Final battle of Okeonos

Take this. Ritsuka said as the flames hit the Piller went back. What wait.

Ritsuka looked at his, arm as he saw the crystal he knew the flames in the first one was not heavenly flames or holy flames, as an idea came to Ritsuka.

7 starts, 7 light, 7 Arch Angels, let me pray let them angels straight. At that moment Mash, Ayaka, Edmond, Sigurd, Brynhildr, Hercules, Media Lili, Jason, Drake, Eruyale, David, Atalante, and Minatour felt something. Try and attack know

As Ritsuka's words echoed across the battlefield, a radiant energy surged from the crystal embedded in his arm, enveloping him in a brilliant light. The heroes felt a surge of power coursing through them, imbuing them with newfound strength and resolve.

With renewed determination, they launched a coordinated assault on the Demon God Pillars, their attacks fueled by the divine energy of the Archangels. Mash unleashed her Noble Phantasm, erecting an impenetrable shield to protect her allies. Ayaka's ice magic froze the pillars in place, leaving them vulnerable to Edmond's lightning-fast strikes. Sigurd and Brynhildr fought side by side, their swords blazing with celestial fire as they carved through the pillars' defenses.

Hercules, infused with the power of the Archangels, unleashed a barrage of devastating blows, each strike sending shockwaves rippling through the water. Media Lili wove intricate illusions, distracting the pillars and leaving them open to Jason's precise sniper shots. Drake's cannons roared with divine fury, raining down holy fire upon the enemy.

Atalante and David, guided by the light of the Archangels, unleashed a barrage of arrows and spears, each imbued with the power to pierce the pillars' dark armor. Euryale and the Minotaur fought as one, their combined strength overwhelming the enemy with relentless ferocity.

As the battle reached its climax, Ritsuka stood at the forefront, channeling the divine energy of the Archangels into a devastating final blow. With a mighty cry, he unleashed a torrent of holy flames, incinerating the Demon God Pillars and banishing Moriarty's dark influence from the battlefield.

As the battle raged on, Hercules bellowed with vigor, his voice booming like thunder. "Stand firm, comrades! Let our valor be our shield and our strength our sword!"

Jason, his sword glowing , added, "Aim true, friends! Let each arrow sing of our resolve and pierce the heart of our foes!"

Media Lili, her voice weaving through the chaos, chimed in, "Let illusions dance and confound our enemies! Together, we shall turn the tide of battle with our magic!"

David, blasting all of his magic with purpose, urged, "Join me, companions! Let our harmonies ring out, a testament to our unity and our courage!"

The Minotaur, his deep voice resolute, declared, "I fight alongside you now, redeemed and steadfast! Together, we shall overcome!"

Atalante, her arrows flying true, cried out, "With every shot, I sing the song of our determination! Together, we are unstoppable!"

Their voices rose above the din of battle, a symphony of defiance against the encroaching darkness. With each word spoken, they found strength in unity, bolstering their resolve to face the looming threat of the Demon God Pillars. And so they fought on, their voices joined in a chorus of defiance, unwavering in their determination to emerge victorious.

No this can't be. Moriarty's said looking at them. How even after everything, me and Solomon worked on how are these demon god getting damaged not just that getting killed

Ritsuka stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he confronted Moriarty. "Your schemes may have brought chaos and despair, but they have also united us against a common foe. Our resolve is stronger than your plans, Moriarty. We fight not just for ourselves, but for the future of humanity."

Moriarty's expression darkened, but a sly grin played across his lips. "Ah, but what is a game without a twist? You may have thwarted us for now, but the final act has yet to unfold. Prepare yourselves, for the true battle is about to begin."

With a wave of his hand, Moriarty unleashed a barrage of dark energy, the air crackling with malevolence as the Demon God Pillars surged forward, their monstrous forms looming over the battlefield. But even in the face of overwhelming odds, Ritsuka and his allies stood firm, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

You know what. Ritsuka said looking at Moriarty. Tiger Funeral, and Mahoraga

What is a tiger going to do to me. Moriarty said looking at Ritsuka. Even if it is your sum-

As he saw from Ritsuka shadow giant dragon coming out as it grabbed Moriarty ruler, as Ritsuka just cover Mash eyes, as eveyrone just kept opening the closing there because of how bad the ass whooping was, as the sound a through ass whooping could be hurd

As Moriarty started to desiperd, as then from his body cane out the holy grail as mash put it in her shilde, as then he saw one by one all the servant of this singularty was desipering.

You all did good. Ritsuka said looking at Jason, David, Atalante, Media Lili, Hercules Eruyale, and Minatour. Hope to see you in Chaldea you two drake even do when I summon you will be a servant

As the servants began to fade away, their forms becoming translucent before disappearing entirely, they each nodded in acknowledgment of Ritsuka's words. Jason offered a salute, a grin on his face as he vanished. David gave a solemn nod, his gaze meeting Ritsuka's with understanding. Atalante smiled softly, a glint of determination in her eyes as she faded from view. Medea Lily's expression was gentle as she bid farewell, a promise of reunion in her gaze.

