Pirate's Vs Pirate's

As Ritsuka was seeing another ship, he knew that they were from the enemy's side, aka the same pirate's, that blabk Beard, Jason and Drake was talking about. As the ships drew closer to each other, tensions rose among the crews. Ritsuka stood at the helm of his ship, scanning the horizon for any sign of the enemy.

"We need to be prepared for anything," Ritsuka said to Mash and Ayaka, who stood beside him. "These pirates won't hesitate to attack us if they think we're a threat."

Mash nodded, her shield at the ready. "Understood, Senpai. We'll be ready for whatever comes our way."

Ayaka gripped her staff tightly, her eyes focused ahead. "I'm ready to assist in any way I can. Just give the word, Senpai."

As the ships closed in, the crews prepared for battle, weapons at the ready and hearts pounding with anticipation. It was a clash of pirates, and only one side would emerge victorious.

As then Ritsuka saw the leader and he was some how not surprise

Huh will you look at that. He said looking Columbus. Sliver hair and silver beard, how I am not surprise

Columbus stood at the bow of his ship, his silver hair and beard glinting in the sunlight. He grinned at Ritsuka, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

"Ritsuka Fujimaru," Columbus called out, his voice carrying over the water. "I must say, I'm impressed you've made it this far. But this is where your journey ends."

( for context, The rule told him about him )

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes, standing tall despite the looming threat. "Columbus. I should have known you'd be behind this. But we're not backing down. We'll fight for our future, and for those we care about."

Columbus laughed, a sound that echoed ominously across the waves. "Bold words, boy. Let's see if you can back them up. Prepare yourselves for a true pirate battle!"

As Columbus gave the signal, the two ships collided, and the battle began in earnest. Swords clashed, cannons fired, and the air was filled with the sounds of chaos. Ritsuka, Mash, Ayaka, and their Servants fought bravely, determined to overcome the formidable foe that Columbus had become.

Euryale, perched on Minotaur's shoulder, looked at the battle with a mix of disdain and amusement. "Humans really are foolish, throwing their lives away for such trivial matters."

Minotaur remained silent, his gaze fixed on Ritsuka's crew. Despite Euryale's dismissive words, there was a hint of respect in his eyes for their determination.

Ritsuka, leading the charge, clashed swords with Columbus. The pirate's strength was overwhelming, but Ritsuka's resolve was unshakable. "This ends here, Columbus. We won't let you or anyone else stand in our way."

Columbus smirked, pushing Ritsuka back with a powerful strike. "We'll see about that, boy. We'll see."

The battle raged on, each side fighting with everything they had, as the fate of the singularity hung in the balance.

As then Ritsuka moved away cutting the head of a few pirate's, as he goes for a another his sword was block by a servent he knew, as it was Theseus

Looks like I am your challenger. Theseus siad looking at Ritsuka as they he saw the Minotaur. And after I am done with you, the next target is there

As then multiple gun shot went as Columbus moves away as he saw it was drake, as her eyes meet him, next ti ehr was black beard and Jason, next to Jason was Hercules

Ritsuka gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he faced Theseus. "You picked the wrong opponent, Theseus. I'm not going to let you harm anyone."

Theseus smirked, his sword ready. "We'll see about that, Ritsuka. I have my own mission, and nothing will stop me."

Their swords clashed, the sound of metal ringing through the air as they engaged in a fierce duel. Ritsuka could feel the power behind Theseus' strikes, but he refused to back down.

Meanwhile, Columbus faced an overwhelming force. Drake, her eyes full of determination, pointed her pistol at him. "Columbus, your reign of terror ends now. This ocean belongs to true explorers and adventurers, not tyrants like you."

Blackbeard roared with laughter, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Finally, a real fight! Let's show him what it means to be a pirate!"

Jason stood firm, his gaze steady. "We've overcome greater threats than you, Columbus. You're nothing special."

Hercules, silent and imposing, cracked his knuckles, ready to unleash his immense strength.

The battle intensified. Cannons roared, swords clashed, and the cries of battle filled the air. Amidst the chaos, Ritsuka and Theseus fought with unparalleled intensity. Ritsuka's mind raced as he parried Theseus' relentless attacks, searching for an opening.

