A god and a Berserker

Ritsuka's expression hardened as Mash's words sank in. The presence of a Ruler-class Servant could complicate things significantly, especially if it was one of Goetia's seven. They had faced formidable opponents before, but a Ruler's authority could pose a unique challenge.

"Thank you, Mash," Ritsuka said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "We need to be prepared for anything. If a Ruler-class Servant is here, it means they have their own agenda, and it likely doesn't align with ours."

Mash nodded, her expression resolute. "Understood, Senpai. We'll stay vigilant and be ready to confront any threats head-on."

As they made their way back to the others, Ritsuka's mind raced with possibilities. If Goetia's Servants were involved, it meant the stakes were higher than ever. They would need to gather as much information as possible and devise a strategy to confront this new adversary.

"Everyone," Ritsuka called out as they regrouped, "we have a new development. It seems one of Goetia's Servants, a Ruler, is present in Okeanos. We need to proceed with caution and stay united. Our journey just became even more perilous, but together, we can overcome any obstacle."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka and the others prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them, knowing that the fate of Okeanos and the safety of humanity hung in the balance.

As Edmond, Sigurd and Brynhildr came next to him there eyes meeting there master, as Ritsuka only called for them.

A rule huh. Edmond said looking at him. What type to rule will side with Him

Could like Muramasa. Sigurd said looking at him. Probably is forced to do, if not let's go through the rules that will willing going, him do Remember anything Edmond you and master are the only ones to keep the memories before the reset

Edmond took a moment to consider Sigurd's words, his gaze thoughtful. "Indeed, it's possible the Ruler is being coerced, much like Muramasa. However, we must also consider the possibility that this Ruler is acting of their own volition, aligned with Goetia's plans."

Brynhildr nodded, her eyes sharp. "If they are willingly siding with Goetia, it complicates matters. We'll need to gather more information about their motives and capabilities."

Ritsuka crossed his arms, thinking. "Edmond, can you recall any specific Ruler-class Servants who might align with Goetia's goals?"

Edmond shook his head slightly. "Not with certainty. My memories are fragmented, and the reset has altered many details. However, we must remain vigilant and prepare for any scenario."

"Agreed," Ritsuka said, determination clear in his voice. "Our priority is to uncover the Ruler's identity and their intentions. We'll need to stay close and watch each other's backs."

Sigurd, Brynhildr, and Edmond all nodded in unison, ready to face the unknown threat together.

"We should start by investigating any unusual activity or disturbances," Brynhildr suggested. "That might lead us to the Ruler."

"Right," Ritsuka agreed. "Let's split up and gather information. We'll regroup and share what we find. Stay sharp and be careful."

With their plan set, the group dispersed to begin their investigation. Ritsuka, accompanied by Mash and Ayaka, moved through the bustling activity on the ship, keenly observing their surroundings and listening for any hints of the Ruler's presence. As they did, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that the challenges ahead would test them like never before, but with their unwavering resolve and unity, he believed they could overcome whatever came their way.

I can only think of two rules who will go with Solomon plane. Ritsuka said looking at his servant and mash. One is Amakusa shiro and the other one is James Moriarty.

Edmond furrowed his brow, considering Ritsuka's words. "Amakusa Shirou Tokisada and James Moriarty... Both are formidable and could fit the role of a Ruler aligned with Goetia's objectives. Amakusa's goals of utopia could easily be twisted, and Moriarty, with his cunning, might see an alliance with Goetia as beneficial."

Mash nodded, her expression serious. "If it's one of them, we'll need to be extremely cautious. Both have the potential to manipulate and deceive."

Sigurd crossed his arms, his gaze steely. "Then our first task is to determine which of them we are dealing with. We'll need to gather clues and see if any information aligns with their known behaviors and tactics."

Brynhildr added, "We should also prepare for the possibility that it could be someone entirely unexpected. The singularity has already deviated from what we know, so we must remain flexible in our approach."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Right. Let's keep an eye out for any signs that might point to either of them or any other unusual activity. For now, we need to maintain our cover and avoid drawing too much attention."

