Killing Dragon's

Meanwhile in Columbus ship, Theseus room as he was damaged, the fight with Ritsuka did a lot for damage to him

God that was something else. Theseus siad to him self. Everything hurts.

As then Theseus heard something as he saw it was the rilee servant as he wanted to him, he has a smirk

Need help. He said looking at him in his hand was red orb. Because I have just the thing.

What Theseus didn't knew that in the ruler hand was a demon god, the same one taken from Jason, as Theseus moved his head up and down the ruler the but the orb as Theseus sport origin started to change he can feel his saber class being eaten and changes into something else Avengers, as he went through a transformation

As Theseus writhed in pain, his body undergoing the transformation, the Ruler servant watched with a cold, calculating expression. The red orb, containing the essence of a Demon God Pillar, fused with Theseus, warping his spirit origin. His once heroic visage twisted into something far more sinister, as darkness seeped into his very being.

"You... what have you done to me?" Theseus gasped, clutching his chest as the transformation completed. He could feel his Saber class fading, replaced by a new, malevolent power. "What is this...?"

The Ruler servant, still smirking, stepped back and admired his handiwork. "Consider it a gift. You are now an Avenger, Theseus. Your strength, your hatred, your desire for revenge have all been amplified. Use this power to crush Ritsuka and his allies."

Theseus slowly rose to his feet, his eyes glowing with a dark, red light. He could feel the immense power coursing through him, but also the unrelenting rage and thirst for vengeance that accompanied it. "I will make them pay," he growled. "Ritsuka and his companions will regret ever crossing paths with me."

The Ruler servant nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. Now go, unleash your fury upon them. Show them the true meaning of despair."

As Theseus left the room, Columbus entered, curious about the commotion. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of the transformed Theseus. "Well, well, looks like you've had quite the makeover. Feeling better?"

Theseus sneered. "Better than ever. And more than ready to finish what I started."

Columbus chuckled. "Good. Because we have a battle to win, and I have no intention of losing to that brat Ritsuka."

Meanwhile, back on the island, Ritsuka and his team were making progress on the ship repairs. They worked tirelessly, driven by the urgency of their mission and the looming threat of their enemies.

Drake wiped sweat from her brow and glanced at Ritsuka. "The ship's coming along nicely. We should be ready to set sail soon."

Ritsuka nodded, his thoughts drifting to the encounter with Theseus. "Good. Because I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Columbus and his crew. We need to be ready for anything."

As the night wore on, the team took turns keeping watch, knowing that danger could strike at any moment. Ritsuka stood on the shore, looking out at the moonlit sea, his resolve stronger than ever. He knew the challenges ahead would be formidable, but with his friends and allies by his side, he was prepared to face them head-on.

Unbeknownst to them, the newly transformed Theseus was on the move, his dark powers and insatiable thirst for revenge driving him towards their location. The next encounter would be unlike any they had faced before, and the fate of the singularity hung in the balance.

As the next morning arrived, Sigurd came to them.

We found a nest of dragon. Sigurd siad looking at him. We can kill them and use there scales to improve our ship

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully. "A nest of dragons... That could be exactly what we need. Their scales would make our ship nearly indestructible."

Mash looked concerned. "But fighting dragons is incredibly dangerous, Senpai. Are we sure it's worth the risk?"

Sigurd stepped forward, his expression confident. "I can handle the dragons. With Brynhildr and Edmond's help, we stand a good chance. Besides, we need those scales if we want any hope of standing up to Columbus and so our ship doesn't get destroyed by Theseus easily this time."

Ritsuka considered this for a moment, then nodded decisively. "Alright. We'll go after the dragons. But we'll need a solid plan. We can't afford any mistakes."

Drake, overhearing the conversation, approached the group. "If you're going after dragon scales, count me in. My crew and I can provide support from the air with our cannons. It'll give you an edge."

Ritsuka smiled appreciatively. "Thanks, Drake. Your help will make a big difference."

