So this stone has more powers

Plush. Ritsuka said looking at her. We already meet her, Nero she is 666 or will a candidate to becoming the beast of 666, after all the whole text for this was made after what Nero does in the future, and seeing how the throw of hero and grail world you can see how she became a beast

Mash's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and concern. "Nero... becoming Beast 666?" she echoed, her voice filled with disbelief. "But she's always fought for Rome and its people. How could she become something so... monstrous?"

Ritsuka sighed, his expression troubled. "I don't know for sure, Mash. But if there's even a chance that Nero could become Beast 666, then we need to be prepared," he explained, his voice tinged with urgency. "We can't afford to ignore the signs or underestimate the threat she might pose."

Mash nodded solemnly, her resolve strengthening. "Understood, Senpai. We'll keep a close eye on Nero and be ready to act if the situation escalates," she affirmed, determination gleaming in her eyes. "No matter what happens, we'll do everything in our power to prevent Nero from succumbing to darkness and becoming a threat to humanity."

With their shared resolve, Ritsuka and Mash prepared themselves for the challenges ahead, knowing that the fate of humanity rested in their hands and that they would need to confront the looming shadow of Beast 666 before it was too late.

Meanwhile in a different place Muramasa seat down as he holds his body.

Muramasa clenched his fists, his expression twisted with frustration and anger. "Damn you, Solomon," he muttered through gritted teeth, his body trembling with the strain of the blue lines coursing through him. "Summoning me as a Saber, meddling with my spiritual origins... it's driving me to the brink."

He leaned back, his mind swirling with memories of the countless individuals whose lives had been affected by Solomon's manipulations. "Hephaestus, Kojiro Sasaki, and so many others...," he murmured, his voice heavy with regret and sorrow. "Their spirits, their stories... they're all merging with mine, tearing at my sanity."

Despite the agony coursing through him, Muramasa's resolve remained unbroken. "But I won't let Solomon's schemes consume me," he vowed, his eyes flashing with determination. "I'll fight back, no matter the cost. And when the time comes, I'll be ready to face him and put an end to his tyranny once and for all."

Muramasa's mind churned with desperation as he sought a solution to his predicament. "But," he muttered, his thoughts racing, "I need a better option. What else can I do?" Suddenly, a dark and devious idea crept into his consciousness. "This is a perfect middle finger to Solomon," he mused, a twisted grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "If I orchestrate my own demise at the hands of the kid, Ritsuka... Yes, that's it. He'll lose another one of his seven, and I'll be free."

With a newfound sense of determination, Muramasa began to craft his plan, envisioning the chaos and revenge it would sow. "It's risky," he acknowledged, a shiver of excitement coursing through him, "but the payoff is worth it. And besides, what's a little risk compared to the satisfaction of thwarting Solomon?"

Resolved to see his plan through to its bitter end, Muramasa set his sights on Ritsuka, knowing that their next encounter would be a deadly game of cat and mouse.

The next day dawned with an air of tension as Ritsuka ventured out, utilizing his Umbra Summons to navigate the treacherous terrain. Suddenly, he found himself under attack, swiftly dodging the onslaught. As he leaped away from danger, his keen gaze locked onto Muramasa, the architect of chaos.

With a swift and decisive motion, Muramasa launched another assault, his intent clear. But Ritsuka was prepared. Drawing forth Albion, his trusty weapon, he parried the blow with practiced precision. In the heat of the moment, he activated his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, a potent tool in his arsenal.

As the world around him shifted, revealing the intricate threads of life and death, Ritsuka's focus sharpened. Every movement, every strike, became a calculated maneuver as he sought to outmaneuver his adversary. With Muramasa's intentions laid bare before him, Ritsuka prepared to engage in a battle of wits and blades, knowing that the outcome would shape the course of their fate.

"You're persistent, Muramasa," Ritsuka remarked, his voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.

"And you're resourceful, Ritsuka Fujimaru," Muramasa countered, his tone laced with a hint of admiration. "But do you truly understand the stakes of this conflict?"

"I understand enough to know that you're not on our side," Ritsuka replied, his grip tightening on Albion's hilt. "And that makes you an enemy."

Muramasa's expression remained inscrutable as he regarded Ritsuka with a measured gaze. "Perhaps," he conceded, "but sometimes, alliances shift, and enemies become allies. What if I told you that there are greater threats at play here than you realize?"

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes, his resolve unyielding. "I'm not interested in your games or your empty promises. If you stand in our way, then you leave me no choice but to stop you."