As they continued their investigation, they encountered Blackbeard, who was lounging on the deck. He greeted them with his usual flamboyant enthusiasm. "Ahoy there, landlubbers! What brings ye to my fine vessel?"

Ritsuka decided to play along with the pirate's theatrics. "We're just getting our bearings, Blackbeard. Heard anything interesting lately? Anything about a powerful Ruler-class Servant?"

Blackbeard's eyes twinkled with amusement. "A Ruler, ye say? Aye, there's been whispers among the crew. Some say a mysterious figure's been seen near the island we're headin' to. Could be the one yer lookin' for."

Ritsuka exchanged glances with Mash and the others. "Thanks, Blackbeard. We'll keep an eye out."

As they moved away, Ritsuka spoke in a low voice. "It seems we might have a lead. Let's head towards the island and see what we can uncover."

With their next destination in mind, the group prepared for the challenges ahead. As they approached the island, the air grew tense with anticipation. The stakes were high, and the identity of the Ruler-class Servant remained a crucial piece of the puzzle in their mission to safeguard the singularity and the future.

As the ship arrived to an Island Ritsuka looked around, as he was ready to look for someone.

Are we looking for someone. Mash siad looking at Ritsuka. Which servant is it.

Yes. Ritsuka siad looking at Mash. A berserk and a goddess, aks Euryale and Minotaur.

Mash nodded, understanding the gravity of their task. "Euryale and the Minotaur... That's quite the combination. We'll need to proceed with caution."

Ritsuka scanned the island, his senses on high alert. "Exactly. Both are formidable opponents in their own right. We need to be prepared for anything."

Sigurd stepped forward, his gaze steady. "Let's split up and cover more ground. Mash, you and I will search the eastern part of the island. Brynhildr, Edmond, and I will take the west. Ritsuka, you and Ayaka can search the central area. Keep your guard up and stay in contact."

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging Sigurd's plan. "Got it. Let's move out."

As the group dispersed to their assigned areas, Ritsuka and Ayaka ventured deeper into the heart of the island. The dense foliage and rugged terrain made for challenging traversal, but they pressed on, determined to fulfill their mission.

After some time, they stumbled upon a clearing, where a figure stood with her bow at the ready. It was Euryale, her expression guarded as she eyed the intruders.

"Euryale," Ritsuka called out, holding his hands up in a gesture of peace. "We're not here to fight. We need to talk."

Euryale remained wary, her bow still trained on them. "Talk? What could you possibly have to say that would interest me, human?"

Ritsuka took a step forward, his tone earnest. "We're here to find out why you and your sister have aligned yourselves with Goetia. We know you're both powerful Servants, but surely there's more to your story than blind allegiance."

Euryale's grip on her bow tightened, but she seemed intrigued by Ritsuka's words. "Blind allegiance? You know nothing of our situation, human. But... perhaps there is merit in hearing what you have to say."

Ritsuka seized the opportunity to bridge the gap between them. "We don't have to be enemies, Euryale. We're all here trying to navigate through this chaotic singularity. If there's a way we can work together, we might stand a better chance of uncovering the truth."

Euryale regarded Ritsuka with newfound interest, her hostility softening slightly. "Very well. Speak your piece, Master of Chaldea. But know that I will not hesitate to defend my sister and our cause if I deem it necessary."

With that tentative agreement, Ritsuka began to share their insights and suspicions about the singularity, hoping to find common ground with Euryale and perhaps even sway her allegiance away from Goetia. The fate of Okeanos hung in the balance, and every ally they could recruit would be crucial in their quest to restore order and defeat the forces of chaos.

Ritsuka met Euryale's gaze, his expression sincere. "We're not on Goetia's side. We're here to stop him and restore peace to this singularity. But we need to understand why powerful Servants like you and your sister are working with him. There might be more to this than meets the eye."

Euryale remained skeptical, but there was a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "And what do you propose, then? How do you intend to uncover the truth behind our actions?"

Ritsuka took a step closer, his tone earnest. "By working together. If we pool our resources and knowledge, we might uncover hidden truths that neither of us could discover alone. We have a common goal, Euryale—to restore order and protect humanity. Let's put aside our differences and focus on what truly matters."