As the group prepared to set out, Ritsuka gathered his key allies—Sigurd, Brynhildr, Edmond, Mash, and Drake. "Everyone, let's move out. Be on your guard and work together. We'll need all our strength and strategy to pull this off."

They set off into the dense forest, following Sigurd's lead. The atmosphere was tense, the anticipation of battle hanging heavy in the air. After a few hours of trekking, they reached a rocky clearing where the nest was located.

Sigurd motioned for the group to stop. "The dragons are just ahead. I can sense them. We'll need to lure them out and take them down one by one. Stay focused and watch each other's backs."

The team moved into position, with Sigurd taking the lead. He let out a powerful roar, challenging the dragons and drawing them out of their nest. Three massive dragons emerged, their scales shimmering in the sunlight.

Ritsuka brandished his sword. "Here they come. Everyone, get ready!"

The battle was fierce and chaotic. Sigurd, with his immense strength and dragon-slaying expertise, led the charge, clashing with the dragons head-on. Brynhildr and Edmond provided support, striking at the dragons' vulnerable points. Drake's crew fired cannon volleys from above, disorienting the dragons and giving the ground team an advantage.

Mash stayed close to Ritsuka, her shield up and ready to protect him. "Senpai, stay behind me! I'll cover you!"

Ritsuka nodded, coordinating his attacks with Mash's defenses. The dragons were powerful and relentless, but the combined might and strategy of the team began to turn the tide.

After an intense struggle, the last of the dragons fell, its scales glinting in the aftermath. The team stood victorious, though bruised and exhausted.

Sigurd wiped the sweat from his brow. "We did it. These scales will make our ship stronger than ever."

Ritsuka smiled, looking at his team with pride. "Great work, everyone. Let's gather the scales and head back. We have a ship to upgrade and a battle to win."

With renewed determination, the team collected the dragon scales and made their way back to the ship. The fight had been tough, but they were stronger for it, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their journey through Okeanos.

As then, they hurd something as they saw a giant dragon as they saw it was angry, The enormous dragon, clearly the Mother of the ones they had just defeated, roared with fury as it saw the intruders. Its scales shimmered with an ominous light, promising a far more challenging battle than they had faced before.

Jason's face paled as he took in the size and power of the dragon. "We're in trouble now. This is going to be a tough fight."

Ritsuka stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Tiger Funeral, show them your true power."

From Ritsuka's shadow emerged a massive, ethereal dragon. The sight of it left Jason, Drake, and Black Beard in awe and confusion.

"Well, that's a misleading name," Jason muttered, eyes wide.

Tiger Funeral, despite its name, was a formidable dragon, its scales gleaming with an otherworldly light. It moved to face the opposing dragon, the two colossal creatures glaring at each other with ancient, primal fury.

Drake shook her head, snapping out of her stupor. "Alright, enough gawking. We have to support Tiger Funeral. Use the cannons to distract the father dragon while it fights."

Black Beard nodded, barking orders to his crew. "You heard the captain! Load the cannons and prepare to fire!"

As the cannons roared, launching projectiles at the father dragon, Ritsuka and his team coordinated their attacks. Sigurd, Brynhildr, and Edmond struck from the ground, while Tiger Funeral engaged the dragon in a fierce aerial battle.

Mash stayed close to Ritsuka, her shield ready to protect him. "Senpai, I'll cover you! Let's take down this dragon together!"

The battle was intense, with the father dragon proving to be a formidable opponent. Its scales deflected many of the attacks, and its fiery breath scorched the ground. But with the combined efforts of the team, the cannons from Drake's ship, and the overwhelming power of Tiger Funeral, they began to wear it down.

Ritsuka directed Tiger Funeral with precise commands, leveraging its unique abilities to exploit the father dragon's weaknesses. "Tiger Funeral, strike at its underbelly! That's where it's most vulnerable!"

