The final few Battles

As then black beard falled down as he started to desiperd.

Will you look at that. Black beard said. He did take down one of us. Black beard said as his spirt form stared to desiperd

Jason, Drake, and the remaining crew watched in shock as Blackbeard's form began to dissolve into spirit particles. The notorious pirate, still grinning despite his fate, looked at his comrades with a mixture of pride and regret.

"Guess... I won't be joining you lot on the next adventure," Blackbeard said, his voice wavering as he struggled to maintain his composure. "It's been a hell of a ride, though."

Drake, her eyes softening, stepped forward. "You fought bravely, Blackbeard. We'll make sure your sacrifice wasn't in vain."

Jason clenched his fists, his anger towards Columbus and the ongoing threats growing. "We'll honor your memory, Blackbeard. We'll finish this fight."

Blackbeard chuckled weakly. "Aye, just make sure to plunder something good for me, eh? And... take care of the crew. They deserve a good captain."

With those final words, Blackbeard's form completely vanished, leaving behind only faint traces of his spirit. The crew stood in solemn silence, mourning the loss of their comrade.

Eruyale, who had been observing from a distance, approached the group. "We need to stay focused. Blackbeard gave everything for us to succeed. Let's not waste his sacrifice."

Drake nodded, her determination renewed. "Right. We have a singularity to fix and more enemies to defeat. Let's get moving."

As they resumed their journey, the loss of Blackbeard weighed heavily on their hearts, but it also fueled their resolve. They knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, but they were more determined than ever to see it through to the end.

Artemis struggled against James Moriarty, who had proven himself to be a cunning and formidable opponent. His traps and tricks had worn her down, and despite her godly strength, she found herself cornered.

Moriarty grinned, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "Oh, dear Artemis, did you really think brute strength alone would win this fight? Strategy and cunning, my dear, are just as important."

Artemis, breathing heavily, glared at him. "You're nothing but a schemer, hiding behind your tricks. Face me directly if you dare!"

Moriarty chuckled, adjusting his monocle. "Why would I do that when my methods are working perfectly? But if you insist on a direct confrontation, let's end this."

With a swift movement, Moriarty activated his Noble Phantasm, **"The Dynamics of an Asteroid"**. A massive, glowing structure appeared, radiating an intense light that engulfed the battlefield. Artemis tried to defend herself, but the overwhelming power and the numerous traps laid out by Moriarty had sapped her strength.

The blast from Moriarty's Noble Phantasm sent Artemis crashing to the ground. She struggled to rise, her divine form flickering. Moriarty approached, his demeanor calm and collected.

"It's over, Artemis," he said softly, but with a hint of satisfaction. "You fought valiantly, but the outcome was inevitable."

Artemis, unable to move, looked up at him. "You may have won this battle, but others will come for you."

Moriarty nodded. "Perhaps. But for now, I've achieved my goal."

As Artemis's form began to dissipate, Moriarty turned away, satisfied with his victory. He had dealt a significant blow to Ritsuka's forces, and with Artemis out of the way, the balance of power had shifted in his favor.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka, having sensed the loss of Artemis, steeled himself for the battles to come. The war against Columbus and his allies was far from over, and they would need to regroup and rethink their strategies to stand a chance against Moriarty and his cunning schemes.

Oh don't ignore me. Theseus said looking at Ritsuka who has stopped there battles. It is not over

As sent a powerful blast at Ritsuka as Ritsuka moved, as he saw demon like tentacles coming out Theseus back ready to stab him as mash blocks the attack, as Ayaka sent a few blast of ice, one thing was clear this Theseus was different from the one they fought a few days ago

Ritsuka steadied himself, his gaze narrowing as he took in Theseus's altered form. The demon-like tentacles writhing behind Theseus were a clear sign that something more sinister was at play. Mash stood firm, her shield raised, while Ayaka readied another spell.

"Theseus," Ritsuka called out, "What happened to you? This isn't the hero I remember fighting."

Theseus laughed, a twisted, malevolent sound. "I have been given new power, Ritsuka. Power to crush you and your allies. Prepare yourself!"

