Battle for rome

As in a different place a man with yellow hair, wearing a suit as he had a smirk on his face as then he saw portal opening, as he saw it was zeldrick.

Hello Michael. Zelretch said looking at the man. Firs Gabriel and know you, what god planning, or are you doing this your self

Michael smirked, his yellow eyes glinting with amusement. "Ah, Zelretch, always meddling in affairs beyond your comprehension. As for God's plans, they remain inscrutable, but I am merely a servant following orders. You know how it is."

Zelretch chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Indeed, I do. But it seems your orders often lead to chaos and upheaval rather than order and peace."

Michael's smirk widened into a grin. "Chaos breeds change, and change is necessary for growth. Besides, I find chaos to be quite entertaining."

Zelretch shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Well, as long as you're enjoying yourself. But remember, too much chaos can lead to destruction."

"Ah, but destruction paves the way for creation," Michael countered. "It's all part of the cycle, my dear Zelretch."

With a knowing glint in his eye, Zelretch nodded. "Indeed, it is. But let's hope this cycle doesn't spiral out of control."

As the two powerful beings exchanged cryptic words, the fate of worlds hung in the balance, caught between the whims of gods and the actions of mortals.

Also about Aliya and Gaia. Michael said almost spiting out there names. I personally ok with Gaia, but really father should have put me in charge and not them.

Zelretch raised an eyebrow at Michael's mention of Alaya and Gaia, two figures with considerable influence over the affairs of mortals.

"Ah, yes, Alaya and Gaia," Zelretch mused, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "They do seem to have quite the hold over certain aspects of creation, don't they?"

Michael's expression soured slightly at the mention of his siblings. "Indeed, they do," he replied curtly. "But I fail to see why Father entrusted them with such responsibility. I am more than capable of guiding humanity towards its destiny."

Zelretch chuckled softly. "Perhaps God sees something in them that you do not," he suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "After all, balance is key in the grand scheme of things."

Michael's grip tightened on his staff, his frustration evident. "Balance," he scoffed. "What good is balance if it hinders progress? Humanity needs a guiding hand, someone who can lead them towards greatness."

"Be careful what you wish for, Michael," Zelretch warned, his tone serious. "For sometimes, the pursuit of greatness can lead to unforeseen consequences."

With that cryptic warning hanging in the air, Michael and Zelretch continued their conversation, the fate of the cosmos weighing heavily on their minds.

Plsuh your sounding like your twin. Zelretch said looking at him. After all you don't be like your twin brother Lucifer god favourite, he still probably is

Michael bristled at the comparison to his twin brother Lucifer, his pride wounded by the implication.

"I am nothing like Lucifer," he retorted sharply, his voice tinged with disdain. "He may have once been Father's favorite, but that was before his rebellion. Now, he is nothing more than a fallen angel, cast out of grace."

Zelretch raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Michael's outburst. "Ah, yes, the prodigal son," he remarked casually. "But let us not forget that even fallen angels have their roles to play in the grand tapestry of existence. Perhaps Lucifer's fall was necessary for the greater good."

Michael's expression darkened at the mention of his brother's role in the cosmic order. "Necessary or not, Lucifer's actions have brought nothing but chaos and suffering," he growled. "I will not allow his influence to corrupt the world any further."

Zelretch regarded Michael with a thoughtful gaze, his eyes twinkling with hidden knowledge. "Indeed, the path to redemption is often fraught with obstacles," he mused. "But sometimes, it is those very obstacles that lead us towards enlightenment."

With that enigmatic statement, Zelretch turned and vanished into the swirling vortex of space-time, leaving Michael to ponder the implications of their conversation. As the weight of his responsibilities pressed down upon him, Michael couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his brother's fall from grace than met the eye.

Meanwhile back with Ritsuka he was reading the army, as they were ready for there fight agent the United Roman empire, with Muramasa defeated, they can't use the grail to its full powers and this is the perfect time to attack

Ritsuka stood at the forefront of his army, surveying the troops gathered before him. They were a motley crew, a diverse assortment of heroic spirits from across history, united in their common purpose: to defend humanity against the encroaching darkness.

With Muramasa defeated, their enemy's ranks had been weakened, their morale shaken. This was their chance to strike, to push back against the tide of tyranny and reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

"Today, we stand on the brink of victory," Ritsuka declared, his voice ringing out clear and strong. "Our enemy may have the numbers, but we have something far more powerful: the will to fight for what we believe in."

The soldiers cheered in response, their spirits lifted by Ritsuka's words. They knew that this battle would not be easy, that they would face formidable foes on the field of combat. But they also knew that they fought for a righteous cause, for the future of humanity itself.

As the sun began to rise on the horizon, casting its golden light upon the battlefield, Ritsuka raised his sword high, a beacon of hope in the gathering darkness.

"Today, we fight not just for victory, but for freedom," he declared, his voice resounding with conviction. "For honor, for justice, for everything that we hold dear. Today, we fight for the future!"

With a mighty roar, the army surged forward, their battle cries echoing across the plains. The clash of steel rang out as swords met shields, arrows flew through the air, and spells crackled with arcane energy.