A fleeting flicker of emotion crossed Muramasa's features before he adopted a mask of calm indifference. "So be it," he said, raising his weapon in readiness. "Let us see whose conviction proves stronger in the end."

As the clash began, Ritsuka unleashed the full extent of his arsenal with precision and determination. With a swift motion, he summoned his Umbra Servants, each shadowy figure springing forth to engage Muramasa in combat. Meanwhile, his Ten Shadows danced around them, weaving a complex web of defensive maneuvers and counterattacks.

Drawing upon the power of his Surya Arrow, Ritsuka launched a barrage of radiant projectiles at Muramasa, each arrow imbued with the scorching energy of the sun itself. The air crackled with the intensity of their impact as they struck their target with unerring accuracy.

Not content with relying solely on offensive prowess, Ritsuka called upon his Ash Locks to ensnare Muramasa, binding him in chains of ethereal fire that seared with divine fury. Holy prayers echoed through the battlefield, bolstering Ritsuka's resolve and shielding him from harm as he pressed the attack.

In a display of unparalleled mastery over his magecraft, Ritsuka conjured forth a storm of Black Keys, each blade gleaming with divine retribution as they rained down upon Muramasa like a hail of judgment.

But Ritsuka was not finished yet. With a whispered incantation, he tapped into the depths of his shadow control, manipulating the very fabric of darkness to his advantage. Shadows danced and swirled around him, obscuring his movements and confounding his opponent's defenses.

Channeling the power of the sun itself, Ritsuka unleashed his Sun Magecraft, bathing the battlefield in blinding light as beams of radiant energy lanced out towards Muramasa, searing his flesh and forcing him to retreat.

Yet even as the battle raged on, Ritsuka's resolve remained unbroken. With a final flourish, he called upon the flames of Amaterasu, unleashing a torrent of celestial fire that engulfed Muramasa in a blazing inferno, consuming him utterly in its divine wrath.

As Muramasa's blade descended, Ritsuka recognized the Noble Phantasm as Kojiro Sasaki's. He knew this was Muramasa, the same Muramasa who had been summoned by Solomon to kill him.

"That's Kojiro Sasaki's Noble Phantasm," Ritsuka remarked, his voice tinged with urgency. "But you're Muramasa. Why are you doing this?"

Muramasa's expression remained inscrutable as he regarded Ritsuka with a mixture of resolve and resignation. "I serve my master's will," he replied cryptically, his voice tinged with melancholy. "But rest assured, this is not the end. Our paths shall cross again, Master of Chaldea."

With that enigmatic declaration, Muramasa vanished into the shadows, leaving Ritsuka to ponder the implications of their encounter. The battle may have ended for now, but the mysteries surrounding Muramasa and his true intentions remained unresolved, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future.

As Muramasa went for another strike, utilizing shadow travel, Ritsuka swiftly evaded before delivering a powerful punch, sending Muramasa hurtling through the air. As Ritsuka observed the glimmer of a crystal shard, he instinctively pressed it against his arm. Instantly, his limb began to glow with an ethereal light.

As Muramasa attempted another assault, Ritsuka unleashed a torrent of heavenly flames, engulfing his adversary and sending him reeling backward with the force of the blast. The intense heat and divine power radiating from Ritsuka's attack seemed to repel Muramasa, staggering him momentarily as he struggled to regain his composure amidst the onslaught.

"You've become quite the nuisance," Muramasa grunted, his voice strained as he regained his footing. "But your efforts are futile. No matter how many tricks you pull, you cannot escape your fate."

"I'll determine my own fate," Ritsuka retorted, his eyes blazing with determination. "And it won't be dictated by the likes of you or Solomon."

With a swift motion, Ritsuka summoned his Umbra Summons, unleashing a barrage of shadowy creatures to encircle Muramasa. The alter ego responded by weaving between the shadows, his movements fluid and precise as he deftly avoided their attacks.

"You can't keep dodging forever," Ritsuka called out, his voice ringing with conviction. "Sooner or later, you'll slip up. And when you do, I'll be ready."

Muramasa remained silent, his focus unbroken as he continued to evade Ritsuka's assaults. However, a flicker of uncertainty flashed across his eyes, betraying the growing pressure of Ritsuka's relentless onslaught.

