
Ritsuka sprinted down the winding corridors of Chaldea, his heart pounding with exhilaration as he tried to outpace his pursuers. Behind him, the five girls—Mash, Marie Alter, Olga, Ophelia, and Kyonskya—chased after him with laughter and playful shouts.

"Get back here, Senpai!" Mash called out, a playful glint in her eyes as she rounded a corner, hot on Ritsuka's heels.

With a mischievous grin, Ritsuka ducked into a nearby alcove, his breath coming in quick gasps as he tried to catch his breath. He could hear the sound of footsteps approaching, growing louder with each passing second.

Just as he was about to make a break for it, Marie Alter rounded the corner, her eyes alight with excitement as she spotted him.

"There you are, Master!" she exclaimed, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "You can't hide from us forever!"

Ritsuka chuckled nervously, his mind racing as he searched for an escape route. But before he could make a move, Mash appeared beside him, her expression a mix of amusement and determination.

"Gotcha!" she declared triumphantly, tagging Ritsuka on the shoulder with a playful tap.

With a dramatic sigh, Ritsuka raised his hands in surrender, a defeated grin on his face. "Alright, alright, you win," he conceded, his voice tinged with mock resignation.

The girls cheered in victory, their laughter filling the air as they gathered around Ritsuka, their playful banter echoing through the corridors of Chaldea.

As they caught their breath, Ritsuka glanced around at his companions, a sense of warmth and camaraderie washing over him. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded them, moments like these reminded him of the bonds they shared and the strength they drew from each other.

"So, what now?" Olga asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked at Ritsuka. "Any more surprises up your sleeve, Senpai?"

Ritsuka chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "I think we've had enough excitement for one day," he replied, casting a fond glance at each of his companions. "But who knows what adventures await us next?"

With that, they made their way back to the heart of Chaldea, their laughter echoing through the halls as they continued their journey together, united in their quest to protect humanity and preserve the bonds of friendship that had brought them together.

And as they disappeared into the shadows of Chaldea, the promise of new adventures and challenges lay ahead, waiting to be discovered in the ever-unfolding tapestry of their shared destiny.

As Ritsuka was Infront of Dr Romani as it was the next day, as Romani explain.

The next singularty is Septem. Dr Romani said looking at Ritsuka. It is during the Roman empire specifically when it was Nero rule, luckily it is before he became inside.

Ritsuka already knew this, after all he had already been through Septem, but he knew he needed to acts like he didn't know, as Mash was holding his hand the only other person to know about the reset except for Ritsuka and his servants.

Ritsuka nodded, feigning interest as Romani briefed him on the upcoming singularity. "Right, Septem," he replied, his voice carefully neutral. "Sounds like another challenging adventure awaits us."

Mash squeezed his hand reassuringly, her silent support a comforting presence as they listened to Romani's explanation.

Romani continued, his expression serious. "Given the nature of this singularity, we'll need to proceed with caution," he warned. "Nero's reign was marked by political intrigue and unrest, and there's no telling what dangers may lie in wait for us."

Ritsuka nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of the battles to come. "Understood, Doctor. We'll be ready for whatever comes our way," he assured him, a steely determination in his eyes.

With their preparations underway, Ritsuka knew that the journey to Septem would test their strength and resolve like never before. But with Mash by his side and their loyal companions at their back, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the heart of ancient Rome.

I don't think so. Romani said looking at Aozkai. Ciel will be going with this time it is better for a member of the church to go with him.

Also. Ritsuka said as Edmond, Brynhildr, and Tenochtitlan came out of his mind. I will be talking them Sigurd and Tametomo will stay and protect Chaldea.

Apologies for the oversight. Let's correct that:

Aozkai nodded in understanding, though a hint of disappointment flickered across her features. "Understood, Doctor. I'll respect your decision," she replied, her tone subdued.

Ciel approached, her expression composed and determined. "I'm ready to assist in any way I can," she affirmed, her voice steady despite the gravity of their mission.

Ritsuka glanced at his Servants, a sense of gratitude swelling within him. "Thank you all for your unwavering support," he said, his voice filled with appreciation. "We'll need to work together to overcome the challenges ahead."

With their team assembled and their resolve steeled, they prepared to embark on their journey to Septem, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the tumultuous era of ancient Rome.

Also who is she. Ritsuka said potion at red hair girl wearingt rh same Chaldea master uniform. I don't think I have seen her

Oh, hi nice to meet I am Gudako. Gudako said going to Ritsuka. I am the 48th master candidate

Wait what. Ritsuka said not remembering her. How are you not in one of the coffin in Cryo sleep.

That is because, Olga kicked her out before the explosion. Romani explain. She came to me and basically, she is also a master of humanity, but she had been helping me and da Vinci

Ritsuka blinked in surprise, trying to process the revelation. "Gudako? I don't remember you being part of Chaldea," he said, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Gudako shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah, I tend to fly under the radar," she admitted with a grin. "But don't worry, I'm here to help now. Plus, who can resist getting involved in all the excitement?"

Ritsuka chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, I'm glad you're here," he said sincerely, extending his hand in greeting. "Welcome to the team, Gudako. Let's make history together."

Gudako clasped his hand firmly, her determination matching his own. "You got it, Ritsuka. Let's show them what we're made of," she declared, her enthusiasm infectious as they prepared to face the challenges of their next adventure.

With their team assembled and preparations made, Ritsuka and his companions set out for the singularity in ancient Rome. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as they approached the temporal anomaly, each member of the group ready to face whatever dangers awaited them in Septem.