With a roar, Theseus lunged forward, his tentacles lashing out like whips. Mash braced herself, her shield absorbing the brunt of the attack. Ayaka unleashed a flurry of ice shards, but Theseus deflected them with a sweep of his sword.

"We need to find his weakness," Ritsuka shouted, dodging another attack. "Ayaka, can you freeze those tentacles?"

"I'll try!" Ayaka responded, channeling her magical energy. She cast a powerful spell, ice spreading from her hands and encasing the tentacles in frost. Theseus roared in frustration, momentarily slowed.

"Now, Mash!" Ritsuka commanded.

Mash charged forward, her shield glowing with energy. She slammed it into Theseus, causing him to stagger back. Ritsuka followed up with a series of precise sword strikes, aiming for the demon-infested parts of Theseus's body.

"You won't defeat me so easily!" Theseus bellowed, breaking free of the ice and retaliating with a massive swing of his sword. Mash blocked it, but the force sent her skidding back.

Ayaka, recovering from her spell, cast another, this time targeting Theseus's feet. Ice spread quickly, rooting him to the ground. Ritsuka seized the opportunity, his blade glowing with holy flames as he struck at the heart of the corruption within Theseus.

The combined assault was too much. With a final, agonized scream, the demon tentacles receded, and Theseus collapsed to the ground, his form reverting to its original state. He looked up at Ritsuka, a flicker of his old self shining through.

"Ritsuka... forgive me," Theseus whispered before his spirit form dissipated into the air.

Ritsuka knelt, catching his breath. "It's not your fault, Theseus. We'll make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else."

Mash and Ayaka joined him, both looking weary but determined. "We need to regroup and figure out our next move," Mash said.

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve hardening. "Agreed. Let's get back to the ship and prepare for whatever comes next. This war is far from over."

As then Ritsuka blocks another attack as Theseus got back up, as he looked at Ritsuka.

Hahahajhahahhaa. Theseus Lapped looking at them. Guts I have guts, but also I never like my story when I was sent to kill the Minatour, what I did as I did, but I relished be was just a childe, with the body of a monster. Theseus said looking at them. I put him in peace, and even after that, once I arrived back in the town they were scared or me you know what they did they killed me, they fucking killed me

Ritsuka gritted his teeth, his sword at the ready as Theseus's twisted laughter echoed around them. "Theseus, you don't have to let that hatred consume you. We can find another way."

Theseus's eyes blazed with fury. "Another way? There was no other way for me. They took everything from me. Now, I will take everything from them."

Mash raised her shield, stepping protectively in front of Ritsuka. "Senpai, we have to end this. He's too far gone."

Ayaka nodded, her hands glowing with icy magic. "Agreed. We have to stop him before he does any more harm."

With a roar, Theseus lunged at them again, his tentacles flailing wildly. Ritsuka deflected the first strike, but the force of the blow sent him staggering back. Mash parried the next attack, her shield barely holding against the onslaught.

"You're not the only one with guts, Theseus," Ritsuka said, regaining his footing. "We're not going to let you win."

Ayaka unleashed a torrent of ice, aiming to freeze the tentacles again. Theseus snarled, breaking free of the initial wave but struggling as more ice formed around him. "You think ice will stop me? You're fools!"

Mash charged, her shield glowing with energy. She slammed it into Theseus, who roared in pain as the holy energy burned through the demonic corruption. Ritsuka followed up with a series of precise strikes, each one aimed at the heart of the darkness within Theseus.

The battle raged on, with Theseus swinging his sword wildly, but his movements grew more erratic and desperate. "I won't be stopped! I will have my revenge!"

Ritsuka felt a surge of determination. "Not today, Theseus. Not ever."

He gathered his strength and channeled the power of the crystal shards fused to his hand. Flames and water combined in a spectacular display of elemental fury. With a mighty swing, he brought his sword down on Theseus, the combined elements searing through the corruption.

Theseus screamed, the demonic tentacles thrashing before finally disintegrating. He fell to his knees, his breath ragged. "No... I can't... lose..."