Euryale regarded Ritsuka with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "You speak of lofty ideals, human. But actions speak louder than words. Prove to me that you're sincere in your intentions, and perhaps I'll consider your proposal."

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We'll do everything in our power to earn your trust, Euryale. But time is of the essence. The longer we delay, the greater the threat to this singularity and everyone within it. Will you join us in our quest to uncover the truth and defeat Goetia?"

Euryale hesitated, her gaze shifting between Ritsuka and Ayaka. After a tense moment, she finally nodded. "Very well. I will accompany you for now, human. But make no mistake—I will be watching closely. If you betray our trust or prove to be a hindrance to our cause, you will face the consequences."

Ritsuka offered a small smile, relieved that they had made some progress. "Thank you, Euryale. I believe that together, we can make a difference. Let's find your sister and unravel the mysteries of this singularity, once and for all."

With Euryale begrudgingly on their side, Ritsuka and Ayaka continued their journey through the island, their newfound ally adding a new dimension to their quest. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they remained vigilant, knowing that the challenges ahead would test not only their strength but also their bonds of trust and cooperation.

As then Ritsuka hurd a few foot step a she saw it was the Minotaur, as he goes to Euryale as he picked up Euryale.

Let's go. Euryale said seating on the solder of Minotaur. Let's go human take me to your ship

Ritsuka nodded, relieved to have Euryale on their side. "Of course, Euryale. Follow me."

As they made their way back to the ship, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The Minotaur's presence was unexpected, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Nevertheless, he remained focused on the task at hand, determined to uncover the truth behind Euryale and her sister's allegiance to Goetia.

Once they reached the ship, Ritsuka helped Euryale aboard, mindful of the Minotaur's imposing figure. As they set sail, he turned to Euryale, his expression serious. "Now that we're together, let's discuss our next steps. We need to gather more information about Goetia's plans and determine how we can stop him. Do you have any insights that could help us?"

Euryale considered his words for a moment before responding. "There is much that I could tell you, human. But first, we must ensure the safety of this vessel and its crew. Goetia's forces are relentless, and they will stop at nothing to thwart our efforts."

Ritsuka nodded, his determination unwavering. "Agreed. We'll need to remain vigilant and be prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead. But with your knowledge and our combined strength, I believe we can overcome any obstacle."

With Euryale by their side, Ritsuka and his companions set sail once more, their resolve stronger than ever. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they remained united in their quest to uncover the truth and put an end to Goetia's reign of terror.

Meanwhile in Columbus as in his ship was a blond hair guy he looked Greek as he was seating down on the ship, as he was looking at him.

So saber. Columbus siad looking at him. Your real name is Theseus why were you summons here in this singularity

Theseus, seated on the ship with Columbus, regarded him with a steady gaze. "Ah, Columbus. It seems I am indeed known by that name in this particular summoning. As for why I am here, it is not entirely clear to me. The circumstances of my summoning are shrouded in mystery, much like many of the events in this turbulent era."

Columbus leaned forward, his expression curious. "And what of your memories, Theseus? Do you recall your past experiences, or are they as fragmented as mine?"

Theseus paused, reflecting on his memories. "They are... disjointed, to say the least. I have fleeting recollections of battles fought and victories won, but much of my past remains elusive. It is as if my memories have been scattered to the winds, leaving me with only fragments of the truth."

Columbus nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "A common affliction among those summoned to this singularity, it seems. Yet despite the uncertainty of our circumstances, we press on, driven by a desire to unravel the mysteries that surround us."

Theseus inclined his head in agreement. "Indeed. Whatever challenges may lie ahead, I am prepared to face them head-on. Together, we shall navigate these treacherous waters and uncover the truth that eludes us."

With a shared sense of purpose, Columbus and Theseus set sail once more, their journey into the unknown filled with both danger and possibility. As they braved the perils of Okeanos, they remained steadfast in their resolve to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface of this enigmatic singularity.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, as I see the city made by our effort I seat on thrown, as see people with a smile in Hurst I still feel fear, I feel like I will be betrayed