My vampire

As in a room they was Ritsuka as he was behind a class wall, behind it was Dr Romani, Mash, Aozkai, Ayaka, Ophelia and Olga.

Alright we didn't get to do this before. Romani said looking at Ritsuka..go ahead start using your vampire powers Ritsuka.

Ritsuka nodded, focusing his mind on the task at hand. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of power coursing through him, feeling the darkness within him stir. Slowly, he extended his hand towards the glass wall, feeling the energy flow from his fingertips. With a surge of concentration, he commanded the shadows to obey him, and to his amazement, the glass began to ripple and distort as if it were made of liquid. He smiled, feeling a sense of exhilaration at the newfound control he had over his abilities.

So what do we call this. Ritsuka said looking at the class. What type of power do we call this, it is not shadow control or fire, or any one of the element

Dr. Romani pondered for a moment before responding, "Given its unique properties and the way it seems to manipulate the physical world around you, perhaps we could call it 'Umbral Manipulation' or 'Dark Energy Control'? It seems fitting considering the nature of your powers."

As Ritsuka experimented further with his newfound abilities, he discovered he could manipulate shadows and darkness in ways beyond his initial understanding. With each attempt, he delved deeper into the potential of his powers, pushing the boundaries of what he could achieve.

Under Romani's guidance, Ritsuka practiced shaping the shadows into solid forms, creating constructs that moved at his command. He also learned to cloak himself in darkness, blending seamlessly into his surroundings. As he honed his skills, Ritsuka's control over his umbral manipulation grew more precise and powerful.

Meanwhile, the others observed his progress with fascination and occasional concern, marveling at the extent of his abilities while also mindful of the potential risks. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, Ritsuka remained determined to master his powers, driven by the conviction that they would be essential in facing the threats yet to come.

I can already do this. Ritsuka said looking at his shadow. I can already make things with my shadow, this is nothing new.

As then an idea came Ritsuka fouces as his fangs did grow, as from his back came out bat wings.

Well look at that. Ritsuka said looking at his wings. I can fly now

Ritsuka's realization sparked excitement among the group, each member eager to witness his newfound abilities. As Ritsuka effortlessly manipulated his shadow to form intricate shapes and constructs, their amazement grew. However, when he unfurled his bat-like wings, their astonishment reached new heights.

"That's incredible!" Mash exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Astonishing," Romani murmured, jotting down notes feverishly. "To think your powers extend to physical transformations as well."

Aozaki nodded in agreement, her expression a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "Indeed, this opens up a plethora of possibilities. Flight could prove invaluable in various situations."

As Ritsuka tested his wings, soaring gracefully above the room, Ayaka couldn't contain her excitement. "You're like a real-life superhero!"

Ritsuka chuckled at her enthusiasm, relishing the thrill of flight. Despite the uncertainties surrounding his powers, this moment filled him with a sense of empowerment and determination. With his newfound abilities, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his journey.

Alright let's do the straight test. Ophelia said pressing a button. Let's see how much you can lift after you got this upgrade

As Ophelia activated the test, a platform emerged from the floor, laden with heavy weights. Ritsuka approached it confidently, his wings still spread wide behind him. With a focused expression, he extended his hand towards the weights, his shadow stretching and contorting as if reaching out on its own accord.

The group watched in anticipation as the weights began to levitate, lifted effortlessly by Ritsuka's shadow manipulation. Slowly at first, but then with increasing speed, the weights rose into the air until they hovered just above Ritsuka's outstretched palm.

"Remarkable," Romani muttered, jotting down observations in his notebook.

Aozaki nodded in approval. "Your control is impressive. It seems your powers have undergone significant enhancement."

Ritsuka's brow furrowed in concentration as he maintained the levitation, his determination evident. With a final flourish, he gently lowered the weights back onto the platform, a satisfied smile gracing his lips.

"Well done, Ritsuka," Mash said, her eyes shining with pride. "You continue to amaze us with your abilities."

As the test concluded, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. With each demonstration of his newfound powers, he grew more assured of his capabilities. Whatever challenges awaited him, he knew he was ready to face them head-on.

He lifted 501 killogram. Dr Romani said looking at him. He is able to lift to peak human.