Mash and Ayaka stood ready, but it was clear Theseus was finished. Ritsuka approached, his expression pained. "You deserved better, Theseus. But this has to end."

Theseus looked up, a flicker of sorrow in his eyes. "Maybe... you're right..." With that, his spirit form began to dissipate, leaving behind only a faint echo of his torment.

Ritsuka sheathed his sword, exhaustion washing over him. "Let's get back to the ship. We need to regroup and prepare for the next battle."

Mash and Ayaka nodded, both looking equally drained but resolute. As they made their way back to the ship, the weight of their mission pressed heavily on their shoulders. The fight was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Hercules, Medusa, and Atalante approached the ship, they looked around, puzzled by Artemis's absence.

"Where is Lady Artemis?" Atalante asked, concern evident in her voice.

Before anyone could answer, a chilling laugh echoed through the air. They turned to see James Moriarty, the Ruler servant, standing confidently, a smirk on his face.

"Ah, looks like we have our Ruler," Edmond Dantès remarked, stepping forward. "You were right, Master. It was either him or Amakusa Shirou."

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes at Moriarty, gripping his sword tightly. "What have you done with Artemis?"

Moriarty chuckled, adjusting his glasses with an air of nonchalance. "Oh, she's around. Let's just say she won't be interfering any longer. I must admit, you all are quite the resilient bunch."

Atalante's eyes blazed with anger. "If you've harmed her—"

Moriarty raised a hand, cutting her off. "Now, now, no need for threats. Let's just say she's... indisposed. But my business is with all of you now."

Hercules stepped forward, towering over Moriarty. "You will pay for what you've done."

Moriarty smiled, unperturbed by the Berserker's threat. "Bold words from a man who has already been broken once. But I'm not here to fight you directly. I'm here to ensure the grand design continues."

Ritsuka took a step forward, his voice steady but filled with determination. "We're going to stop you, Moriarty. Whatever you're planning, it ends here."

Moriarty's smile widened. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, I'm always one step ahead. But do try. It's always more fun when my opponents struggle."

With that, Moriarty raised his hand, and a dark portal began to form behind him. "Let's see if you can handle my final challenge."

From the portal, monstrous figures began to emerge, twisted forms of demonic energy. They growled and snarled, ready to attack.

"Prepare yourselves!" Ritsuka shouted, rallying his team. "We won't let him win."

As the monsters charged, the heroes stood their ground, ready to face this new threat head-on. The battle was far from over, but with their combined strength and determination, they would fight to protect their future and the world they cherished.

Let's start. In Moriarty hand was a red orb. Let this be by finally.

As then from the water 5 demon god piller cane out as the monster were ready to attack, as Moriarty was also ready to attack

The sea roiled and churned as five ominous figures emerged from its depths, their colossal forms sending shivers down the spines of the heroes gathered on the deck of the ship. Moriarty's smirk widened as he raised the red orb high, channeling dark energy into the Demon God Pillars.

"We have to stop them!" Ritsuka shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. With grim determination, he lunged forward, his sword gleaming in the sunlight.

Atalante, her bow drawn taut, released a volley of arrows toward the nearest pillar, but they seemed to dissolve into nothingness upon impact. "It's no use," she muttered, frustration evident in her voice.

Hercules, towering over his companions, charged headlong into the fray, his mighty fists raining blows upon the nearest pillar. Despite his incredible strength, the pillar seemed to absorb his attacks, growing even more powerful with each strike.

Moriarty watched with glee as his creations wreaked havoc upon the heroes. "You fight valiantly, but your efforts are in vain," he taunted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka and his allies found themselves pushed to their limits. With the Demon God Pillars seemingly invincible and Moriarty's malevolent laughter ringing in their ears, they knew that victory would not come easily.

But even in the face of overwhelming odds, they refused to give up hope. With unwavering resolve, they vowed to stand together and fight until their last breath, determined to protect humanity from the darkness that threatened to consume them.

To be continued hope people like this Ch and give me power stones