After math

Ritsuka's expression remained stoic, though a sense of apprehension flickered in his eyes at the mention of Solomon's ploy.

"I expected as much," he replied evenly. "But I won't let that deter me. We've faced countless challenges before, and we've always come out stronger on the other side. With your help, we'll overcome whatever obstacles lie ahead."

Marie Alter regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and begrudging respect. "You truly are an anomaly, Ritsuka Fujimaru," she admitted. "But that won't make this any easier. Solomon's servants are formidable opponents, each with their own unique abilities and strengths."

"I know," Ritsuka acknowledged, his voice tinged with determination. "But we won't back down. We'll face them head-on, together."

With a nod of agreement, Marie Alter fell into step beside him, her shadowy form melding with the darkness around them.

"Very well," she said, her tone firm. "Let's show Solomon and his servants what we're made of."

And with that silent vow, they set off into the unknown, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to save humanity.

Plsuh how does this world. Marie alter said as she was now a part of Ritsuka umbrel summons army. Like I am already dead, and I not fully a shadow.

In all honesty I zero idea. Ritsuka said looking at her. I never tryed they on a servant before, I just randomly decided too

Ritsuka scratched his head sheepishly, feeling somewhat uncertain about the implications of Marie Alter's current state.

"Well, it seems like you're functioning just fine," he remarked, trying to sound reassuring. "And if you're willing to fight alongside us, then that's all that matters."

Marie Alter regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "I suppose you have a point," she conceded. "Besides, being part of your umbrel summons army isn't the worst fate I could have imagined."

With a shrug, Ritsuka flashed her a grin. "Exactly! And who knows, maybe we'll discover some unexpected benefits to your new form along the way."

And with that, they continued on their journey, their newfound partnership paving the way for unforeseen challenges and triumphs in the battles to come.

As Ritsuka picked up Marie alter she felt butterflies in her stomic, as before she can think Edmond came.

Master we finally found you. Edmond said he was damages by the battle. And Marie alter, I am confused

As Ritsuka looked at Edmond, he explained, "Yeah, long story. Marie Alter is... well, let's just say she's now on our side. Somehow."

Marie Alter chimed in, "Seems like your powers have some unexpected side effects, Master."

Ritsuka nodded, "Seems like it. Anyway, what's the situation? Is everyone else okay?"

As Ritsuka picked up Marie alter she felt butterflies in her stomic, as before she can think Edmond came.

Master we finally found you. Edmond said he was damages by the battle. And Marie alter, I am confused

As Ritsuka looked at Edmond, he explained, "Yeah, long story. Marie Alter is... well, let's just say she's now on our side. Somehow."

Marie Alter chimed in, "Seems like your powers have some unexpected side effects, Master."

Ritsuka nodded, "Seems like it. Anyway, what's the situation? Is everyone else okay?"

Yes, after you desiperd, I and the other were shocked. Edmond said looking at him. I tryed to follow the shadow but I was block so I just hope you were ok. Edmond said looking. But after the Kiyohime went insanely and attacked Jeanne alter, which we just decided to call her Jalter at that point. Edmond said as he had been shadow travel back to trh group. After a long battle we defeated, Jalter.

Senpai. Mash said running to Ritsuka. Are you ok.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ritsuka reassured Mash. "Just a bit tired from the battle. But we managed to defeat Jeanne Alter, so that's a win."

Mash nodded, relieved. "That's good to hear. But what about the others? Are they safe?"

Ritsuka glanced around at the group. "Yeah, they're all here. We need to regroup and figure out our next steps."

As the group gathered, Ritsuka filled them in on the events that transpired while he was separated from them. He recounted his encounter with Marie Alter and their battle against Jeanne Alter. Edmond added his perspective, detailing their efforts to locate Ritsuka and their eventual victory over Jeanne Alter.

With the immediate threat neutralized, the group turned their attention to their next course of action. Romani appeared on a holographic display, providing guidance and support from Chaldea. After assessing the situation, they decided to proceed with caution, wary of any further surprises or threats lurking in the singularity.

As they made their way through the remnants of the altered timeline, they encountered pockets of resistance and remnants of Jeanne Alter's forces. Each encounter tested their strength and resolve, but they pressed on, determined to restore the singularity to its rightful state.

Along the way, they uncovered clues and fragments of information that hinted at a larger conspiracy behind the alterations to the timeline. Ritsuka's anomaly status seemed to be at the center of it all, drawing the attention of powerful adversaries determined to thwart their efforts.

Despite the challenges, the group remained united, drawing strength from their bonds of camaraderie and shared purpose. With each victory, they edged closer to unraveling the mystery of the singularity and confronting its ultimate source.

As they approached the climax of their journey, Ritsuka felt a sense of urgency and determination. Whatever lay ahead, he knew they would face it together, standing as beacons of hope against the encroaching darkness of the altered timeline.

And got the grail. Ritsuka said talking form Giles who was still there. This does not die easily.

Alright teleporting everyone to Chaldea. Romani said looking at them. Everyone gets ready.

As Edmond, Sigurd and Tametomo went inside of Ritsuka head and Marie alter went inside for Ritsuka shadow, Ritsuka, Aozkai, Mash and Fou were all telepirted back ti Chaldea

As they materialized back in Chaldea, Ritsuka took a moment to catch his breath, the weight of their journey weighing heavily on his shoulders. Around him, the familiar sights and sounds of Chaldea provided a sense of comfort and familiarity, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events they had just experienced.

Romani approached them, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "Welcome back, everyone," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to debrief and assess the situation immediately. The alterations to the singularity may have had far-reaching consequences, and we can't afford to let our guard down."

Ritsuka nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of what they had encountered and the implications for the future. As they made their way to the command center, he couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was far from over. Whatever lay ahead, they would face it together, as they always had, united in their resolve to protect humanity and preserve the integrity of history.