Tiger Funeral roared in acknowledgment, diving beneath the father dragon and unleashing a devastating attack. The dragon roared in pain, staggering from the impact.

Sigurd saw the opening and charged, his sword glowing with energy. "Now! Let's finish this!"

With a coordinated effort, the team unleashed their most powerful attacks, overwhelming the father dragon. It let out one final, deafening roar before collapsing, its massive body hitting the ground with a thunderous crash.

The team stood victorious, panting and covered in sweat and soot, but triumphant.

Ritsuka smiled, turning to his team. "Great job, everyone. We did it. Let's gather what we need and get back to the ship."

As they collected the dragon scales, Jason approached Ritsuka, shaking his head in amazement. "I have to admit, I didn't expect that. You really are full of surprises."

Ritsuka chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet. Let's get these scales back and reinforce our ship. We've got a lot more work to do."

With the dragon scales in hand, the team made their way back to the ship, ready to upgrade and face whatever challenges lay ahead in their journey through Okeanos.

Arise. Ritsuka said as it had been a while send he had added another shadow. Arise dragon

As the shadow moved and coverd the shadow dragon as, a shadow dragon cane out as it looked at Tiger Funeral as it looked at Ritsuka.

The newly summoned shadow dragon gazed at Ritsuka with a mixture of curiosity and loyalty, its form shifting slightly as it acknowledged its new master.

Ritsuka nodded in appreciation, his eyes reflecting determination. "Drake, you will lead our shadow dragons from now on. Use your strength to protect us and aid us in our battles. And Tiger Funeral, thank you for your assistance. Your power has been invaluable."

Drake bowed her head, a silent acceptance of her new role. Tiger Funeral let out a deep, rumbling growl, a sign of acknowledgement and respect.

Mash smiled, watching the exchange. "It's amazing how you can command these shadows, Senpai. With their help, we'll be even stronger."

Ritsuka returned the smile, feeling a sense of pride in his growing abilities. "Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way. Let's continue our journey through Okeanos and beyond."

With their newfound ally and strengthened resolve, Ritsuka and his team prepared to face the next challenges that awaited them in their quest.

Um kid. Drake siad looking at Ritsuka. did you have to make dragon after me

Right. Ritsuka said think for a bit. Why no add another D to the dragon so Ddrake, your name is Ddrake

Drake blinked in surprise, then chuckled at the suggestion. "Ddrake, huh? Well, I suppose it's fitting. I'll take it."

Ritsuka grinned, satisfied with his decision. "Ddrake it is then. Welcome to the team."

With the naming settled, Ddrake let out a deep, rumbling purr of contentment. She flapped her shadowy wings, ready to lead the shadow dragons into battle alongside her new master.

Mash giggled at the exchange. "I think Ddrake likes her new name, Senpai. She seems ready to take charge."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his newly named dragon. "Let's make sure to put Ddrake's strength to good use. We'll need all the help we can get in the challenges ahead."

With Ddrake at their side, Ritsuka and his team set out once more, ready to face whatever trials awaited them on their journey through Okeanos and beyond.

As the ship was ready to move again, as they were ready for travel as then they saw a blast of light near a Island.

Will looks it time. Ritsuka siad looking at Mash. Time to Atlanta mash. Ritsuka siad loud enough only she can hear and no one else

Mash nodded, understanding Ritsuka's directive. "Understood, Senpai. I'll prepare for combat."

With determination in her eyes, Mash readied her shield and summoned her spirit armor, bracing herself for whatever awaited them on the island. Ritsuka gave her a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to the rest of the group.

"Prepare for landing," he called out, addressing the crew. "We've got a job to do. Let's make sure we're ready for anything."

As the ship drew closer to the island, the sense of anticipation and tension among the crew grew palpable. They knew that whatever lay ahead would test their mettle, but they were prepared to face it head-on, united in purpose and resolve.

To be continued

I seat on my throne as see an army of people ready to kill me, I lap as I open portal from them monster after monster come out, as I say try me,

Give me power stones