Nearby, Mash and Ayaka fought valiantly, their skills honed through countless battles. They supported Ritsuka, keeping other enemies at bay and ensuring he could focus on his duel with Theseus.

Euryale, perched on Minotaur's shoulder, watched the battle with an amused expression. "Humans never cease to entertain me."

Minotaur, ever silent, glanced at Euryale. Despite her words, he understood the gravity of the situation and the strength of their opponents.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka found an opening and struck with precision. His blade cut through Theseus' defenses, forcing the Greek hero to stagger back. "This isn't over, Ritsuka!" Theseus growled, but his voice betrayed a hint of uncertainty.

Ritsuka, breathing heavily, stood his ground. "It is over, Theseus. You're done."

With a final, powerful strike, Ritsuka disarmed Theseus, sending his sword flying. Theseus fell to his knees, defeated but not broken. "You... you truly are a force to be reckoned with."

Ritsuka nodded, his gaze firm. "And this is only the beginning. We won't stop until we've restored balance to this world."

As Columbus faced off against the combined might of Drake, Blackbeard, Jason, and Hercules, he realized the odds were no longer in his favor. Despite his defiance, he knew this was a battle he couldn't win.

"Retreat!" Columbus shouted to his crew, but it was too late. Drake's pistol shot rang out, striking Columbus and ending his threat once and for all.

With Columbus defeated and Theseus subdued, Ritsuka and his allies regrouped, their victory hard-earned but decisive. The battle was over, but their journey was far from complete. They knew that greater challenges awaited them, but for now, they stood united, ready to face whatever came next.

But I am not going down with out talk your ship with Me. Theseus siad looking at Ritsuka ready to use his Noble phantasm. This is my Noble phantasm Ariadne Aporrita Adis. As red like strings cane out his hand as it attached it self to Ritsuka ship.

Ritsuka watched in horror as the red strings from Theseus' Noble Phantasm, Ariadne Aporrita Adis, connected to his ship. He felt a sense of dread as Theseus continued, "And here is my second and final Noble Phantasm, Dyskolia Speira."

The red strings pulsed with a sinister energy, and before Ritsuka could react, his shadow was pulled towards his ship. A massive explosion erupted, the shockwave throwing everyone off balance. The ship was engulfed in flames, debris flying everywhere.

Ritsuka gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he watched Columbus' crew grab Theseus and make their escape. The Greek hero had a smirk on his face, clearly pleased with the destruction he had caused.

Mash, Ayaka, and the others quickly regrouped around Ritsuka, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. "Senpai, are you alright?" Mash asked, her voice filled with worry.

Ritsuka nodded, his eyes still on the retreating enemies. "I'm fine, Mash. But our ship... it's gone."

Edmond clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with anger. "We can't let them get away with this. We need to rebuild and retaliate."

Sigurd nodded in agreement. "We'll make them pay for this, but first, we need to ensure everyone's safety and find a way off this island."

Brynhildr placed a reassuring hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "We'll find another way, Ritsuka. This isn't the end."

Euryale, still perched on Minotaur's shoulder, sighed dramatically. "Humans and their destructive tendencies. This is why I prefer to stay out of your affairs."

Minotaur remained silent, his eyes scanning the horizon for any immediate threats.

Drake, Blackbeard, and Jason joined the group, having dealt with Columbus' remaining crew. Drake's expression was grim. "We've lost the ship, but we haven't lost the fight. We'll find another way to continue our mission."

Jason looked determined. "We'll rebuild, and we'll come back stronger. Theseus and Columbus won't know what hit them."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, calming his racing thoughts. "You're right. We'll find a way off this island and continue our mission. We can't let this setback stop us."

As they began to assess the damage and plan their next move, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. They had faced impossible odds before and come out victorious. This time would be no different. With his allies by his side, he knew they would overcome this challenge and continue their quest to restore balance to the world.

Ritsuka called upon his shadow dragons, their dark forms rising from the depths of the water. "First, we need to get out of this water. Arise!" he commanded. The shadow dragons responded immediately, emerging and creating a stable platform for everyone to climb onto.