As they arrived in the altered timeline, they found themselves in the midst of the bustling city of Rome during Nero's reign. The streets teemed with life, merchants peddled their wares, and citizens went about their daily routines, unaware of the looming threat to their existence.

Ritsuka glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the ancient city with a sense of awe. Despite the gravity of their mission, there was a certain exhilaration in experiencing history firsthand, a reminder of the importance of their quest to preserve the integrity of the timeline.

Their first task was to locate Nero and assess the extent of the singularity's influence on her rule. Guided by Romani's intel, they made their way to the Imperial Palace, navigating through the labyrinthine streets with determination and caution.

As they approached the palace gates, they were met with resistance from Nero's Praetorian Guard, who viewed them with suspicion. With Aozaki's expertise and Ciel's authority as a member of the church, they were able to negotiate their entry into the palace, albeit with some reluctance from the guards.

Inside the opulent halls of the palace, they were greeted by Nero herself, resplendent in her regal attire. Her presence commanded attention, and Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in her presence, despite the circumstances.

Nero welcomed them graciously, though her demeanor hinted at a hidden agenda beneath her facade of hospitality. As they engaged in conversation, it became clear that she was aware of their true identities and the nature of their mission.

Nero's brow furrowed in confusion as she considered Ritsuka's words, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "The United Roman Empire? Emperor of Rome?" she echoed, pondering the implications of his statement. "I've never heard of such a thing. Are you suggesting that there's a greater threat looming over Rome?"

Ritsuka nodded gravely, his expression serious. "It's possible. The singularity may be concealing a more insidious force, one that seeks to manipulate history for its own gain," he explained, his gaze unwavering as he met Nero's eyes. "We'll need to investigate further to uncover the truth behind these anomalies."

Nero's lips formed a determined line as she considered Ritsuka's words, her resolve firming. "Then we must act swiftly," she declared, her voice tinged with determination. "If there's a threat to Rome, I will not stand idly by and allow it to go unchallenged. Together, we will protect the integrity of the empire and ensure its prosperity for generations to come."

With renewed purpose, Ritsuka and Nero joined forces, their alliance forged in the face of a common enemy. As they embarked on their journey to unravel the mysteries of the singularity, they knew that the fate of Rome hung in the balance, and only by working together could they hope to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

If you don't mind me. Ritsuka said getting up. I will be going for a fresh air. As his eyes meet with mash.

As Ritsuka and maths left, as Ritsuka just looked at Mash.

This is odd. Ritsuka said pulling out his phone as he tapped the files singularty as he went to singularty two. It doesn't make any sense, what happened did we arrived early, I mean did we arrived early mash, this does ntk match with my knowledge of what happened

Mash frowned, her brows knitting together in concern as she considered Ritsuka's words. "You're right, Senpai. Something seems off," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "The timeline doesn't match up with what we were expecting. It's possible that we arrived earlier than anticipated, but I can't be certain."

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the data displayed on his phone. "We'll need to investigate further to understand what's happening," he said, determination flickering in his eyes. "If the timeline has been altered, it could have serious consequences for our mission."

With that, Ritsuka and Mash set out to gather more information, their minds buzzing with questions and possibilities. As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the singularity, they knew that every clue they uncovered would bring them one step closer to uncovering the truth behind the altered timeline and restoring history to its rightful course.

There is another reason. Ritsuka said looking at her. It is probably because I killed Lev, he was the Reason for this singularty, with out things are out of wack for Goetia

Mash's eyes widened in realization as Ritsuka spoke, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place. "You're right, Senpai," she agreed, her voice tinged with concern. "Lev was a key figure in Goetia's plans for this singularity. His absence could have thrown everything into chaos."

Ritsuka nodded grimly, his jaw set in determination. "Exactly. Without Lev, Goetia's calculations would be off, leading to unpredictable changes in the timeline," he explained, his mind racing with the implications of their discovery. "We'll need to be extra cautious as we navigate this altered reality."

With a shared understanding of the situation, Ritsuka and Mash redoubled their efforts to uncover the truth behind the singularity's divergence. Each step they took brought them closer to the heart of the mystery, where they would confront the forces responsible for distorting history and ensure that the timeline was set right once more.

As then in another place of Roman a portel opens as a grail falled from it as then it was grabbed. As he had fair skin, red hair, yellow maybe gray eyes, he was wearing old Japanese pants, with a hand glove, as he just clicked his thoughts.

Really, to think I was summoned. He said looking at the grail. Will better do as my master told me, after all he specifically summoned me in the alter ego class for a Reason, he said my saber class is to week

The man's eyes gleamed with determination as he clasped the grail tightly, a sense of purpose driving him forward. "I may be an Alter Ego, but I'll fulfill my master's wishes nonetheless," he declared, his voice tinged with resolve.

With a flicker of energy, he vanished into the shadows, his form melding seamlessly with the darkness as he set off on his mission. Though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he remained undeterred, confident in his abilities and steadfast in his commitment to his master's cause.

As he journeyed through the tumultuous landscape of Septem, he encountered various challenges and adversaries, each one testing his strength and cunning. Yet, with each obstacle he overcame, he grew ever closer to achieving his objective, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

For he was not just an Alter Ego, but a warrior forged in the fires of destiny, bound by loyalty and duty to see his master's will fulfilled, no matter the cost. And as he pressed onward, he knew that his journey was far from over, with countless trials and tribulations awaiting him on the path ahead. But with the grail in hand and his resolve as strong as steel, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay in store, for he was a servant of fate, and his destiny awaited.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch, also give gift, the one with the most like gift wins ❤️‍🔥 also don't forget my power stones