Alright time to do some check ups. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka. We need to see what is with the vampire thing

As Ritsuka was scanner as everyone looked at the monitor, as Romani cane to Ritsuka.

It looks you have all the benefits of a vampire. Romani said looking over the scann. With out any of the down side how odd.

Ritsuka furrowed his brow, processing the information. "So, I'm essentially a vampire without the weaknesses?" he mused, the realization sinking in. It was a strange and unexpected development, but one that could prove useful in their future battles.

"But why?" Mash interjected, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "And what about the shadow travel abilities? How do those fit into everything?"

Romani nodded thoughtfully. "It's possible that these abilities are linked to the anomalies in the singularity," he explained. "The precise mechanisms behind them are still unclear, but it seems that Ritsuka has been imbued with unique powers as a result."

Ritsuka nodded, absorbing the information. "We'll need to explore these abilities further and understand their full potential," he said, determination flickering in his eyes. "But for now, let's focus on stabilizing Chaldea and preparing for whatever challenges lie ahead."

With that, they set to work, knowing that their journey was far from over and that they would need to be ready for whatever came their way.

Also really. Ritsuka said looking at them. I have told iu shadow travel and anything shadow come from my 10 Shadows.

As he summoned all of them but Tiger funeral and Mahoraga, one is too big for and that other takes a lot to energy. As Romani and Mash just had blushes face relsing there mistake

Mash chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head. "Sorry about that, Senpai. It seems we overlooked some crucial details," she admitted sheepishly.

Romani nodded in agreement, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "Yes, it appears we may have jumped to conclusions. Your abilities are indeed unique and seem to stem from your own ten shadows," he conceded.

Ritsuka waved off their apologies with a grin. "No harm done," he said, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "But let's make sure we have all the facts straight moving forward. We'll need every advantage we can get in the battles to come."

Anway. Ritsuka said summon Maire alter as he looked at her. time for your.

As Maire alter was also check, after a while Romani came to Ritsuka.

So from what we can see her body is that if an servant, like Edmond or Sigurd. Romani said looking at Ritsuka. But her core, her magic core is that is that one your shadows from your umbrel summons and this is the first time you tryed your umbrel summons on a servant Ritsuka.

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "So her physical form is like any other Servant, but her magical core is unique to my Umbra Summons," he summarized, glancing over at Marie Alter. "That's fascinating. It seems my abilities have some unforeseen applications."

Marie Alter shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny but managed a nod. "It's... unusual, to say the least," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But if it's to aid in our battles, I'll adapt."

Ritsuka smiled appreciatively at her resolve. "Thanks, Marie Alter. We'll make the most of this," he assured her before turning back to Romani. "Let's keep monitoring her condition and see how we can utilize this to our advantage."

One more thing. Marie alter said grabbing Ritsuka arm with her shadow arm. Sense you made me this way you have to take care of me so I am joining your harem

Wait what. Ritsuka said looking at her. I don't have a-

As before Ritsuka can finished mash looked at him, as the door opens, as it was Kyonskya, Ophelia and Olga.

Really another one. Ophelia said looking at Marie alter. I thought 4 girls were enough now a 5

Welcome to the harem. Kyonskya siad looking at Marie alter. And looks like master has a another servant that is not connected to grail like me.

You have to be kidding me. Olga said singing. But hi there

At that moment Ritsuka was too shocked to speak, as he looked at Mash as she joined the girls.

Ritsuka blinked in disbelief, feeling a mix of confusion and embarrassment as the situation unfolded before him. "Uh, I... I don't think this is how it works," he stammered, trying to gather his thoughts.

Mash smiled sympathetically at him, stepping forward. "It's okay, Senpai. We'll figure it out together," she reassured him, her voice gentle and calming.

Ritsuka nodded, feeling grateful for Mash's support. "Thanks, Mash. I guess we have another member to add to the team," he said with a faint smile, glancing at Marie Alter. "Welcome aboard, Marie Alter."

Marie Alter grinned mischievously, her eyes gleaming with newfound determination. "Thanks, Master. I promise I won't make things too chaotic... maybe," she teased, earning a chuckle from the group.

With a newfound sense of camaraderie, they gathered together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, both in battle and in the unexpected dynamics of their growing team.

So who was Ritsuka first kiss. Marie alter said looking at Olga, Ophelia, Mash and Kyonskya. I mean one of you was right....oh don't tell me.

As then all the girls just looked at Ritsuka as the 5 of them had a smile, as Ritsuka has a chill go done his spine.

I say run. Romani wishper to Ritsuka. Running is your best option Ritsuka.

Ritsuka's eyes widened in panic as he glanced at Romani, but it was too late. The mischievous glint in Marie Alter's eyes spelled trouble, and he knew he couldn't escape the impending interrogation.

"Um... well, you see..." Ritsuka began, searching for an escape route but finding none as the girls closed in with playful smiles.

Mash giggled softly, placing a reassuring hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "It's okay, Senpai. You don't have to answer if you don't want to," she said kindly, shooting a warning glance at Marie Alter.

But Marie Alter wasn't one to give up easily. "Oh, come on, Mash! Where's the fun in that?" she exclaimed, her grin widening. "We're all friends here, right?"

Ritsuka sighed inwardly, resigned to his fate. With a nervous laugh, he braced himself to face the teasing from his ever-growing group of companions.

I didn't have my first kiss. He said looking at them. The best was Ophelia giving me a kiss on face when we were kids.

As then he shadow travel as the girls ran after him, as on today in Chaldea, you can see Ritsuka being chased by 5 girls.

To be continued

Remebr when I said, I won't giving Ritsuka a harem I changed my mind