"Everyone, get on," Ritsuka instructed as Mash, Ayaka, Sigurd, Brynhildr, Edmond, and the others swiftly boarded the shadowy beasts. "There's an island nearby. We'll regroup there and assess the damage."

Drake nodded, her resolve unshaken. "Let's move quickly. We can't afford to linger here."

As the remaining shadow dragons began dragging the damaged ship towards the island, Blackbeard let out a hearty laugh. "Never thought I'd be sailing on dragons! This is something out of a legend!"

Jason, although still shaken from the recent explosion, kept his focus. "Let's just hope there's enough left of the ship to repair."

As they approached the island, Ritsuka's mind raced with plans. They needed to find materials for repairs, scout for any lurking enemies, and prepare for their next move against Columbus and Theseus. The island loomed closer, a beacon of temporary safety in the vast, chaotic ocean of Okeanos.

Once they reached the shore, Ritsuka dismounted and turned to his team. "Alright, let's split up. Drake, Blackbeard, and Jason, assess the damage to the ship. See what can be salvaged and what we need to repair. Sigurd and Brynhildr, scout the island for any threats or useful resources. Edmond, Mash, Ayaka, and I will search for a place to set up a temporary camp and gather any immediate supplies."

As everyone set off to their assigned tasks, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of urgency. They were in a race against time, and every moment counted. The island was dense with foliage and potential dangers, but they had no choice but to push forward.

Edmond approached Ritsuka as they moved inland. "This place gives me an uneasy feeling. Stay alert."

Mash, holding her shield at the ready, nodded. "We'll get through this, Senpai. We always do."

Ayaka, carrying a determined look, added, "And we'll make sure Columbus and Theseus pay for what they've done."

Ritsuka nodded, a steely determination in his eyes. "Yes, we will. Let's focus on surviving and regrouping for now. Once we're back on our feet, we'll make our move. Together, we can overcome anything."

As they ventured deeper into the island, the team's unity and resolve strengthened. They knew the path ahead was fraught with challenges, but they were ready to face them head-on, united in their goal to restore balance and protect what they held dear.

The group gathered on the island after escaping the encounter with Columbus and Theseus. Their immediate concern was repairing the damaged ship and formulating a plan to deal with their formidable foes.

Ritsuka looked around at his companions, determination in his eyes. "Alright, we need to regroup and figure out our next move. First, let's assess the damage to the ship and see what we need to fix it."

Drake, Blackbeard, and Jason started to inspect the ship, discussing what parts were necessary for repairs. Ritsuka, Mash, Sigurd, Brynhildr, and Edmond began to scout the surrounding area for any useful resources.

"We need to stay vigilant," Mash said, holding her shield at the ready. "There's no telling what other threats we might encounter on this island."

Ritsuka nodded, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of danger. "Agreed. We need to be prepared for anything. Let's split up and cover more ground, but stay within shouting distance of each other."

As they moved through the dense foliage, Edmond spoke up. "This island could hold some secrets that might aid us. Keep an eye out for anything unusual or potentially valuable."

Sigurd, with Brynhildr by his side, added, "And remember, we're not just looking for ship parts. Any information or resources that can help us in our fight against Columbus and his crew are just as important."

The group continued their search, collecting various materials and keeping their senses sharp for any signs of enemy activity. After a while, they regrouped near the ship to share their findings.

"We've found some useful materials," Mash reported. "There were some abandoned crates filled with tools and supplies that should help with the repairs."

Drake nodded, looking over the gathered items. "Good work, everyone. This should speed up the process. Let's get to work and get this ship seaworthy again."

As the group began working on the ship, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Columbus and Theseus were formidable opponents, and their encounter had shown just how dangerous they could be. But with his team by his side, he knew they could overcome any challenge.

While working, Ritsuka turned to Mash and the others. "Once the ship is repaired, we need to come up with a strategy to deal with Columbus and Theseus. We can't afford any more surprises."

Edmond nodded. "Agreed. We need to anticipate their moves and be ready for anything. Let's stay focused and get this ship ready. Our mission isn't over yet."

As the sun began to set, the group continued their repairs, determined to be ready for whatever lay ahead. The journey was far from over, but with each other's support and their combined strength, they knew they could face any obstacle that came their way.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones