
As Ritsuka woke up as he did he Hurd an explosion as da Vinci voice cut through the speaker.

Saber alter and Jalter are fighting. Da Vinci siad. Ritsuka help, oh god thege hear, and I jumping of the window

As from the speaker figthing can be Hurd. Ritsuka quickly got up, understanding the urgency in Da Vinci's voice. He rushed out of his room and headed towards the source of the commotion, ready to intervene if necessary.

Ritsuka burst into the room to find Saber Alter and Jeanne Alter locked in a fierce battle. The air crackled with tension as their swords clashed, sending sparks flying in all directions. Da Vinci was indeed on the verge of leaping out of the window in exasperation.

"Enough!" Ritsuka shouted, stepping between the two warring Servants. "What's going on here?"

Saber Alter and Jeanne Alter glared at each other, their hostility palpable. "She started it!" Saber Alter growled, pointing her sword accusingly at Jeanne.

Jeanne Alter scoffed. "As if! She's the one who always picks fights for no reason!"

Da Vinci, now safely away from the window, sighed deeply. "Can't you two just get along for once? We have more important matters to attend to."

Ritsuka nodded, trying to diffuse the tension. "Da Vinci's right. Whatever this is about, we need to put it aside for now. London is under threat, and we need to focus on protecting it."

Reluctantly, Saber Alter and Jeanne Alter lowered their weapons, albeit with lingering glares. "Fine," Saber Alter muttered. "But this isn't over."

Jeanne Alter rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Saber."

With that, the two reluctantly agreed to a truce, albeit a fragile one. Ritsuka breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he had managed to avert a potentially disastrous situation. Now, they could turn their attention to the looming threat facing London.

Why can't I never wake up peacefully. Ritsuka said looking at them. Why must every morning, I have to stop a fight and need to shadow travel some were in chaldea

Da Vinci chuckled sympathetically. "It seems to be a recurring theme around here, doesn't it? But hey, at least it keeps things interesting."

Ritsuka nodded wryly. "That's one way to look at it, I suppose."

As they prepared to head out to address the crisis in London, Da Vinci placed a reassuring hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "Just remember, you're the one keeping all of this together. Your leadership and bravery make a difference, even in the midst of chaos."

With a determined expression, Ritsuka nodded. "Thanks, Da Vinci. Let's go save London."

As Ritsuka walked out he needed to eat, as then Edmond came next to him, a he almost Lapped, as then then the flood gates up

Oh lap it up Edmond. Ritsuka said looking at his avenger Servant. It is not easy being the only master in Chaldea

Edmond chuckled darkly. "Indeed, it must be quite the burden, Master. But fear not, for I am here to assist you in any way I can. After all, we avengers must stick together, even if we're not exactly the cheeriest bunch."

Ritsuka smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Edmond. Having you around definitely makes things easier."

As they made their way to the dining hall, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his enigmatic avenger Servant. Despite the challenges they faced, having Edmond by his side gave him confidence to face whatever awaited them in London.

But your not really the last master. Edmond said looking at him. There is Ophelia and that girl named Gudako who helps Romani.

Ritsuka nodded, acknowledging Edmond's point. "You're right, I'm not the only one. But sometimes it feels like it, especially when things get chaotic around here."

Edmond raised an eyebrow. "True, but remember, you're the one at the forefront of it all. You carry the weight of Chaldea on your shoulders."

Ritsuka sighed. "Yeah, I guess that's part of being a Master. But I'm grateful for the support I have, including yours, Edmond."

With a nod, they continued their conversation, discussing strategy for the upcoming conflict in London and the allies they could potentially call upon for assistance. As they reached the dining hall, Ritsuka felt a renewed determination to face the challenges ahead, knowing that he wasn't alone in his efforts to save humanity.

But can you imagine how similar you and they Gudako girl is. Edmond said looking at him. I mean she also from mage family she didn't learn the mage craft of, she is the she is also the 49th master candidate and how she meet mash was similar to you before the reset

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, considering Edmond's observation. "Yeah, you're right. There are definitely similarities between us. It's strange to think about how our paths could have crossed in different circumstances."

Edmond leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed. Fate has a way of weaving similar threads through different lives. But regardless of our similarities, each of us has our own journey to walk."

Ritsuka smiled. "True. And I'm grateful for the path I've been given, even with all its challenges. I just hope Gudako finds her own way too."

As they continued their conversation, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder about the other Master candidate and the adventures she might be having in her own timeline.

