
Meanwhile back with the trio Ritsuka was moving eyes left and right as then he saw someone trying to stab, Gudako as shadow armed grabbed and pulled her away, as Ritsuka saw who it was it was another servant he knew it was jack the ripper Assassin or as she likes to call her self mari trh ripper, it was Lilith girl with white hair.

Gudako look out. Ritsuka said as she now next to him. it is servant

Ritsuka quickly moved to protect Gudako, his shadow arm snatching her away from the attack just in time. The small figure that had attempted the ambush revealed herself as Jack the Ripper, the infamous Assassin. Her innocent, childlike appearance belied the deadly intent in her eyes.

"Gudako, stay close," Ritsuka instructed, his eyes never leaving Jack.

Mash stepped in front, her shield ready. "We need to be careful. She's incredibly fast and dangerous."

Jack giggled, tilting her head to one side. "Big brother, big sister, do you want to play with me? I promise it'll be fun!"

Ritsuka tightened his grip on his weapon. "This isn't a game, Jack. Stand down."

Jack's grin widened, and she raised her blades. "If you won't play nicely, then I'll just make you!"

With that, she lunged forward, her movements a blur. Ritsuka reacted quickly, using his shadow arm to intercept her. Jack twisted in mid-air, avoiding the grasp and slashing at him. He barely managed to block with his weapon, the impact forcing him back.

"Mash, now!" Gudako shouted.

Mash charged forward, her shield meeting Jack head-on and pushing her back. "Senpai, Gudako, stay behind me!"

Jack somersaulted backward, her eyes flashing with malice. "You're strong, big sister, but let's see how long you can keep up!"

Jack darted in again, her blades clashing against Mash's shield. Ritsuka took the opportunity to focus his powers, summoning the flames from his crystal shard. "Amaterasu's Flame!" he cried, launching a burst of holy fire at Jack.

Jack dodged, but the flames singed her dress. She hissed, her expression darkening. "You think you can hurt me with fire? I'll make you regret that!"

Ritsuka and Mash worked in tandem, blocking and countering Jack's relentless assault. Gudako supported them from the rear, casting spells to bolster their defenses and launch counterattacks.

"We need to end this quickly," Ritsuka said through gritted teeth. "Mash, Gudako, let's coordinate our attacks!"

Mash nodded, bracing herself. "Ready when you are, Senpai!"

Gudako began chanting, gathering magical energy. "Just hold her off for a moment longer!"

Ritsuka and Mash pushed Jack back with a series of coordinated strikes. As Gudako's spell reached its peak, a radiant light surrounded her. "Now!"

Ritsuka unleashed a powerful blast of Amaterasu's flames, while Mash charged with her shield, the combined force hitting Jack head-on.

Jack screamed, her form dissolving into a cloud of dark mist. As the mist dissipated, the trio stood, catching their breath and surveying the area.

"We did it," Ritsuka said, lowering his weapon. "But we need to stay vigilant. There could be more threats."

Gudako nodded, wiping her brow. "Agreed. Let's keep moving. We have to find the source of this darkness and stop it."

As they ventured further into the mist-covered streets of London, they remained on high alert, ready for whatever challenges awaited them.

Ritsuka held Jack's dagger tightly, feeling the weight of his decision. Edmond Dantès, Sigurd, Brynhildr, Minamoto no Tametomo, and Tenoch had gathered around him, sensing his resolve.

"I understand your concerns," Ritsuka said, looking at each of his servants. "But Jack is a victim of her circumstances. If I can help her, then I should."

Edmond crossed his arms, a skeptical look on his face. "You already have your hands full with us, Master. Another servant, especially one like Jack, could be dangerous."

Sigurd nodded in agreement. "Her nature is chaotic. It won't be easy to control her."

Brynhildr placed a gentle hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "Your compassion is admirable, but be cautious. Not every spirit can be saved."

Minamoto no Tametomo, ever the pragmatic warrior, spoke up. "We'll support your decision, Master. But be ready for the consequences."

Tenoch, the Aztec warrior, stepped forward. "Her soul is darkened by her past, but with guidance, even the darkest can find the light. If you believe you can help her, we stand with you."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Thank you, all of you. I won't make this decision lightly."

He focused on the dagger, channeling his mana into it. The weapon glowed, resonating with his power. Slowly, the form of Jack the Ripper began to materialize before them. The child-like assassin looked around, confused and wary.

"Big brother?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Ritsuka knelt down, meeting her eye to eye. "Jack, I'm here to help you. You're not alone anymore."

Jack's eyes filled with tears. "Will you really play with me? Will you stay?"

Ritsuka nodded, offering her a comforting smile. "Yes, I will. But you need to listen and follow the rules. We'll keep you safe."

The other servants watched cautiously as Jack clung to Ritsuka, seeking comfort. Edmond sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You really do have a way with lost souls, Master."

Sigurd and Brynhildr exchanged glances, silently agreeing to keep an eye on Jack. Minamoto no Tametomo gave a firm nod, accepting the new addition. Tenoch's eyes held a spark of hope, believing in Ritsuka's ability to bring light to the darkness.

Ritsuka stood up, holding Jack's hand. "Let's move forward. We have a mission to complete and a city to save."

As they continued their journey through the mist-covered streets of London, Ritsuka's resolve grew stronger. With his servants by his side and his compassion guiding him, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As then they heard another light Mash pulled out her shilde and Gudako went back on Mash as they saw another servant seeing it Ritsuka was shocked, as it was BB but not the one summond by Solomon but a different one.

Hello. BB said as then all Ritsuka servant was pointing there weapons at her. What the

Hahaha Nope. Ritsuka screamed activated a Command seals. You will, not betrayed me, you will not but me in endless summer loop, you will not start a holy grail wall and you will ntk switch side BB.

As BB felt the command seals effect as she just looked at her new master with confused.

Ritsuka stood his ground, his heart pounding as he faced the new arrival. BB, with her mischievous smile, looked around at the weapons pointed at her, her confusion evident.

"What did I do to you?" BB asked, tilting her head, her tone a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Ritsuka took a deep breath, the memories of previous encounters with BB flooding his mind. "Let's just say, I've had some bad experiences with another version of you. I won't let you betray me or trap me in one of your schemes."

BB's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with interest. "Oh, another version of me, you say? Sounds intriguing. But rest assured, Master, I'm here to help."

Edmond stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "Help? Coming from you, that sounds suspicious."

Sigurd kept his sword ready, his gaze never leaving BB. "We don't trust easily. You'll have to prove your loyalty."

Brynhildr stood protectively beside Ritsuka, her spear poised. "One wrong move, and you'll face the consequences."

BB raised her hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I get it. You all have trust issues. But I really am here to assist."

Ritsuka hesitated, then lowered his hand. "For now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But remember, I have command seals, and I won't hesitate to use them."

BB nodded, her expression serious for once. "Understood, Master. I'll do my best not to disappoint you."

As they moved forward, Mash glanced at Ritsuka, concern in her eyes. "Senpai, are you sure about this? BB has a reputation for causing trouble."

Ritsuka nodded, his expression firm. "I know, Mash. But we need all the help we can get. Let's keep an eye on her."

Gudako, still holding onto Mash's back, chimed in. "If she tries anything funny, we'll deal with it together."

With their new, somewhat reluctant ally, the group continued their journey through the mist-covered streets of London. The dark clouds above hinted at the challenges ahead, but Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of determination. With his loyal servants and his newfound allies, he was ready to face whatever Goetia and his minions had in store.

The eerie silence of London was broken only by their footsteps and the occasional distant rumble of thunder. As they pressed on, Ritsuka couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. His senses heightened, he kept his hand close to his weapons, ready for any surprise attack.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, and from the shadows emerged a towering figure. It was another demon pillar, its grotesque form looming over them. Ritsuka's heart raced, but he stood his ground.

"Prepare for battle!" Ritsuka commanded, his voice steady.

His servants sprang into action, forming a protective circle around him. Mash raised her shield, ready to defend, while Sigurd and Brynhildr prepared to strike. Edmond, Tametomo, and Tenoch took strategic positions, their weapons aimed at the demon pillar.

BB, despite her usual playful demeanor, seemed genuinely concerned. "Looks like this is where I prove my loyalty, huh?"

Ritsuka nodded. "Let's see what you can do."

As the demon pillar roared, the group launched into battle. Ritsuka could feel the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders, but he knew he wasn't alone. With his servants by his side and his determination unyielding, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in this dark and twisted version of London.

The demon pillar roared, its grotesque form writhing with malevolent energy. Ritsuka and his servants stood ready, their expressions grim but determined.

"Attack!" Ritsuka shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.

Sigurd lunged forward, his sword gleaming with blue flames as he struck the pillar's base. Brynhildr followed suit, her spear piercing through the thick, demonic hide with precision. Tametomo and Tenoch unleashed a barrage of arrows and bullets, each shot aimed to weaken the monstrous foe.

Mash stood firm, her shield glowing as she deflected a massive swipe from the demon pillar. "Senpai, we can do this!" she encouraged, her resolve unwavering.

Edmond circled the pillar, his daggers gleaming in the dim light. "I'll find a weak spot," he muttered, eyes narrowed in concentration.

BB, meanwhile, summoned a swirling vortex of dark energy, sending it crashing into the pillar with a gleeful cackle. "See, Master? I'm on your side!"

The demon pillar screeched, its form buckling under the relentless assault. But it wasn't done yet. With a guttural roar, it unleashed a wave of dark energy, forcing everyone to scatter.

"Stay focused!" Ritsuka yelled, raising his arm. He activated the power of the crystals fused into his skin, summoning heavenly flames that licked up his arm. With a swift motion, he hurled the flames at the pillar, searing its flesh and causing it to shriek in agony.

Mash blocked another attack from the pillar, her shield absorbing the brunt of the impact. "It's weakening, Senpai! We need to keep pushing!"

Gudako, who had been watching the battle intently, finally stepped forward, her own servants materializing by her side. "Let's finish this together," she said, her eyes burning with determination.

Together, they launched a coordinated attack. Sigurd's sword blazed brighter, Brynhildr's spear struck with greater force, and Tametomo's arrows flew faster. BB unleashed another torrent of dark energy, while Gudako's servants added their own powerful strikes.

The demon pillar let out one final, deafening scream before collapsing into a heap of smoking ruin. The ground shook as its massive body disintegrated, leaving behind only a dark stain on the cobblestone street.

Panting, Ritsuka looked around at his team, relief flooding through him. "We did it," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and triumph.

Mash lowered her shield, a smile breaking through her determined expression. "Yes, Senpai. We did."

BB sauntered over, her usual mischievous grin back in place. "Not bad, Master. Not bad at all."

Edmond sheathed his daggers, his eyes still scanning the surroundings for any additional threats. "Let's not get complacent. There could be more where that came from."

As they regrouped, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Despite the odds, they had faced a formidable enemy and emerged victorious. But he knew this was just the beginning. Goetia and his minions were still out there, and the dark clouds covering London were a constant reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

"We need to keep moving," Ritsuka said, his resolve hardening. "Goetia is waiting for us, and we can't afford to waste any time."

The group nodded, their spirits lifted by the recent victory but fully aware of the battles yet to come. As they moved forward, the streets of London seemed just a little less foreboding, the darkness a little less oppressive. With their bond strengthened and their determination unwavering, they were ready to face whatever awaited them in this twisted singularity.

To be continued