Hercules stood tall and proud, his voice rumbling with gratitude. "Thank you, Master. It has been an honor to fight alongside you." With a final salute, he vanished, leaving behind only the memory of his strength and valor.

Euryale and Asterios shared a knowing look, their bond unbreakable even as they faded away. Drake grinned cheekily, a playful wink before she vanished, her laughter echoing in the air.

As the last of his companions disappeared, Ritsuka stood alone on the beach, the weight of their sacrifices heavy on his heart. But with the Holy Grail in Mash's possession and the knowledge that they had fought bravely together, he knew that their efforts had not been in vain. With a determined expression, Ritsuka turned and began the journey back to Chaldea, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him with the memories of his comrades held close in his heart.

As then, Ayaka, Mash, Ritsuka return back to Chaldea.

Alright that is another singularty done. Dr Romani said looking at them. So what is next oh right. As he gave Ritsuka the grail. Go ahead summon the servant, like you always do, Oh boy Chaldea is going to be having more problems.

Ritsuka nodded, accepting the Holy Grail from Dr. Romani with a sense of solemnity. Holding the Grail in his hands, he closed his eyes briefly, centering himself as he focused on his task. With a deep breath, he began the summoning ritual, channeling his energy and intent into the artifact.

As the magical energies swirled around him, a familiar sensation washed over Ritsuka, the feeling of connection to the Throne of Heroes. With a mental image of the servant he desired to summon firmly in his mind, Ritsuka whispered their name, the sound carrying weight and purpose in the air.

In a burst of light, the summoning circle flared to life, illuminating the room as the form of the newly summoned servant materialized before them. With a sense of anticipation, Ritsuka opened his eyes to behold the servant who had answered his call, ready to face the challenges ahead with renewed determination and resolve.

After they each of the servant meet eachother and went to there new rooms, as Eruyale meet with Stheno and Medusa and after thsy day Medusa ans Medusa altee knew no peace, Hercules hanged out with Jason, Media Lili and Atalante, as they meet with Media as let's say jason had to run for him life that day.

So what happened. Ritsuka said looking at Atalante. Why is Medusa chained up to the ground

Atalante sighed, her expression a mixture of frustration and resignation. "It's a long story, but basically, Medusa and Medusa Alter have been having a bit of a disagreement. Stheno thought it would be amusing to meddle in their affairs, and well... it didn't end well."

Ritsuka raised an eyebrow, glancing over at the chained Medusa with concern. "Is she okay?"

Atalante nodded. "Physically, yes. But emotionally, she's a wreck. Stheno's been teasing her relentlessly, and it's really getting to her."

Ritsuka frowned, his thoughts turning to the troubled servant. "We'll have to talk to Stheno about this. No one should have to endure that kind of torment, especially from someone they consider family."

Atalante nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's hope we can resolve this peacefully."

But about the other one. As Ritsuka pointed at Media who was also chained up with magic chain made by Media Lili. What is her problem.

Atalante sighed again, her gaze shifting to the chained Media. "Media Lili got a bit... creative with her punishment. It seems Media got a bit carried away during one of her experiments and ended up causing some chaos in Chaldea. So, Media Lili decided to keep her under control until she learns to be more responsible."

Ritsuka nodded, understanding the situation a bit better now. "I see. Well, hopefully, she'll learn from this experience."

Atalante glanced at Ritsuka, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You're awfully understanding, considering she's causing trouble in your home."

Ritsuka shrugged. "Everyone deserves a chance to grow and change. Besides, we're all a bit flawed, aren't we?"

Atalante smiled at Ritsuka's perspective. "That's true. Let's just hope they both learn their lessons sooner rather than later."

Also she trye to kill Jason again. Atalante said looking at Jason who was scared like a cat. Which happens more then onse a day.

Knowing the fully story of Media and Jason. Ritsuka said looking at Jason. I am not suprise

Jason gulped nervously, shooting a glance at Media Lili, who was busy tinkering with some gadgets nearby. "Yeah, it's uh... been a bit eventful."

Ritsuka chuckled. "Well, I'm sure you two will figure it out eventually."

Jason nodded, a mix of relief and apprehension evident on his face. "Let's hope so."

As then Olga came to the room she looked around before spotting Ritsuka's

Um Ritsuka. Olga said looking at him. Take my virginity as you did to mash and Ophelia, I am also own your girlfriend

And that is my time leave. Ritsuka said looking at Olga. See you all later. As Ritsuka shadoe travel to random place in Chaldea

As Ritsuka arrived he was hit in the face by a microphone as he had starts in his eyes, the one to accidentally hit was Elizabeth with her was Nero, and Kiyohime.

Oh no. Nero said worried. We killed Master.

Ritsuka slowly peeled the microphone away from his face, blinking in surprise. "I'm not dead," he said, slightly dazed. "Just a bit startled. What happened?"

Elizabeth, wide-eyed, approached cautiously. "I'm so sorry, Master! I was just practicing my idol routine, and things got a bit... out of hand."