As then with one hand he lifted with his own straight, as then he looks at the more heavy ones, as he goes to lift it up, as it was higher then 501 killogram.

The room fell silent as Ritsuka approached the heavier weights, his determination unwavering. With a deep breath, he reached out towards the massive load, his shadow extending eagerly to meet the challenge.

As he exerted his newfound strength, the weights began to rise, inching off the platform with steady determination. The strain was evident on Ritsuka's face as he poured his energy into the task, his muscles flexing with effort.

"Remarkable," Ophelia murmured, her eyes fixed on Ritsuka's display of strength.

Dr. Romani watched intently, scribbling notes furiously as the weights continued to ascend. "He's surpassing his previous limit," he observed, his voice tinged with awe.

With a final surge of determination, Ritsuka hoisted the weight high into the air, defying all expectations. The room erupted into applause as he held the massive load aloft, a testament to his incredible power.

"Well done, Ritsuka!" Mash exclaimed, her voice filled with pride.

As the test concluded, Ritsuka lowered the weight back onto the platform, his chest heaving with exertion but his spirits soaring. He had proven himself once again, pushing the boundaries of his abilities and emerging victorious.

Will looks like this transformation, give me more straight. Ritsuka said transforming back to normal. I should thanks Vlad for the vampire powers, but he maybe still scared of me after what happened.

Yeah pretty sure about that. Ophelia said remebring what happened in the fight agents Vlad. He probably still rembering how burned after biting your really your blood line is something else.

Ritsuka nodded, a hint of regret flickering across his features. "I suppose I can't blame him for being cautious," he admitted. "But I'll have to find a way to assure him that I'm still the same person, just with a few extra tricks up my sleeve."

Dr. Romani chimed in, offering his perspective. "It's understandable that Vlad might be wary, given the circumstances. But I'm sure he'll come around once he sees that you're in control of your powers and using them for good."

With a determined nod, Ritsuka resolved to mend the rift between himself and Vlad, determined to prove that his newfound abilities were a force for good. As he prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew that he could count on the support of his friends and allies to see him through.

Ritsuka took a moment to reflect on the events of the past, considering the implications of his newfound powers and the responsibilities that came with them. Despite the challenges ahead, he felt a renewed sense of determination to protect humanity and uphold the ideals of Chaldea.

"I'll need to train and master these abilities," Ritsuka said, addressing the group. "But I won't let them change who I am. I'll use them to stand against the threats we face and ensure a better future for everyone."

His resolve resonated with the others in the room, each one offering their support and encouragement. With their backing, Ritsuka felt ready to embark on this new chapter of his journey, armed with strength, determination, and the unwavering support of his friends at Chaldea.

Let's see. Ritsuka said thinking he knows vampire drink blood and uses it as he made a small cut on his hand as he brought our the blood as he made a blood sword. Huh blood control

Ritsuka looked at the blood sword in his hand, marveling at its crimson sheen and solidity. The blade felt almost alive, pulsating with his heartbeat.

"Blood control, huh?" he mused aloud, turning the weapon over in his hand. "This could be incredibly useful."

Dr. Romani watched with keen interest. "It's not just control, Ritsuka. It's manipulation and transformation. You could potentially create weapons, barriers, or even heal yourself and others with enough practice."

Mash nodded, her eyes wide with amazement. "It's incredible, Senpai. This new ability could turn the tide in our battles."

Ophelia chimed in, "It's also important to consider the limitations and potential drawbacks. Using your own blood can weaken you if you're not careful."

Ritsuka gave a determined nod. "I understand. I'll train with this power and learn to control it without endangering myself. This is just another tool to help us save the world."

As he dismissed the blood sword, the room fell silent, each member of the group contemplating the path ahead. With new abilities come new challenges, but Ritsuka knew he wasn't facing them alone. With his friends by his side, he felt ready to tackle whatever came next.

Wait a minute. Olga said looking at everyone. Is it only his own blood or anyone blood.

As eveyrone just looked at eachother 2 minutes late a random Chaldea master was dropped kick by the group next to Ritsuka.

The random Chaldea master, bewildered and slightly disoriented, looked up at Ritsuka. "Uh, what's going on?"