In the heart of the fray, Ritsuka fought alongside his comrades, his every strike guided by courage and determination. With each enemy vanquished, they drew closer to victory, closer to the dawn of a new era.

Everyone keeping going. Nero yalled, as for a split seacond her eyes turn red. Charge.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as Nero's command spurred her soldiers into action. With a fierce determination burning in their eyes, they surged forward, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight as they charged headlong into the fray.

Ritsuka watched with a mixture of admiration and concern as Nero led her troops into battle. He knew that her fiery spirit and unwavering resolve were both her greatest strengths and her greatest weaknesses. But in this moment, there was no time for hesitation or doubt. They were fighting for their lives, for their freedom, and they would not back down.

Meanwhile, Romulus rallied his own forces, his mighty presence inspiring courage and determination in those who fought alongside him. With a resounding battle cry, they charged into the thick of the fight, their spears held high as they clashed with the enemy.

Jealous, with his mastery over his Noble Phantasms, unleashed devastating attacks upon their foes, his blades slicing through the air with deadly precision. Iskander and Waver, a formidable duo, unleashed a barrage of magical and martial attacks, their combined strength overwhelming their adversaries.

Amidst the chaos and carnage of battle, Ritsuka fought with all his might, his every movement guided by instinct and training. With each strike of his sword, each blast of his magic, he pressed the attack, driving the enemy back inch by hard-won inch.

But victory would not come easily. The United Roman Empire fought with a ferocity and tenacity that belied their numbers. Wave after wave of soldiers crashed against their defenses, their sheer determination pushing them ever forward.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka knew that they could not afford to falter, not now, not when the fate of humanity hung in the balance. With renewed determination, he redoubled his efforts, his every action focused on turning the tide of battle in their favor.

And as the sun began to set on the blood-soaked battlefield, Ritsuka knew that the fight was far from over. But with courage in their hearts and steel in their hands, they would stand firm against the darkness, united in their quest to forge a better tomorrow.

Arise. Ritsuka said as all the fallen solder on both said came back up. We will not lose attack my new umbrel summons.

With a resounding command, Ritsuka summoned forth the fallen soldiers from both sides, their spirits rising once more to join the fray. With renewed vigor and determination, they rallied to his side, ready to fight with all their strength.

Marie Alter watched from a distance, her gaze fixed on Ritsuka with a mixture of admiration and concern. She knew that his ability to command the fallen was a testament to his power and resolve, but she also understood the risks involved in such an action.

"Impressive as always, Master," Marie Alter remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "But remember, our primary objective is to defeat the enemy and secure victory. I'll do my part as well."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Ritsuka turned his attention back to the battlefield, his mind focused on the task at hand. With Marie Alter at his side and their army at his command, he knew that they stood a chance against even the most formidable of foes.

Together, they charged forward, their weapons raised high as they clashed with the enemy once more. With each strike and each spell cast, they pressed the attack, driving the United Roman Empire back with unwavering determination.

But the battle was far from over, and victory remained uncertain. As the clash of steel and the roar of magic echoed across the battlefield, Ritsuka knew that they would need to fight with everything they had if they hoped to emerge triumphant.

And so, with courage in their hearts and the memory of their fallen comrades spurring them on, they pressed forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For they were warriors of Chaldea, and they would not rest until the enemy was vanquished and peace restored to the land.

As then a chill went down Ritsuka spine as he felt something.

Everyone. He yalled at everyone. Duck.

As then many did but some were slow as powerful rainbow blast was sent destroyed soldiers, after soldiers after Soldiers, as Ritsuka looked he crushed him self.

Shit, they still summons her. Ritsuka said looking at a dark skin women with green eyes and white hair. Shit.

Senpai is that. Mash said remebring one of the servant Ritsuka told her that they would probably be fighting in this Singularty. Attila the hunt

The ominous presence of the legendary warrior Attila the Hun sent shivers down Ritsuka's spine as he realized the gravity of the situation. With her devastating rainbow blasts decimating their forces, it was clear that they faced a formidable adversary unlike any they had encountered before.

"Yes, Mash, that's her," Ritsuka confirmed, his voice filled with urgency. "Attila the Hun, one of the most powerful Servants we'll face in this Singularity. We need to act fast if we want to stand a chance against her."

As Attila continued her relentless assault, Ritsuka quickly formulated a plan in his mind, knowing that they needed to neutralize her threat before it was too late.

"We need to find a way to counter her attacks," Ritsuka declared, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness in their opponent. "Mash, prepare your shield, and be ready to defend against her blasts. Meanwhile, I'll try to find an opening to launch a counterattack."

With a nod of understanding, Mash readied her shield, bracing herself for the onslaught of Attila's relentless assault. Meanwhile, Ritsuka focused his attention on Attila, searching for any weaknesses or vulnerabilities they could exploit.

As the battle raged on, with explosions and magic illuminating the battlefield, Ritsuka and Mash stood firm, determined to face whatever challenges came their way. With their resolve unwavering and their determination unyielding, they prepared to confront Attila head-on, knowing that the fate of Chaldea and all humanity hung in the balance.

To be continued