As then Muramasa went, as his body was stabbed, cut, and even lost an arm by the umbral summons of Ritsuka. As then he was ready to cut Ritsuka's head, as then Ritsuka blocked his sword, but Albion, as his sword broke. As he pulling back the arm that had the crystal, as it was building up, as almost like a click can be heard in his mind, Ritsuka sent a giant punch, as a fire like energy came out of it, as it hit Muramasa, sending him back, as now there was a hole in Muramasa's body, as his body was also burning, as Ritsuka saw this.

Well, that was something, Ritsuka said, looking at his arm, as the flame stopped, didn't expect that.

Muramasa staggered backward, his body engulfed in flames as he struggled to maintain his balance. "Impressive..." he managed to utter through gritted teeth, his voice strained with pain. "But... this is far from over..."

Ritsuka stood firm, his expression unwavering. "I'm not done yet," he declared, his tone firm and resolute. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect humanity and stop Solomon's plans."

With a final defiant glare, Muramasa's form began to dissipate into swirling wisps of energy, leaving behind only the faint echo of his words hanging in the air. Ritsuka watched silently for a moment before turning away, his mind already racing with thoughts of the battles yet to come.

As then Muramasa went for that final attack, as Ritsuka just stabbed him as he saw Muramasa desiperd.

Thanks kid. Muramasa said looking at Ritsuka. If you ever summon please do it as a saber

Ritsuka nodded solemnly, acknowledging Muramasa's words. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and determination. "Rest in peace, Muramasa."

With those final words, Muramasa's form faded away completely, leaving behind only the memory of his fierce determination and unwavering loyalty. Ritsuka took a moment to collect himself before turning his attention to the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but determined to face whatever came his way with courage and resolve.

Ok what about you. Ritsuka said looking at crystal know fused to his arm. So that woman was right, you do more powers, I already have Amaterasu but let's see what I can do with you

The crystal on Ritsuka's arm glimmered faintly, as if responding to his words. Ritsuka could feel a surge of energy coursing through him, as if the crystal were offering him access to a whole new realm of power. With a sense of curiosity and determination, he focused his thoughts, willing the crystal to reveal its secrets and unlock its potential.

As he did so, he felt a tingling sensation spreading from his arm, as the crystal began to resonate with his own magical energy. Images flashed through his mind, glimpses of ancient spells and forgotten incantations, each one offering a glimpse of the crystal's true power. With each passing moment, Ritsuka felt himself growing stronger, more attuned to the forces that surrounded him.

With a sense of awe and wonder, Ritsuka realized that he had unlocked a new level of mastery over his abilities, thanks to the mysterious crystal that now adorned his arm. As he gazed upon it, he knew that he had been given a precious gift, one that would help him in the battles that lay ahead, and guide him on the path to victory against the forces of darkness.

Feeling the newfound power surging within him, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about the origin of the crystal and the extent of its capabilities. With determination burning in his eyes, he vowed to uncover its secrets and harness its full potential to protect Chaldea and those he cared about.

As he contemplated the next steps, Mash approached, concern etched on her face. "Ritsuka, are you alright?" she asked, noticing the intense focus in his eyes.

Ritsuka nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm fine, Mash. Better than fine, actually. This crystal," he said, indicating the glowing gem on his arm, "it's given me a new source of power. I can feel it coursing through me."

Mash's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself. "That's incredible, Ritsuka. But we should be cautious. We don't know much about it or where it came from."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "You're right, Mash. We'll proceed with caution. But for now, let's focus on the task at hand. There are still threats out there that we need to deal with."

With a shared understanding, Ritsuka and Mash turned their attention back to the challenges that lay ahead, ready to face them head-on with their newfound strength and determination.

As then Edmond finally came back, as he looked at him.

I found them master. Edmond said looking at him. I found Boudica and Spartacus, they are joing us one more thing. Edmond said doringa crystal shard that looks just like the one fused to Ritsuka arm. Some gave me this he said it will help you in the future.

Ritsuka's eyes widened in surprise as he took the crystal shard from Edmond's outstretched hand. The pulsating energy emanating from it felt familiar yet mysterious, leaving Ritsuka intrigued and eager to learn more about its purpose.

"Thank you, Edmond," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We'll need all the help we can get for what lies ahead. And if this crystal is meant to aid us, then we'll make good use of it."

Turning to Mash, Ritsuka shared a knowing look. "Looks like we have more allies on our side, Mash. Let's prepare for whatever challenges await us, together with Boudica, Spartacus, and this new source of power."

With renewed determination and the support of their allies, Ritsuka and Mash stood ready to face the trials ahead, confident that they would emerge victorious in their quest to safeguard humanity and restore peace to the world.

To be continued