so I am anty vampire/dead apocalypse weapon

As then Edmond and Tametomo come next to Ritsuka.

At this point it is hard to keep count of all your power master. Edmond said looking at him. Even after we keep the list it is hard

Ritsuka chuckled, glancing at Edmond and Tametomo. "Yeah, it does feel like I'm collecting abilities like trading cards. But every power has its purpose."

Tametomo nodded, his eyes serious. "Just remember to master each one, Ritsuka. Power without control can be dangerous."

"Agreed," Ritsuka said, clenching his fist. "Let's make sure we know how to use every ability to its fullest. We'll need every edge we can get."

"Master," Edmond began, "have you considered focusing on combining your abilities in combat? The synergy between them could be your greatest asset."

Ritsuka thought for a moment. "You're right. I've been so focused on individual powers that I haven't explored their combinations fully."

"Let's test it," Tametomo suggested. "Edmond and I can spar with you. Use your various powers in tandem and see what works best."

Ritsuka nodded. "Alright, let's do it."

They moved to the training area, and Edmond and Tametomo took their positions. Ritsuka readied himself, focusing on his abilities. He started with his shadow control, summoning tendrils of darkness to attack Edmond and Tametomo from multiple angles.

Edmond deftly dodged and countered, his movements fluid and precise. "Impressive, but let's see how you handle this!" he shouted, launching a flurry of attacks.

Ritsuka responded by summoning his blood shield to block Edmond's strikes. Simultaneously, he used his shadow control to create openings for counterattacks. He then enhanced his speed with his sun magecraft, dashing around the battlefield to keep his opponents off balance.

Tametomo, observing Ritsuka's tactics, fired a powerful arrow infused with his own magical energy. Ritsuka quickly transformed his blood shield into a spear, deflecting the arrow and sending it back towards Tametomo.

"Good!" Tametomo exclaimed, impressed. "But can you handle this?" He unleashed a barrage of arrows, each one aiming for a critical point.

Ritsuka combined his shadow and blood abilities to create a barrier of spikes, intercepting the arrows. He then summoned his umbral summons, directing them to attack Tametomo while he focused on Edmond.

Edmond smirked, recognizing Ritsuka's strategy. "You're getting better, master. But don't forget about versatility." He vanished in a blur, reappearing behind Ritsuka for a sneak attack.

Anticipating the move, Ritsuka activated his mystic eyes of death perception, spotting Edmond's vital points. He struck swiftly, forcing Edmond to retreat.

"Impressive, master," Edmond said, catching his breath. "You're adapting quickly."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling the thrill of the battle. "Thanks. But I still have a lot to learn. Let's keep pushing each other to get better."

Tametomo and Edmond exchanged glances, then nodded. "Agreed," Tametomo said. "Together, we'll be unstoppable."

The training continued, with Ritsuka experimenting with new combinations and refining his techniques. Each session brought new insights and improvements, preparing them for the challenges ahead.

After a particularly intense sparring session, Ritsuka paused, panting slightly. "Thanks, both of you. I feel like I'm starting to understand how to use my powers more effectively."

Edmond clapped him on the shoulder. "You're doing great, master. Just remember, the real test will be in the heat of battle."

Ritsuka looked determined. "I know. And when that time comes, we'll be ready."

As they left the training area, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of purpose. With his friends and allies by his side, he was more confident than ever in their ability to face whatever lay ahead.

Can you guys call Carmilla and Vlad. Ritsuka said to Romani. I Wana test something.

Aw then Carmilla and Vlad cane as they looked at Ritsuka both were still kinda scared, as Ritsuka pulled out his blood sword, as then they jumped away

What the hell is that. Carmilla said as she was scared of her life. What is that kid.

That blade. Vlad said looking at the sword. It makes me feels like i will be destroyed for every.

Ritsuka lowered the blood sword slightly, sensing the fear emanating from Carmilla and Vlad. He didn't intend to scare them, but he needed to understand the full extent of his abilities.

"Relax," Ritsuka said, trying to sound reassuring. "I just need your help to understand this power better."

Carmilla and Vlad exchanged uneasy glances before cautiously stepping forward. Romani, observing from behind the glass, nodded in encouragement.

"Alright," Ritsuka began, "I know this blade has some kind of anti-vampire properties. I need to see how it interacts with your abilities and how I can control it without causing harm."

Carmilla took a deep breath, composing herself. "Fine. But be careful with that thing."

Vlad nodded in agreement. "We'll help you, but you need to promise not to use it recklessly."

Ritsuka gave a determined nod. "I promise."

He focused on the blood sword, trying to suppress its more dangerous properties. As he did, he noticed the blade's aura dimming slightly, becoming less threatening.

"Let's start with something simple," Ritsuka suggested. "Carmilla, try using your mist form."

Carmilla hesitated but complied, transforming into a thick, swirling mist. Ritsuka carefully waved the blood sword through the mist, watching its reaction. The mist shivered and recoiled, but it didn't dissipate.