Kiyohime, standing nearby, chimed in, "Yes, and I was merely ensuring your safety, Master. I would never harm you intentionally."

Nero nodded fervently. "Indeed! We would never dream of causing you harm. Please forgive us, Master!"

Ritsuka chuckled, rubbing his forehead. "No harm done, really. Just watch where you're swinging that microphone next time, Liz. And Kiyohime, you're always looking out for me, aren't you?"

Kiyohime beamed with pride, while Elizabeth and Nero exchanged relieved glances. Another day in Chaldea, full of its usual chaos.

So why did you shadow travel here. Nero asked actually wanting to know. I mean you could have used the door.

Um yeah. Ritsuka said looking at them. Olga asked me the 5 time today to take her virginity like I did with mash and Ophelia

As he relsied he said that Infront of Kiyohime, who was looking at him with lust fill eyed, as then then he shadow travelled to the training room were he was almost hit by magical attack and arrows as Eruyale and David were practicing

Ritsuka stumbled into the training room, narrowly dodging a flurry of magical attacks and arrows. Euryale and David, locked in combat, halted their movements as they noticed him.

"Master!" Euryale exclaimed, rushing over to him. "Are you alright? Did someone attack you?"

David followed suit, his expression concerned. "Yes, Master, what happened?"

Ritsuka rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh, it's nothing, just a little mishap with Liz, Nero, and Kiyohime. Long story short, I accidentally mentioned something in front of Kiyohime, and, well, you know how she can get..."

Euryale and David exchanged knowing glances. "Ah, yes, Kiyohime's... affections," Euryale said, trying to suppress a smirk.

David nodded in agreement. "Indeed. She can be quite passionate when it comes to you, Master."

Ritsuka chuckled nervously. "Yeah, she definitely can. Anyway, sorry to interrupt your training. Carry on!"

As Ritsuka made his way out of the training room, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chaotic yet endearing atmosphere of Chaldea. It was certainly never dull.

As then Meria alter came out Ritsuka shadow, Ritsuka has kept her in Chaldea not bring her or his full shadow army to Okeanos, which after the figth the demon god piller he relished was a mistake

You really don't want yandere in your harem do you. Meria alter said looks at her master/lover. I mean you already have me, Mash, Ophelia, Kyonskya and Olga in your Harem.

Ritsuka chuckled nervously at Meria Alter's comment. "Well, you know how it is. I like to keep things... balanced."

Meria Alter raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Balanced? More like you're afraid of what would happen if Kiyohime and I were in the same room together."

Ritsuka shrugged, trying to play it off. "Well, let's just say I value my life and limb."

Meria Alter smirked, leaning in closer. "Don't worry, Master. I'll protect you from her... and anyone else who dares to encroach on what's mine."

Ritsuka gulped nervously, realizing that while he may have avoided one yandere, he still had another to contend with. Such was life in Chaldea.

Also. Ritsuka said looking at Meria alter. If you want a kiss next time just say it.

Meria Alter's eyes widened in surprise as Ritsuka leaned in to kiss her. She blushed slightly, caught off guard by his boldness. As he pulled away, she blinked, momentarily speechless.

"Uh... thanks, Master," she mumbled, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

Ritsuka grinned, feeling a mix of satisfaction and amusement at her reaction. "Anytime, Meria Alter. Just let me know."

Meria Alter nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a playful wink, Ritsuka turned and headed off, leaving Meria Alter standing there, her heart pounding just a little faster than usual.

As then Ritsuka hurd a cough sound as he saw Olga, Mash, Ophelia and Kyonskya had saw what just happened.

Ritsuka's heart sank as he realized he had an audience for his moment with Meria Alter. He glanced sheepishly at Olga, Mash, Ophelia, and Kyonskya, who were all looking at him with varying degrees of amusement and surprise.

"I, uh, didn't expect you all to be here," Ritsuka stammered, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I mean, it's not what it looks like..."

Olga chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Ritsuka, you never cease to surprise us."

Mash grinned, nudging Ophelia and Kyonskya playfully. "Looks like our Master's got some moves."

Ophelia giggled, while Kyonskya smirked, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

Ritsuka sighed, resigned to his fate. "Well, at least I provided some entertainment."

Meanwhile, in heaven, Michael, Gabriel, and Zeldrick watched the scene unfold with amusement, munching on popcorn as they observed the antics of their favorite human.

I sometimes forget this boy is father champion. Michael said looking at Ritsuka. Which makes all of this even more fun to watch

Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Despite his humble demeanor, Ritsuka certainly knows how to keep things interesting."

Zeldrick chuckled, tossing a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "And to think, he's the one tasked with saving humanity. Quite the hero, isn't he?"

Michael smiled, his gaze returning to Ritsuka. "He may be an unconventional champion, but he has a way of bringing people together and inspiring them. That's what truly makes him special."

As they continued to watch Ritsuka and his companions, they couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the young hero and the journey that lay ahead of him.

To be continued

Anwya moving to London next so yeah