Two Archer and A caster

As from the island the light went was two people, both had green hair one has a mix of greenw dn yellow and had cat ear, while the other one was just that human looking these were Atlanta and David as he looked at her

Are you sure there are other her. David said looking at Atalamta. I mean there is a possibility but

"Trust me, David," Atalanta replied, her gaze unwavering. "I can sense their presence. They're here, and we must find them."

David nodded, his expression serious. "Then let's not waste any time. We need to locate them before it's too late."

As the ship arrived to the island the first one to get out was Jason as then one by one was everyone else

Alright everyone. Jason said looking at them. We are here were the light came from

Ritsuka stepped forward, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Stay alert, everyone. We don't know what we might encounter here."

Mash nodded, her shield at the ready. "Agreed, Senpai. Let's proceed with caution."

As they ventured deeper into the island, the air crackled with an eerie energy, and the foliage seemed to whisper secrets to the wind. They knew they were treading on unfamiliar ground, and danger lurked around every corner.

As then Ritsuka saw something, signing to him self and happy to see them as it was Atalante and David, he was happy that something in the timeline stayed the same

Hey are you the guys that fires the light shows. Ritsuka said looking at them. If so I am Ritsuka Fujimaru last master of humanity.

Atalante and David exchanged glances before Atalante stepped forward, her bow at her side. "Yes, we are responsible for the light shows. I am Atalante, and this is David," she replied, gesturing to her companion.

David gave a nod of greeting. "Nice to meet you, Ritsuka Fujimaru. We've been investigating the anomalies in this singularity. What brings you here?"

Oh Atalante. Jason said coming to see her. It been a while

As then Jason was interduce to a foot to his face as he was sent back in comical fashion like in anime, Ritsuka, Mash, Ayaka, Drake, Black beard, Eruyale and Minotaur was not trying to lap, as Media Lili and Hercules just watched

Never, change never change Atalante. Media Lili said looking at her old friend. It has really been a while.

Atalante turned back to face Media Lili with a grin. "It's good to see you, too. Looks like some things never change," she remarked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Meanwhile, Jason picked himself up, rubbing his bruised face as he chuckled. "Well, that's one way to say hello," he said with a sheepish grin. "You've still got quite the kick, Atalante."

Atalante's expression softened slightly as she glanced at Jason. "Sorry about that. Old habits die hard," she admitted, offering him a hand to help him up.

Jason accepted the hand with a laugh. "No worries. It's good to see you're still as feisty as ever," he replied, dusting himself off.

Ritsuka stepped forward, intrigued by the dynamic between the two archers. "So, you two know each other?" he asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Atalante nodded, her gaze drifting back to Ritsuka. "Yeah, we go way back. Jason here has a talent for getting into trouble, and I have a talent for getting him out of it," she explained with a smirk, earning a playful glare from Jason.

"I prefer to think of it as a partnership," Jason retorted, though there was a fondness in his tone.

Mash couldn't help but smile at their banter. "It's nice to see such strong bonds between servants," she remarked, glancing at Ritsuka. "Just like the bond we share with our master."

Ritsuka nodded, a sense of warmth spreading through him. "That's right. Together, we can overcome any challenge," he affirmed, looking around at his companions. "Let's work together to uncover the mysteries of this island and find out what caused that light."

Right. Ritsuka said looking at Atalante. Keep forgetting in your legend you part of the Argonauts with so many story about it is hard to keep track.

Atalante chuckled softly. "Yeah, I've been part of a few legendary quests," she admitted, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "But those days are behind me now. I prefer a quieter life."

David, who had been observing the exchange quietly, spoke up. "You may prefer a quieter life, Atalante, but fate has a way of drawing us back into the fray," he remarked, his tone thoughtful.

Atalante sighed, a wistful expression crossing her features. "Perhaps you're right, David. The past has a way of catching up to us," she mused, her gaze distant for a moment before she shook her head, returning her attention to the present.

Ritsuka nodded sympathetically, understanding the weight of past experiences. "We've all been shaped by our pasts, but it's the choices we make now that define us," he said, his voice firm with determination. "Let's focus on the task at hand and make sure we're prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."

With renewed resolve, the group set out to explore the island, eager to uncover its secrets and confront whatever obstacles awaited them. As they journeyed forward, the bonds between them strengthened, ready to face whatever trials fate had in store.

Anyway. Drake said looking at the group. These to are join no question about it, but what do we do next.

Ritsuka glanced around at the group, considering their options. "First, we need to gather information about this island and its significance. There's a reason it emitted that burst of light, and we need to understand what it means," he explained, his voice focused and determined.

Mash nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We should split up into teams to cover more ground and gather information more efficiently," she suggested, her tone practical.

"Good idea," Ritsuka replied, impressed by Mash's strategic thinking. "Let's split into smaller groups and explore different areas of the island. We'll reconvene later to share what we've discovered."

Um another that. David said looking at them. We already figure out the idea.

As after a while they arrived to the camp of David and Atalante as everyone saw a woman with white hair, fair skin and will a very big chest, this was the goddes Artemis, next her was a teddy bear as it was Orion.

Behold Orion. David Siad with no excitement in his voice. Or should I say Artemis who decides to over take Orion summoning, so she can be summoned.

Some how I am not suprise. Ritsuka said laying already knowing about this. So she she is the reason for the light

Artemis regarded the group with a cool gaze, her presence commanding attention. "Indeed, I am the one who emitted the light. It was a signal to attract the attention of worthy heroes," she explained, her voice carrying an air of authority.