Ritsuka, feeling a bit awkward, approached cautiously. "Sorry about this. We need to test something. I'll just make a small cut, okay?"

The master nodded hesitantly. Ritsuka made a small cut on the master's arm, and a drop of blood formed. Concentrating, Ritsuka extended his control over the blood, willing it to form into a small blade. The blood responded, shaping into a thin, crimson dagger.

"It works," Ritsuka said, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and relief. "I can control other people's blood too."

Dr. Romani nodded thoughtfully. "This ability could be very versatile, Ritsuka. But you must use it responsibly. Controlling someone else's blood can be dangerous and ethically questionable."

Olga looked satisfied with the experiment. "Now we know the extent of your power. It's crucial to understand every aspect of it."

Mash, always supportive, added, "We'll help you train, Senpai. Together, we can figure out the best ways to use this ability for good."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks, everyone. Let's keep pushing forward. We have a lot of work to do."

As they left the training room, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With his newfound powers and the support of his friends, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Also Etchi what the fuck is that we are mages we don't have Etchi. Ritsuka said looking at Romani. And are you forgetting who thought me everyhting about mage craft, I have morality but etchis they desiper the moment aozkai started to train me.

Dr. Romani sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Okay, okay, point taken. I guess we're all a bit on edge with everything going on. Let's keep it professional."

Aozaki, standing nearby, smirked. "Glad to hear you haven't forgotten your training, Ritsuka. Ethics are crucial, but practical application is just as important. You've done well to balance both."

Mash nodded in agreement. "Senpai, your dedication to doing what's right while harnessing your powers is inspiring. We're all here to support you."

Ophelia chimed in, "And remember, these powers can be a double-edged sword. Use them wisely, and they can be a great asset."

Ritsuka looked at the group, feeling a sense of camaraderie and determination. "Thanks, everyone. Let's keep pushing forward. We have a lot of work to do."

As they left the training room, the atmosphere was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. Ritsuka knew that with his newfound powers and the unwavering support of his friends, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Let's see what other thing I can do. Ritsuka said looking at his blood sword. What other things I can do

Ritsuka focused on his blood sword, thinking about the possibilities. He started experimenting with different shapes and forms, manipulating the blood to test its limits.

"Let's try something more intricate," he said, concentrating harder. The blood sword began to shift and morph, forming into a blood whip. He swung it around, testing its flexibility and range.

"Impressive," Olga commented, watching closely. "But can you make it more defensive?"

Ritsuka nodded and focused again. The blood whip solidified and reshaped into a shield. He held it up, feeling its weight and solidity. "This should work well for defense," he said, satisfied.

Dr. Romani took notes on a clipboard. "Your control over the blood is quite advanced. What about enhancing your other abilities with it?"

Ritsuka thought for a moment. He allowed the blood to flow back into his wound, healing it instantly. Then he tried something different: he summoned a blood spear and threw it across the room. It embedded itself into the far wall with a satisfying thud.

"I can enhance my ranged attacks too," Ritsuka noted. "Let's see if I can combine it with my other abilities."

He summoned his shadows and fused them with the blood, creating a dark, blood-infused construct. The result was a massive, menacing blade that pulsed with energy.

"Looks like you've found a way to merge your powers," Ophelia observed. "That's a formidable weapon."

Ritsuka swung the blade, testing its weight and balance. "This could be really useful in battle. I wonder if I can do more."

Mash stepped forward. "Senpai, try using your blood to create traps or barriers. It could give us an edge in controlling the battlefield."

Ritsuka nodded and focused again. He summoned more blood and spread it across the floor, forming a series of sharp spikes. Then, he pulled the blood into a thick barrier, solid and impenetrable.

"Perfect," he said, admiring his work. "These new abilities will definitely give us an advantage."

"Just remember," Aozaki said, her tone serious, "to use these powers responsibly. The line between control and chaos is thin."

Ritsuka looked at his friends, feeling a mix of pride and responsibility. "I understand. Let's keep training and get ready for whatever comes next. We have a lot more to learn and even more to accomplish."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch give me power stones as my castle is build I see the revelation I made, my solder ready to attack again if need as I smile at them