As Ritsuka navigated through Chaldea, he found himself bombarded by requests from each member of his growing harem. Mash wanted to train together, Ophelia had research she wanted to discuss, Kyonskya had plans for a romantic dinner, Olga needed assistance with her magical studies, and Meria Alter demanded his attention for a private rendezvous.

"Ritsuka, darling," Meria Alter purred, draping herself over him. "Surely you haven't forgotten our little appointment?"

Ritsuka glanced around frantically, trying to find a way to juggle all their demands. "Um, of course not, Meria. I just, uh, need to, um..."

"Mash, I promise we'll train later," he called out, his mind racing to find a solution.

Ophelia appeared with a stack of papers. "Ritsuka, I need your input on these research findings. It's urgent!"

Kyonskya batted her eyelashes coyly. "Ritsuka, darling, our dinner won't prepare itself. Shall we?"

Olga tapped her foot impatiently. "Ritsuka, we need to work on those spells. Chop-chop!"

Feeling overwhelmed, Ritsuka tried to keep up with their requests, feeling torn between his desire to please each of them. Somehow, he had to find a way to balance his duties as a Master with his responsibilities to his harem.

As Ritsuka arrived to Romani office as he saw Romani who was just there, as Gudako was with him as she was just playing some games.

You know what. Ritsuka said looking at Gudako. Thanks god that your not romantically attached to me

What. Gudako said confused. I am sorry I don't think I have context

Romani chuckled from behind his desk. "You're safe on that front, Gudako. Ritsuka's got his hands full with his own harem as it is."

Ritsuka nodded, relieved. "Exactly. I don't think I could handle any more romantic entanglements right now."

Gudako shrugged, returning her attention to her game. "Fair enough. I've got plenty to keep me occupied anyway."

As Ritsuka left the office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude that Gudako wasn't vying for his affections like the members of his harem. Sometimes, a little distance was exactly what he needed.

As the next days arrives as Ritsuka was wearing his one mystic coded which was called his demon commander mystic coded, as Romani was ready.

Alright we are ready to go to London. Romani said as then looked at all the gris. One days late because, YOU FOUR KEPT HIM BUSSY ALL DAY.

Romani yalled at Mash, Ophelia, Kyonskya Olga and Maria Alter, as he just looked at them, as Mash just moved to Ritsuka and Maria alter teleport back to. Ritsuka joing the other umbrel summons

Ritsuka chuckled nervously, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's alright, Romani. We're all set now, aren't we?"

Mash nodded eagerly. "Yes, Doctor. We won't let anything distract us in London."

Ophelia, Kyonskya, Olga, and Maria Alter exchanged guilty glances before nodding in agreement. They knew they had been a bit too demanding of Ritsuka's time lately.

Romani sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, let's get going then. London awaits, and we have a lot of work to do."

As they departed for London, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the attention of his harem. But deep down, he was grateful for their support and companionship on this journey.

Alright that is done. Romani said as he saw Gudako sigh. Really why did she also wanted to go.

As then he hrud a voice as he turned o see the queen of Sheba, she was weird case as she was summon by her self, after David was summoned and currently she was looking at him with lust fill eyes.

I say run. Ophelia said knowing does way to well. Unless doctors you want to be dominated.

Romani blushed furiously, taking a step back. "No, no domination needed here, thank you very much."

Gudako burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh, this is priceless. Maybe I should stick around and witness this."

The Queen of Sheba sauntered closer, her gaze fixed on Romani. "Oh, but doctor, don't you want to experience the thrill of surrendering to a powerful queen?"

Romani's eyes widened in horror as he glanced desperately at Ritsuka for help. But Ritsuka was too busy trying to stifle his laughter, finding the situation too amusing to intervene.

As in Chaldea everyone can see Romani running through all of Chaldea as every stap member and servant saw it just sighed

Nope, nope, nope. Romani said running. No dominating please

Come back Solomon. Sheba siad chasing after him. You can't run for ever.

I am not your ex husband. Ronani said lying how she was something he will question later. I am no not.

Stop lying. Queen of Sheba said as then the smoke finally grabbed onto Romani. Now to my room

Meanwhile with the main group, Olga just went to try control panel and was ready to start the rayshift

As Olga approached the control panel, Mash, Ophelia, Kyonskya, Maria Alter, and Ritsuka gathered around, eager to begin their journey to London.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Ophelia said, excitement evident in her voice as she adjusted her glasses.

Kyonskya smirked, cracking her knuckles. "Can't wait to see what kind of trouble we'll find in London."

Maria Alter crossed her arms, a determined look in her eyes. "Whatever challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together."

Mash nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I'm ready, Senpai. Let's go save humanity once again."

Ritsuka smiled at the group, feeling a surge of camaraderie. "Alright, Olga. Let's see what London has in store for us."

With a few swift motions, Olga initiated the rayshift process, and the group vanished from Chaldea, ready to embark on their next adventure.

As Ritsuka, Mash, and Gudako arrived in London as they did they saw it was covered by mistake as Ritsuka felt something

How. Ritsuka said seeing sun ora. My mage craft why is weakened.

As then he saw the sky, as it was covered by dark clouds no sunlight being able to be getting out.

Mash looked around, her brow furrowed in concern. "It looks like the sun is being blocked somehow. But why would anyone want to cover London in darkness?"

Gudako scanned the area, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Could it be the work of a mage? Or maybe a servant with a sinister agenda?"

Ritsuka pondered for a moment, trying to make sense of the situation. "We'll need to investigate further to uncover the source of this darkness. Let's stay vigilant and be prepared for anything."

Goetia. Ritsuka said relsing. He really wants be die in this Singularty no wonder he decides to cover up the sun, I am weaker now

Mash nodded grimly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "If Goetia is behind this, then we must proceed with caution. We can't underestimate his power or his determination to erase humanity."

Gudako clenched her fists, her expression resolute. "Then we'll need to push forward and confront whatever challenges lie ahead. We can't let Goetia's schemes succeed."

Ritsuka nodded, his resolve firm. "Agreed. We'll press on and face whatever obstacles come our way. Our goal remains the same: to protect humanity and restore peace to this singularity."

Wait Senpai. Mash said looking at him. What about your other powers, your shadow control, you umbrella summons, your Amateurs flames the crystal fuse ti yihr arm, your blood control and vampire powers

Ritsuka paused, considering Mash's words. "You're right, Mash. I still have other abilities at my disposal. Even if my magecraft is weakened, I can still rely on my other powers to navigate through this singularity."

Gudako nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We'll adapt to the situation and utilize every resource available to us. Ritsuka's unique abilities might just give us the edge we need to overcome whatever challenges await us in London."

With renewed determination, Ritsuka focused his thoughts, drawing upon the various powers within him. "I won't let Goetia's interference stop us. We'll forge ahead, utilizing every skill and strength we possess to confront the darkness that shrouds this city."

Meanwhile in a different place of London Goetia was there eating for the anomaly that is Ritsuka.

This will be your last stand. Goetia said ready to end the job. BB how far are the plans going my moon Cancer servant

BB, the Moon Cancer servant, appeared beside Goetia, her expression cryptic behind her digital visage. "Progress is as expected, my lord. The anomaly you seek will soon reveal itself, and when it does, we'll be ready to execute the final phase of our plan."

Goetia nodded, his gaze fixated on the horizon where the forces of fate would inevitably collide. "Excellent. Let nothing stand in our way. Ritsuka Fujimaru's resistance ends here, and with it, the hope of humanity."

"As you command, my lord," BB replied with a mischievous glint in her digital eyes. "But you know, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. I was hoping for a bit more drama, perhaps some unexpected twists and turns. It's no fun when everything goes according to plan."

Goetia chuckled, a deep, ominous sound that reverberated through the air. "Ah, but the beauty of our plan lies in its simplicity. No need for unnecessary theatrics when victory is assured. Besides, isn't the certainty of our success thrilling in its own right?"

BB shrugged, her virtual avatar flickering with playful energy. "I suppose you have a point there, my lord. But where's the fun in being all powerful if there's no one left to challenge us? It's like playing a game with cheat codes enabled."

The Demon God King's gaze softened, a rare moment of introspection amidst his unwavering resolve. "Perhaps you're right, BB. But our purpose transcends mere entertainment. We strive for the salvation of humanity, even if it means sacrificing the thrill of the chase."

BB nodded, understanding dawning in her digital features. "True, my lord. And besides, once this is all over, we'll have all eternity to entertain ourselves with new challenges and games. Until then, let's savor the satisfaction of our impending victory."

With a shared sense of purpose, Goetia and BB turned their attention back to the unfolding events, their resolve unshakable as they prepared to usher in a new era for humanity, one way or another.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and the double upload today