Orion, standing beside her, grinned broadly. "That's right! Artemis called upon me, her faithful companion, to aid her in this endeavor," he proclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest.

Ritsuka exchanged a knowing glance with Mash, recognizing the dynamic between Artemis and Orion. "So, what brings you here, Artemis? And what is the purpose of this island?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Artemis regarded him with a serene expression. "This island holds a secret—a relic of great power that must be safeguarded. It is my duty to ensure that it remains protected from those who would seek to misuse its power," she explained, her tone resolute.

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We're here to assist in any way we can. Together, we can ensure that this relic remains safe and out of the hands of those who would misuse it," he declared, his determination unwavering.

With their objectives aligned, the group prepared to embark on their mission, knowing that they faced challenges ahead but also understanding the importance of their task. As they set out, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter with Artemis and Orion would be a pivotal moment in their journey.

Also does it look like this. Ritsuka said showing one of crystal shard fused to his hand. Is it.

Um yes .Artemis said dum founded. Well um that is exactly the same

Ritsuka nodded, his gaze focused. "If this shard is connected to the relic, then we must ensure that it remains safe. Its power could be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands," he remarked, his voice firm with resolve.

Artemis inclined her head in agreement. "Agreed. We must proceed with caution and diligence to safeguard both the shard and the relic. Together, we can prevent any untoward consequences," she affirmed, her determination matching Ritsuka's.

Also. Orion said looking at Drake, Ayaka, and Mash. Look at the lovely lady.

As he jumped ready to be in the middle of there cheats as then one hundred end one arrows went through his teddy bear body.

Oh darling. Artemis said with a angry voice. What did I say.

Something never changes. Ritsuka said to him self remembering the times before rh reset. Something never change

The tension diffused with Artemis's intervention, but the group remained on high alert as they continued their exploration of the island. With Orion's antics momentarily subdued, they pressed forward, wary of any further surprises that might lie in wait.

As they journeyed deeper into the heart of the island, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that washed over him. Memories of their previous encounters with Artemis and Orion resurfaced, serving as a reminder of the challenges they had faced together in the past.

Despite the passage of time and the changes wrought by the reset, some things remained constant. The bonds forged in the crucible of battle, the camaraderie shared in moments of triumph and defeat—they endured, anchoring them to each other and to their shared purpose.

With Artemis and Orion now by their side once more, Ritsuka and his companions braced themselves for whatever trials awaited them, drawing strength from the unbreakable bonds of friendship and determination that bound them together.

Will we are here. Artemis siad looks at the cave. Let's go in

As they all did as they saw it was the same crystal shard as the two fused in Ritsuka arm, as Ritsuka went and tapped as it quickly moved through his figure, to his skin and came with the other two

Huh. Ritsuka said looking at him arm. I am scared for the future, because this the third time this has happened.

The mysterious crystal shard merged seamlessly with the others embedded in Ritsuka's arm, its purpose and significance remaining elusive. With each fusion, Ritsuka couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that washed over him, a nagging feeling that their journey was far from over and that greater challenges lay ahead.

Artemis observed the fusion with a mixture of curiosity and concern, her keen eyes assessing the situation. "It seems these shards are drawn to you for some reason," she remarked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But what that reason might be remains a mystery."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression grave. "Indeed," he agreed, his thoughts racing with possibilities. "But whatever their purpose, we must remain vigilant. There's no telling what dangers may lie ahead, especially if these shards are connected to larger forces at play."

With a shared sense of determination, the group steeled themselves for the trials to come, their resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty. As they ventured deeper into the cave, they knew that their journey was far from over, and that they would need to confront whatever awaited them with courage and unity.

As then they go to the ship, as in the ship, Ritsuka pressed on the first shard, he knew it gave him fire power more like holy flames or heavenly flames.

What do you do. Ritsuka said to try second shard. Let's try it out.

Experimenting with the second shard, Ritsuka discovered its connection to water manipulation, allowing him to control the element with ease. With a flick of his wrist, torrents of water surged forth from his arm, dancing and swirling in mesmerizing patterns.

"It seems each shard grants me power over a different element," Ritsuka mused, marveling at the newfound abilities bestowed upon him. "Fire and water... Perhaps the other shards hold similar capabilities, each tied to a unique elemental force."

As he continued to explore the extent of his newfound powers, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited him on their journey. With each shard bringing him one step closer to unlocking the mysteries of their quest, he knew that he would need to master these abilities if they were to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

Then what does the third one do. Ayaka said looking at the new one Ritsuka got. Which elements is this one

As Ritsuka gazed at the third shard, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, different from the fiery power of the first shard or the watery control of the second. Closing his eyes, he focused on the sensation, trying to discern its nature.

"This one..." Ritsuka began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It feels... different. Not like fire or water, but... something else."

With a deep breath, he reached out with his mind, probing the shard for any clues to its elemental affinity. Suddenly, images flashed before him—vast landscapes of earth and rock, towering mountains and sprawling valleys.

"Earth," Ritsuka whispered, realization dawning upon him. "This shard grants me power over the element of earth."

With a thought, he directed his newfound abilities towards the ground beneath them, feeling the earth respond to his command. Rocks and soil stirred, shaping themselves into pillars and walls at his will, demonstrating the extent of his control over this elemental force.

"It seems we now have mastery over fire, water, and earth," Ritsuka said, a sense of determination filling him. "With these powers combined, we'll be unstoppable."

To be continued

Hope people like this also have a new fanfic it called Fate/Hazbin: Charlomaine of Hazbin Hotel hope people check it out