"Interesting," Ritsuka muttered. "It affects you, but it's not overwhelming. Let's try something else."

He turned to Vlad. "Can you create one of your stakes?"

Vlad conjured a large, menacing stake, holding it out in front of him. Ritsuka approached slowly, tapping the blood sword against the stake. There was a slight hiss as the stake vibrated, but it held firm.

"Okay," Ritsuka said, more to himself than anyone else. "I can control the intensity. That's good."

Vlad, visibly relieved, relaxed his stance. "It seems your power is more about intention and control than pure destruction."

Carmilla reformed, her expression a mix of curiosity and lingering fear. "You're learning to harness it without losing control. That's important."

Ritsuka nodded. "Thanks for helping me test this. I think I understand it a bit better now."

Romani, watching from behind the glass, activated the intercom. "Good work, Ritsuka. Understanding your limits and control is crucial."

Ritsuka sheathed the blood sword, feeling more confident. "Alright, let's keep training. There's still a lot to learn."

Carmilla and Vlad stepped back, still wary but more willing to assist. "Just remember," Vlad said sternly, "we're here to help, but be careful with that power."

"I will," Ritsuka assured them. "Let's keep pushing forward. We need every advantage we can get."

As the training continued, Ritsuka focused on mastering his blood manipulation, finding new ways to integrate it with his existing abilities. With each session, he grew stronger and more confident, preparing for the battles ahead.

This probably works on dead Apostle as well. Aozkai said looking at Ritsuka. After all vampire are lower dead Apostle no offence Carmilla and Vlad

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, considering Aozaki's observation. "That's a good point. If this power works on vampires, it might be effective against Dead Apostles as well."

Carmilla and Vlad exchanged glances but remained silent, understanding the logic behind Aozaki's statement.

"None taken," Carmilla said finally, her voice even. "We're aware of the hierarchy."

Vlad nodded in agreement. "Indeed. If your ability can counter us, it should theoretically work on Dead Apostles, who are a different breed of vampire."

Ritsuka turned to Aozaki. "So, how should we proceed? Any specific tests you have in mind?"

Aozaki considered for a moment. "We need to test the limits and versatility of your blood manipulation. Let's see how well you can control it under various conditions. Try creating different forms and shapes with your blood, and then see if you can infuse them with your other abilities."

Ritsuka took a deep breath and focused. He extended his hand, drawing more blood and forming it into various shapes: a spear, a shield, and even a pair of wings. With each transformation, he tried to infuse them with his elemental abilities—fire, shadow, and even the holy prayers.

The blood spear ignited with flames, the shield shimmered with a dark, shadowy aura, and the wings glowed with a holy light. Ritsuka marveled at the sight, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"This is incredible," Ritsuka said, looking at Aozaki. "I can combine my powers with the blood manipulation."

Aozaki nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, let's test it in a combat scenario. Carmilla, Vlad, would you mind sparring with Ritsuka? This will give us a better understanding of his capabilities in a real fight."

Carmilla and Vlad hesitated but eventually agreed. "Alright," Vlad said, summoning his stakes. "Let's see what you've got."

Carmilla transformed into her mist form again, ready to engage.

Ritsuka prepared himself, the blood weapons shifting in his hands as he took a combat stance. The sparring began, with Ritsuka using his newfound abilities to counter Carmilla and Vlad's attacks.

The blood spear clashed against Vlad's stakes, creating a burst of flames with each impact. Ritsuka used the blood shield to block Carmilla's mist attacks, the shadows absorbing and neutralizing the impact. He then took to the air, the blood wings giving him mobility as he launched holy-infused attacks from above.

"Impressive," Vlad remarked, dodging a fiery strike. "You've integrated your abilities well."

Carmilla reformed, a smirk on her face. "Not bad, kid. You've got potential."

The sparring continued for several minutes, each side testing their limits and learning from each exchange. Eventually, they called a halt, all parties slightly winded but satisfied with the progress.

Aozaki stepped forward, a rare smile on her face. "You've done well, Ritsuka. Your control and integration of these powers are impressive. We'll continue refining them, but I think you're ready for whatever comes next."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks, everyone. Let's keep pushing forward. We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

As they wrapped up the training session, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel more confident in his abilities. With his friends and allies by his side, he knew they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

As Ritsuka was walking for a bit as she found mash as he went it her.

Hey mash the next singularty is Okeonos. Ritsuka said looking at her. So remebr everyhting I told you about how Okeonos went.

Mash nodded, recalling the detailed accounts Ritsuka had shared about the previous Okeanos singularity. "Yes, Senpai, I remember. We'll be facing formidable enemies and encountering powerful allies. It won't be easy."

Ritsuka smiled, appreciating Mash's readiness. "Exactly. We'll need to stay vigilant and be prepared for anything. Let's go over the key points one more time."

Mash stood at attention, ready to absorb any additional information. "Of course, Senpai. What should we focus on?"

