From what? From myself? From my own destiny?"

"From the darkness that consumes you," Ritsuka answered, his voice firm but compassionate. "You may have been born from shadows, but you are more than that. You have the power to choose your own fate, to forge your own destiny."

With a heavy sigh, Marie Alter's demeanor softened slightly. "And what if I choose to embrace the darkness?" she challenged.

"Then I will be there to remind you of the light," Ritsuka replied, extending a hand towards her. "Because no matter how dark the path may seem, there is always hope. And I believe that deep down, you still carry a glimmer of that light within you."

For a moment, Marie Alter hesitated, her gaze searching Ritsuka's face for any hint of deception. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw only sincerity and compassion.

With a resigned sigh, she reached out and grasped his hand, allowing him to help her to her feet.

"Very well," she conceded, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But don't think for a moment that I'm doing this for you. I'm doing it for myself. And if you get in my way, I won't hesitate to crush you."

Ritsuka nodded, accepting her terms with a determined smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way," he replied, his gaze unwavering. "Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way. As allies, as companions, and perhaps... as friends."

And with that, the unlikely duo set off into the unknown, their destinies intertwined as they embarked on a new chapter of their journey together.

But sense your master my now. Maria alter said looking at him. I should tell you Solomon, he has 6 other servant that have been out into that singularty to take you down, each of them is one of the extra class

To be continued

So yeah hope people like this ch