Ritsuka began to list out the critical elements of their upcoming mission. "First, we'll encounter the Pirate Queen, Francis Drake. She's a strong ally and a crucial part of our team. We need to gain her trust quickly. Then there's Blackbeard. He's a bit unpredictable, so we'll have to keep an eye on him."

Mash nodded, absorbing the information. "And we'll have to deal with the Greek gods, right? Specifically, Artemis and Heracles?"

"Yes," Ritsuka confirmed. "Artemis will be a significant challenge. We'll need to disrupt her abilities to stand a chance. Heracles, on the other hand, will require a strategic approach to weaken and defeat him."

Mash looked determined. "Understood. Anything else we should be aware of?"

Ritsuka thought for a moment. "Yes, there's Medea. We'll have to navigate her schemes and ensure she doesn't cause too much trouble. Remember, her knowledge of magic is extensive, so don't underestimate her."

Mash nodded again, her expression serious. "Got it, Senpai. I'll make sure to stay alert and ready for anything."

Ritsuka placed a reassuring hand on Mash's shoulder. "I know you will, Mash. We'll get through this together, just like we always do."

As they continued their conversation, preparing mentally and emotionally for the challenges ahead, the bond between them strengthened. They knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle and protect humanity from the threats that awaited in the singularity of Okeanos.

But there is more. Ritsuka said looking at mash. Remebr what Marie alter Solomon has seven servant that will tyrot kill me. He said looking at mash. And with Maria alter in the first Singularty and the Muramasa on the seacond the third will have one as well, I can say it will be an extra class but I am not sure who, also don't know if everything we have discussed will go as I remember the butterfly effect has already started, the first and seacond singularty are a proof of that

Mash's eyes widened with concern as she absorbed Ritsuka's warning. "I understand, Senpai. We'll have to be even more cautious in Okeanos. The unpredictability of these extra class servants makes everything more dangerous."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression serious. "Exactly. The butterfly effect has already changed things in ways we didn't anticipate. We can't rely on everything happening as it did before. We need to be adaptable and ready for anything."

Mash thought for a moment, then spoke up. "Senpai, do we have any leads on who this extra class servant might be? Any clues or hints from the previous singularities?"

Ritsuka shook his head. "Unfortunately, no clear leads. It could be anyone. We'll have to be on the lookout for unusual behavior or any signs of a powerful servant."

Mash clenched her fists, determination shining in her eyes. "We'll be ready, Senpai. No matter who or what we face, we'll overcome it together."

Ritsuka smiled at her resolve. "That's the spirit, Mash. We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll do it together. Now, let's go over our strategy and make sure we're as prepared as we can be."

They spent the next hour meticulously planning their approach to Okeanos, discussing potential scenarios and how to handle them. They reviewed their allies' strengths and weaknesses, considering how best to utilize them in the coming battles. They also talked about contingency plans, ensuring they had backup strategies in case things didn't go as expected.

As they finished their preparations, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of confidence. "Alright, Mash. I think we're as ready as we can be. Let's head out and face whatever Okeanos has in store for us."

Mash nodded, standing tall. "Yes, Senpai. Let's do this."

With their resolve strengthened and their plans in place, Ritsuka and Mash set out for the singularity of Okeanos, ready to face the unknown and protect humanity from the looming threat.

I Wana ask something senpai. Mash said looking at Ritsuka. If yo save the world you have to sacrifice Me, Kyonskya, Olga, Ophelia no any of your loves ones should you do it.

That is an easy option. Ritsuka said looking at her as he was Infront of the glass. I will let the world burn

Mash's eyes widened in shock at Ritsuka's words. "Senpai, are you serious? You would let the world burn to save us?"

Ritsuka turned to face her, his expression unyielding. "Yes, Mash. The world can be rebuilt, but the people I care about are irreplaceable. I can't sacrifice those I love for the sake of the world. If it comes to that, I'll find another way. I refuse to accept a choice that demands I lose you or anyone else close to me."

Mash felt a mix of relief and fear. "But Senpai, what if there really is no other way? What if the only way to save everyone is to make that sacrifice?"

Ritsuka placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze steady. "Then I'll defy that fate. I believe in finding another path, no matter how impossible it might seem. We've faced the impossible before, and we've come out on top. I'll keep fighting until the very end, and I'll do everything in my power to protect you all. That's a promise."

Mash felt a swell of emotions, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Senpai... thank you. I'll stand by you, no matter what. We'll find a way together."

Ritsuka smiled softly. "That's right, Mash. Together. We'll overcome any challenge, find any hidden path, and defeat any enemy. And we'll do it without losing each other."

With a renewed sense of determination, Ritsuka and Mash continued their preparations for the journey to Okeanos, their bond stronger than ever. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they also knew that as long as they had each other and their allies, they could face anything that came their way.

To be continued

Hope peopl like this Ch and give me power stones also working on another fanfic I don't know which I will post but here are the name Charlomaine in hazbin hotel a fate x Hazbin fanfic, and the other one is kamen rider of Doki Doki